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Half-Life: Opposing Force Version 1.0.0.

1 Readme File 17 November 1999 [ To read this file, select Edit/Word Wrap from the menu above ] *********************************************************************** About This Document: Thank you for purchasing Half-Life: Opposing Force. This document contains last-minute information about Half-Life: Opposing Force a nd other information about the program not found in the Help Files. This README file includes information that pertains to general problems and questions you m ay have concerning the game or your computer. Should you experience any problems with Half-Life: Opposing Force, please refer to this file for addition help on answering questions about the game and solving technical difficulties. *********************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. A. B. C. D. E. IV. V. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS HALF-LIFE: OPPOSING FORCE GAME INFORMATION GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES Driver Issues Sound Problems The Console 3d Hardware Issues Updates in version CREDITS CONTACTING SIERRA

I. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ======================= Minimum System: Pentium 133mhz, 24MB RAM SVGA, high-color (16-bit) 2x CD-ROM drive 200 MB HD space Win-compatible soundcard Mouse, keyboard Half-Life installed Recommended System: Pentium 166+, 32+ MB RAM 3D accelerator card (Open GL or Direct 3D) Internet/Multiplayer Requirements: 32-bit Internet service provider with 28.8+ modem or Local Area Network This game has been fully tested with Intel and AMD based computers including the AMD Athlon microprocessor.

II. HALF-LIFE OPPOSING FORCE GAME INFORMATION ======================= Addendum to Manual: The medic class can heal other nearby friendly soldiers. If a friendly soldier is wounded and calls "Medic!" within earshot of the medic, he will move to their aid. However, players often will wish to keep all of the medic's supplies for themsel ves or the player will simply not want the medic to interrupt his alert combat m ode by healing a wounded soldier. Therefore, a medic that has been commanded to follow the player will never aid another wounded soldier. To coax your medic i nto healing other soldiers, lead him to the wounded characters and "use" him to tell him to stay put. When nearby soldiers call for him, he'll heal them with a ny remaining supplies he has. The medic will only heal other soldiers who call for him when he is not following the player. Please see the Half-Life: Opposing Force manual for additional game play informa tion. Note: No aliens were harmed during the creation of this game. Also Note: Sean Reardon just thinks it's all about him. III. GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES ======================= A. DRIVER ISSUES The copy protection used on this disc is potentially incompatible with the follo wing CD drives: Sanyo CRD-256P Sony CDU77E Acer CD-624a MATSHITA UJDB110 Various Pioneer DVD models All Yamaha CD-R's Pioneer DR-A01S Pioneer DR-A24X Samsung SCR-1231 When running Half-Life in OpenGL, you must select '3Dfx Mini Driver' from the dr ivers list in the Video Options menu if you have a 3Dfx card (Voodoo, Voodoo2, R ush or Banshee). Choosing the 'Default' driver may severely impact Half-Life's performance. The Diamond Viper 550 drivers older than 4/2/99 cause the game menus to be drawn incorrectly. Use the drivers from the Nvidia home page ( dated 2/17/99 or later. Make sure the most current version of DirectX is installed on your computer. Dir ectX 6 is the most current version (as of 10/31/98), and it is included on the H alf-Life CD in the 'DirectX' folder. If you are running a pre-OSR2 release of Windows95, get the OpenGL 1.1 fix in or der to run Half-Life in OpenGL mode. The fix can be found at ftp://ftp.microsof

