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Assignment # 01

Subject: Public Administration

Submitted to: Ma’am Kanza
Submitted by: Hadia Rehman (29) & Eman Ali (36)

Date of submission: 31st December, 2021

Topic: Examination of the effects of industrial relations practice on

organizational productivity in Pakistan.

 Introduction to Industrial Relations:

Industrial relations means the relationship between employers and employees in course of

employment in industrial organizations. However, the idea of Industrial Relations has an
extensive and narrow meaning. In a broad experience, the term Industrial Relations
includes the relationship among the diverse unions, between the kingdom and the unions
as well as those among the various employers and the government. In the slim feel, it
refers to all kinds of relationships between organization and employees, alternate union
and control, works and union and between people and employees. It also consists of all
kinds of relationships at both formal and casual stages in the enterprise. Relations of all
the ones related in an industry can be called Industrial Relations.
 According to International Labour Organization, Industrial family members include
relationships between the state on one hand and the business enterprise’s and employee’s
business enterprise on the other, and the relationships of a few of the occupational enterprises
 According to J.T. Dunlop, “Industrial relations are the complex interrelations among
managers, people and corporations of the authorities.”
 According to Dale Yoder “Commercial members of the family is the method of
management handling one or extra unions, a good way to negotiate and sooner or
later administer collective bargaining settlement or exertions contract”.
An industrial or labour management relation is a strategic aspect of human resources
management and can be defined in several ways. Recent years have witnessed a growing
call for a more cooperative relationship between labour and management as a means of
increasing productivity. Despite the growing attention being paid by scholars to labour
management cooperation, only a handful of studies have examined the impact of labour
management relationship on organizational productivity. Several studies have seen that
effective labour management relationship is essential to promoting organizational change
and increasing productivity. Basically, the management at any level is focuses on a
productive organization which applaud good morale and increased productivity that could
boost profit growth. The study of labour management relations (LMR) refers to the rules
and policies which govern and organize employment, how these are established and
implemented, and how they affect the needs and interest of employees and employers.
LMR has implications for the organization of work as well as economic policy. The focus
gradually has broadened from the formation and operation of national and local
institutions and collective bargaining to strategic human resource policies. Most recently
a multi-level agenda has formed, following new needs for regulations in world trade, in
the extended European union, and in former communist and newly industrialized
countries. Often times, labour relations differ between countries. Having a clear view on
labour relations systems as well as the collective bargaining situation each country faces
will give a clearer picture of the nature of the economy, its production methods as well as
the countries background and development. Understanding the economic expansion and
changes that affect each country helps better understand labour relations system so the
study of both labor relations and Collective bargaining on the other hand is the process by
which organized groups of employees and employers search for ways to coordinate their
conflicting goals through common circumstances. Its main function is being able to meet
a common interest that organizes terms and conditions of employment .While taking into
account a broader perspective regarding to industrial relations then the features and
objectives of this relationship is worth mentioning.

 Scope of Industrial Relations:

The scope of Industrial Relations practice in Pakistan is quite wide as it it evident from
the history which shows the formulation of Ordinance and laws. For example the
Industrial Relation Act of 2012, the idea of such relations are quite visible in that which
states that The Industrial Relations Act 2012 changed into enacted to adjust the formation
of trade unions, trade union activities, family members among employers and workmen,
the agreement of commercial disputes, and ancillary topics. However, after the 18th
Amendment, numerous constitutional petitions challenged the validity of the IRA
because the regulation of labour no longer remained within the legislative competence of
the Majlis-e-Shura. Moreover, the IRA mounted National Industrial Relations
Commission (‘NIRC’) as a parallel felony forum for resolution of disputes in trans-
provincial establishments similarly to the Labour Courts set up below provincial
industrial family members statutes. In the KESC case, the court ordered the switch of
cases from the NIRC to Labour Courts, and hence positioned an quit to any confusion
bearing on topics of jurisdiction. Moreover the Labor laws that were established were
because working in Pakistan has become a war for many humans inside the nation. The
modern monetary circumstance of the country has accelerated uncertainty about
employee rights. The Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF) has been created so as to speak
for all employees within the country no matter their employment position. Last month,
the PWF demanded that the Pakistan government eventually implement exertions laws so
that it will relaxed or no less than, growth people’ rights (particularly workers).
In Pakistan, working conditions are less than favorable. There aren't any laws to guard
personnel from operating shifts longer than 8 hours without overtime pay, personnel do
no longer get social protection, can not create unions, and don't have any statutory proper
to weekly depart. To make matters even worse, some of regions have absolutely
dissolved any practice of hard work inspections. This loss of law has made employees
vulnerable to the many troubles stemming from the reality they've little to no protection
as workers. The introduction of country wide and local exertions legal guidelines that are
actually regulated and documented will hopefully provide greater shape and safety for
Pakistan’s employees whilst additionally abolishing all styles of slavery and the use of
underage employees in a number of industries.
Whereas on the general point of view the scope of industrial relations practice are the
Industrial relations are the relationship between employee and employer in their daily
work. It is therefore an ongoing relationship.
The scope of industrial relations includes:
❖ safeguarding the interests of workers
❖ by setting reasonable wages
❖ offering good working conditions
❖ offering other social security measures
❖ maintaining healthy unions through collective bargaining.
The industrial peace could be achieved,
❖ resolve trade union disputes through mutual understanding and agreement
❖ develop various legal measures and set up various mechanisms such as works councils,
conciliation commissions, labor courts, etc.
The industrial democracy could be achieved,

