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30 Goal Templates

With Detailed Action Plans To Jump

Start Your Next Big Goal in 2019!

Family Goals 1

Growth Goals 9

Health Goals 13

Work Goals 19

Money Goals 25

Bonus 26

Buy a new home

Buying a home can be challenging, confusing and
exhilarating. You’ll have many things to consider and
certainly many steps to go through before you can
finally move into your ideal home.

Use this template as a sample guide for buying a new

home, or perhaps for any major life purchases. You
may add your own special steps or milestones as sub
goals to make your home buying journey complete.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 44 Tasks

Main Goal: Buy a new home this year (202 Days)

Subgoal: Decide what we want for the new home (49 Days)
Task: Write down my requirements for the new home
Task: Have a family meeting to collect everyone’s ideas
Task: Analyze current affordability and financial situations
Task: Revise original requirements and decide on a must-have list

Subgoal: Search and find possible choices (141 Days)

Task: Find a realtor
Task: Search online for possible choices (recurring)
Task: Visit and check out homes for sale (recurring)
Task: Talk with family members and create a list
Subgoal: Make offers and complete transaction (30 Days)
Task: Give offers to homes on our list
Task: Negotiate prices
Task: Find a bank to do the mortgage
Task: Complete the deal and sign the paperwork
Task: Move in! 1

Take a family vacation

Getting together has also never been harder given
people’s increasingly busier lives and the rising cost of
nearly every form of travel. Making sure that you make
the most of your family get together is important. It all
starts with just a little bit of upfront planning.

Use this template to create a plan for taking a family


Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 10 Tasks

Main Goal: Take a family vacation this year (79 Days)

Subgoal: Decide where we want to go (11 Days)
Task: Create a list of my priority destinations
Task: Talk with entire family to come up with a destination list
Task: Research and finalize on one location
Subgoal: Prepare for the trip (36 Days)
Task: Research on costs and come up with a budget
Task: Create an itinerary plan and packing list
Task: Make arrangements for work and other commitments
Task: Buy tickets and finish packing
Subgoal: Complete the trip and enjoy our vacation (29 Days)
Task: Day 1 activity
Task: Day 2 activity
Task: Day 3 activity 2

Spend more quality family time

Spending time with family is one of the best ways to
create memorable experiences. Nothing can replace
the time you spend with your family. So while money
can’t buy you happiness, spending time with the ones
you love, is always a good investment!

Use this template to create a plan for spending more

time together as a family.

Action Plan: 7 Tasks, 2 Habits

Main Goal: Spend more quality family time together (91 Days)
Task: Dinner at the table together
Task: Play a board game in the evening
Task: Watch a movie together
Task: Go for a walk in the park together
Task: Complete a project around the house as a team
Task: Set aside a specific time for family time
Task: Plan a sports outing
Habit: Eat dinner together every night
Habit: Keep a bedtime routine 3

Declutter my home in 7 days

To declutter your house, it is possible to tackle this feat
in one long spring cleaning weekend, or to spread it
out little by little. If you do not have the time or energy
to commit an entire weekend to this project, follow
this ready made 7 day plan to declutter your home. You
will be glad you did!

Action Plan: 7 Subgoals, 23 Tasks

Main Goal: Declutter My Home in 7 Days (7 Days)

Subgoal: Day 1: Organize closets (0 Days)
Task: Sort clothes into groups: keep, donate, toss
Task: Donate the clothes to where it's needed
Task: Throw away the unwanted clothes
Subgoal: Day 2: Organize the kitchen (0 Days)
Task: Clean out the cabinets
Task: Store away small appliances
Task: Clean up counter top
Subgoal: Day 3: Organize the bathroom (0 Days)
Task: Clean out the medicine cabinets
Task: Clear up the sink counter
Task: Store or toss loose items
Subgoal: Day 4: Organize the books, magazines, and toys (0 Days)
Task: Group all toys into keep, donate, and toss piles with children
Task: Collect loose magazines and group into read and recycled piles
Task: Go through books in boxes and on shelf
Subgoal: Day 5: Organize the bedroom (0 Days)
Task: Clean out anything under the bed
Task: Organize the bedside tables
Task: Tuck away dirty clothes in a laundry basket
Subgoal: Day 6: Organize the attic and/or basement (0 Days)
Task: Get rid of broken furniture or have it fixed
Task: Use a rack to hang up coats and clothes
Task: Store holiday decorations in large bins
Task: Store all sports gears together
Subgoal: Day 7: Organize the garage (0 Days)
Task: Consider installing a peg board and large hooks
Task: shelves and stack up plastic bins for more storage
Task: Repeat the keep, donate and toss cycle
Task: Celebrate! :-) 4

