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Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr.

Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio

 State what kind of Theme (marked or unmarked) you are able to identify in the

given sentences (1-11). Explain the reasons for your choice.

 Identify Subjects. Highlight them. Write another possible language choice for the

same message by changing the Subject into a that, to-infinite, -ing or wh- clause in

six sentences. Make any necessary changes, trying not to modify the overall content

of the message.

1) Natural selection as we now understand it would be impossible (Richard Dawkins).

2) Among the first things to note is how many kinds of teachers there are (Philip


3) Like noun phrases nominal clauses may function as subject, object, complement,

appositive and prepositional complement (Randolph Quirk).

4) One of the reasons I’ve always felt that my father favoured me was that to the best

of my remembrance, it was only me that he sometimes took with him to the Garvey

U.N.I.A meetings (Malcolm X). Is the Finite included in the Subject?

5) An example I have already given is that of the “dominance hierarchy” (Richard


6) One of the major shortcomings of the relation between the structure of language in

written genres and the teaching of writing has been the training that most writing

teachers No receive in modern grammar (if they receive any). (Grabe and Kaplan).
Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio
7) Writing establishes what has been called ‘context-free’ language (Hirsch as quoted

in Ong)

8) It turns out that textual factors are most influential when they No run counter to the

register norm (Biber).

9) The work that the author has done in producing the text has to be supplemented and

completed by you, the reader (Mey).

10) Structure is the syntagmatic ordering in language: patterns, or regularities, in what

goes together with what (Halliday).

11) System, by contrast, is ordering on the other axis: patterns in what could go instead

of what (Halliday).

When there is no mix (conflation) of the unmistakable elements of Topic, Subject and

Entertainer What do you mean by that?, and the 'particularity' of a component intends to

give it an uncommon status inside the proviso What?, we are to investigate those occasions

as checked Topic. I cannot follow you in this passage

1. In the first sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence because

of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the meaning in this

particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When they are mixed and

followed the initial position, as in the first sentence, the theme is unmarked.
Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio
2. In the second sentence, I was able to identify the ‘markedness’ of the sentence

because of its particular thematic structure of the sentence. In this case the point of

departure, theme does not match to the subject and actor due to the first clause

begins with an extraposition of the clausal subject instead to the ‘natural’

psychological, and logical aspect.

3. In the third sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence

because of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the

meaning in this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When

they are mixed and followed the initial position, as the third sentence, the theme is

unmarked. No, it is marked

4. In the fourth sentence, I was able to identify the ‘markedness’ of the sentence

because of its particular thematic structure of the sentence. In this case the point of

departure, theme does not match to the subject and actor due to the first clause

begins with an adverbial time phrase instead to the ‘natural’ psychological, and

logical aspect. So? Marked or umarked?

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio
5. In the fifth sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence because

of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the meaning in this

particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When they are mixed and

followed the initial position, as the fifth sentence, the theme is unmarked.

6. In the sixth sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence

because of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the

meaning in this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When

they are mixed and followed the initial position, as the sixth sentence, the theme is


7. In the seventh sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence

because of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the

meaning in this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When

they are mixed and followed the initial position, as the seventh sentence, the theme

is unmarked.

8. In the eight sentence, I was able to identify the ‘markedness’ of the sentence

because of its particular thematic structure of the sentence. In this case the point of
Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio
departure, theme does not match to the subject and actor due to the first clause

begins with an anticipatory it instead to the psychological, and logical aspect.

So? Marked or unmarked?

9. In the ninth sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence

because of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carries the

meaning in this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When

they are mixed and followed the initial position, as the ninth sentence, the theme is


10. In the tenth sentence I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence because

of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carries the meaning in

this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When they are mixed

and followed the initial position, as the tenth sentence, the theme is unmarked.

11. In the eleventh sentence, I was able to identify the `markedness’ of the sentence

because of its thematic structure of the sentence. The elements that carry the

meaning in this particular thematic structure are theme, subject and actor. When

they are mixed and followed the initial position, as the eleventh sentence, the theme

is unmarked.
Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio

2) Among the first things to note is how many kinds of teachers there are (Philip


To note the kinds of teachers there are is one of the first things to do.

3) Like noun phrases nominal clauses may function as subject, object, complement,

appositive and prepositional complement (Randolph Quirk).

Functioning like subject, object, complement, appositive and prepositional complement,

nominal clauses act as noun phrases.

4) One of the reasons I’ve always felt that my father favoured me was that to the best

of my remembrance, it was only me that he sometimes took with him to the Garvey

U.N.I.A meetings (Malcolm X).

What I will always remember is how my father favoured me by taking me to the Gravey

U.N.IA meetings.

7) Writing establishes what has been called ‘context-free’ language (Hirsch as quoted

in Ong)

What writing establishes is called 'Context-free' language.

9) The work that the author has done in producing the text has to be supplemented and

completed by you, the reader (Mey).

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 21 “Dr. Ricardo Rojas”
Prácticas Discursivas de la Comunicación Escrita IV / Lengua y Expresión Escrita IV
Ciclo Lectivo 2021
Primer examen parcial
Profesor Fernando Díaz
Ludmila Vittorio
To complete the text, produced by the author, a reader is required. You have changed

meaning here

11) System, by contrast, is ordering on the other axis: patterns in what could go instead

of what (Halliday).

What order the patterns is the system. You have changed meaning here

6 (six)

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