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Як вибачитися англійською?

Excuseme. I amsorry. I beg your pardon. Sorry.

I‘m terribly sorry.!
Please forgive me. Do forgive me.
Excuse/ pardon/ forgive sb. For doing smth. /my, his, etc, doing sth.
Sorry for doing smth. Sorry…
Sorry for disturbing you.
Excuse my troubling/ disturbing you.
I am sorry I disturbed you.
Please excuse my coming late.
I do apologize for being late.
Excuse me for coming so late.
I beg your pardon for coming late.
Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting.
Sorry for doing sth. to have done sth.
I’m afraid I’ve been keeping that book of yours too long.
Sorry, I forgot to bring your book.
Please forgive me. I have been thoughtless / inconsiderate.
Excuse my omission.
Sorry. My fault.
Do forgive me. (It was) My mistake/ fault.
I do apologize. I didn’t really mean what I said.
I really meant no harm. Do forget my saying so.
It is my fault that…
I do apologise for not bringing the book.
I owe you an apology. I haven’t brought the book.
Forgive me for not keeping my word / breaking my promise.!
Please accept my apologies.!
Please accept my apologies.
I must apologize to you.
I really must apologize to you.
I must apologize to you. It was all my fault.
Please forgive me, if you can. I promise I won’t do it any more/I’ll never do it again.

Погодження з співрозмовником виражається такими репліками:

О так! – Oh yes!
Ви праві. - You’re right. Right you are!That’s right.
Я повністю погоджуюся з вами.- I quite agree with you.
Я повністю згоден з вами. - I fully agree with you. I certainly agree with you.
Це якраз те, що я хотів сказати. - That’s just what I was going to say.
Поза всякими сумнівами. – No doubt what ever. Beyond all doubt.
Звучить правдиво. - I can well believe it.
Я так і думав. - I thought as much.
Дуже розумно. – Very sensible.
Звичайно. - Sure. Certainly.
Точно. - Exactly./Precisely (so). That’s it.
Саме так - You said it.
Домовилися. - OK. Agreed. Settled.
Не продовжуйте. Все ясно. – Say no more.
Я так и припускав. - I guessed as much.
Боюся, що це саме так. - I’m afraid so.I’m afraid it’s just as you say.
Маю надію, що це так (що це так і буде). - I hope so.
Схоже, що це саме так. – Looks like that. I suppose so.
схоже, що це так і буде (так і станеться). - I should say so.
Досить ймовірно (можливо). – Very likely.
Тим краще! – So much the better!

- I’m really sorry I’m late, Mr. Simpson. Please forgive me for keeping you waiting. The traffic is awful this morning.
- That’s allright. No problem. Come in, take your seat and join our discussion.
- I’m terribly sorry, Lara. I forgot about your birthday because of my exams. Shame on me!
- Never mind. Don’t worry about it. Nobody congratulated me this time.
- Oh, sorry for making you sad on such a day. I realize my mistake.
- I’m sorry about my bad behaviour. Now I regret it. It was wrong of me to lie to you.
- It’s hard to believe it but I forgive you. Please don’t do it next time.
- I promise I will never do it again. And I hope you can forgive me.
- Please excuse the mess in your house and I really apologize for breaking your window. I didn’t do that on purpose.
- Apology accepted. But you must clear up the mess and buy and fix a new window.
- It goes without saying.
- Please, accept my sincerest apologies for being rude to you. I didn’t mean it. Forgive me for hurting you.
- No need to apologize. Let’s forget it. I do hope we can still be friends.
- Darling, I’m really sorry to hear about your granny’s death. It’s a great loss for you. Please let me know if I can help you
in any way.
- Thank you so much. It’s very kind of you.

an apology [ə
to apologise (UK)
to apologize (US)
[əˈpɒləˌʤaɪz ]
-to express regret for
something that you
have done wrong

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