Buy a new car

Driving a new car is definitely one of the most exciting
moments in life. However, buying a new car is a big
step, but it doesn't have to be a daunting one. Use this
template to follow the steps necessary to research,
locate, price and negotiate to buy your new car.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 14 Tasks

Main Goal: Buy a new car (31 Days)

Subgoal: Plan and prepare for car shopping (7 Days)
Task: Research vehicles and decide on year, make and models
Task: Get a pre-approved for a car loan
Task: Plan your trade-in strategy
Subgoal: Test drive and compare options (14 Days)
Task: Contact 3 dealers to schedule test drives
Task: Test drive at least 3 cars and collect info (recurring)
Task: Review and compare test drive results
Task: Get price quotes
Subgoal: Negotiate and close the deal (9 Days)
Task: Ask dealerships to beat each other’s quotes
Task: Negotiate for the best price and add-on services etc.
Task: Review the deal and check financing options
Task: Take delivery 5

Host a great party

Are you wanting to have a good time? Throwing a party
is a great way to celebrate life and have fun with your
family and good friends! But putting together a great
party is no easy task. Adopt this template to plan and
prepare well for your party and make it a real success!

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 12 Tasks

Main Goal: Have a Great Party (12 Days)

Subgoal: Create a party plan (3 Days)
Task: Think about the reason for your party
Task: Decide on a location
Task: Determine your guest list
Task: Plan some activities for guests
Subgoal: Prepare for the event (4 Days)
Task: Prepare the food and beverages
Task: Purchase decorations and supplies
Task: Prepare your home for the occasion
Task: Send invitations
Subgoal: Keep the guests happy (3 Days)
Task: Meet and greet every guest
Task: Make introductions and get conversations going
Task: Make sure everyone gets home okay
Task: Clean up 6

Learn basic Spanish

If you speak Spanish, you can communicate with
almost 500 million people worldwide! Think how many
more employment options that gives you! And if you
want to take a trip to Spain or Latin America, a little
knowledge of Spanish will go a long way.

Use this template to create an action plan for your

language learning goals. You can customize it to
another language and add your own tasks or habits
that you find useful in language learning.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 195 Tasks, 2 Habits

Main Goal: Learn basic Spanish in 6 months (183 Days)

Subgoal: Finish Beginner Spanish Course Level 1 (61 Days)
Task: Go to Spanish class three times a week (recurring)
Task: Read one page Spanish book every day (recurring)
Subgoal: Improve my Spanish and use what I have learned (61 Days)
Task: Chat my Spanish speaking friends twice a week (recurring)
Task: Go to my Spanish friends parties once every two weeks (recurring)
Task: Attend a Spanish language meetup every week (recurring)
Subgoal: Learn to understand everyday Spanish (91 Days)
Task: Watch children’s programs in Spanish on TV (recurring)
Task: Read headlines in Spanish newspapers (recurring)
Habit: Learn 10 new words in Spanish every day
Habit: Watch news on Spanish TV channels 7

Write a book
Whether you choose 60 days, 30 days or 6 months as
your goal, all that matters is that you commit to it and
implement a schedule that will get you there. Choose a
realistic time frame that you can stick to. A little bit
every day is better than trying to do too much and then
giving up. Use this template as a starting point in your
book writing journey. You customize it to match your
own writing process or methods. The basic idea is to
have a general guiding map so that you always see your
progress and have the end picture in mind.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 115 Tasks

Main Goal: Write a book in 6 months (275 Days)

Subgoal: Research and determine the book’s subject (61 Days)
Task: Brainstorm on book subjects
Task: Research and determine book audience
Task: Write a back cover script and choose a title
Subgoal: Write chapter titles and subtopics (62 Days)
Task: Write 20 Chapter titles
Task: Break down each chapter into 5 sub topics
Task: Create a writing plan to write the actual content for each sub topic
Subgoal: Write 500 pages and finish the first draft (122 Days)
Task: Write 500 words every weekday (recurring)
Task: Revise and edit what has been written for the week (recurring)
Task: Hire a proofreader
Task: Hire a book cover designer 8

Get into a top graduate school

Getting into grad school can be a process. Applications,
tests, timing, letters, recommendations -- there is a lot
of work you need to do to ensure you get into a good
grad school.

