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THE METHODOLOGICAL OF TEACHING BY I GEDE YOGI PRIYATNA BIANTARA It may have dozens or even hundreds of educational institutions kindergarten

to high school level to use English as the main language in the learning process, such as Sony Sugema, Ganesha Operation, Chresendo, Primagama and soon .But this phenomenon is clearly not comparable to the reality that using the skill of english for requiring him/her if they wanna get a job. So from this assignment I would to tell you some kind of methodological English teaching that was fun, and easy to understand. English as the International language must be able to practice by everyone related with the development of technology and communication, English now become an important things to do like in the school, office, and public live . it prove that if we cannot speak English, it may make you difficult to make your self more up to date and keepin touch. From this report, I will tell you one of the best teaching method that can make you understand and feel enjoyable for using English. Here are some little example to grow your English as good as you can : 1. if you have a lot of pleasure time, it gonna good if we use to find the new words in dictionary and then remember the difficult one ! 2. If you have a special account like twitter, its very good if your tweet Is use English, I give you attention. English is have a more deeply mean 3. if you love one or more singer from UK or US , try to sing their song. Its very excited if you can sing their song with clearly language. 4. if you are a movie holic, watch the movie which use english can make you more understand to use English. Now, we come back to the main theme from my assignment, I wanna tell you one of the good way to choose the kind of methodological teaching of english. Here it is! ACTIVE LEARNING Active learning method of learning is actually not a new method in comparison with recent developments education methods such as project-based learning. But the conditions of Indonesian society and curriculum system that CBC (Competency-Based Curriculum), the authors look requires the use of these active learning methods. There are several assumptions in learning active learning (1) children / students are core subjects in the learning process, so that they are actively considering the balance of the entire realm of affective, cognitive and psychomotor them. (2).the Teacher is a figure of a facilitator who guides the students to learn independently, not a preacher or teacher resource. (3)Curikulum should be in accordance with students' abilities and also according to their needs and CBC a little more support this condition. (4). Environment especially the class must be set so that students feel ready to learn when enter therein. Thus language learning including english language must be able to consider the four items above plus the value or norm that we tuck in the

learning process in this case of course the values of Islam. For the writer there are five stages in the learning of English, namely: a. Classroom setting, educational institutions should have special classes for learning the language (either English, Arabic and others) so that the students who entered the room was very ready to learn the language. Teacher / we can put some there motto 'Bahasa speaking areas', 'be brave to speak Bahasa Indonesia', 'do it now' and so on. b. Need Assessment (NA) NA process should be done prior to learning such as what we will teach at the second meeting we can to NA in the first meeting, it is important for students to learn according to his needs and also know what will be studied further. c. Planning , a teacher must design what will be taught that such a Lesson Plan (learning units) and must be made before making the learning process. d. Implementation is where the core of the learning process begins, then the teacher explains what will be done at the meeting, and ongoing learning process by considering the liveliness of the students and the realm of affective, cognitive and psychomotor them (more details see the following page of sample Lesson Plan) e. Evaluation; proccess this can be done with the form of games, but most of this evaluation can be used as a Needs Assessment for the upcoming meeting(more details see the following page of sample Lesson Plan).

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