Make sure you have installed the most recent drivers for all your hardware befor e playing Half-Life. B. SOUND PROBLEMS If you don't hear any sounds while playing Opposing Force or if you only hear mu sic, another application you are running may have control of the sound hardware. Exit Opposing Force, close the other application, and restart the game. A3D 1.0 versus 2.0 Half-Life: Opposing Force requires version 2.0 of A3D. You can upgrade your A3D from 1.0 to 2.0 by downloading the latest drivers from Aureal's website at www. If you try to enable A3D support in Opposing Force without upgrading t o 2.0, you will get an error message when starting the game. CAN'T HEAR CD MUSIC If you don't hear any music while playing Opposing Force, the problem is likely to have one of three causes: 1) The Opposing Force CD needs to be in the first CD-ROM drive (only an issue if you have more than one CD-ROM drive). 2) Another application is actively using the CD Audio when Opposing Force starts up. 3) CD Audio isn't enabled for the CD-ROM drive. To fix the first problem, make sure the Opposing Force CD is in your first CD-RO M drive. To fix the second, close other applications which may be accessing you r CD-ROM drive, such as CD music players. If you still can't hear the Opposing Force music, run the application "CD Player" that comes standard with Windows lo cated on your Start Menu Programs, Accessories, Multimedia. If the CD Player d oesn't play the music tracks on the Opposing Force CD, then check Control Panel, Multimedia, CD Music, CD ROM Selection, and make sure it's set to your first CD -ROM drive. If you're under NT, you may also want to check Control Panel, Devic es, Cdaudio, and make sure it's not disabled. Once the first two requirements a re met, and the "CD Player" application works, then Half-Life should be able to play the CD music without any problems. CD MUSIC VOLUME You cannot control the CD music volume within Opposing Force. To adjust your CD music volume, go to the Windows Start Menu, Programs, Accessories, Multimedia, a nd select the Volume Control applet. CD AUDIO SLOWDOWNS Some CD-ROM drives take a few seconds to spin up to their playing speed. You ma y notice some parts of the game that will momentarily slow down before the CD au dio will play. SOUND QUALITY PROBLEMS If your sound is skipping or cracking, you may need to adjust your direct sound configuration in Opposing Force. There are two common adjustments you can make: 1) Adjust _snd_mixahead. If you have access to the Opposing Force console, type "_snd_mixahead 0.2" at the console. If not, create a file with notepad that co ntains the line: _snd_mixahead 0.2 And save it in your Half-Life\Valve\ directory. Name the file "autoexec.cfg".

2) Disable direct sound. Run Opposing Force with the command line argument "-wa vonly". Edit the Opposing Force shortcut. The 'target' field should say: "HL.E XE -game gearbox -wavonly". C. THE CONSOLE For a complete listing of Half-Life's console commands, visit http://half-life.p D. 3D HARDWARE ISSUES Half-Life has the ability to use both OpenGL and Direct3D. Many cards with sup port for 3D acceleration will provide both OpenGL and Direct3D drivers. Which o ne is better depends upon the quality and performance of the drivers themselves, and will vary from card to card. The latest release of DirectX, version 6.0, is included on the Half-Life CD. It should be automatically installed as part of the Half-Life installation process . If you need to reinstall at a later time, open the DirectX folder on your Hal f-Life installation CD and run dxsetup.exe. In general, make sure you have the latest versions of the device drivers for you r display hardware. Most graphics card vendors make them freely available on th e Internet, and a collection of links to sites of many popular cards is installe d on your hard drive along with Half-Life. The default location for this file i s: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\media\DrvPage\default.htm Video configuration is set in the Configuration\Video\Video modes menu in Half-L ife. The following section explains the known driver and cific chipsets at the time of Half-Life's shipping. bout which chipset is incorporated in your graphics ion that accompanied your card, or contact the card 3DFX Banshee, Voodoo 1, Voodoo 2, Voodoo 2 SLI Get the latest drivers from your card manufacturer or get the latest drivers dir ectly from the 3DFX site. Half-Life ships with the current, tested GL mini-drive r. Make sure that you have Glide version 2.54 or above. Half-Life does not suppo rt Direct3D on Voodoo cards. The Voodoo 2 running in SLI mode on Windows/NT is prone to crashing. The solut ion to this instability is to either get an updated driver from 3DFX, disable SL I mode, or run under Windows 95/98. 3DFX Rush With the current drivers, Half-Life supports the Voodoo rush in software mode on ly. Check with 3DFX for an updated driver that offers support for Half-Life NVIDIA Riva 128 You must have Windows 95 OSR 2 or later, Windows 98 or Windows NT. As of shippin g, Half-Life Riva 128 OpenGL support requires the latest reference driver from N VIDIA. Get this driver off of their site, Direct3D support is c urrently unavailable. Contact NVIDIA for a Direct3D driver that supports Half-Li fe. compatibility issues for spe If you have any questions a card, consult the documentat manufacturer.

