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Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Michael Farr Same-day resume: Write an effective resume in an hour (Indianapolis, USA: JIST Works, 2007) 2nd Ed ISBN 978159357836

Table of Contents
Chp 1: Quick tips for creating & using resume Chp 2: Do a simple resume in an hour Chp 3: Write a skills resume in a few hours Chp 4: 15 mins cover letter/ job correspondence Chp 5: Use your resume on the Internet Chp 6: Write a better resume now

Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Chp 1: Quick tips for creating & using resume:

Contents Highlights What is a resume? Reasons for not needing a resume Reasons for needing a resume Resume Basics Types of Resumes

What is a resume?
1-2 page summary of life & employment history Presentation of oneself to future employers Specific parts of ones past to get a job

Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Reasons for not needing a resume

Not a good job search tool Not all jobs need resumes Not all job search methods need resumes Alternative names of resume

Reasons for needing a resume

Employers often need them Structure ones communications
Clarify job objective, skills, education, work experience, achievements

An effective job search tool

Presentation of skills to support job objective

Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Resume Basics
One to two pages

Errors eliminations

Appearance of resume
Professional looking

Action words and accomplishments Write the resume yourself

Types of Resumes
Chronological resumes
Sequential events in time Presents career progression

Skills/Functional resumes
Tougher to write Classify work experience under major skill areas

Combination of Chronological/skills resumes

Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

7 Steps to Getting a Job Fast

Know your skills Have a clear objective Know where and how to look Spend at least 25 hours a week looking Get two interviews a day Do well in interviews Follow up on all contacts

New Definition of an interview

Any face-to face contact with someone who has the authority to hire or supervise a person with your skills even if no opening exists at the time you talk to them


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Chp 2: Do a Simple Resume in an hour

Contents Highlights
Chronological Resume Basics Writing Major Sections of a Chronological resume
Name, Mailing address, phone numbers and email address, Job objective, Education and training, work/volunteer history, professional Organisations, recognition and awards, personal information, references

Final Draft


Chronological Resume Basics

Suitable for people with years of work experience Acceptable if neat and tidy


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Major Sections of a Chronological Resume (Part 1)

Do not use a nickname

Mailing address
Spell out address in full, no short forms

Phone numbers and emails


Major Sections of a Chronological Resume (Part 2)

Job Objective (questions to ask?)
What sort of position, title, and area of work do you want? Define area of responsibility Name key skills important for the job Name specific areas of strong interest to use in next job What else is important?


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Major Sections of a Chronological Resume (Part 3)

Education and training
Emphasise most recent education if any Not needed if sufficient work experience

Work and volunteer history

Volunteer/military experience equally important Previous job titles/employers Employment dates Duties and accomplishments

Major Sections of a Chronological Resume (Part 4)

Professional Organisations
Worth mentioning Job-related, humanitarian, sports, clubs etc

Recognition and Awards

Support job objective

Personal information References

Not needed employers can ask for them

Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Chp 3: Write a skills resume in a few hours Contents Highlights

Skills Resume Writing Skills Resume
Job Objective The Skills Section

Tips for editing draft resume into final form


Writing Skills Resume (Part 1)

Job Objective
What sort of position, title or area of specialisation do you seek? What level of responsibility interests you? What are your most important skills?


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Writing Skills Resume (Part 2)

Skills Section
Also called areas of accomplishment, summary of qualifications, areas of expertise and ability Features skills important to the job you want Refer to next slide for key skills list.


Key Skills Needed For Success in Most jobs

Basic Skills to keep a job Key transferable skills most likely needed with higher pay & role
Instruct others Manage money and budgets Manage people / leadership Meet the public Work effectively as part of a team Negotiating Organise/manage projects Written/oral communication Org effectiveness Goal setting, creative thinking, problem solving

Basic academic skills Accept supervision Follow instructions Get along well with coworkers Meet deadlines Good attendance Punctual Hard worker Productive Honest


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Writing Skills Resume

Prove your key skills with a story
Use work situations if possible Other close options like school, volunteer etc Quantify the examples like money saved etc Emphasise results achieved

Edit key skills proofs

Select proofs relevant to supporting job objective Proofs to be short, clear and powerful


Chp 4: 15 minutes cover letter/ job correspondence

Cover Letters
7 tips for a good cover letter Writing cover letters to (un)known people

The Hardworking JIST Card

JIST card = Small resume How to use them JIST card paper and format tips

Thank-You Notes
3 times when to send them and why 7 tips to write thank you notes


