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Names: Andrés Mattos – Dayanis Rodríguez


* NOTE: The activity must be done only in English

1. Watch the speech " I have a dream" by Martin Luther King. “I have a dream” de Martin
Luther King

2. What is the main topic of the speech?

The main theme is equality between black and white people and to find the best solution to
this problem.
3. Make a list of the 5 phrases you liked the most.
• we cannot go back
• we cannot be satisfied, until our black people continue to go through so many horrors
• we cannot be satisfied as long as there are signs that say “white only”
• “that all men are created equal”
• they will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin
4. Make a brief reflection on the message contained in the speech.
Racism is something that should never have existed, because we are all equal and have
the same virtues and capacity, because of the fact that it is of another skin color or another
5. This activity will be discussed in class for the speaking section.

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