NVIDIA TNT Half-Life supports the TNT in software, OpenGL and Direct3D modes. Get the lates t driver off of NVIDIA's site. If you run OpenGL on the nVidia Riva TNT and switch to Direct3D, decals may not appear. To fix this, type gl_polyoffset 4 at the console. Matrox G200 Half-Life supports the G200 in software and Direct3D. Get the latest driver from Matrox's site, Matrox will also be providing a GL mini-driver t hat will support OpenGL in Half-Life. Check with Matrox for details. S3 Virge Half-Life supports the Virge in software mode only. S3 Savage Half-Life support the Savage in software and Direct3D. You can get the latest dr ivers from S3's site, S3 will also be providing a GL driver that wil l support Half-Life. Check with S3 for details. General Issues: Missing Decals (i.e. Bullet holes) Half-Life uses a feature of OpenGL and Direct3D that some video card drivers do not support correctly. To over ride the default settings for this feature, put this line in your opengl.cfg or d3d.cfg file: gl_polyoffset 0.1 If this doesn't work, try -0.1, 1 or 20. This tells the driver how far to offset the decal from the surface of the polygon that the decal is being applied to. Direct3D or OpenGL are running very slow On some cards that don't fully support Direct3D or OpenGL, Half-Life will fall b ack to a software emulation mode. These modes are very slow. If your Direct3D su pport is slow, try selecting OpenGL, and vice versa. If neither work, change yo ur settings to use Half-Life's software video modes instead and the speed will i mprove. Direct3D Input seems lagged. If your input seems to lag behind the visual display on occasion, add this line to your d3d.cfg file: gl_d3dflip 1 Parts of the screen are flashing (in Direct3D or OpenGL) Some older, non-3DFX cards have a problem with clearing the z buffer and this ca n cause parts of the screen to flash. If you are seeing this, put this line in y our opengl.cfg or d3d.cfg file: gl_ztrick 0 Network instability If you have a connection to the Internet that is unstable, or prone to packet lo ss, try typing 'cl_nodelta 1' at the console (bring down the console with the ~

key). This will improve your overall network stability, but will sacrifice your overall latency. COMMON QUESTIONS What can I do if the game is too dark?. Some monitors are darker than others, but Half-Life provides controls to correct this problem. You will need to adjust the Gamma and Glare Reduction settings in the Configuration\Video\Video options menu in Half-Life. These are used to adju st for different kinds of monitors and room brightness. Adjust the two sliders s o that the Soldiers camouflage pattern is dark but visible. If this still doesn 't work, you then may need to adjust the actual brightness and contrast of your monitor. This is usually done by adjusting buttons or knobs on the front of you r monitor, but all monitors are a bit different so you may want to look through your monitors documentation to be sure. Some places in the game are intentional ly dark, and you'll need to use your flashlight, but you should be able to see e verything without difficulty in the opening train ride and throughout the first part of the game. Some graphics cards also have support for controlling how bri ght the display is. If your card's device driver supports this, you can find it by going to the Windows control panel, and selecting the Display applet. What can I do if the game looks washed out? The most likely cause is that your monitor is slightly brighter than average and the default game settings are for a darker monitor. You will need to adjust the Gamma and Glare Reduction settings in the Configuration\Video\Video options men u in Half-Life. These are used to adjust for different kinds of monitors and roo m brightness. Adjust the two sliders so that the Soldiers camouflage pattern is dark but visible. If this still doesn't work, you then may need to adjust the a ctual brightness and contrast of your monitor. This is usually done by adjustin g buttons or knobs on the front of your monitor, but all monitors are a bit diff erent so you may want to look through your monitors documentation to be sure. T he most common problem, especially on new computers, is that "black" isn't showi ng up as black, but more of a dark gray. Turn the Contrast down until the borde r around the edges of the picture are totally black, then slowly turn it back up until it just before it starts getting visibly lighter. You may need to adjust your monitors Brightness back up after you do this. . Some graphics cards also have support for controlling how bright the display is. If your card's device driver supports this, you can find it by going to the Windows control panel, and selecting the Display applet. E. Updates in version - Ability to run games over multiple subnets in IPX fixed. - Animation fixed for using alt-fire with the pipe wrench in multiplayer. - Animation fixed for holding the Displacer in multiplayer. - AutoUpdate support added for Opposing Force to Sierra Utilities. IV. CREDITS ======================= Gearbox Software: Production/Direction: Randy Pitchford Art Direction: Brian Martel

Lead Programming: John Faulkenbury Lead Level Design: Rob Heironimus 3D Models and Animation: Stephen Bahl Brian Martel Landon Montgomery Textures, Skins and Art: Stephen Bahl Brian Martel Landon Montgomery Level Design: Rob Heironimus David Mertz Randy Pitchford Mike Wardwell Programming: Patrick Deupree John Faulkenbury Steve Jones Sean Reardon Sound Effects: Rob Heironimus Landon Montgomery All Star Level Designers: Richard "Zdim" Carlson Marin "Kandyman" Gazzari David "Kevlar" Kelvin Tom "Paradox" Mustaine Stephen "Reichert" Palmer Eric Reuter and The Levelord(TM) Voice Talent: Jon St. John Harry S. Robins Mike Shapiro Network Administration: John Faulkenbury Stephen Palmer Writing: Stephen Bahl Rob Heironimus Kristy Junio Randy Pitchford Manual: Kristy Junio Randy Pitchford

