Channeling Manual - Translated WIP

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Communicate with your spirit guide

Akashic records, protection, writing, and essentials

to improve your connection

Benjamin Sandoval
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“There is not only one path, there is not an only

way, there is no absolute to being what you

already are.” - Maitreya

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Introducción 7
Mis inicios como canalizador 11
Partiendo de cero 21
¿Qué es la canalización? 22
¿Como canalizar guías de luz y no de la oscuridad? 23
¿Como puedo diferenciar la voz de mis guías, de la de mi mente o
mi ego? 23
¿Como puedo protegerme de los seres del bajo astral para no ser
engañado o atacado? 24
¿Se puede canalizar en sueños? 25
¿Cuál es el objetivo de canalizar? 25
¿Se puede canalizar por medio de la pintura? 25
¿Cuando uno utiliza métodos como los péndulos esta canalizando
también?. 26
¿Cuándo se utiliza la música sanadora en sesiones de armonización
ahí también se está canalizando? 27
Aspectos claves que inciden directamente en la calidad de tu
canalización 29
La importancia de la alimentación 34
¿Como escribir una canalización? 36
Los registros akáshicos 37

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Diferencias en los grados de información según vibración 38
Resistencia para ver los registros de terceros 40
¿Es lo mismo una canalización que una lectura de registros
akashicos? 43
Leer a alguien que está bloqueado energéticamente 46
Las confirmaciones físicas del contacto 48
Confirmación elemento aire 49
Sincronización acustica 51
Relato personal de confirmación: 52
Animales 53
El tercer ojo, la visión espiritual 55
Enseñanzas que he recibido 61
La voz que nunca se equivoca 62
El tercer ojo 62
El mayor nivel de trascendencia 62
La espalda baja 63
El puente 66
Guía indígena 66
¿Cómo discernir en una canalización? 69
¿Qué importancia tiene la mente del canal? 71
Mente mortal y mente inmortal 74
Preguntas y respuestas canalizadas 81
¿Cuál es mi destino? 81
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¿Qué es el camino? 82
¿Que es el karma positivo y karma negativo? 82
¿Cuál es la mejor forma de neutralizar la vibración, para compensar
el karma negativo? 84
¿Cuál es el plan universal? 85
¿Por qué el ser humano es tan distinto a todas las demás especies?
¿Qué sucede cuando un niño es abortado? 89
¿Puede evitarse una crisis? 90
¿Qué es el aura grupal? 92
La veracidad y certeza de la información canalizada 94
Bibliografía 116

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“I'm in everything you reject.”

- Maitreya

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All you need to channel is to manifest your pure intention to make

contact with a light guide and serve humanity from your heart. Everything

else will be secondary in this book. As to the truth of what 'channeling' is,

how simple it is, and the kind of immortal forces invoked when something

of that magnitude is called upon. The process, like everything, begins to

happen after you intend to channel into service and is unique for each

person, and how it develops for each one is a mystery.

The main thing is mentioned above; now, everything that follows in this

book is considered secondary, however attractive or important it may

seem to you. However, the core of channeling, its essential essence, is

found in the previous paragraph. The needed guide, accordingly to the

vibration of each person, appears after the invocation and may be in the

form of dreams, songs, writings, or encrypted messages, which in the

beginning could be difficult to understand as messages sent by the guide.

Until a day, after a while, you begin to realize that the voice you have

been listening to guided you, that you thought was your mind; the

messages you have received, the signs you have perceived; had always

been the guide that was communicating with you. Once you believe in
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yourself and your spiritual guide, communication begins gradually,

becoming more plain and understandable. Little by little, you manage to

discern its voice from yours. Or the message of another type of spirit. You

begin to establish a language of confirmations, a seal in the dialogue that

allows you to set a relationship of trust with your guide, whom you will see

become your teacher. Able to begin to develop a type of relationship

that is not equivalent to any other relationship you have previously known.

It can sometimes have nuances of closeness to a father or a mother.

However, it is not the same relationship, even though sometimes you can

perhaps hear the word "son" as an affectioned way towards you.

However, it is a unique relationship that does not exist in humans. Because

the guide is in another dimension, totally different from the humans, they

see all the possibilities and timelines simultaneously, and their voice is

never wrong. Who is wrong is one in the messages' interpretation, and that

is the training indeed. The purpose of this book is to guide you through the

process so that you can develop clear communication with your spiritual

guide and guide you through the initiatory process that this entails.

The guides focus on what is necessary for the soul and may not always

align with your ego's desires. For example, you might want to drink Coke.

However, you need to drink water. Then such paradoxes will arise, and

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many questions, in the process. Although the same guide is in charge of

clarifying all your doubts along the way, it will be good for you to know my

story because what I wish to convey in this book is universal. Because the

essence of the guides that I share here, and that guide me, are the ones I

suggest guide your way. Because I have seen them of all kinds, there are

many types of guides. I managed to contact them in recent years and for

the last 26 years. An endless variety of guides of different vibrations,

worlds, and dimensions; physical, non-physical, disembodied from this

earth, incarnated from other planets, beings never incarnated in any

physical universe, consciousness groups. I have seen physical ships,

physical beings, astral beings with astral ships that have physically

confirmed before me, and groups of people, elementals, and

consciousnesses beyond my understanding. And that are consciousnesses

until they reached me or I reached them, depending on how you want

to see it. Whom I today call the ascended masters of light. Who prefer to

be called the guides. The guides are the same who gave the knowledge

to the Egyptians. They are the "brilliant ones." The Elohims, the eternal ones,

the mahatmas. These are the guides to whom this book aims, so you can

establish direct contact with them without needing any intermediary or

complex protocol, which could waste your valuable time.

We could say that this is a manual. However, it is not a manual for

therapists. It is a manual for all people who want to develop their own

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telepathic connection with their spirit guides. However, the paradox is that

you will realize that once you manage to establish proper and clear

communication with your own guide, the therapeutic process of

channeling will flow accordingly. However, this is not the objective of this

book. With this manual, you will also be able to read your akashic records.

However, this book is neither elementary nor advanced, so whatever the

degree of your learning on this path, this book will allow you to polish your

channeling practice and improve in many aspects. It is a book for all kinds

of people, whether students, teachers, or coaches who have channeled

for years. This book does not distinguish degrees to whom to transmit the

teaching. Regardless of the title or years, a person has been channeling -

at the end of the day- the only thing that counts is how much a person is

meditating, and how much of what they 'channel' is truly useful to others

and the person itself. This book presents the guidance of some spiritual

guides, which is not necessary or essential to believe in them.

Understanding that there are natives and non-natives on the path of

channeling, this manual will focus on both types of people. Polishing the

abilities of those who already channel (whatever the degree of mastery)

and helping develop those who are learning to channel for the first time.

So I also give my own direct experience in channeling uninterruptedly for

the last 17 years, giving others the keys the guides gave me during this

time. And some personal stories so you may establish a better connection

with your guides. Channeling has perhaps been the most important and

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decisive aspect of my life. Because it has allowed me to get to know

myself, and establish the clarity of what I really need to live, learn, know

what to focus on, what to let go of and what to manifest. If today, I am

writing it, it is, in fact, thanks to my guides. I honestly don't know what I

would do without my spirit guides. My spiritual teachers have become the

fundamental pillar of all my days. They have made the feeling of

loneliness disappear.

In every action, however simple it may be, in every detail. However

insignificant it may seem, there is the voice. That voice is never wrong. It is

one who is wrong in the interpretation of the message or in not knowing,

sometimes when one is just beginning, which is the voice of the guide and

which one is the voice of one's mind. Knowing how to discern is essential.

However, for this to happen, it is necessary to purify one's mind and body.

And this is eating healthy, thinking lovingly, exercising, meditating, and

living in service. There are other crucial aspects, but I sincerely believe that

those mentioned are enough so that you can understand where this book

is going for you. The channeling protocol itself is easier than you think

because it doesn't even exist. To channel, you just have to go towards

yourself inward and work not only your insides, but also your outside. Raise

the vibration of your whole being. Be compassionate, self-heal, and

believe in yourself.

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My beginnings as a channeler

What I will tell you next happened 17 years ago. This piece of my story was

the beginning of the most relevant chapter of my awakening. Because it

was the beginning of my understanding of what I had been living, it was

the light I needed amid so much darkness and confusion. It was not the

beginning of my contact because I had been seeing and talking with

spirits for years, building bridges as a medium with some people, and

years of abductions ever since I was a child. My childhood was marked by

those abductions, in dreams and physical ships. These came to be close

to my house and terrified my parents. Ships I remember with great

precision, and to this day, I have a scale replica in clay that I made of the

one I saw descending about 200 meters a few years ago, and as I write

these words, I see it vividly. I had already become another madman for

some. It was customary in my family to ask me to tell one of my stories at

Christmas dinner. I had been contacting them beyond the veil for some

time. However, what I will say next, I did not know that it would become

the beginning of spiritual and extraterrestrial contact, which led me to live

a magical, sacred, and even traumatic path on some occasions. I did not

know that my destiny would be marked by this turning point until the very

fact of writing this book, 17 years into the future.

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A few months ago, I had an acceleration in what we could consider a

third spiritual awakening - to my amazement- I had seen the aura for the

first time, incandescent golden energy. It was something that impacted

me deeply, seeing a golden fire in my hands. I believed in its existence.

However, one thing is to say one can do something, and another is to do

it. Seeing the energy (physically)was truly impressive for me. It changed

my perception forever. And at that moment, while I browsed the internet

at night, and by synchronicity, I came across the site This site

shows a series of images of doors without any explanation. Oracles, which

didn't say what each door referred to, all appeared together. The

objective was to select one of them and see what sign it gave you. I spent

a few seconds contemplating the site, and one of them caught my

attention. At the same time, I admit that I felt an energy that observed

me. Something that enters the room as if it were a tall, disembodied entity.

At that time, I did not know the name of my guides, so I only referred to

them as "my guides." One of them guided me to a specific door, and I

clicked. It was door number 13, and upon entering, the following showed:

"The door of Orin and Daben'' Extracted literally from the site, it says like

this at the beginning:

'Who are Orin and DaBen?

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Orin defines himself as a Being of Light, a non-physical entity that once

decided to incarnate to get to know the material plane better, but right

now, he is helping from the spirit. He says that anyone drawn to his energy

is a teacher, leader, or healer, even if he is not yet aware of it. His job is to

reach out to those at the forefront of the new consciousness to help them

discover more about their life purpose and accomplish what they came

to earth to do.'

I begin to read with an unstoppable frenzy in my heart. I felt something in

my chest that lit up, an unquenchable fire, of home, of spirit. I felt like I

had reached a port and would never be the same human being again.

He had found a golden thread back home. And I kept reading.

'The highest guides come to those who use and value the information

they bring to the best of their abilities. We are interested in people who

have spiritual interests, perseverance, and enthusiasm. As high-level

guides, we are here to make a difference, serve humanity, and work with

you on a co-creative adventure. We take our commitment to you

seriously and will do everything in our power to help you. We hope that

you too will take seriously your commitment and our work together. We

highly value those who give time and energy to our work together, as

these are the greatest gifts that you offer us.'