Follow the steps outlined in this template and you

should have no problem tracking your progress and
getting where you want to go..

Action Plan: 4 Subgoals, 59 Tasks

Main Goal: Get into a Top Graduate School (211 Days)

Subgoal: Research on which schools to apply (29 Days)
Task: Think about if this is really what I want to do
Task: Review and study grad school rankings on USNEWS
Task: Pick 4-6 schools as candidates
Subgoal: Prepare and take GRE test (61 Days)
Task: Research and review what taking GRE involves
Task: Create a GRE Study Plan
Task: Work on GRE plan 2 hours a day (recurring)
Task: Take the test
Subgoal: Collect application files and documents (60 Days)
Task: Create a list of all documents needed to send
Task: Fill in application forms
Task: Get or arrange to send transcripts and GPAs
Task: Ask for letters of recommendations (recurring)
Task: Write personal statement essay (recurring)
Subgoal: Submit applications and track responses (89 Days)
Task: Mail all the applications
Task: Create a tracking log for replies from school
Task: Follow with admin office (recurring) 9

Become more disciplined and

Self-discipline is often described as a muscle,
something that becomes stronger the more you work
with it. Having self-discipline from a productivity point
of view is having the ability and motivation to just do
it. Follow the steps outlined in this template to
become more disciplined and more productive with
your life in just 30 days

Action Plan: 2 Subgoals, 26 Tasks, 3 Habits

Main Goal: Become more disciplined and productive (28 Days)

Subgoal: Read Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (17 Days)
Task: Read 30 minutes before going to work (recurring)
Subgoal: Read Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog” (8 Days)
Task: Read for a full hour before TV time (recurring)
Habit: Rise up at 5:55 every morning
Habit: Start each day with a plan and follow it
Habit: Meditate for 20 minutes a day 10

Get a Master’s degree

Entering a graduate program and earning a Master's
degree is an important decision that will affect your life
for 2-3 years and should not be taken lightly.

Use this template to chart your own path toward

successful completion of your advanced degree in your
chosen field.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 147 Tasks

Main Goal: Get a Master's Degree (730 Days)

Subgoal: Complete required 9 hours of advanced courses (365 Days)
Task: Submit Plan of Study form
Task: Go to [Course #1] class (recurring)
Task: Go to [Course #2] class (recurring)
Task: Go to [Course #3] class (recurring)
Subgoal: Complete 18 hours of elective courses (488 Days)
Task: Elective course #1 (recurring)
Task: Elective course #2 (recurring)
Task: Elective course #3 (recurring)
Subgoal: Complete thesis or research project (181 Days)
Task: Submit thesis proposal
Task: Thesis work (recurring)
Task: Project/research work (recurring)
Task: Oral defence 11

Get better grades in school

Whether you are getting a higher education, or
pursuing a special certification, or going through a
professional training, the importance of getting good
grades can't be ignored.

Use this simple template to jump start your goal to

achieve higher grades and improve your academic

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 9 Tasks, 9 Habits

Main Goal: Get Better Grades in School (364 Days)

Subgoal: Attend every class (30 Days)
Task: a student planner for schedules, assignments and dates
Task: Get 3-ring binders for class notes
Task: Go to each class of every course (recurring)
Subgoal: Study smart (30 Days)
Task: Find a good place to study
Task: Schedule 90 minute study sessions
Task: Make to-do lists and prioritize tasks
Subgoal: Improve my study habits (61 Days)
Habit: Be on time to each class
Habit: Sit in the front row when possible
Habit: Participate in class
Habit: Do difficult tasks first
Habit: Get plenty of sleep
Habit: Break down large assignments into smaller parts
Habit: Organize and save computer work
Habit: Maintain a neat and organized study area
Habit: Communicate with teachers or instructors 12

Lose 10 lbs in 10 days

Setting weight loss goals is probably one of the more
difficult steps of a weight loss program.

This template shows you how to setup a weight loss

goal that might work for you. It attacks your weight
loss goal from two sides: exercise and diet. By tracking
and taking action on both sides you will find it much
easier to lose weight and maintain the loss.