Promotional Artwork and Media: Stephen Bahl Brian Martel Landon Montgomery Administration: Stephen Bahl Landon Montgomery QA Testing: Joe Kennebec Frank Nuccio Dustin Porter John Shaffstall Sierra Studios: Senior VP. Core Games: J. Mark Hood Producer, External Development: Jeff Pobst Vice President - Marketing, Core Games: Jim Veevaert Marketing Project Manager: Doug Lombardi Marketing: Marc Tardif Public Relations Manager: Genevieve Ostergard Sound Designer, Voice Recording Specialist: Ben Houge Networking Engineers: Stuart Seelye Mike Nicolino Lee Olds Erik De Bonte Brian Rothstein Colen Garoute-Carson Eric Harmon Original Music: Chris Jensen Creative Services Sr. Account Manager: Justin Kirby Box & Promotional Artwork: Bluespark Studios Manual Layout: Cheryl Sweeney

Quality Assurance Team: Marc Nagel James Evans Niko Simonson Byron Hummel Darren Beil Lester Stocker Quang Pham Erik Downing Matt "Duke" Edington Erinn Hamilton Chris Mason Phil Kuhlmey Ken Eaton Gary Stevens Localization Team: Flavie Gufflet-Dowling Paul Cooke Donncha Ryan Kevin Boyle David Hickey Conor Harlow Valve Software: Ted Backman T.K. Backman Kelly Bailey Yahn Bernier Ken Birdwell Steve Bond Dario Casali John Cook Greg Coomer Wes Cumberland John Guthrie Mona Lisa Guthrie Mike Harrington Monica Harrington Brett Johnson Chuck Jones Marc Laidlaw Karen Laur Randy Lundeen Yatzse Mark Lisa Mennet Gabe Newell Dave Riller Aaron Stackpole Jay Stelly Harry Teasley Stephen Theodore Bill Van Buren Robin Walker Douglas R. Wood Special Thanks To:

Matt Armstrong Eli Luna Gabe Newell Danny Richardson IV.CONTACTING SIERRA ======================= A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales B) Technical Support C) Legal Information A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales ---------------------------------United States U.S.A. Sales Phone: (800) 757-7707 Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week International Sales: (425) 746-5771 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM to 4 PM PST FAX: (916) 939-1010 Sierra Direct P O Box 629001 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-9972 Email: United Kingdom Havas Interactive Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 Disk/CD replacements in the U.K. are 6.00, or 7.00 outside the UK. Add "ATTN.: Ret urns." 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom France Havas Interactive France 32, Av de l'Europe Bt Energy 1 (2e tage) 78 140 VELIZY-Villacoubaly France Tlphone: 01-30-67-90-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h 19h Vendredi de 10h 18h Fax: 01-30-67-90-65

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Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. PST Fax: (425) 644-7697 United Kingdom Havas Interactive offers a 24-hour Automated Technical Support line with recorde d answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this servi ce, call (0118) 920-9111, and follow the recorded instructions to find your spec ific topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may s till write, or fax us with your questions or contact us via our Internet or Comp uServe sites.

Havas Interactive 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 France Havas Interactive France 32, Av de l'Europe Bt Energy 1 (2e tage) 78 140 VELIZY-Villacoublay France Tlphone: 01-30-67-90-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h 19h Vendredi de 10h 18h Fax: 01 30 67 90 65 Germany Havas Interactive Robert-Bosch-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich Deutschland Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40 Montag bis Freitag von 10 - 19Uhr Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Mailbox: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Spain

Havas Interactive Espaa NUESTRA SEORA DE VALVERDE N 23 28034 MADRID Spain Tech Support Telfono: 91 735 34 37 Soporte tcnico de lunes a Viernes de 09:30 a 15:00 y de 16:00 a 18:30 Soporte Tecnico: Comercial: Italy Contattare il vostro distributore. C) Sierra Warranty & Legal Information ----------------------------------Sierra's end user license agreement, limited warranty and return policy is set f orth in the EULA.txt, found on the CD, and is also available during the install of the product. Copyright (2001 Sierra On-Line, Inc.)

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