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Without thinking twice, I downloaded one of his books - "Channeling: How

to Get in Touch with Your Spirit Guide."

And I started reading it. And as paradoxical as it may seem, I haven't

finished it yet.

For years she had felt a deep sense of social uprooting. Like many and

many, I had that feeling of "not feeling part of this world." It was a

recurring phrase in my mind. Plus visions I had, became even more acute.

All of it while pretending to want to live a simple and normal life amid

family chaos. In addition to the chaos of my visions, dreams, contacts with

the disembodied, and memories of past lives. Yet here, I saw the light, a

path, something I hadn't been able to find up to this point. Something that

was allowing me to understand without even having crossed the

dimension presented to me. I was looking at it from the outside, and I felt I

always had/have all the answers I need/ed.

I felt a deep sense of self-destruction towards myself - due to family

traumas - while a new spiritual glow grew strongly in my heart. As I read

the page, the hours go by, and I get up excitedly, open the curtain on the

window in front of me and look up at the starry sky. There was a star very

bright, incandescent, most beautiful, and notorious in the sky. I stare at her

and catch a glance back. Something from that distant star spoke to me. I

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could sense what was coming. I could feel that something would happen

years later, but I was not yet ready to accept it and even less try to

understand it. I was still asleep. I couldn't believe at that moment that I

could still navigate in such deep water. That star, without a doubt, was

Sirius. Sirius, which would become the great mystery of my initiation. I

never imagined what would happen. However, I will talk about it in

another book. At that moment, I felt a real presence watching me from

that star. I left room for doubt, and self-induced beliefs, and I fell asleep.

I fell asleep asking my guides to help me in dreams, to show me the way.

Two weeks went by. I am now at my father's house. By then, he was living

at home with his new wife - Rodrigo's mother-. Rodrigo is a person who has

died and the first spirit I saw, even before I met my father's wife. He ended

up confirming that I was not crazy but that he was clairvoyant.

There I was, living a magical awakening, with one foot in the world of the

living and the other in the world of eternity. Early on a Saturday, sitting on

my bed, I follow the steps of the book of Orin and DaBen, the most simple

steps to channel. I have never been very good at “following the steps”. So

it was difficult for me. It took a lot of effort to follow what was in that book

to the letter. However, I did. And once I closed my eyes and connected

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with a tube of light from which I began to ascend, a few minutes passed,

and I literally fell into a trance.

I remember the following: I am ascending through a tube of light, a wide

tunnel of light about 8 meters in diameter, and I am in the center. A white

light bathed me until I entered a ship through its central entrance from the

bottom up. I progressively see slowly and gradually a group of beings,

which I could not perceive quite well, similar to having fogged glasses. I

sense and hear maybe 12 beings, all sitting in chairs in front of a

semicircular table, me in the center, and behind me, there was a

projected image of something that I can't remember. There was a large

door behind each of them, and you could see that the ship was much

larger than the room where we all were. At all times, I'm aware that my

physical body was "below" while my astral body was "up there." There are

different races on the ship, I hear them talking, and they move to look at

each other and look at me. I feel they know me, that it is not the first time

we've met, although I cannot see them, recognize them, or understand

their language. Until I hear one of them tell me: "Welcome, you've finally

arrived Benjamin..." Upon hearing that phrase, my heart jumps like cardiac

arrest. I physically blink and suddenly wake up, quickly returning to my

physical body. The feeling was like being woken by a bucket of ice water

from a dream.

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I look at the clock and see that it is 11:11 am. It was 2004, and I had seen

that number constantly, for some time. It started happening before the

11:11 media boom, I remember. That number would have a relevant

presence in my path at that time because it would take me to participate

in 3 openings of its doors. And it was thanks to those group experiences

that I was able to begin to trust my spiritual connection much more. A few

weeks passed, and I went to visit my aunt Cecilia Ossio, who was, until

then, my only physical-realm teacher. Being alone in my cousin's room, I

decided to try channeling again.

I remember sitting in a meditation position, doing the series of steps

outlined in the book, and falling into a trance again, even before I had

managed to do all the steps. This time, without having a vision outside my

body, I perceive a great being on my right side. It takes my shoulder and

tells me: "don't be afraid, everything is guided boy, you will be readjusted,

don't worry." A few minutes pass, and I start perceiving vibrations in my

field. Similar to going to a mechanic shop and having your car fixed.

Leaving the meditation, I went to my aunt sitting in an armchair reading a

Kryon book - a channeled book-. I sat in front of her and told her what

had happened to me. She believes me and tells me to be careful that

channeling is not something to be taken lightly. She warns me of dangers

and tells me about dark beings. She tells me that I have to protect myself

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at all times. I remember her words: "Not everything is light." I remember my

innocent spirit not knowing how to receive what she had told me. "Not

everything is light." When all the wise men said otherwise! However, it took

years to understand it.

During the afternoon, it was time to have tea, and while my cousins ​and I

were there, he talked to us about the dangers in other dimensions. In the

background, as I watched her speak, I saw her library of physical books

by Madame Blavatsky. The volumes of Isis Unveiled and the Secret

Doctrine filled a tremendous antique cabinet. Books that she allowed us

all to take and read. There also was the Kabbalah in Hebrew, with many

volumes. I remember once, my cousin and I took a Kabala book and

went ​to read it in the park. We scanned it with our index fingers starting

with the last page. - You read from back to front - she told us. I remember

her as a mother in those moments. And likewise, she treated me like

another son. She gave me a roof, food, shelter, and knowledge when I

needed it. It was my moon and my sun in very dark moments of my life. I

am redundantly and eternally grateful for all her help. Everything I do

today, on a spiritual level, I feel it was my aunt Cecilia who guided me in

my spiritual steps when I was a teenager. She has been a mother since I

was a child, with her Reiki hands imposing and watching her do her

connection protocol.

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Returning to the moment at the table, my aunt tells us. It is time for them

to learn to protect themselves. They are going too far and are naive. Not

everything is rosy, she says. My cousin Thomas had been 'spiritually'

attacked many times. They were referring to Tomy's 'energetic assaults.'

There were many stories of my cousin being assaulted by evil spirits, the

dark ones he called them. I remember a story from Tomy - as his loved

ones call him- talking about dark beings at 6. Tomas had been through

several therapists and mediums, helping them in different ways. I

remember the last time he told me about an attack. It was from a reptilian

who appeared in front of his bed when he was already 25 years old.

So, everyone at the table listened to my aunt Ceci who told us how

important it is to protect yourself using spells. Therefore, we should learn to

protect ourselves on our own. Then a word came out of her mouth that I

repeat, even now, several times during the day. It was the first spell I

managed to see manifested in real and majestically impressive sometime

later - a protective spell - that would dissolve the physical presence of two

bright beings from Sirius one night in Limache in 2005. She tells us that

when a dark being approaches you or if you are in a situation you do not

want to be in. And you want to annul what is happening or expel the dark

one to another dimension. You should simply say: 'HASH BESHALOM,

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annulled and canceled from my reality all energy of fear and low

vibration, here and now, done it is, done it is, done it is.' To which she

adds: 'And will be annulled, canceled. Any being of low vibration will

obey your orders, being expelled from this dimension.'

Cecilia Ossio, a magician, who hides in her daily life as a secretary of a

foundation, is the daughter, in turn, of a theosophist who, until his last day,

lived nobly, a wise man and connoisseur of Hermetic mysteries. That man

whom I lovingly knew by "Opi."

I dedicate this book to all the wonderful people who have helped me

remember and build my path. Especially my beautiful spirit guides.

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“Do not trust who has to repeat the truth 3 times to

prove it. The truth is strong, evident, and

unquestionable as the presence of a mountain.”

- Maitreya

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Starting from zero

If you have no idea what channeling is and have never done it before,

this chapter is for you. Some of the following aspects we will deepen

throughout the book. However, to begin with, the most relevant questions

are answered.

What is channeling?

We can understand the action of receiving messages from spiritual

beings. However, there are many types of spiritual beings in the infinite

universes of infinite dimensions. To channel, you only need to manifest the

pure and disinterested intention of wanting to serve humanity and

wanting to receive help for soul transcendence. Channeling is receiving

information consciously transmitted through the akashic field. This

information may have as a source one's own soul and say - 'I am

channeling myself.'- Or it can be a message from a spiritual guide, the

vibration of a plant, a living being, a spirit, a planet, a stone, the spirit of

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the wind, or even the great spirit, god, or earth. It is the capture of a

message that is received consciously and does not come from the egoic

mind. It is not a dream, it is not clairvoyance, it is not seeing the future or

the past, and it is not reading an Akashic record, no matter how similar it

may be. However, the earth can have the same color as cocoa but is not

the same. There are many ways to channel as there are many ways to

walk, all are valid, and none is better or worse than others. However, if you

want to establish a link with the immortal guides - the ones with the highest

vibrational level- you will need to understand, and yet above all, put into

practice, some essential aspects of managing your vital energy.

How to channel light guides and not darkness?

Simply manifesting the intention, mental or verbalized, to receive the help

of beings of higher vibration, beings based on love, compassion and light.

How can I differentiate the voice of my guides,

from that of my mind or my ego?

Like all art, practice will lead you to self-mastery in the channeling

technique. Whether you play guitar or not, you can be a guitarist if you

put your mind to it. If on your first day you don't play a song, it doesn't
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mean that there is something wrong with the guitar or with you. It is simply

a matter of practice and not something related to your ability.

Channeling is the same. Practicing will allow you to recognize your guide's

voice while establishing a confirmation language with them. Meditation

will also help you have a telepathic dialogue with your guide because

you will learn to recognize the voice of your mind and understand when it

is you speaking and when it is not. Another aspect that has helped me

understand this, regardless of how long I've been practicing, is recognizing

that the energy of the message comes from above and enters through

the left side of my head or through the crown chakra.

How can I protect myself from the lower astral

beings so as not to be deceived or attacked?

The important thing is always to have a high vibration. That is the first key

point. Similar to never getting too close to a place where you know you

can get hurt. The second is not to be naive. One thing is to develop a

Christic consciousness that gives you innocence before life, wonder, and

purity, and another is to be gullible. My advice is - to wake up to the fact

that 'not everything is love'-. Hate exists and is a destructive force, and just

as there are beings based on love, there are also beings based solely on

hatred. Be cautious, something my guides constantly repeat to me, even

with the most well-intentioned people. Do not try to cover the Sun with a

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finger. Accepting as truth the fact that there are beings from the lower

astral is the first step of protection because it keeps you alert, and you

anticipate the move of a possible attack, moving away from danger

zones by low vibration or naivety. Secondly, protect yourself with decrees

and spells. It is ancient knowledge, nothing new under the Sun on this.

