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Read and answer the question well. Please be guided by the given rubric. 

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point Total

The idea is well Lack of organization of
There is no organization
organized. ideas.
Organization of ideas.
All ideas are clearly Some ideas are not clear
and There is no relationship
stated, easily understood cannot be easily understood
Content among the ideas stated
and related to the and not related to the
and the problem given.
problem given. problem given.

31-35. Briefly discuss the transport mechanisms in cells.

There are two mainly transport mechanism in cell which is Active Transport and Passive transport. In
contrast to passive transport, active transport uses energy. Active transport requires energy to move molecules
since it transfers them from a low concentration to a high concentration. In contrast, because it transfers
molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration, passive transport doesn't require any energy.
Transport mechanism also involves the transport of substances in and out of the cell. In active transport, during
endocytosis substances are taken in the cell and in exocytosis substances are secreted outside.

36-40. Differentiate Active Transport from Passive Transport.

Active Transport requires energy meanwhile Passive Transport does not. It is because active transport
moves molecules from a low concentration to high concentration that is why it needs energy to transport.
Meanwhile, passive transport does not need energy because it moves molecules from high concentration to low

41-45. Using the concept of the transport mechanisms of cell, explain why palms of the hand and soles of the
feet get wrinkled when soaked in salt water for a long period of time?

This is how I understand this situation, when our palms of the hand and soles of the feet gets wrinkled
when soaked in salt water for a long period of time is because of osmosis mainly hypertonic. The skin's
swelling and pressure on its surface are caused by the flow of water molecules inside the cell which it why it
gets wrinkled. Hypertonic environment, which is the salt water in the long period of time cause cells in our
palms and soles to shrink and get wrinkled.

46-50. Differentiate exocytosis and endocytosis in terms of the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

The only difference between exocytosis and endocytosis in terms of the movement of substances of the
cell is that exocytosis secretes meanwhile endocytosis engulfs or takes in. Endocytosis moves substances into
the cell, substances outside the cell are taken in and put inside the cell. Then exocytosis secretes the substances
inside the cell into the outside of the cell.

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