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TESTS  Answer 

Key  Tests
MODULE 5 Section
Section A Test Pages 1-2
1. a 6. c 11. c 16. b
2. b 7. a 12. c 17. b
3. c 8. c 13. b 18. b
4. b 9. b 14. b 19. a
5. c 10. b 15. c 20. b

Section B Test Pages 1-2

1. b 6. c 11. c 16. a
2. a 7. c 12. b 17. b
3. c 8. a 13. a 18. a
4. b 9. c 14. c 19. a
5. b 10. b 15. c 20. b

Section C Test Pages 1-2

1. a 6. b 11. c 16. c
2. a 7. c 12. b 17. c
3. c 8. b 13. c 18. b
4. c 9. c 14. a 19. a
5. c 10. a 15. a 20. c

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TESTS Answer Key Module 5 Test Level 1

MODULE 5 Test Level 1

Vocabulary and Grammar Page 1

1 1. flood 4. avalanche
2. tsunami 5. volcanic eruptions
3. snowstorm 6. hurricane
2 1. hard-working 5. brave
2. honest 6. creative
3. kind 7. adventurous
4. fun-loving 8. athletic
3 1. disappearing 5. received
2. changing 6. built
3. becoming 7. are beginning
4. destroyed 8. save
4 1. shy 6. forest fire
2. drought 7. invented
3. earthquake 8. strong
4. locust infestation 9. crashed
5. happened 10. discovered
Page 2
5 1. d 3. c 5. g 7. b
2. h 4. f 6. a 8. e
6 1. made 6. didn’t arrive
2. had 7. crashed
3. began 8. died
4. flew 9. didn’t want
5. didn’t travel 10. didn’t destroy
7 1. When did Concorde start flying?
In 1976.
2. Where did one of the planes crash?
In France.
3. Did many people buy tickets after the disaster?
No, they didn’t.
4. Did the company destroy the planes?
No, it didn’t.
5. Where did the company put the planes?
In museums in Britain and France.
Page 3
8 1. was studying 4. was raining
2. weren’t sleeping 5. was flying
3. was working 6. wasn’t telling
9 1. were ... doing 3. Were ... playing
2. Was ... riding 4. was ... wearing
10 Possible answers
1. was 6. were
2. was 7. weren’t
3. lying / sitting 8. found
4. waiting 9. asking
5. did 10. told

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TESTS Answer Key Module 5 Test Level 2

MODULE 5 Test Level 2

Vocabulary and Grammar Page 1

1 1. do sport 7. juice
2. chair 8. kick
3. port 9. sandals
4. comedy 10. create
5. crocodile 11. red
6. drought 12. catch
2 Possible answers
1. becoming 5. tornado / hurricane
2. frog 6. onion
3. temperature 7. invented
4. bank 8. earthquake
3 1. shy 5. sunny
2. lazy 6. dry
3. thin 7. begin
4. young 8. get up
Page 2
4 1. island 7. wind
2. build 8. horror
3. protect 9. destroyed
4. strong 10. kitchen
5. September 11. clever
6. storms 12. saved
5 1. any 5. can’t
2. didn’t feel 6. as generous as
3. doesn’t often have 7. did Joe protect
4. are they building 8. Was it raining
6 1. Did … start 5. isn’t moving
2. don’t … climb 6. more outgoing than
3. quickly 7. went
4. best 8. wasn’t sleeping
7 1. must 4. well
2. was studying 5. feel
3. some 6. Has Val got
Page 3
8 1. isn’t 5. When
2. Are 6. were watching
3. didn’t 7. Did
4. Do 8. ate
9 1. were watching 9. destroyed
2. was talking 10. the worst
3. were flying 11. didn’t find
4. realised 12. goes
5. was happening 13. loves
6. didn’t go 14. is
7. waited 15. has got
8. drove 16. are helping

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TESTS Answer Key Module 5 Test Level 2

10 Possible answers
1. built 8. was
2. fastest 9. died
3. than 10. did
4. flying 11. does
5. were 12. can
6. have 13. has
7. more 14. are

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TESTS Answer Key Module 5: Test

Written Comprehension Pages 1-2

1 1. Hurricane Harvey
2. The workers were filling cans with clean drinking water.
3. He helped more than 750 people by providing them a place to sleep.
4. weak and hungry
5. Lavandera is a reporter. He was reporting on the hurricane floods.
2 1. 50
2. Louisiana, Texas
3. cans, the Anheuser-Busch company / a beer company
4. coffee and doughnuts, electricity
5. her parents, was on a boat
3 1. beer 4. teams
2. cans 5. citizens
3. mattress

Written Production
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Oral Comprehension 1
09 Page 3
Don: Hey Fay. Look outside. You can’t see anything in the street but snow! It was snowing all night.
Fay: Yes, I know, Don. This is unusual weather for October, but I love the snow!
Don: Snowstorms can be very dangerous. Last night, I was watching an interesting documentary. It was about
a really bad snowstorm in 1972. About 4,000 people died.
Fay: Wow! Where did it happen?
Don: In Iran. It was the worst snowstorm in history.
Fay: What happened?
Don: It was snowing for about six days. Up to 7.9 metres of snow fell in some areas. About 200 villages were under snow.
Fay: Did rescue teams try to save people?
Don: It was too difficult to get to those areas during the storm. When people arrived, it was too late to save anyone.
Fay: That’s terrible! What about people in other areas of Iran? Did they have food and water?
Don: Some people didn’t have food, fresh water or electricity for days.
Fay: Do you know what the temperature was?
Don: It was about -25°C in some areas.
Fay: Imagine not having any electricity in your home in that temperature! It’s never as cold as that in Britain.
Don: Yes, it is. The temperature in Scotland can be as low as -27°.
Fay: Really? Hey, the snowstorm is becoming worse outside. Let’s watch the weather forecast on TV. Uh-oh!
Don: What’s wrong?
Fay: We haven’t got any electricity!

1 1. There was a snowstorm in October. / It doesn’t usually snow in October.

2. In 1972.
3. Up to 7.9 metres.
4. Because it was very difficult to get to those areas.
5. Scotland
2 1. a documentary
2. six days
3. food, water
4. -25°C
5. they haven’t got any electricity

Oral Production Page 4

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
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