There are high-vibration words that contain an ancestral force that comes

from a lineage. No matter your belief or ideology, use them, and they will

protect you. One of them is "Hash Beshalom, annulled and canceled all

evil." And another is to say "tetragrammaton" and visualize a 5-pointed

star in your heart and in the heart of the being who claims to be your

guide. I use both levels of protection constantly, every day, depending on

the situation. Similar to defogging a glass to see better from time to time.

Can you channel in dreams?

Yes, once you start working consciously with your guide, your life changes

180º. Dreams, day-to-day, telepathic messages, and everything that

happens in your life will have constant guidance - at all times - if you want

it that way. Even the most normal will now come with a magic touch that

will allow you to wake up from the dream that is the illusion of reality. There

will always be an exit, a door, or a window, so you can remember that we

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are immersed in an illusion. The guide will literally guide you, even on the

darkest night or the brightest day.

What is the purpose of channeling?

What is the purpose of living? What is the purpose of loving? That is the

objective of channeling, a guide teaches us to live…teaches us to love.

Can one channel through paint?

Yes, one could channel through painting and any art that flows through

you. However - of all art - writing activates human consciousness the most,

given the importance of words for transmitting knowledge. It has been the

most ancient art used by all generations of channelers, and it is the one

that the guides suggest the most. However, in all kinds of art, channeling

can happen. No channeling artistic experience is better or worse: they

fulfill different objectives. The fact is that a painting, for example, can be

interpreted in many different ways by people. On another note, written

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language reduces the level of interpretation, being able to deliver

specific information without losing the message of the guides because of

interpretations. Yet there is great value in the channeling works that have

turned into musicals, paintings, dance, and all forms of art. Magnificent

artwork has been created this way via channeling.

When one uses methods such as pendulums, is

one channeling too?

You are not necessarily channeling at that moment if we understand that

the channeling process is receiving information from a guiding

consciousness. Where the pendulum may or may not be fulfilling that

function. For example: if you ask for confirmation of an aspect of the

person and use the pendulum for it, you will not be channeling a guide.

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You would use the pendulum as a bridge for confirmation of the person's

energy. In this sense, you will be doing a vibrational reading of the person

and not a channeling of a guide.

When healing music is used in harmonization

sessions, is it also channeling?

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In the case of sound therapy, the same thing happens. Sound therapy

could be something flowing from your acquired knowledge, where you

are integrating art and healing; where you are projecting with your

intention the energy of the sound towards the well-being, towards the

harmonization of the target person or group. However, there may or may

not be channeling in it. On the contrary, if you ask the guides for

assistance, they will be there and you will be able to perceive their

guidance, manifesting itself towards the use of the instruments, marking

the music to be performed, the tempo, the pauses, and the intensity, the

postures of your body, the levels of your breathing, the previous food, will

guide you mentally to locate your intention towards one person or

another at specific times and so on. Just as if your guide were an

orchestra conductor and you the instrument, you become a

manifestation bridge of your guide in the session.

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“Each soul path is unique and absolute in itself.”

- Maitreya

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Key aspects that have a direct impact on the
quality of your channeling

• As far as possible, it will be of great help to have air freely circulating

where you are. Bringing your tongue up and touching the back of your

palate in situations where there are a lot of distractions will help you

keep your energy focused. In kundalini yoga, this is the khechari mudra.

• One of the decrees my guide suggested to me to neutralize the bad

vibrations of the environment is to, mentally, repeat the word 'harmony'

- and it really works -. You will counterbalance the different mental

vibrations of the environment and the surroundings. The use of mental

transmutation is a tool of invaluable magical power for those who know

how to use it consciously. This, in simple, is the repetition of decrees with

high concentration, which will cause you to neutralize or modify the

vibration of reality at your will. You may be thinking that this is some kind

of magic spell. Yes, it literally is. It is white's magic greatest tool

described in The Kybalion.

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• Breathing is also a key factor. As your breathing goes, it is how your

mind will go. And as your mind goes, your reality will go. So your

immediate reality is conditioned by your breath. You are as you

breathe. Being aware of your breathing, mentalizing the decrees to

stabilize vibration, keeping a straight back (as if you were meditating),

and having your tongue up (to harmonize and concentrate on your

internal energy), will make all the reality that surrounds you, however

chaotic it may seem, to harmonize. Finding a perfect balance point for

all beings. Imagine that you are geometrizing space from a still point, so

even if there is chaos now, your stability will be better, and nothing can

destroy your geometrization of space. I get into this in greater detail in

my book: 'Sacred Geometry: The Sphere of Manifestation.'

• Physical exercise will also be fundamental for you. To keep a strong,

healthy, and agile body makes your mind so too, and your whole reality

as a consequence. Because 'as it is above, so it is below and as it is

below, so it is above.' One of many equivalences of that hermetic

phrase is that 'above' is the sky, which is also the mind, and 'below'

refers to the earth, which is the body. Above is masculine, below is

feminine, and both energies are reflections of each other. Channeling is

not only a mental act but also physical. The body is directly implicit. It is

also the protagonist of the channeling and the quality of the message.

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To learn more about the practices you can do to increase your vital

energy, I suggest you read my book “Self-healing: the art of healing


• Keep your back straight while writing a channeling, have relaxed

breathing, and be in a quiet place.

• Drink plenty of water during the process as a form of purification and

healing for the same channel.

• Ideally, perform constant fasts in high periods of channeling.

• High-vibration music will help improve spiritual contact and

concentration. One of the keys they have transmitted to me to write

better is: “listen to Philip Glass and film music will also help you.” In that

sense, it has been much more productive for me to write with that type

of music than with monotonous music, even if it is high frequency. It

helps me focus more and channel like a laser beam filled with life force.

• Manifest a pure and selfless intention of service to humanity.

• Do not seek profit or recognition with this. The suggestion is to abandon

the authorial ego of the channeled work.

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• A lit candle and looking at the fire from time to time will increase spiritual

vision and, therefore, the clarity of contact.

• Understand that energy is immortal and infinite, at the same time

multidimensional. This acceptance allows for telepathic contact with

light forms of life throughout the universe. Independent of the region of

space or time where they are. A very clear telepathic quantum

entanglement will become established.

• Lead an impeccable and consistent way of life from the heart.

• The suggestion is to avoid meat, pornography, alcohol, tobacco,

stimulants, and drugs. The latter we understand as any substance that

alters or disturbs consciousness and natural levels of perception.

• Avoid magic formulas to activate the pineal gland. The correct and

harmonic opening of the third eye, clairvoyance, telepathy, and

channeling, in their sense of continuous development and

improvement, are the result of practices developed over time and not

instantaneous formulas.

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• There are different opening levels according to Buddhism. Specifically,

10, where each is called Bhumi. The workshops or plant shots where the

rapid opening of the third eye is alluded to only develop lower levels of

the third eye, displacing it to the world of the phenomenological, that is,

the form. Not reaching the level of transcendence, quickly becoming

blocked in time. And likewise, people suffer invasions from the lower

astral, have nightmares or generate a disturbance of reality that they

can't make out, having hallucinations and moving them away from the

distinct process of their intuition. The suggestion is to avoid what has

already been said, attention to this point because the ability to be a

channel can be damaged forever when it comes to the mentioned

drugs and pornography, losing the ability to be a reliable channel of

light. Consciousness, like a crystal, only breaks once.

• Avoid charging for the use of these practices. Where there is a charge,

the higher-grade guides flee, leaving only the lower-grade guides. The

energy of money and the energy of the higher planes of consciousness

in selfless service are contradictory. As legitimate as it may be for some

people, it is still conflicting (this is not negotiable). Meaning that it is not

related to the point of view but to a vibratory nature of service, however

legitimate it may be for those who resonate in doing so.

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• Increasing the vibration level of the 4 (four) bodies, known as the 4 (four)

lower bodies, the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual,

is vital. Allowing broadening the bandwidth of the message, the clarity,

and sharpness of the processing of the information received. Increasing

the thickness of the light tube from where it is possible to receive greater

flows of light information.

• Meditate constantly, and make it a habit. I wish I could meditate in the

morning light. Meditating will make communication with your guide

much better.

The importance of food

It is important not to eat moments before starting a channeling. May it be

channeling in a writing session or towards a third party. Once my guide

told me: 'you will eat all the information if you eat now' Avoid eating

before channeling and accompany yourself with plenty of water. The

water will prevent the obstructive fire from arising. The thoughts you want

to avoid will be extinguished by the water, just like water affects fire. For

example, performing purifications such as fasting will substantially increase

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your channeling ability. There is a before and an after in the experience of

being a channel. To carry out channeling with fasting or another type of

purification such as surplus exercise, lots of water, or long walks on days

close to meditation. I mean, food is essential in the channeling process.

Whether it's a complete absence of purification, always eat natural as

much as possible and avoid stimulants, for example, garlic and onion. I

see garlic like one moving away from one's guides. Similar to them telling

you "see you later" until the effect of those foods wears off. Therefore, it is

not about all-natural food, but certain types of food are not beneficial for

channeling, and others are due to the opening or closing of the energy

channels. Lemon helps; ginger, turmeric, and sea salt as well. Combining

those four elements was suggested to me by my guide to cleansing my

pineal gland. After several days of taking it, I began to study its benefits

and was amazed. Between channeling sessions, I usually prepare that

elixir. In my book “Healing: trauma, stress and illness”. I will explain the

preparation and its benefits. However, in a few steps: squeeze two lemons

in a glass, add sea salt, or whatever you have in your house will be fine,

turmeric and ginger. You can add a little water to dilute it if you feel the

taste is too strong and it's ready. Truly within minutes, you feel relaxation

and clarity. Green tea and herbal teas like mint, passiflora, and

eucalyptus also help. The smoke of eucalyptus or dried rosemary helps.

Sage helps too.

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80% of what happens in the brain is caused by the stomach. The digestive

system is the cause of 80% of what happens in the nervous system. So

when we talk about the mind and mental health, we are undoubtedly

talking about food. So the food, if it is affecting your mind and,

consequently, your diet, are not things that you can pretend are

separate, less in channeling. Because although everything is connected,

in channeling, this now happens to be brought to a practical level.

Because channeling is not just the act of receiving messages, no,

channeling is having contact with the guides of heaven and

understanding all the causes that govern matter.

How to write a channeling?

Once you sit down to write, I suggest you invoke a 5-pointed white star in

your heart for protection. You do this simply by visualizing the streak in your

heart. Do the same with a spirit guide if you happen to see one. Once you

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do this, it is enough to establish a correct spiritual connection with the

highest spheres of service. From now on, the channeling process will follow

the vibration of each person. Each bridge with a human being is unique

according to its vibratory level. However, below I recommend following

some considerations to increase vibration, neutralize negative energies,

and purify spaces, to have a better experience. One can do this in

automatic writing or regular writing. What's relevant is the message, not

the means, don't forget that.

Akashic records

It was Annie Besant (1847 - 1933), a channeller, feminist, activist, author of

over 300 books, president of the Theosophical Society, and spiritual

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mother of Jiddu Krishnamurti; who proposed the term "akashic records" for

the first time, to refer to spiritual information that can be channeled and

found throughout the Akasha. A record, information which is a vibration

that is part of the Akasha. Akasha is equivalent to saying the Whole, the

Spirit, the Great Spirit, or God in Sanskrit. Akasha literally means 'sacred

sound.' Today it's also understood as ether or different equivalent

concepts. Akashic records are spiritual books that allow us to understand

specific information. It is a universal library of timeless knowledge.

