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Nombre: Brayan Eduardo Gonzalez Diaz

Nombre del curso: ADM: TALENTO Nombre del profesor:Aurora Elena

HUMANO Campuzano

Módulo: 1 Actividad: 5

Fecha: 29/09/2022

 Bibliografía:
To learn more about the performance appraisal interview, we recommend reading:
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES. (n.d.). 11.3 Completing and Conducting the
Appraisal. Retrieved from

 To learn more about the performance appraisal interview, we recommend reading:

 Fasulo, M. (2021). Performance Review Tips: DOs and DON'Ts. Retrieved from

Part 1

1. First, read and analyze the following case.

The human talent area of Herbolaria Inc. faces constant pressure from the leader of the sales area
to find its authorized Junior Supervisor, since profits have decreased due to the strong demand of
the activities in charge.

The area leader convenes the entire team once a week to provide feedback, present results and
scope, and propose sanctions for those who have not responded to the indicated processes;
however, this does not have enough impact to meet the needs of the department. The human
talent area understands that this position must have the appropriate skills for the position, so it
channels this task directly to the area coordinator, who is an expert in performance evaluation, to
provide some type of promotion. Based on these evaluations, the leader will be able to realize
who is best suited to work as his right hand man.

In the application, the coordinator must submit a detailed report of the skills, aptitudes and
attitudes of the participants, as well as the filters through which they passed.

2. After reading the case, answer the following:

Mention what types of instruments to evaluate performance the coordinator can use.

What kind of challenges might the coordinator face for this activity, based on the types of
instruments mentioned above? DEVELOPMENT PLANS

Part 2
3. To submit a 360 performance review report for each listed participant, assuming you are the
coordinator, answer the following:

Who does the evaluation in a 360 method?

This report is obtained from the evaluation made of him by his colleagues, subordinates,
supervisors, direct superiors, internal clients and external clients.

What could be the disadvantage of a 360 method?

It sometimes creates a negative environment when employees feel that their own colleagues are
judging them. It makes it difficult to understand the feedback if the conclusions are not clear and
the evaluators' opinions are not well structured.

part 3

4. Conclude with a reflection that includes the following:

field research concept

refers to traditional field research methods of the natural sciences, such as geology, zoology,
botany or ecology, and of the social sciences such as archaeology, cultural anthropology,
sociology, psychology or pedagogy

Critical incident method concept

a set of procedures used for the collection of direct observations of human behavior that are
critically important and that meet methodically defined criteria.

Checklists Concept

A checklist is a relatively simple, inexpensive, and fairly reliable method of describing or evaluating
a person. It consists of a list of descriptive words, phrases or affirmations of a person or some
object or event.

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