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RTI INSTRUCTION BOOKLET WARNIIG PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER INFORMATION AND [PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO? HAROVYARE SYSTEM OF GAME PAK. ‘TiS PRODUCT HAS BEEW RATED BY THE ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE [RATING BOARD. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE ESRB RATING, OR TO (COMMENT ABOUT The APPROPRIATENESS OF THE RATING, PLEASE CONTACT THE ES AT 1800.7-2772. — Table of Contents — Basic Operation of Controller ‘Tecmo Super Bow/ It Main Menu and Starting Gamos Preseason Regular Season Superstar Ealtor Pro Row! Game Options Regular Season Games ‘Team Control screen Senecute “Trade / FA Modes: Starting Games « NFL Standings ‘Team Rankings NFL Recoras Team Data ” Regular Season Team Data ‘OF/DF Starters Play Book Player Data Preseason Team Data ‘Altster Team Data custom Players Registering Players ~ Deleting Registered Players Improvement Starting Game COftense Control Defense Contro! Player Substitutions ‘The Road to the Super Bow! Coe Ocen og oun button + Control Fad (@ Orc LV sr [arama futon Return Operation [To make a touchback arter Press the @ button ‘catching the ballin the end zone | while the returner is in the end zone. —, BE [le make atareaicn ——=~S*S*«ress the @ Button. echo seten ‘white the baits sti in mia ar, Control table in window ms To select a mode Press the + control Pad 5 To confirm a selection Press the @ button Offensive Team Operation To cancel a seiection ahd Feu | ess me @ button ‘snap / Kiel. ress the @button the previous screen pseu e. ‘To shake of an appanent wha has | Press the @® button = = {grabbed onte you repeatedly. Play selection See eT cto = To choose a receiver Press the @or @ button. | To select a running pay er run aeterse | Press the * Control Pad eres ae Press the @ button | To select & passing ply or pass defense | Punting Field Goal Position change Player change ‘Auaioie {mn the direction of your selection while puching the @) button, Press the * Control Pad in| the direction of your selection while pushing the @ button, ‘Open the play strategy window with the @ button and choose with | tne @ bution. Press the ® button in the “Ready for Play” mode land enter witn me @ button To make a dive | Press the ® button Defensive Team Operations To change players Press the ® or @ button | | in "Ready for Play'mode._ Press the @ button after clesing in on the player sth the ball To knock away an opponent Press the @ button repeatealy ater catching up with nim. To perform a diving tac + For detaled operators, please refer te the corresponding pages. EROS Cece Tecmo Super Bow! Il Final Editon — 3 football game thot senulates real NFL INstions| Footbal League) action. Player: can experience on fete season from the summer preseason games te the Final Pro Bowl Each ofthe 37 players on the 30 NFL toams in Tecmo Super Bow Il nave bboon given the same soustics asthe real plays The butt # wade rede even allows you to change the 1995 raster ang repeat the regulersensen gome: a8 many tines 28 you wish, We Hike you to enjoy this recite ered excting Amercan foctbal game, ‘The Players and statnice in Tecmo Super Bowl I ave been pica from actual NFC end AFC teom rosters, Unfortnately we coule Not incuce al players from af teams In tre event that we could not Use scl nome, please accept ou apology *Comenient beetey back up memory function This game pat eorains 3 back Up battery for saving the resuts of the {gares played. Tominmie the possibly oF memory 1s, avo sveketng the power on anal on capid successicn, ° | While stil on the opening deme screen faress the @ button. The tite sereer wil then appear. New press the ® burn to bong up the Main Menu scicen. While sil fn the Main Menu zreen, wie the # Corto! Pal to choose fram the Menus end then pres the © button, Use the ® button to FEIN 10 te Mab Menu. Preseason Games Select Preseason" rom the Man Menu. The Team Cantal seen wi then apnea Choose the gue consol mode you desire ‘Aer entering she tsam control mode, the Conference Select een wit appear ‘conterence select screen Select the conference thatthe teern of yout choice Belongs fo in ts Screen, Use the # Contct Pad leiright to select the reser you Tike From among the 30 NFL teams onthe