Differences in the degrees of information

according to vibration

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Below are different Akashic dimensions organized according to their

vibration. Each level is equivalent to an Akashic library and delivers

different degrees of information.

• Elemental: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether.

• Devaic: Devas, forest spirits, fairies, goblins, and all magical beings in

the astral realm of loving and natural vibration.

• Vegetable: Plants, forests, flowers, trees, and seeds.

• Animal: All animal kingdoms, insects, and bugs. Also, microbes and


• Past Lives: Records of all past lives on earth.

• Soul Aspect: Present, past, and future life. It contains the records of

all lives in all dimensions. Past, at the same time as present and


• Humanity: Akashic records of humankind - past and future, physical

and astral.

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• Reincarnation: The record of those who are in the cycle of


• Universal: All physical universes. Galaxies, planets, etc.

• Big Brothers: All beings from higher dimensions.

• Multidimensional: All universes, galaxies, planets, and dimensions of

consciousness, physical and non-physical universes

• Eternal: Here are the great creators, the Elohim, the ascended

masters. Residence of the soul and source of all that is, all that has

been, and will be. Home of the great spirit.

This categorization is a proposal to organize the records according to their

vibration. You can understand them as you want. Remember that

concept is not equivalent to knowledge. If you have understood the

essence of the proposed structure, perfect, it has fulfilled its purpose. Do

not waste energy trying to memorize or defend these concepts. The

essence is always immortal and transcends them. The idea here is that

you can effortlessly identify the type of consciousness you want to make

contact with and the range of information you will be channeling. For

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example: if you want information about Lemuria, I suggest you directly

open the Lemuria registry, invoking it from your guide and not asking a

plant or a tree for it.

Resistance to view third-party records

Establishing clairvoyance of the records of a person that we just met may

generate a certain degree of resistance or skepticism on your part. What I

suggest here is to talk; talk, and let a few minutes pass while you get to know

each other and establish what is known as Rapport in therapy, which is

establishing trust, a positive, natural, more precise, and tangible first impression.

Once you have done this, you will see that, after a while, the wall that

prevented you from seeing things clearly, has now disappeared. That is what I

do when, during a channeling session, I cannot perceive the person's house,

mind, or records. When this happens, my guide has told me many times: 'let me

melt the metal first.' I have not fully understood this consciously. I still wonder at

times. I have realized that it involves letting the person speak and unloading a

specific topic, similar to letting stress go, to make emotional unloading. Where

my guide has told me, for example: 'ask her about her father and do not

interrupt her.' Once I have done this, I begin to perceive a metal that begins to

melt in front of them, and then I can start my channeling and clairvoyance work

regularly. Similar to a mist that disappears between us. I clarify that the metal

analogy can be something literal or related to information that, given my past

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life as an alchemist, makes a lot of sense to me on a higher mental level of

consciousness of which I am unaware when I am doing a channeling session.

After the person 'melts the metal,' the guide begins to show me clearly what is

the relevant thing to ask, showing me the person's records. 'Ask them about his

older sister' after this or that thing and sometimes with a specific order that the

guide suggests to me to connect and interpret or not, as the case may be.

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Is channeling the same as a reading of akashic

Conceptually it is not. These are separate concepts, which in practice

can occur in an integrated way as the same experience for the

practitioner. However, it is not the same concept. Channeling is related to

receiving information from a being other than one that is in a different

dimension than one. That dimension can be a physical dimension like that

of a plant where we can converse with it and will be channeling it. Or we

can ask to see its record and see everything that has happened with it, as

if it were a fast camera that travels to the past right in front of us and we

observe everything it has had to live, without speaking with the

consciousness of the spirit that is the plant.

I will give you an example to graph the integration of the channeling and

the reading of a record simultaneously. Imagine that you are talking to a

friend, and the situation arises where you are, at that moment,

telepathically conversing with your spirit guide. Your friend is unaware of

your spirit guide's presence, yet you communicate with both of them on a

conscious level. This guide suggests that you tell him specific information

about your friend, showing you the information in the form of an image in

your mind that only you can see and that is related to your friend. You

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speak to your friend about that information, and an impressive energy

opening generates in him. Channeling is the whole process that involves

the dialogue with the guide, which is a telepathic conversation, and the

reading of the akashic record, which the guide gives you. I suggest

simplifying both processes under the term channeling, although,

conceptually, we can nitpick and understand that they are essentially

different. Although in practice, both processes occur in a unified way. For

example: in a channeling session. Where we are in exhaustive telepathic

dialogue with the guide, at the same time, we perceive, on our own, the

information of a person's life, which is a reading of Akashic records, be it

from the present, the past, or the future, the different levels of soul

information. In turn, the spiritual guide can indicate one or another

specific information on which to emphasize and generate healing of

trauma in the person, for example. All this process, I suggest

understanding it by channeling.

Conceptually, the telepathic dialogue with a spiritual guide, I suggest you

understand it by channeling at the same time as the reading of the

akashic records. However, an akashic record reading is something

specific that may or may not have the presence of a spiritual guide in the

process. However, the delivering of the information of that record, I

suggest that you understand by channeling. One can read an akashic

record without the need for the assistance of a guide, no protocol is

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necessary, and no permission is needed. However, I suggest, out of

respect for the person, asking if you can do a channeling before doing it,

finally telepathically if it is not possible otherwise.

We can, for example, directly read information from your past life, for

which we perform an invocation of your past life record and not another.

The Akashic archives are timeless. There is no time for them. It is the same

energy investment to see the inside of a house as it is to see a situation

from a past life, 300 years ago, thousands of kilometers away. Akashic

registers everything in 360°, every place, event, and detail of every

moment lived. That includes thoughts, actions, emotions, and dreams.

Everything a person lives is recorded in an akashic book of that specific

life, even what the person did not perceive, but that was in the room

where he was, for example. We can have that information thanks to the

akashic records.

Now all this about reading akashic records is practically impossible not to

have the assistance of a spiritual guide if your focus is light. Because from

the first moment you focus on the light that is love, you either ask for some

assistance, or it comes to you without you asking for it. Therefore, the

entire channeling process implies, in its various ways of being understood,

always if your path is the light, there will be the assistance of a spiritual

guide. It is a fact. I mean, at no time will you be alone or lonely. They

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guide us towards higher vibrational decisions. From the details to the big

energy moves. They invite us to flow, accept, renounce, let go, live in

austerity, live happily, and not worry about everything that may worry us.

They will never concern us with a message of fear about the future or

uncertainty. It may be to alert and prepare us, yet never frighten us.

The akashic records are a universal library, and everything encompasses

within them. They are not a place or a dimension or a specific thing.

Akashic Records is a concept to refer to universal information. Everything

is vibration, and vibration is information. That vibration information is what

we understand as akashic records. Once you open your consciousness,

the channeling process is always protecting yourself and invoking the

assistance of the guides every day. It has become a daily habit. Before

you opened your third eye, it seemed that eating anything, watching any

movie, listening to any song, and so on didn't matter. However, now

everything begins to have a vibrational weight that it did not have before.

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Reading someone who is energetically blocked

The example I will give comes from a session. However, it can apply to an

encounter with a person regardless of the situation.

When perceiving a person has a large amount of 'bad energy,' whether

due to stress, trauma, or accumulated negativity, I have learned to make

an emotional discharge beforehand, similar to filtering water before

drinking it. We ask a 'key question' and let the person vent. It is of interest

not to interrupt. Just pay attention and wait for the person to finish. It can

last about 5 minutes when you are simply "listening." However, in the astral

plane, you are sending violet light, applying white light, you assist with

your head confirming that you are listening, ask the guides for healing for

the person, ask for their assistance, and be patient and wait for them to

give you the floor. Doing so, although it might take you to wait a couple

of minutes, will cause the person to unblock, and your power will now

"see" them, regardless of the channeling you do with the guides. It is one

thing to channel information through a guide for you or for another person

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and quite another to see the information about a person's past lives, their

present, what surrounds them, their future, and their entire life in essence.

First, you have to establish a link to it for this to happen. Listening will make

the person remove their blocks and unload, and then you can start doing

your work.

It is clearly easier to do this in a channeling session. For example, the

person knows that you will do channeling and is willing to receive "spiritual

information," whether or not they fully understand the process involved in

channeling. It is different when you pretend to see a person who is totally

closed to "everything spiritual" and denies the idea of it. Why would it cost

so much to 'see' that person? It takes the opening of the person's mind so

that you can see them. Don't try to help someone by channeling if that

person doesn't ask you to do it. It is something that I have been

understanding, however paradoxical it may be, from our good intention

of service. Channeling is a job that involves a lot of mental effort and a

constant purification and increase of vital physical energy, not only

mental. "As above so below, as below so above." It calls for staying

impeccable so that the energy channels, the nadis, and chakras, are

clean and clear.

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The physical confirmations of contact

After almost 20 years of channeling practically uninterruptedly, I have learned to

establish a unique language of confirmation with my guides. These

confirmations can all be 'real' for you or just some of them. Honestly, I don't know

what will influence some being real and some not. However, it is a certainty that

not all of them will be. Because before writing this book, my guide already

confirmed that not all confirmations would work for everyone and that there are

unique languages. These confirmations have been a lifesaver in times of

believing that this could be really crazy, as paradoxical as it is in my case, being

a native and channeling every day at all times. So don't worry if you doubt

yourself or your guides. That's natural. Unnatural is not to question. It has also

served as physical confirmation for third parties, where material certainty has

been necessary to break down walls of skepticism on some occasions.

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Air element confirmation

The most common confirmation I live every day and have seen, and that works

for my students or people I have guided in channeling: is the confirmation with

birds. Birds are a physical confirmation language used by guides. From birds, we

can establish great telepathic communication bridges. Sometimes we will think

that we are establishing direct communication with the animal's spirit, and

without a doubt, it is a possibility. However, most of the time, and when it comes

to even more confirmation, we are witnessing the manifestation of a guide using

the bird to communicate with us, which we can understand by using an

ancestral language that lies in our indigenous collective unconscious and

spiritual lineages. So, although it is also possible we connect with the bird's

animal spirit, in essence, the usual is seeing the bird as a 'spiritual communication

language' with guides, whether it is confirmation, the beginning of a profound

message, or the closing of one, or another similar Nature. That will be so if we

have already understood the language. Similar to learning a sacred language.

And will later translate into an all-natural language because nature is a pure

spiritual language. It is every essence, every life, every leaf, every feather, every

form of manifestation, even the barking of dogs and lizards, every sound, every

color. Everything is a language for those who are reading the spirit. Something

that usually happens to me if I am in a room where I cannot see birds because I

am inside, my guides have managed to establish that a white fluff floating in

front of my eyes will also be a validation that we are in touch and who they are.