❖ by allowing workers to participate in management

❖ through recognition of human rights.

Therefore, the field of industrial relations seems to be very wide. This includes establishing and
maintaining good relationships with industry personnel, ensuring the development of the
workforce, establishing closer contacts between those related to the industry and between
management. and workers, creating a sense of belonging in the mind of management, creating
mutual affection, responsibility and esteem, stimulating production and industrial and
economic development, establishing a good industrial climate and peace and, finally,
maximizing social well-being.

 Industrial Relations practice on organizational productivity w.r.t


Industrial Relation system is a mechanism or tool which governs and guarantees

maintenance of top relation among the personnel and provision of an amazing and
wholesome environment for the achievement of mutual pastimes and common hobbies.
The most important players of this act are employee and company however government
performs a regulatory position, if players are not able to resolve any trouble or they refer
it to concerned men and women. There comes the function of presidency to play.
Otherwise the internal problems may be solved by way of distinct way like mutual
session. In Pakistan, if we take a look at the unionism on the time line, the unionism in
Pakistan turned into inherited from India, the unions working there after independence
changed their names however the ideology like helping communism and socialism
changed into same, some of people noticed this and performed their element to fragment
unions in smaller additives. In positive eras it went to boom and on occasion they were
banned. Like within the technology of PPP’s government it boom changed into very high
because of the act of presidency nationalization endorsed the growth of unionism. The
throughout membership changed into expanded however the common membership
reached at minimal level. But the instances like Martial legal guidelines in 1958, 1999
proved very difficult to unions, their sports were almost ended and that they have been
handicapped via this. The unions who have been running for the primary rights of
workers survived and make their identity and other whose ideologies have been no longer
align to simple cause of unionism are simplest on the pages of records books. Employers
have additionally proper to shape a union which is called as affiliation. So they can assist
the government to plan such legal guidelines which would desire employers and
employees each. And show them as assisting arms in growing abilities in personnel. If we
look into the notable events that took place in the history of industrial relations practice in
Pakistan then there will be a list of events which includes some of the following:

 Trade Union Memberships

 Employer Federation of Pakistan
 Employees Union
 Industrial Relation Ordinance (1969)
 Industrial Relation Ordinance (2002)
 Industrial Relation Act (2008)
 Labor Policies of 1955, 1969, 1959, 1972, 2002

As fas as the Industrial Relations are concerned from the legal perspective The members
work in vicinity are governed by way of the laws made by means of the government and
these laws are reviewed time to time with the passage of time and requirements. The
unions in Pakistan are the foundations . Their membership depends on the premise of
industry. Once any union is mounted, the employers union has proper to develop
constitution for the union and make arrangements for the election of representatives of
union. Democracy is basis for the inner running of union and representatives are elected
through secret ballot after every years. Trade union management had many office
bearers. The apex frame is headed through the president of union, underneath his
supervision vice-president, joint secretary and treasurer works.

 Industrial Relation practice w.r.t Human Relations Approach of

Public Administration:
The most critical part of any organization is individual. Machine, cloth and cash are
secondary. “Take care of your personnel. They routinely take care of your
establishments”. Every human being wants freedom of speech, self-recognize, and to
experience all the ones facilities for which he's entitled for. But while a worker isn't
supplied with a handsome package deal of economic and non-financial incentives and is
not well dealt with all through his stay at the enterprise it ends in anxiety, conflicts and
ill-will. The hassle of commercial relation in an industry arises out of tension that's
created due to company’s pressure and employee’s reactions and protests. Tension most
of the personnel affects their work culture and output which regularly affects the
complete industry and in the end it is able to cause spoilage of labor subculture at
national level. Therefore management must avoid these conditions and expert services of
different behavioral scientists must be taken if important to address such situations.
To keep away from disputes, it's far very important to apprehend human behavior which
is pre-needful for business peace. Management need to examine and recognize the
fundamental needs of the person and ought to usually try and win the human beings.
Because those are the employees who can run or spoil the enterprise, They Can Make
You Or Can Break You. There are extensively two sorts of human wishes:

(i) Economic Needs: Which include fundamental desires for meals, refuge and apparel
for oneself and his based. These needs can be glad by growing his wages.
(ii) Psychological Needs: Needs for safety from lifestyles dangers and uncertainties
created with the aid of new demanding situations and new relationships. These are deep
rooted and psychological in nature which disturb an employee’s peace of mind.