Action Plan: 2 Subgoals, 152 Tasks

Main Goal: Lose 10 lbs in 60 days (61 Days)

Subgoal: Burn calories through cardio exercise (61 Days)
Task: Walk for 30 minutes three times a week (recurring)
Task: Jog for 30 minutes twice a week (recurring)
Task: Swim for 30 minutes once a week (recurring)
Subgoal: Reduce calorie intake by changing eating habits (61 Days)
Task: Eat a vegan meal every other day (recurring)
Task: Replace high calorie snack with healthy fruits or nuts
Task: Drink 8 glasses of water every day (recurring) 13

Quit smoking
Each year hundreds of thousands of people quit
smoking. It's not easy, but quitting smoking is the
single best thing you can do to improve your health
and your quality of life.

This template for quitting smoking focuses on two

main factors of a successful quit attempt: awareness
and support. Only people who truly understand that
they want to quit themselves and determine to do so
can really start to quit.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 48 Tasks, 1 Habit

Main Goal: Quit smoking in 30 days (30 Days)

Subgoal: Study and really learn about the harm of smoking (7 Days)
Task: Read book “American Lung Association: 7 Steps to a Smoke-Free
Life” (recurring)
Task: Create a quit plan
Task: Join
Subgoal: Survive the first week (6 Days)
Task: Throw away cigarettes and ashtrays
Task: Do a 30 minute exercise when craving comes (recurring)
Task: Call a friend/support group when craving comes (recurring)
Task: Write down the top five reasons I want to quit (recurring)
Task: Reward myself for reaching this goal
Subgoal: Stay quit for two more weeks (13 Days)
Task: Do a 30 minute exercise when craving comes (recurring)
Task: Call a friend/support group when craving comes (recurring)
Habit: Login to QuitNet every day 14

Start working out

You should work out because it makes you happy.
You should work out to make your life easier.
You should work out because it helps you win at life.
You should work out for your family and friends.
You should work out because you can.

Action Plan: 0 Subgoals, 45 Tasks, 3 Habits

Main Goal: Start Working Out (75 Days)

Task: Buy a calendar to track workout days
Task: Prepare two sets of workout clothes
Task: Go walk 30 minutes after dinner (recurring)
Task: Go to gym or swimming pool every week (just be there is enough)
Habit: Take the stairs instead of the elevator when going to work
Habit: Mark on my calendar for daily workout results
Habit: Increase workout intensity 10% a week 15

Start eating healthy

Eating healthy is easier than you might think. Use this
template to adjust your daily diet over the next few
weeks and you'll see just how easy it is.

By making small changes like these over time, and

taking them one at a time, not trying to rush into all of
them at once, the changes are more likely to stick.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 40 Tasks

Main Goal: Start Eating Healthy (31 Days)

Subgoal: Eat more fruits and vegetables (8 Days)
Task: Eat 4-5 servings each of fruits and vegetables every day (recurring)
Task: Use liquid vegetable oils (recurring)
Subgoal: Eat more whole-grain foods (8 Days)
Task: Replace white bread with whole wheat bread in the morning (recurring)
Task: Eat brown rice instead of white rice (recurring)
Subgoal: Eat more chicken, fish and beans than other meats (13 Days)
Task: Eat white meat instead of beef, pork or lamb (recurring) 16

Run 365 miles in one year

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg set a New Year's
resolution to run 365 miles in one year. He called the
distance "not a crazy amount ... it's a mile a day." Over
time, he improved his stamina and can now pound the
pavement up to 20 miles on some days, while still
feeling "pretty good."

Use this template if you like to reach a similar goal

yourself. First 3 months have already been mapped out
for you. All you need is follow the plan and stick to
your goal.
Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 81 Tasks

Main Goal: Run 365 Miles in One Year (365 Days)

Task: Record weekly running milage (recurring)
Subgoal: Month 1 - Get started with running (31 Days)
Task: Find or buy a good pair of running shoes
Task: Decide on a running schedule
Task: Get out the door and run for at least 5 minutes
Task: Run at least 7 times (recurring)
Subgoal: Month 2 - Warm up (31 Days)
Task: Run at least twice a week (recurring)
Task: Increase run distance by 10% a week (recurring)
Task: Readjust run schedule or location
Subgoal: Month 3 - Build the running habit and maintain momentum (30 Days)
Task: Run three times a week (recurring)
Task: Increase total run time by 5% per week (recurring)
Task: Experiment running in a new environment 17

Build 7 small habits that add up

to major weight loss
When it comes to weight loss, it’s the little things that
can really add up to make a big difference. For lasting
weight loss, research shows you’re better off making
small, consistent changes rather than aiming for a
major diet or lifestyle overhaul.