For example, I am told: "I suggest you continue writing at this time because it is
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what you need to do," and while I am receiving that message, I perceive a

white fluff floating in front of my eyes. It is as if time stood still for a few seconds

and then waking up from a dream, from the illusion. Then understanding that

everything related to the air element, what floats and flies, is a confirmation of

Master Maitreya. Who presented itself to me as a guardian of the air element.

Here included feathers, leaves flying in the air, wind, fluff, dust, the eddies that

form, breath, smoke, all forms related to the air element. I have perceived the

magnificent presence of master Maitreya as if he were the infinite, not a guide

as he appears to us in the images, him not even being a 'him or her,' is not

literally Maitreya, but a bridge to reach his consciousness. However, Maitreya is

already eternal, also called ascended master, being an equivalent. However,

this does not entail understanding the meaning of its essence, because its

essence is similar to the one of the Whole's, without being it. I have seen how he

has managed to silence all the sounds and even the wind in the middle of a

park full of people, hundreds of people. He warned me this would happen, and

even impressed me with what I was witnessing. Between incalculable fear and

love. Something indescribable in front of its presence. That made me

understand why those consciousnesses are called Elohims. Because they are

true architects of reality, they are certainly far beyond our human

comprehension. They are weavers of time, and manifest materialization of

reality, at their will. I have seen with my eyes and my being what they are

capable of, I am a witness that they are real, and I am ashamed when I doubt

them because they are always with us. However, this is the path, brothers, and

sisters, paradoxical, human, and divine. We are, I think, recalling.

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Returning to the birds, a reminder or confirmation, which has become

customary among us, is the flight of two birds in parallel: which has generated a

symbol in my unconscious mind that awakens the fact that there is confirmation.

When I am having the telepathic dialogue, and in turn, manifests the

knowledge of the integrated duality, the feminine energy, everything material,

everything physical, the goddess energy. With the integration of the masculine,

everything is subtle, mental, and spiritual. Now in integration.

Acoustic synchronization

For example, the sounds that creak in a house at certain times also gradually

transform into a language you can understand before it happens and use for

confirmation. It will serve you, for example, to confirm your rational mind and

that of third parties on multiple occasions. You can sometimes perceive

telepathically how a spirit guide begins to materialize astrally before your

perception and simultaneously hear the creaking of wood as if the space of the

room had been curved or amplified by his presence. This type of confirmation

will help you gain confidence in your astral contact with the guides.

Personal confirmation story:

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I remember a moment when talking with my girlfriend. She asked me if a

situation that had happened to her once was black magic or not. My first

impression was rejection, as I didn't even want to talk about it. So my mind

immediately said - 'no, it has nothing to do with black magic.' However, already

knowing my mind, I preferred to ask my guide what it thought without first saying

anything to my girlfriend. She just looked at me while I was quietly conversing

telepathically, something she knew I was most likely doing. My guide answers

-'you are right to ask, because it was black magic, beyond what you want to

think.' I sighed in frustration and started to move around the room, worried

because telling her was to confirm it, she was going to believe me. I was her

only filter on those issues, so whatever I told her was what she was to keep within

herself and perhaps for all her life. So, I was worried. I came to doubt the very

message my guide had given me, leaving an error margin on my own

channeling. So given the seriousness of the issue, I decided to ask for physical

confirmation of whether or not it was black magic, something clear and

tangible, a confirmation sign for her and me. To which I begin to perceive an

increase in vision in my extrasensory visual field. I tell my girlfriend I have asked

for confirmation as to if it is black magic or not. If it is, there will be a loud noise in

the apartment above when I raise my hand. She looks at me with concentration

and respect, I raise my hand, and just as I finish extending my arm and

synchronously, a loud noise from above us. We were both amazed and said -

“wooow!!,”- we were perplexed. The paradox was, knowing that there was

black magic on her, and the good thing was confirming that we were in actual

contact with spiritual guides.

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Progressively with the opening of your third eye, you will begin to develop, in an

obvious way for you, telepathic communication with animals. For two years, I

was silencing dogs that barked because it really got to the point where their

barking bothered me. Either they didn't let me sleep, or they'd just barked all

day. Then I learned that I could communicate telepathically with them. That

either with my mind or by making sounds expressing the intention to silence

them, then they'd keep quiet. I spent about two years silencing them as part of

something natural. However, one day my guide told me - "don't silence the

dogs,"- and I froze. From there on, I don't silence them. At first, I was bragging

about my ability in front of some people to impress them. I suggest not doing it.

Do not use the power, the newen, your mana to impress anyone. The energy

that, moreover, is not even one's own, but from the environment, from the

infinite. My guide, whom by affection and by his own guidance I refer to as

such, is not actually my guide. And only until recently, by his own suggestion

when he told me that he would begin to open this intimate space before you, I

said that the best thing to avoid any resistance, was for him to be called a

spiritual guide, however, in my mind, I always call him master or directly use the

name of the master to whom I refer or invoke. Lately, I have understood that

they are part of a white brotherhood, the so-called great white brotherhood. I

have verified that they exist beyond everything said on the internet about them.

In fact, it is paradoxical, but the same great white brotherhood has suggested

not to read anything about them on the internet. They have told me: “you will
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not find there what you want to know,” “in the investigation you will not find

what you're looking for nor what you need to understand.” Opposite to the

scientific nature and what we learn to understand as knowledge. When we

want to know something, we first investigate it, and then say that we actually

know something. Here, the process of acquiring knowledge is the opposite. It is

direct, precisely scientific with oneself, and related to your direct experience,

not research. It is something that your path is confirming day-by-day, moment

by moment. You now have been remembering an ancestral sacred language.

There is a whole sea of ​knowledge the great white brotherhood uses. So also the

indigenous or other types of spiritual guides, all of whom I have just mentioned

being none of them biologically living beings if not all of their spirits.

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“Be unconcerned with everything that worries


- Maitreya

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The third eye, the spiritual sight

The Lama Kintu Rinpoche Tibetan, meditator, teacher, and scholar. One

of the first Tibetan teachers in the West and the founder of many centers

and schools in many parts of the world. In one of his last conferences, he

talks about the ability that every human being has to develop the third

eye, thanks to meditation and Tibetan Buddhist practices. He tells us that

there are up to 10 different levels of third eye degrees. Each, starting from

a lesser degree of development to a greater one, is exponentially

scalable in the benefit of powers and abilities. He refers to the fact that in

the first level of "Bhumi," understood as the path of awakening, of spiritual

vision applied to the third eye, we find visions of 100 past lives and 100

future ones. Thus, in an equivalent exponential way, in the second level of

Bhumi, we find 1000 past and future lives and so on until the 10th level,

where Buddhahood we find where there is no measurable limit, but it is

infinity itself. These terms of consciousness scalability are not literal when

talking about the number of lives according to the third eye precognition.

But refer to an order of magnitude to understand the exponential nature

of the inner vision and the power that is possible to develop. We also see

that the third eye symbol has been widely spread throughout the world

since ancient times. We see masks with the third eye in Egypt in the Inca

civilization, in the Mayans, Toltecs, Chinese, Tibetans, and others carved in

jade stone and precious stones. The awareness of a third eye on the
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forehead is common to various ancient traditions, whether monastic,

Buddhist, shamanic, or spiritual in many cultures. More and more

archaeological findings indicate the presence of a third eye in the same

central point of the forehead. It is also paradoxical that these cultures,

disconnected from any technological link or crafts, according to the

contemporary historical vision, developed similar cultural ideas.

Mummifications, stone structures, astronomy, the notion of deities,

knowledge of solstices, equinoxes, rituals of passage to the other world,

and likewise, we find in common the presence of masks, carvings, or

sculptures with people with a third eye on their foreheads. All this is related

to the fact that we come from the same mother culture. We know little

about the why of that third eye according to the source of each custom's

consequences of losing oral traditions. Very few wise men continue

passing down the sacred knowledge of yesteryear, and it is very little of

that knowledge learned by some that become known massively, to say

the minimum of that knowledge became known. There is a large chunk of

forgotten spiritual ancestral knowledge. We received practices, rituals,

plants, and songs, among other things, with healing qualities. However,

we have forgotten the wisdom of the hermits, shamans, and ancestors

who knew the true meaning of the third eye in ancient shamanism. Just

like the texts containing the traditions of many cultures are also forgotten.

Such as the case of the Toltecayotl: from whom, although there are still

significant remains and paths of knowledge, most were burned by the

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Spanish, dated as the conquest of the Americas. Thousands and

thousands of Mayan texts, the codices, were unfortunately burned. Just as

in Alexandria and many ancient sacred places were in different periods

and parts of the world, enemies would come and burn all, including

consecrated knowledge. Because spiritual knowledge has at all times

established people's identities and roots, therefore, defines loyalty to a

territory, group of people, beliefs, knowledge, and wisdom. The wisdom

that in the East, in the case of the Buddhist through the Dhyana school,

inheritance of the first teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha manages to

survive the passage of millennia, invasions, and reach us today. Although

very ramified in its various approaches, all are valid and legitimate

according to each lineage. That is how the knowledge that allows us to

understand the science of the third eye manages to arrive alive. A

practical science that every human being can experience without the

need for any protocol other than gradual development and through

constant purification and meditation. It is not knowledge as it is

understood at the Western level as something theoretical without being

practical. This knowledge allows understanding practices from which

hidden-genuine knowledge of oneself arises. As our biological eyes

capture the external world, the third eye captures the inner world, inner

wisdom. The akashic field is "heard and seen" by the awakened third eye.

However, according to each vibration of consciousness, the human being

can perceive the inner world chaotically or peacefully according to his

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own consciousness. That is how you can establish contacts with spiritual

guides or beings from the lower astral. Therefore, the use of sacred plants,

such as peyote, ayahuasca, or San Pedro (Huachuma), although they

generate the opening of the third eye spontaneously, is only temporary.

Similar to temporarily opening the window of a house to get outside air.

Without this being an absolute, you could start the path of opening the

third eye from the ritual and then continue on a meditative one (I

certainly do not suggest it). Likewise, for the use of plants purifying is

required for the same reason described above about the lower astral

beings. The person may be able to have a good trip or a bad spiritual trip.

The ritual intake of plants, responsibly and guided by a true shaman, does

allow the opening of the third eye. However, that opening can be

temporary, lasting only in the same ritual, or it may develop a progressive

or perpetual violent third eye opening for the person who has lived the

vision trip. Whatever the effect, this is artificial, whether with natural plants

or chemicals like LSD. I mean that if it is not the result of a gradual and

progressive practice, where the mind is always stable and distinct, far from

the carousel of emotions and the phenomenology of visions, the person

will never be able to develop their own internal vision in peace. You will

believe that the third eye is related to having visions when it is only a step

on the path. For example, the true objective of Buddhist practice is to

achieve inner peace and not the crowded world of sensations. Whatever

its nature. I suggest you practice meditation so that the development of

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your third eye is progressive and lasting. So that your transformation of

consciousness is towards your inner and outer self-liberation, and you can

understand the illusion of form, whether on a spiritual or physical level, is

an illusion. That it comes from your own mind, being interpreted, you are

giving it meaning. If you manage to understand the nature of your own

mind and from silence, you will be developing your third eye along the

correct path.