The human relations method highlights sure guidelines and strategies to enhance the
morale, performance and activity satisfaction of personnel. The key to industrial peace
lies with the pleasant of human family members within the enterprise. Human relations
approach has its starting place inside the Hawthorne experiments and the studies of Elton
Mayo. According to him, industrial conflicts are due to insufficient communications and
lack of knowledge of inter-private elements like persona differences and irrational
behavior. An casual social weather must be created to offer people with shops for their
feelings and sentiments. Further, effective communique can assist each the parties to
broaden correct perceptions and recognize each other’s social, safety and psychological
wishes. In the phrases of Keith Davies, human family members are, “The integration of
humans into a work scenario that motivates them to work together productiveness, co-
operatively and with economic, mental and social satisfactions.”

 Critical Analysis:
Pakistan gained independence from Britain and separated itself from India in 1947. Since then,
the country has exceeded via some of martial legal guidelines and democratic regimes. The
leaders decided the labour laws at some stage in their time period of office which resulted
variation inside the labour laws from one government to another . However, maximum of the
labour legislation are connected to the basic inherited legal framework of Britain. Many of the
legislation had been derived from colonial acts and amendments, which have been enacted
from 1850 to 1947 and still exist as part of the labour las of the county. The newly formed
state inherited nine percent of the entire industry of India after partition and very few of those
industries have been positioned in city regions with fewer numbers of employees in
comparison to India . Due to a smaller commercial base, a restricted variety of employees
turned into affiliated with industry in addition to with the alternate unions and workers motion.
The glimpse of the range of people registered underneath the Factory Act in a few vital
industries in 1949. Moreover, ILO has formulated greater than 40 guidelines, specifically
concerning with the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) problems. It has three major
guidelines; The Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 No. 155, Promotional
Framework for Occupational Health Services Convention 2006 No. 187 and Occupational
Health Services Convention 1985 No.161. It is really worth bringing up that Pakistan has no
longer to this point ratified any of these foremost conventions on Health and Safety of people.
The study explores the historic improvement of labour laws in Pakistan throughout different
navy and democratic governments. The paper discusses the constitutional framework,
international duties and ILO conventions with reference to united states’s labour laws.
However, the large recognition is at the illustration and problems faced via the labour unions,
implementation of labour laws, Occupational Health and Safety of Laborers at administrative
center and coffee women participation in alternate unions. The take a look at reveals that the
state has an exhaustive structure of labour law but nearly, the labour legal guidelines are
exploitive and discriminatory. Registration of Trans-Provincial establishments is doubtful and
constitutional right of formation of alternate union has been suspended within the provinces.
Serious Occupational health and protection issues at places of work have been witnessed
ensuing in loss of several treasured lives. Women club is extraordinarily low in trade unions
especially because of their distrust on union leaders and fear of losing task, and that they obtain
fewer advantages as compared to their male opposite numbers. The labour legal guidelines
exclude the agricultural quarter- the biggest employment region in the country- from its scope.

 Conclusion:

This take a look at looks on the evolution of the industrial relations machine in Pakistan
with a specific attention on the law framework managing the formation of unions and
collective bargaining in addition to the role of the government and the social companions.
It additionally appears into the dispute settlement mechanism, social talk, collective
bargaining, and tripartisam. Respect and implementation of labour rights is fundamental
in developing situations of work that offer freedom, dignity, security, and identical
opportunity for all. The onus of duty for securing and implementing these rights lies with
each the state and civil society. Engaging in coverage communicate is a dimension this is
increasingly more attributed to and taken up by using alternate unions, particularly inside
the wake of liberalization, privatization, and deregulation – a function now stated for the
labour motion.
Nevertheless, the successful of completion of the merger system of the three mainstream
countrywide centers and the formation of the Pakistan Workers’ Federation in September
2005 is an crucial step towards the conclusion of 1 voice for all workers in Pakistan. The
greater participation of the mainstream exchange unions in WEBCOP also demonstrates
the growing realization of the leadership – both employers and trade unions – regarding
the position of and want for bilateralism. This desires to be reinforced and
institutionalized at the local level. WEBCOP also needs to increasingly more deal with
itself to the undertaking of dispute agreement.

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