Use this template to install habits that will help you

make small and easy changes for eating healthier and
losing weight.

Action Plan: 0 Subgoals, 7 Habits

Main Goal: Build 7 Small Habits That Add Up to Major Weight Loss (85 Days)
Habit: Eat breakfast every day
Habit: Use a smaller plate for dinner
Habit: Use a bigger fork
Habit: Drink 2 cups of water before a meal
Habit: Keep fruit and vegetables on counter
Habit: Eat non- or low-fat yogurt for snack
Habit: Savour a small treat daily (<150 calories) 18

Start my own business

Want to be your own boss? The idea of starting your
own business is appealing to a lot of people and it can
be very rewarding. However, a lot of new businesses
fail, due to lack of planning.

This template will help you plan for a successful start

on your entrepreneurship journey. It uses three phase
planning process and is best suited for launching a new
product or service business. You can customize and
make necessary changes according to your own
business plan.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 39 Tasks

Main Goal: Start my own business in 6 months (183 Days)

Subgoal: Research on what business to start (30 Days)
Task: Brainstorm for possible business ideas
Task: Evaluate and decide on one idea
Task: Develop a draft business plan
Task: Do market research on feasability of the business plan
Subgoal: Develop and launch my first product/service/store (91 Days)
Task: Define and final features and requirements for the
Task: Create a development or work plan to build it
Task: Implement the work plan and build it (recurring)
Task: Test the product/service with real users and collect feedback
Task: Improve and launch the product/service
Subgoal: Market my business and make my first sale (60 Days)
Task: Create website or blog for my business
Task: Register my business and complete all admin/license related
paperwork etc.
Task: Create marketing materials: ads, fliers, infomercials etc.
Task: Run small ads on Google Adwords or newspaper
Task: Tell friends and people I know about my business 19

Get a better job

Everybody wants a career that's satisfying--but only a
small fraction of people are actually happy at what
they do. So, what's holding you back from getting the
job you want? It's easier than you think to get a better
job or career.

This template offers some steps and tips on how to get

a better job or career. Simply follow the action plan
and add any necessary tasks that are relevant to your
own situation.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 37 Tasks

Main Goal: Get a better job in 3 months (92 Days)

Subgoal: Define what is a good job for me (7 Days)
Task: Write down the details of the job that I want
Task: Write down requirements for the type of companies I may consider
Task: Find out what is required for the ideal job that I am after
Task: Review and make necessary changes if needed
Subgoal: Prepare myself for the new job (25 Days)
Task: Evaluate myself and list what I lack for the new job
Task: Improve my skills and knowledge required for the new job
Task: Find ways to gain experience required for the new job
Task: Improve my resume
Task: Update or clean up my social profiles
Subgoal: Search and find the new job (57 Days)
Task: Create a job search plan: time, websites, tracking results
Task: Search and submit replies to job postings (recurring)
Task: Prepare for interviews: dress, company info, communication skills etc.
Task: Go to interviews and follow up (recurring)
Task: Go to industry events/meetups to socialize more 20

Start a blog
Are you thinking of starting a blog to promote your
business or profession, or do you just want to share
your thoughts on a subject that you love? Blogging is
either free or inexpensive, and you can get started in
moments by creating a blog on a site like Blogger or
WordPress. To develop your concept, launch your
website and promote your writing, this template will
show you what you need to get started.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 18 Tasks

Main Goal: Start a Blog (92 Days)

Subgoal: Decide on a main topic to blog about (31 Days)
Task: Brainstorm for blogging ideas
Task: Research on three most promising ideas
Task: Decide on one idea and list a few sub ideas
Task: Come up with a posting schedule
Subgoal: Setup my blog on WordPress (29 Days)
Task: Go to WordPress and create an account
Task: Setup basic info in WordPress
Task: Experiment and choose a theme
Task: Post a test post and review how things work
Subgoal: Write and publish first 4 - 5 posts (30 Days)
Task: Write a draft post every week (recurring)
Task: Proofread and polish the post (recurring) 21

Close $1M in sales this year

Successful sales people record their progress toward
each goal every day. The difference between top sales
performers and the rest of the field is clear. Top
performers have a plan to achieve their goals, and they
act on that plan every day.