Therefore, although a person may have integrated all the paths of

wisdom in himself, it is only the gradual and progressive path of the

practice of meditation, for example, that allows the opening of the third

eye without psychological, spiritual, or astral damage. Avoiding the

presence of demons from the lower astral, suicidal thoughts, the vision of

an infernal subconscious, of a brain bursting with disharmonious levels of

DMT, serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin. Avoid living in an imbalance.

The pendular movement of energy generated by a substance, whether

natural or chemical, to get some mental images is tremendous and never

compensated, creating psychological imbalances that can manifest

even months or years after the ritual. An inconvenience is solved from the

root if it receives direct sunlight in combination with meditation in a

gradual process where the pineal gland self-regulates and the spiritual

mind develops as you integrate your own being at your own evolutionary


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"Don't be afraid, good man, everything is

guided, trust yourself."

- Maitreya
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Teachings I have received

The teachings I have received from the guides are practically infinite because it

becomes a constant dialogue, every day, moment by moment. You just can't

imagine living without his guidance anymore. His arrival transformed every

aspect of my life. Now even the tiniest things have been transformed into

learning opportunities. As if I were a child guided in his first steps, only now with a

spiritual guide without judgment, without criticism, totally selfless, and always

willing to help regardless of my decisions because their presence is

unconditional. It is not part of any religion or creed. Also, there is no need to

know some metaphysical, mystical, or quantum concepts. It has nothing to do

with them other than being a bridge to the most possible understanding of the

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eternal. They are like a mother who supports, nurtures, and manages you

throughout the process of becoming self-sufficient.

Below, I share some of the teachings that have marked me and others I want to

share for your benefit and learning.

The voice that is never wrong

They are never wrong, the ascended masters. They are eternal, Elohims. They

are beyond our understanding. They see all the possibilities, all the timelines. Our

dreams, what we manifest, our inconsistencies, our lives, all our lives,

simultaneously. So, sometimes it can become complex to understand an answer

to something profound that one asks to understand. Sometimes it takes time,

years, months, or weeks. However, in the same way, they deliver mental keys,

phrases that allow many moments to be unlocked in the future. I call them key

phrases because they are really light crystals that always light up in any situation.

The third eye

When I asked him how I could achieve the total opening of all the levels of my

third eye, the 10 that are mentioned in Tibetan Buddhism. His response was: "You

are very concerned about appearances, about form, at this rate you will never

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make it." And he kept telling me: “concentrate on your breathing, study and

practice Pranayama all your life and you will achieve it.”

The highest level of transcendence

When I once asked Maitreya, already accepting his presence in my life and

understanding that everything he has told me is true, I decided to ask him:

“Master, what do I have to do to achieve my highest level of transcendence in

this life? And his answer was: “Be celibate, my son, and you will be achieving

your highest level of transcendence.”

The lower back

Having spent a few months in the forest, I realized that after so many days of

sleeping at ground level and being in the presence of fire and in the open air, I

had begun to perceive a large amount of energy being released from my lower

back and at the same time I felt another percentage of it blocked. I asked

Seraphis what she could do to release that energy and channel it well, and her

response was: “it is energy from the past that is stagnant, it is your slopes, I
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suggest you climb hills.” That was her response. I have understood that it is about

strengthening that area, so since then, I have paid careful attention to the lower

back. I have seen concrete changes and have perceived, for example, how

jogging and doing squats, in addition to going up and down hills for months, as

was said, has accelerated significant spiritual processes in my life. Life process,

very specific things at the work level, for example.

The lower bodies

Something that has made me understand lately is that there is a need to

increase the vibration of what is called the lower mind. The lower mind is what I

call the mortal mind. This mind is all that is in the subconscious of this incarnation.

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It is the ego, personality, and behavior. They are the desires, it is the language,

and we can even say emotions as well. It is the entire perceptual apparatus with

which we have to interpret reality. Once the lower mind is purified enough,

channeling begins to flow with fluidity as if it were talking to someone on the

phone or even directly in person. It is a conversation, something clear where you

immediately notice when you have even lowered your vibration because you

become so sensitively perceptible to your mind that you clearly realize when it

begins to generate streams of thoughts that are not pure, that are

self-destructive, based on harmful judgment or the illusion of separation. When

you are in the lower mind, vibrating low, full of anger, prejudice, resentment,

erroneous beliefs, separatist beliefs, attachment, material desires, having

confused or addictive sexuality, have an unclear vision of yourself. Then it won't

be possible to establish a clear channel with the guides because literally, as it is

above, is below and, as below, is above. Also set for channeling. The lower mind

is also part of the four (4) lower bodies. About this, Seraphis Bey has been the

one who has taught me the most. The Elohim have also told me about the

Adam Kadmon or the solar body. Once your mind (air), emotions (water), body

(earth), and imagination (fire) are healthy and vibrating high and pure, and in

coherence towards a higher purpose of the soul, and walking in service of

humanity. It is then when from the high vibratory spheres a solar-being, a

Christic-being arises, who now begins to inhabit those four (4) bodies. That being

is oneself in a superior dimension. However, since the four (4) inferior bodies have

increased their vibration, they have made a 'bridge' with our higher body of

light, specifically the solar body that they speak about. Once, after living three

(3) months in nature, living an initiation that the Elohims suggested to me,

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walking Between hills, Maitreya told me:'You need to materialize your solar

body, make it walk on earth.' And as a good human monkey, it was hard for me

to understand what such a literal divine mandate was about. It was meditating

on the hill - my home for a good while - I managed to understand, looking at

the sunset and its beautiful violet light, that it was about my own physical and

mental body taking it to the best possible vibrational level. A year later,

continuing my training while jogging near a Seraphis park, he told me:'shape

your body and your mind as if it were clay.' Since then, my mantra while jogging

is: 'shape the mind, shape the body.' So, raising the vibration of the lower mind

translates into changing your diet, meditating, exercising, and exercising

compassion. In practice, I would synthesize it that way.

The Bridge

They talk a lot about the 'bridge': 'The bridge has been established...', 'a bridge is

needed...', 'you will create the bridge...', 'focus on the bridge...', 'this will be the

bridge...', 'what you seek to understand is necessary the bridge…', 'don't use

that bridge.' And I have come to understand that the bridge unites both worlds

of manifestation, the subtle world with the material, perceptible and the

imperceptible. The bridge can be a sequence of movements or a string of

words, symbols, breaths, postures, etc. A bridge between the worlds. A bridge

allows direct entry of subtle energy into the dimension of the earth. It is a bridge
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of materialization. Something they tell me a lot. 'The materialization,' 'The

manifestation,' and 'you will know how to recognize the truth when it is present,'

are other relevant warnings that the guides give me.

Indigenous guide

I learned - under the guidance of various types of spirits - that they were human

and are now -from the afterlife- guides for those of us in the land of the living.

But no matter how good their intentions are, they can also make mistakes

sometimes. Or may it be that they guide from their own learning path, which is

legitimate, might not be the one with the highest vibration for yours. So I have

learned to listen to their guidance, but always leave a higher grade guide in

charge, who I recognize as the ascended masters. So, I say: 'listen to the

guidance of the indigenous shamans of light, under the overall guidance of

master Maitreya,' for example. Having said this, which has helped me better

understand the guidance of the indigenous spirit teachers. I will comment on

some of their guides which lighten my path, for which I am eternally grateful.

A spirit machi is not an immortal guide but has also given me significant help

and guidance during my learning process in shamanism. She told me, for

example: 'learn five (5) trees to heal, and you will have everything you need to

heal.' One also told me, while contemplating the fire, 'repeat four (4) times:

wenu mapu, wenu mapu, wenu mapu, wenu mapu,' and your mind opens like

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the sky. Wenumapu means heaven or world above in Mapudungun, the

Mapuche language.

An indigenous Taita spirit, once when I was walking in nature, told me -go up as

you go down (climb, go up, the same way you fall) - and also told me, at

another time, that this indication is for when you are looking to have a vision or

seek some knowledge. I have to go back the same way I came, and when I get

to the place, then retrace the same path, following my steps. The essence of

the message is, 'follow your steps.' Whether it is to look for a stone, to look for

firewood, to collect something, to look for food, or whatever, when you walk in

a sacred way, even the most unimportant becomes the most important.

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“Do not wear yourself out projecting your mind for

more than a month and you will be making good use

of your energy.”

- Maitreya

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How to discern in a channeling?

The way to discern if the information received in channeling is reliable,

and confirm that it is not a mental hallucination, establish the

confirmations mentioned previously, using the visualization of a 5-pointed

star in the heart of the being whom presents before you; if you can't see it,

then imagine one and then project the star in their heart and also in yours.

Making this protection, in addition to discerning if the information is

reliable or false, will also make a spirit disappear, one that may be

pretending to be a spiritual guide when, in fact, it is not. It is an infallible

protection. Why? Because it is geometry and everything that is geometry

is good. And just like when dawn breaks and the night disappears, light

appears, and the bad goes away. Why does it disappear? Because

geometry is the opposite of the energy of destruction. So, if I intend to

channel, I make a simple connection by visualizing the star in the heart.

The vibration of the truth said, written, or thought generates a geometry in

the water, and on the contrary, a lie is not geometric but chaos. That is

why it is necessary to visualize the tetragrammaton star since we will

establish a connection with the truth. It is a protection in all worlds and

levels of consciousness. At the same time, one has to project it to every

being that appears before you and wants to establish contact with you.

Even if that presence claims to be a great teacher or whomever and tells

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you what it tells you. Before channeling, you invoke the seal of protection,

then do the channeling. It is my suggestion, a reminder, a warning, an

insight. Please protect yourself. Don't allow your ignorance to make you

believe that nothing bad can happen to you, but quite the opposite, be

ahead of the game. Do not establish a dialogue for too long without the

protection; it is not safe and even more so if you are just recently learning.

Don't let this warning frighten you, but embrace the fact that we live in a

dual universe, and you must accept the existence of dark forces along

with benevolent ones. It is a reality that both dimensions exist, do not

believe it is a game or that nothing will happen to you. You will never get

good fruit from a corrupt tree. I suggest you don't even try it. One step into

the underworld may be enough to make the entire ladder disappear

back. Your consciousness is a crystal that can break, protect yourself and

take care of your consciousness as if it were a crystal.

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How important is the channel's mind?

When channeling, we have our mental information originating from our

experiences, studies, and so on. That helps the ascended master build

connections in one's mind to deliver a clear message to the channel.

Then it is the channeler's mind with its source of unique experiences and

knowledge that, in short, gives a one-of-a-kind message which is unified

thanks to the ascended master. The guide wants to transmit a message

and will articulate it following the channeller's mind. The words, images,

examples, knowledge, and everything in the channel's mind serve the

ascended master to establish connections of a telepathic nature. The

conduit generates an understanding, and in that, a message, and so

channels it. In that sense, the seed of the message depends a lot on the

channel. The channel's vital energy and experience enrich its knowledge

and understanding of what it has lived through, which gives the message

supreme clarity.

