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‫األنماط السياحية‬

‫األنماط السياحية‬

‫• المحاضرة ‪ :‬يوم األحد من ‪12-2‬‬

‫األسابيع الزوجية‬

‫• ‪70‬درجة امتحان نهائي‬

‫• ‪ 30‬درجة أعمال سنة‬

What do we mean by tourism typology?

Typologies are aimed at creating

groups of tourists or destination
areas with similar characteristics.
Similarity should be high between
the members of the same group
and low between members of
different groups. Distances should
be small in members within the
same group and high between
different groups.
• The recognition of important
dimensions of the tourism activity
such as:
Why do we
study tourist • Different types of tourism.
types? • Different types of tourists.
• Different travel motivations
• The effects of tourism in destination areas according to
the motives and the type of travel

• Differentiations in the structural characteristics of

tourism (for example in the services offered in reception, in
accommodation etc) that the different categoriesof tourists
and tourism will cause.
• To formulate comprehensive tourism
Why do we POLICY
• Tourism constitutes an activity which is developed in
study tourist different ways in each region mainly because of the
types? diversity of characteristics of each place. Moreover each
place attracts different type of tourists because of the
(importance) differences recognised between the motives and the
characteristics of the journey
. This diversification requires a different way of tourism
management in tourism destinations. Tourism typologies
(of destination areas and tourists) are aiming at a more
effective and comprehensive formulation of tourism
• Tool for tourism PLANNING
• The creation of a typology can considerably assist the
tourism planning process in a destination area.
Why do we • The use of typologies can assist to the determination of the
goals and objectives of the analysis, to the identification of
study tourist the tourist system, the socio-economical and environmental
types? effects of tourism in a destination area, the stage of tourism
(importance) development etc.
• Typologies can also assist the decision support process for
tourism especially when tourism planning concerns national
or regional level. In this case the use of typologies is
essential because in this way policies and actions should be
specialized for every type/group/class of touristic area.
• As a result tourism planning could become rational,
systematic and effective because it concerns groups of
areas with similar characteristics, problems and conflicts.
• Tool for tourism MARKETING
• Today's consumer with individualistic approach will demand
individualized products and services because of intending to differentiate
Why do we himself.

study tourist • This is the case within the tourism industry, tourists now prefer
different types of tourism activities instead of just sea, sand and sun.
types? Therefore, countries should plan and develop tourism types that will meet
differentiated and high--‐-level expectations, desires and preferences in
(importance) order to increase share in the tourism market.

• Therefore, instead of spending marketing efforts for trying to please all

tourists, it would be right to identify those that are particularly important
and to direct marketing efforts solely on the needs and desires of this
particular segment. Tourism marketers would be better think small rather
than big.

• Smaller market shares, small advertising budgets, but premium prices.

In accordance with the niche marketing principle, producing and
marketing goods and services that few people like very much, instead of
goods / services that everyone likes a little, will contribute to grow the
tourism industry.
Types based on nature
• Farm tourism
• Bird watching
• Eco-tourism
• Safari tourism
• Shark tourism
• Space tourism
Types based on culture
- Archaeological tourism
- Dark tourism
- Ethnic tourism
- Heritage tourism
- Heritage trails
Types based on hobby
- Shopping tourism
- Bicycle tourism
- Water sports tourism
- Adventure tourism
Types based on social interaction
- VFR tourism
- Roots tourism
- MICE tourism
- Birth tourism
- Boat sharing
- Couch surfing
- Slum Tourism
Types based on well-being
- Health tourism
- Medical tourism
- Meditation tourism
- Wellness tourism

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