This template will help you create a detailed action

plan so that you will know what to do on a daily and
weekly basis to achieve your sales goals..

Action Plan: 4 Subgoals, 48 Tasks

Main Goal: Close $1,000,000 in new business this year (365 Days)
Subgoal: Close $200,000 in first quarter (92 Days)
Task: Make 15 attempts per day (recurring)
Task: Meet 3 prospects per week (recurring)
Task: Make 4 sales per month (recurring)
Subgoal: Close $200,000 in second quarter (92 Days)
Subgoal: Close $250,000 in third quarter (89 Days)
Subgoal: Close $350,000 in fourth quarter (92 Days) 22

Get a promotion at work

Do you feel like you're stuck in your current job? Are
you ready to move up? It's tough to climb the
corporate ladder, but if you want a job that excites you
and pays well, you'll likely have to make the climb at
some point.

Use this template to get started on a solid plan to

move you in the right direction..

Action Plan: 4 Subgoals, 13 Tasks

Main Goal: Get a promotion at work (153 Days)

Subgoal: Do my best in current position (40 Days)
Task: Show up 5 minutes early and leave 5 minutes after
Task: Remove any form of sloppiness in my work
Task: Go the extra mile to help the customer or company
Subgoal: Make sure others know my good work (31 Days)
Task: Keep in constant contact with supervisors
Task: Share your career goals with supervisors
Task: Be active and speak up in group or event settings
Task: Get a mentor at a higher level
Subgoal: Apply for jobs within the company (31 Days)
Task: Look for opportunities you are qualified and interested
Task: Take the application process seriously
Task: Prepare for the interview
Subgoal: Seek out new skills (131 Days)
Task: Learn a second/third language
Task: Take on temporary projects
Task: Volunteer at non-profits or community 23

Finish client’s project on time

If you have clients, you will probably deal with the
reality that deadlines are going to be a part of your job.
Completing projects on time not only keeps your
clients happy but also makes your business more

Use this sample template to organize all your clients

projects and keep everything on track.

Action Plan: 2 Subgoals, 23 Tasks, 1 Habit

Main Goal: Complete Clients Projects On Time (30 Days)

Subgoal: Client project A (14 Days)
Task: Client meeting
Task: Complete project task (recurring)
Task: Review progress and status report (recurring)
Subgoal: Client project B (28 Days)
Task: Sign the contract
Task: Gather requirements and specifications
Task: Hold a kickoff meeting
Task: Work on project B (recurring)
Task: Send status report (recurring)
Habit: Log client project hours 24

Save $10K for emergency fund

According to a 2011 survey by the National Foundation
for Credit Counselling, 64% of Americans don’t have
enough cash on-hand to handle a $1,000 emergency. If
you don’t have money put away for emergencies,
you’re walking a financial tightrope.

Building an emergency fund is one of the most

important ways to protect yourself against financial
disaster. Use this template to start your own
emergency fund saving goal.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 35 Tasks

Main Goal: Save $10,000 to create an emergency fund in 6 months (183 Days)
Subgoal: Create a workable saving plan (17 Days)
Task: Read and research online ways to save money
Task: Track my current spending
Task: Decide on unnecessary expenses to cut back
Task: Create a list of things to do to save money
Subgoal: Save $5000 in 3 months (91 Days)
Task: Open and create a savings account
Task: Setup an automatic transfer of 20% of pay check to my savings account
Task: Do a part-time job or side project to earn more income
Task: Track how much money I have saved for the week (recurring)
Subgoal: Save another $5000 by the end of 6th month (74 Days)
Task: Sell stuff I no longer use on craigslist or eBay
Task: Stop using credit cards
Task: Trim my monthly expenses
Task: Shop and wait for better deals on major purchases
Task: Track how much money I have saved for the week (recurring) 25

Pay off $10,000 debt

Are you drowning in debt? Is it tough to come up with
the money to pay your bills every month? Does getting
out of debt seem absolutely impossible? Don’t stress,
because it can be done!

Use this template to get out of debt faster. Simply

replace credit card #1, #2, #3 with any debts you have
to pay off.