An ascended master always suggests. Maitreya, for example, always

gives me suggestions on things every day moment by moment without

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having a single day of non-telepathic connection with him. In all of his

input, he is respectful of my free will, and it is I who decides in the first and

last instance whether or not to make his approach, without thereby

entailing a threat to me not to comply with the suggestion. The nature of

the advice is universal, varies, and is infinite according to the same

circumstance. There are things where I clearly understand the reason for

his suggestions, and there are things that I only understand in time. The

protocol established to contact the ascended masters that work for me

every day is the following. This after years of establishing telepathic,

dream, and astral contacts with different types of beings and dimensions,

at will and by spontaneous connection. Whether physical, that is,

physically materialized in our dimension or in the form of etheric vision,

which is how I establish the connection nowadays, for my psychic safety,

for the moment, I prefer it that way. It took me years to mentally heal an

encounter I had with beings from Sirius in physical form. I find that he has

been my great teacher as well. However, today I chose the ascended

masters. I say 'choose' in my human innocence. However, they are the

ones who choose us as well, and from that choice, the training that entails

increasing vital energy and universal understanding, begins.

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“If you pay attention, you will know how to recognize

the truth when it is presented.”

- Maitreya

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Mortal mind and immortal mind.

The mortal mind houses all our beliefs, opinions, tastes, points of view,

preferences, desires, and human, social, and family characteristics of all

kinds considered mortal, since all will die once we do. We consider

everything to be mentally past, present, and future. All thought is

perishable. The ego is mortal, incarnation too, and these are in the mortal

mind. The experience of this mind is the purpose of being born. We are

born to live the experience of our mortal mind in a perishable physical

body. A mortal mind arises when birth arises. However, the mortal mind

also has higher energy in vibration than the matter that is the physical
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body. So it is this mind that determines the behavior of physical activity.

Here is where we find the spiritual seed of what the biological body will

begin to live and what the person will call his life. This seed already

contains the tree. There is a potential morphogenetic field, named by

Rupert Sheldrake, that stores all the cause and effect potentialities, which

due to the past of the being that is being born, comes to incarnate in its

new life, synchronizing the perfect and harmonic moment to be born and

manifest its causes effects of their own actions from their past life. Now in

a new body and a new mortal mind, fruit of the previous ones. The mortal

mind is everything we think we are and, at the same time, the one that

stores the great mystery of why we are born.

In essence, our present is the effect of a past cause, and by living it, we

can modify it. This way, we can transmute the vibration of hate into love. It

is always the past that we transmute. The past is always what we mortally

modify. Once we transmute, the need arises for emotional resignification

of the experience. Give a new meaning to what previously vibrated in

hate, rejection, resentment, or hatred and now vibrates in gratitude, love,

compassion, and forgiveness. Thus, ceasing generates a harmful,

destructive, and non-geometric effect on the being. The lived experience,

conscious or subconscious in the mortal mind, is resignified through mental

transmutation using "I Am" with love, to mentally repeat in meditation "I

Am Love." This way, the mortal mind reidentifies itself and generates a new

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manifestation of reality based on love, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion,

abundance, creativity, and joy. All emotions or equivalent expressions of

what the creative energy is, and that is equivalent to the Flower of Life or

the Merkabah, generating a stable Toroidal Field and consequently a

healthy being. Thus, personality, ego, and mortal mind are all equivalent

concepts. It is what each one came to experience in life. So it is precisely

what we avoid from our ego, what needs to be seen and integrated to

be transmuted and resignified. In other words, make the shadow of our

consciousness visible and illuminate it. Our mortal mind has a conscious

aspect and a subconscious aspect. I will refer conceptually to those terms

when talking about what is conscious or invisible to our mind, using the

term unconscious to also refer to the subconscious mind, being deeper

and practically infinite unlike the subconscious mind, and solely to be


Then it is the mortal mind that dies, and it is the one reproducing reality

from the subconscious information generated since childhood. The mortal

mind must become an immortal mind in human life. In that, a spiritual

purpose arises thanks to the practice of meditation. There are many ways,

but only one path. And what is the immortal mind? It's the one that

emerges in meditation, in complete silence, and when, thanks to a full

and deep breath, our cerebral neocortex turns off, turning off the notion

of the Self. Step by vibrational step, the mind ascends with each breath.

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Intending the I Am in each breath, simple I Am. It will go through the

temporal dimension of human consciousness, that is, the mortal mind to

which I have been referring. The first layer of the sky is the one that the

Mapuches identify as bad, and then the following four layers of wenu

mapu or sky are only good. The first layer of heaven is where we find the

paradigms, the beliefs in the collective unconscious, the universal human

memory. Again, everything is mortal, and that now also adds up to a

collective mortal mind. Going through that layer, thanks to meditation

and concentrating all the energy on the breath intentionally, and

mentally "I Am," with the tongue up to increase the vibration and with the

spine upright, it's then when one awakes from the illusion.

It has already passed through the conscious mind, breathing has slowed

down, and the pulse of the heart has too, and then we find ourselves in

the REM phase or deep sleep, equivalent to regression or self-hypnosis.

There is where consciousness arises in the meditator from the subconscious

mortal mind. Dreams dreamt for a lifetime are now visible right up to early

childhood; we store all subconscious memories in our subconscious library,

which is part of the mortal mind. In a higher step of vibration, the

memories of past lives will arise, which is also information from our mortal

mind. The immortal essence that has incarnated and died several times.

We find the Akashic records of past lives in that dimension. That dimension

of the registry is at a higher vibration than the subconscious mortal mind,

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as it holds the information of past life beyond the time and space of the

present life dimension. Here, We have already awakened from the Illusion.

And we find ourselves in a multidimensional plane where everything is

connected at a perceptual level and in an ever-increasing degree of

consciousness. However, we still see a separation between one life and

the other, between past lives and present life, and likewise between a

planet and a flower. We continue in a dual dimension, however, now of

increasing vibration and where that separation becomes increasingly

invisible and subtle. Unity consciousness begins to emerge now with a

more evident presence. It vibrates higher than the dream dimension,

close to the transitory bardos between life and death, which is the path of

reincarnation. We can find various spiritual guides that can assist us on our

spiritual path in those dimensions. Once there, we only find good/love

/light. There is no possibility, at any degree, for a bad/negative thought to

arise and likewise a negative emotion. Fear does not emerge in that

dimension, as wanting to light a fire underwater is not possible. It is pure

light for consciousness. And yet it is only the first layer after past lives,

where we find ourselves in a dimension that is only pure and kind. A place

where we are welcomed, in a home from which it seems that we would

never have left. As a universal womb, a feeling of being in a source of life,

without being the source itself yet. The beings and spirit guides that reside

there live what they imagine, the mind is no longer mortal there, and yet it

is also not the immortal mind where the ascended masters reside. It is an

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intermediate dimension where souls enter the earth, flows of disincarnated

beings guided by spiritual guides, crystalline etheric temples,

unimaginable forms, colors, and all fruit of the mind of those who think

about it. Thoughts and imagination manifest. Similar to being hands on the

ground to make pottery. That's the mind in that dimension. One can see

valleys and large waterfalls as birds and guides of light, kindness

everywhere, and infinite calm.

However, there is still a construct for the mind. There is a separation. There

is a notion of space, although no longer of time. In that place are all the

books of the great universal memory, where you can imagine life and

modify the different incarnations that the soul has lived, moving a large

amount of energy simultaneously. The movement is carried out thanks to

the etheric substance, similar to plasma, luminous plasmatic energy that

originates from the imagination. When descending back into the body,

what we have imagined can only be lived to the extent of the decisions

that the mortal mind decides by free will. So, we are to write a new

timeline, which we imagined in the superior etheric dimension of

consciousness. However, whether or not we live that projection will be a

decision made moment by moment. And yet we have already done the

mold. Even in the highest dimension so far mentioned, the soul, as such, is

not found. Since beings and manifestations of energy continue to be

perceived in the form of matter, only now more subtly, the same thing

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happens with time and space. There is more information and only

kindness. However, it is not yet the immortal dimension, and it is not where

the soul resides, which also is immortal. So, this everlasting mind is

equivalent to the soul, both immortal. Soul/eternal mind all of the degrees

of pure illumination, where time, form, and space merge into a single

great consciousness, the consciousness of the source, which is pure light,

pure love, and what we consider divinity. There is no longer the illusion of

consciousness and being mortal. Both have merged and become eternal.

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“Avoid the path of thorns.”

- Maitreya

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Channeled questions and answers

These questions were constantly being asked by patients in channeling sessions,

so I decided to ask them directly to the guides. Below are their answers.

What is my destiny?

Destiny is the release of karma, stopping the karmic succession of

reincarnations. The paradox is that you have free will to decide whether

to transform your negative karma into positive karma or not to do so. The

way of transmuting your karma is unique for each individual, being

possible, at the same time to determine universal causes that allow the

independent vibrational purification of each subject. We could

understand this by clarifying that what the person calls "my purpose" is

only the possibility out of the free will to fulfill the restoration of their past

actions, exercising their divine will in the present. At the same time it

contributes to one's realization. And if it is the decision of that human

being, then it also, incidentally, serves the purpose of humanity to

eliminate and purge its negative collective karma. So when people's

negative karma gradually turns into medicine for themselves and others,

the person understands and feels that they are fulfilling their purpose. The

form of purification is unique according to each integrated method and

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trail, and it's a path that will also indicate ways of purification of all

damaged vibrations. Each path is unique and non-transferable, and one

cannot tell another which is theirs. It's a part of the mystery that each

human being keeps for themselves when they find themselves on the path

of their own heart. It will consequently lead one to settle the karma

generated in the past, finding the perfect path for purification, according

to one's own life. And in coherence with the resonance of one's soul.

What is the path?

The path to self-liberation. In the first instance of the idea itself, the

awakening to the fact that one is not what one thinks one is. Then give

way to the transformation of that self and ultimately to the final

transformation object of all passed reincarnation, to return to the

everlasting consciousness. Each path establishes its purpose, according to

each human being in free will and from their unique and personal


What are positive karma and negative karma?

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Positive karma is the essence of all that is good. It is the manifestation of

dharma. Negative karma is the essence of all that is bad, as what we

generally understand in the West to be karma. However, karma is energy,

and there is positive and negative karma, which according to the actions

of each human being these two energies will manifest. As one or another

vibration manifests, this generates a cause followed by an effect. So

negative karma is a succession of harmful causes and effects. And

positive karma is a succession of good causes and effects.