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

7 Tips for a Good Cover Letter

Write to someone in particular Make absolutely no errors Personalise your content
Form letters offend the job employers

Present a good appearance

Good quality stationery and envelopes

Provide a friendly opening Target your skills and experiences

Relevant background of interest to the employer

Close with an action statement


Writing Cover Letters to Known People

Scheduled interview and specific job opening
Detail of experience relating to specific job

Scheduled interview but no specific job available

Finding job leads which no one is looking

Interview takes place

Time to express interest in the job

No interview scheduled yet



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Writing Cover Letters to Unknown People

Not practical to directly contact prospective employer To whom it may concern not recommended Try to find something common with person to contact (i.e. recruitment agent, employer)


JIST Card = Small Resume

Essential info in a short format:
Name, phone number, email address Type of position to seek Experience, education and training Key job-related skills, performance and results Good-worker traits Special conditions willing to work under (optional)

Format of JIST Card

3 x 5-inch card


Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

How to use JIST Cards

Attached to resume Enclosed in a thank you note Given to friends, relatives & other contacts Sent to everyone who graduated from school and members of professional bodies Put on car windshields Posted on supermarket bulletin board On the internet, in addition to resume content

3 Times to Send Thank You Notes

Before interview
Thanking someone for taking time to see you

After interview
Creates a positive impression Another opportunity to remain in employers mind JIST to provide employers chance to contact you

Anyone who helps in job search

Includes those recruit agents, advisors etc



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

7 Tips for Writing Thank You Notes

Use quality paper and envelopes Handwritten or typed acceptable Use a formal salutation Keep note informal and friendly
Not to write reason for hiring me

Sign it in full name if possible Send it right away (within 24 hours) Enclosed a JIST card (depends on situation)

Chp 5: Use Your Resume on the Internet

Contents Highlights Adapt your resume for electronic use
Sample Text-only resume Convert resume to electronic format

The importance of keywords

Quick tips for selecting keywords

Use the Internet to go beyond the resume



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Ways to Use Internet for Job Search

Employers websites
Check out employees blogs for corporate culture

Inside information
Google to find out specific employers info

Job boards Specialty sites Networking

Facebook,LinkedIn,eacademy etc

Sample Text-Only Resume

No graphics No lines (equal lines used) No bold, italics, or other text formats Only one easy-to-scan font (Courier) No tab indents No line or paragraph indents



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Convert Resume to Electronic Format

Copy and paste resume text into a new file in word processor Eliminate graphic elements (lines/images) Set the margins to no more than 65 characters wide Use easy-to-scan font (Courier/Times New Roman) Introduce major sections with words in uppercase letters (instead of bold/italic) Keep all text left-aligned Use standard keyboard characters (*)


Selecting Keywords for Resume

Think like a prospective employer
Include keywords to catch employers attention

Review job descriptions from major references

Different jobs with different expectations

Look for additional keywords to include

Through sources like job ads, employers websites, job forums etc



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Chp 6: Write a better resume now

Contents Highlights
Get some help if needed Improve Chronological Resume Gather info & Emphasize Achievements, Skills & Results (Refer to chapter 2) More Quick Resume Writing Tips Tips to Improve Resumes Design & Appearance Tips on Production and Getting Copies Made


Get Some Help If Needed

Professional Resume Writers Career/Job Search Counsellors



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Improve Chronological Resume

Add a job objective Emphasize skills and accomplishments Expand education & training section Add new sections to highlight strengths Portfolios and enclosures


More Quick Resume Tips

Write your resume yourself Dont lie or exaggerate
Ethically not right

Never include a negative

Present strengths, not weaknesses

No place to be humble Use short sentence & simple words Include numbers Emphasize skills Highlight accomplishments and results Importance of doing drafts Get independent checks on resume for errors



Same Day Resume-Michael Farr

24 July 2011

Tips to Improve Resumes Design & Appearance

Increase readability
Short sentences and words, paragraphs Narrow columns White space to increase text readability Use a consistent font type

Use 2 pages at most Consider using graphics Edit again for appearance Select top-quality paper

Tips on Production and Getting Copies Made

Good Quality photocopies/ Laser Printer copies
Test the copy quality & high grade paper

Evaluating & selecting a quick print shop

Look for specialty shops focusing on small jobs

How many copies to get

Having extras for making provisions



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