Action Plan: 4 Subgoals, 12 Tasks

Main Goal: Pay off $10,000 debt in one year (365 Days)
Subgoal: Stop acquiring new debt for the next 3 months (92 Days)
Task: Pay things with cash
Task: Pay with cheque only when I have enough balance
Task: Cancel unused recurring payments: gym, membership, subscriptions, etc.
Task: List existing debts from lowest of blance to highest
Subgoal: Pay off credit card #1 (30 Days)
Task: Designate $500 to pay towards debt each month
Task: Make minimum payments on cards #2 and #3
Task: Pay with what’s left to card #1
Subgoal: Pay off credit card #2 (61 Days)
Task: Designate $500 to pay towards debt each month
Task: Make minimum payment on cards #3
Task: Pay with what’s left to card #2
Subgoal: Pay off credit card #3 (90 Days)
Task: Designate $500 to pay towards debt each month
Task: Use any windfall (tax refund, rebate) to pay off debt 26

Create $500 montly passive

To achieve financial independence, we don’t want to
trade time for money, for ever. Instead, we want to
invest our time upfront creating valuable products and
experiences. We work hard now to continually reap the
benefits later. Adopt this template to get started on
your passive income building goal.

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 15 Tasks

Main Goal: Create $500 monthly passive income (30 Days)

Subgoal: Research ideas and methods of creating passive income (10 Days)
Task: Read "Building Passive Income Streams" blog
Task: Read "Passive Income Ideas" website
Task: Read "The 4-Hour Workweek"
Task: Compile top three ideas to try
Task: Research and decide on the first idea to implement
Subgoal: Make the first sale (20 Days)
Task: Develop a prototype for the product or service
Task: Ask at least ten people to try it out and gain feedback
Task: Adjust and improve the product or service
Task: Launch the final product or service in its entirety
Task: Advertise or promote to get the first sale
Subgoal: Increase income to $500 per month (60 Days)
Task: Commit at least an hour a day to market the business
Task: Try at least one marketing idea a week
Task: Improve one small area of the product or service a day
Task: Invest a little in advertising or promotion
Task: Measure marketing or advertising results 27

Save for my children’s college

A college education is a personal growth tool to open
doors for many other positive experiences in life. It is
said that having a college education improves the
quality of life. When the quality of your life is
improved, it makes you happier and content.

Use this template to give your children a bright and

prosperous future.

Action Plan: 4 Subgoals, 13 Tasks

Main Goal: Save for my children's college education (365 Days)

Subgoal: Determine how much of it all will cost (14 Days)
Task: Research to find out how much it costs for average four-year college
Task: Try out the Cost of Raising a Child calculator
Task: Predict our future income and other financial aid sources
Subgoal: Build money saving habits (55 Days)
Task: Start a loose change jar
Task: Cut back on your regular driving
Task: Start a 529 plan
Task: Create UTMA and UGMA accounts
Subgoal: Pay down debt (92 Days)
Task: Pay More Than the Minimum
Task: Consider Becoming a One Car Household
Task: Pay Off The Most Expensive Debts First
Subgoal: Create a second income stream (214 Days)
Task: Get a Second Job
Task: Start an online business
Task: Learn and invest in rental properties 28

Double my income in one year

Many people would love to double their salary but feel
it is almost impossible. There are practical actions you
can take to dramatically increase your income.

Use this template to get a few ideas and further

customize it to make your income dream come true..

Action Plan: 3 Subgoals, 21 Tasks, 1 Habit

Main Goal: Double my income in one year (365 Days)

Subgoal: Get a higher paying job (212 Days)
Task: Research on what kind of jobs pay at least 30% more
Task: Identify key factors in securing such a job
Task: Take the first step needed
Task: Work on this goal for at least an hour daily (recurring)
Subgoal: Start a business or a side project (304 Days)
Task: Evaluate opportunities and personal qualifications
Task: Pick one business or project to start
Task: Grow the business until it generates at least 30% of current income
Subgoal: Create more income from investments (365 Days)
Task: Evaluate investment possibilities
Task: Decide on one investment option
Task: Take the first step by investing a small amount
Task: Evaluate result and learn from it
Task: Keep investing until 30% income goal is reached (recurring)
Habit: Read for at least 30 minutes every day 29
Goal Setting Software to
Achieve More by Doing Less

GoalsonTrack is a full featured visual goal setting and goal achieving software program that
integrates some of the best practices in psychological and behavioural sciences of goal
setting and personal development. It can significantly increase your chance of achieving both
personal and professional goals. It helps you set the right goals from the start, build action
plans, stick to the process, form positive habits, do visualization and keep goal journal, all in
a holistic and effective approach to reaching your goals.

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