Both energies have manifested in previous incarnations, generating

effects that we call the 'today' or present. So, the present is the

conjunction of past karmic forces and the current generation of negative

or positive karma. So, what each human being calls their path is the

manifestation of their karma, materialized in the mental, emotional, and

biological body. And so all their environment and spiritual-subtle bodies

intertwined to the incarnation. Being the three bodies mentioned, the

effects of karmic causes. Causes that now go on to form a vibratory mold

for the three bodies and manifest timelines that the human being calls

destiny, projections of those same karmic chains. To this, the soul's plan

that is always unique, stable, and the same, which repeats in all

successive human reincarnations, is added. The soul's plan, the integration

of both karmic forces, past and present, interrelate through a specific

action that, when carried out, lives the purpose. Living the purpose builds

the path of the soul on earth. That action integrates all forces. It's the
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catalyst for negative karma and is the incarnation's inheritance of positive

karma from the family tree and past lives. In addition, the soul's force

directs the purpose, according to the planet's karmic plan, the

incarnation, the tree, and society. The path is, therefore, the

materialization of our purpose/mission on earth; what comes to purify,

consequently, the negative karma of humanity. And that is what is

considered service from the highest spiritual spheres.

What is the best way to neutralize the vibration,

to compensate for negative karma?

Since the subtle vibration is the one that contains the most amount of

energy, it is the mind that has the highest level of negative karma. So, the

most meaningful purification of the mind is transcendental meditation;

allowing one to transcend the mental image of oneself in this incarnation

and all previous incarnations; being able to integrate the immortal mind,

freed from all karma. Then it is the water in the middle of the desert. Also,

mental transmutation significantly helps compensate for unbalanced

psychic vibration. Given that mental transmutation is the increase in

vibration of the mind through the repetition of positive decrees using the 'I

Am.' So, when we use "I Am" positively and repetitively, the mind lights up.

Thereby vibrationally compensating for the toxic residue in the

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subconscious mind. Having compensated or transmuted the psychic

vibration, it will manifest in that way, being the physical manifestation, the

materialization of the mold of the subtle psychic vibration. The

subconscious mind has been shaped by the repetition of environmental

stimuli, thus creating a mental image, the Self. A self that must be

transmuted, compensated, and thus purified; towards the vibration

desired by the practitioner of mental transmutation. On an emotional

level, the most impactful discharge will be physical, which may be

physical exercise with weight, calisthenics, jogging, or any other type of

sport. At the psychical level, another form of vibratory discharge is writing

or any art form.

What is the universal plan?

What is the universal plan of an ant? or a cell? For each, in direct

proportion to the being that it is. Can an ant pretend to be a body cell?

Can a cell claim to perform the function of an ant? What would happen

to the body if the cell pretended to be an ant? The small becomes very

big when the essential work of each existence is understood. The human

being is like a cell or an ant. And our job is crucial in the universal master

plan. Equivalent to that of a cell, that of an ant. As long as human beings

are in line with their purpose in their own personal, immediate social, and

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spiritual human reality, they will be exercising their purpose/mission and

helping in perfect harmony and resonance with the universal plan. Like

healthy cells allow biological life. The big difference between cells, ants,

and humans is that the first already know how to work in harmonic

coherence for their benefit and their tribe. Human beings are still learning

to heal themselves to establish a social understanding of their valuable

contribution to the human group, for the sake of the human group,

humanity, now even beyond themselves. We are learning the group

consciousness of our species. Like, ants and all species except the human

being himself.

Why is the human being so different from all

other species?

Because it is specific schooling; arising from the integration of forces,

creation, and destruction, where the human consciousness itself defines

out of free will, self-awareness, and destiny. And why is this so for the

human species? By karmic contract, it is like that. Remember that the

human species is a commission of the soul, not the soul itself. It is not

consciousness itself. The human being is not different from the animals,

being both biological beings in dimensional equivalence. However, unlike

them, animals do not have free will. They don't kill if it's not to eat; human

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beings do. The animal is vibrating within survival. Human beings integrate

survival from the coming of their race. We try to overcome ourselves by

attempting to stop being who we are without knowing what we are and

all the potential that this implies for our benefit in the first place. We have

failed in the means and believe that the content is imperfect. But when

the content is perfect, in the first place, the way of living we must modify

for the ideal flow in human beings, in harmony with their species and all

other species of our planet. And so once we have completed the

learning cycle ourselves, then human beings can establish the human

group learning cycle; to integrate the entire earth in perfect harmony and

respect for each living being, not taking more than necessary. To live in

harmony and not want more than what you need to live in peace. When

we succeed in living this entire cycle in peace, the possibility of

re-establishing the initial ties of our interplanetary civilization as the star

seed that we are, together with other species of the galaxy and other

universes of manifestation, will arise. Our human race is at the dawn of its

early childhood, where we can repair all damage while beginning to live

the splendor of our abilities and gifts, in perfect balance with the

development of our humanity, of our own kind. The human race is being

born and dawning. And each of us represents the hope of the total

transformation of human consciousness. All this we manifest from our full

realization of our personal and individual human consciousness. From

where the group consciousness emanates, that in harmony will add more

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and more people in perfect resonance with the plan of their soul to

establish significant flows of group vibration for the benefit of their species

and all species on the planet. Learn from your animal brothers, oxen don't

care about bees, bees don't care about ants, ants don't care about fish,

and they don't care about trees. Take good care of yourselves, and you

won't have to take care of any other species. Humans think you are in

charge of the earth when this is not the case but simply one more species,

one more grain in the infinite ocean that is the universe. You do not have

to take care of anyone other than yourself in the first instance, and then

you can be aware at the group level. And then be able to exercise the

true power that this implies from your group and collective soul. We will

light up the earth as a shining white sun for the entire universe if we can

make it happen. It is possible for us. We are at the best time to try it.

Previously they wanted to plant lettuce in the middle of winter, this was

not possible, but now it is. Believe in yourselves, and you will see the fruits in

the full dawn of humanity. You have the opportunity to live free from all

evil while exercising the full consciousness of your human soul on earth.

Fear not, for we immortals assist you in every step. Do not fear, dear ones:

we are in every step, breath, and consciousness; we have transcended all

aspects of life and death; we are not the way/path. You are your

way/path, do not follow anyone who guides you to another focus that is

not yourselves. And let me tell you that before forming a group

consciousness, each must learn to shape their reality coherently with their

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soul. You have our assistance every step of the way. Fear not, for we exist

and are immortal, just like you. We are not better or worse but just like you.

Do not fear us; we are the transcended ancestors, the everlasting flame

of light, and your essence and reflection. We are behind the veil of illusion.

You are doing well. You are crossing better and better from the dimension

where you live up to this plane. Continue with your work; you will

experience the fruits at each step. Trust, do not believe, practice, and

experiment with your consciousness.

What happens to a child after an abortion?

Both parents generate the karma of life that they have annulled by free

will. And so, each one begins to absorb the life that that child came to

manifest. Both parents now establish a karmic debt that both begin to

pay. That has nothing to do with a moral or a criterion of what life is or is

not. We are talking about applied vibratory principles. In this case, we

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understand that the rhythm is to set the karmic compensation from the

parents. Therefore, the new being that came to incarnate its own seed on

earth and that did not manifest itself; now that energy passes to those

responsible for having annulled it, those who were going to be the

parents, to be manifested by them. Which in turn always have the free will

to manifest it or not. However, karma will be present independent of that

free will. The effect of a cause is inescapable. It is not part of a human

judgment, perception, or belief about something. It's the wing's feather; it's

intrinsic. It is the water of the ocean; it is inseparable. One does not exist

without the other.

Can a crisis be avoided?

We can't avoid a crisis as it arises. We cannot prevent spring from coming,

but we can foresee its impact.

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A critical moment to evolve will emerge again and again, following each

soul's blueprint. It may be recognizable by a pattern repeated cyclically

every certain number of years, maybe 3, 5, 8 to 15 years, different types of

cycles with diverse magnitudes of crisis. The crisis is a release of karmic

energy, giving a possibility for purification of the negative karma that the

person has carried out in his past. If prepared, then the impact of this

karmic release will be somewhat offset and may be neutralized,

minimizing catharsis and chaos in your inner world and immediate

environment. The crisis is a visit from the executioner, the end of the karmic

cycle, of the spiritual self that comes to collect the karmic debt. Similar to

requesting a loan, having spent the money, and now having to pay it. The

crisis is realizing that you do not have enough vibratory cash to pay the

karmic balance owed. So, between karmic crisis cycles, seemingly

negative karma has been settled. However, that is not true; the dragon is

only asleep; at the moment of awakening, chaos will arise again. And you

can't avoid its blow when the cycle has already awakened, and the

person has not prepared for it.

However, the cycle may not affect us if we remain in the constant

restoration of karma, that is, in an ever state of effective neutralization.

Otherwise, when the dragon wakes up, it will be our executioner and end

the entire cycle, burning everything in its path and leaving nothing but

ashes and memories of a life full of dreams.

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Then the worst arises. The possibility of hating and hating oneself for not

having been careful, for not foreseeing this or that situation beforehand;

guilt, pain, suffering, chaos, pain, and envy of seeing that the same does

not happen to others, the dragon has awakened, and we are

defenseless. However, that is just an illusion. Because the light is always

resilient, and with the guidance of spiritual teachers, we can always go

ahead and restore our new point of balance, returning to having to

transform negative karma into positive karma. When the crisis finds you,

appreciate each step, each thought, and each moment lived, and you

will see how you lighten the fall. There is no chaos; there is harmony,

however, not being able to prevent spring. Not being able to avoid the

transformation, "the before and after." However, it will not harm you.

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What is group aura?

The group aura is a collective consciousness that manifests itself

according to all the participants that make up the group. Each being is a

fundamental cell. And so organically and synergistically, the group aura

compensates itself according to each vibrational variation of each

participant. That is: if someone has less vibration than another due to a

particular situation, the same group's aura will compensate for theirs. A

group aura works on different subtle levels; the manifestation of the group

itself, its behavior, purpose, and experience, is the result of that vibration.

The group aura is a consciousness, a being, a school, or a flock; it is a

consciousness originated by the same group. Likewise, there are group

consciousnesses that invoke energies of creation or destruction. Emerging

from each group's aura: immense psychic energy flows to different

purposes, places, or people. Each group's aura/emanation becomes a

living entity according to the universal vision of vibration. In other words, it

happens to have an application of universal laws as if it were another

human being. It has free will, cause and effect, polarity, and rhythm,

among other principles. So it is also subject to the law of karma. So it can

generate negative or positive karma for each of its members.

The group aura is an evolutionary accelerator for each member when

governed by light, love, and service to humanity, being the group's

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creative energy generator of positive karma for the group, each member,

the environment, and humankind. The positive benefits or negative

benefits of being part of a group aura are independent of the

participation of the members of the group since the energy will manifest

from the quantum dimension beyond this interaction.

So group channeling is one of the most powerful tools to deliver messages

to humanity because it uses the energy of all people in addition to

generating resonance with the source.

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Investigación de química oculta realizada por la ingeniera: Maria
Paula Diaz utilizando las siguientes fuentes:











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Gratitude to all that exists

104 de 106
Communicate with your spirit guide

Akashic records, protection, writing, and essentials

to improve your connection

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Benjamin Sandoval

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