Teen May scree The Game Condon seen wll appear once you and your opponent have enesen teas, Team map sereen ‘Game Conattion sereen In the Game Conaiton tereen, you can tet the envitonmmert ofthe game. ‘Choose the item yeu want fo sleet by moving the cureor withthe ‘Control Pod up/cowrn, Frthe curser i between “Time” and “stadium, the setting con be changed by pressing the (button, If the cursor in “Change Players", "OF Samer, oF "DF Starter’, the Player Set screen will appear by pressing the |® hution. Te setur to the Tear Select screen pres the HY button. When {all selections have been made, the game can be stavtee by pressing the Stare button. Change Players screen ‘The team members can be changed feel. Woperates the same as player changes in tne"Pr0 Bowl Game” The sever ae aio the save.) (OF Starter / DF Starter sercen This seraen is uted 10 change stating members. It ie the same ce the Mamet Chonge srcen during gemes ‘Selection of Contro! Mode To selec operation methods MAN: You wil operate the game COM: Computer wil operate the gome COA: You wil cal the pays and the computer wail run them for you Setting Weather Conditions Depending upon the elon the teams come from, there may be cases In \whien teams do not perlerm wel in cen weather. YOU should study {5 prior to regular season games Regular Season Games Each NFL team pays 16 games during the 17 week season. The best teams from each conference ther compote against cach other in the playotts. The swo best teams from the phyoffs then compete for the ‘world charspionthip in the Super Bow In ths moce the racerds oF each team and player ae stored in the game paleremony 2 the senzon progresses Select “Season Gare" an the Mon Meru te bing up the Regular Secson Options scicen. tis posse 1 corm dete oF henge stings n games FReter Pa) Pro Bow! Game Pro Bowl games are played Dy teams conssing of the nest AEC and NEC players. Yeu can sie the allstar toame line pt in the team deta med. Refer to P22) Selecting “Pro Bow” from the Iain Menu brings up the Team Contra screen. Once the certio! mede i exeree, the Conference Select screan ‘ppame, Ure the + Contiol Sad lefvright to select the AEC or the NEC ‘Once you hive ‘elected your team, the Game Concien src [P.) vil appear Superstar Editor ‘The Superstar Editor mode afows you to cieate and regiter/delete your ‘own original cheracter to play n the garnes, Custom plays wil improve ‘their ablties by paying well thrcughout the regular season. Selec "Supersar Ector in the Main Meru to bring up the Custom Player Use seren. Refer 0 7.28) Options To bring up the Options screen, select “Options” from the Main Menu. The Options screen allows you to make 9 vay of settings for tree aiterere game modes Use the + Contil Pad up/ downvleR/ight to select the options you deste The @ burton changes te settings. Setings increase with each push oF the @ oF @ buttons, and decrease wth cach push of the © bution, The button wit bring Dock the Main Menu Te paying time for each quarter can be vate Options screen Games can be played in a non: Injury mode f Pe om itict Games can be played with ov / without the tumbling mode.“ The back ground muse can » switched between stereo and CATE ‘The Regular Season Options screen Will De Brought up by selecting ‘season Game’ in Te Main Meru. Seer Team 0a 16) 4 bi Team Control screen “This sereen sets the contrat marke hy team which the game wit operate under. Uso the 4 Control Pac to select the team whore made you wisnt to cange and pres: the button. The made cycles through MAN, COA, COM, and SK wah every push ofthe ® batter. To change the dvison, pres the © of B bation. To change the control made of cach team to 3 sngle cormmon mode, select ee ofthe our icons atthe top of the screen, Use the ®@ button to go back tothe previous O schedule ‘You car mike sure aout the schedule of the games. Use the # Contet Fes upisionn to view the rest of the schedule. The progression of the schedule recorded ne Gare memory. ‘The tear control modes by tear name ere represerted by hee diferent Red: MAN, COA: You nced to opetate the team. White: COM: The computer operates the team, Blue: SIEP: The computer operates the team. To view the playoff schedule or to exe the recur season cata, pres he (© aston on the Schedule sree. 9) Select schecute — by Auto stip —_«)Piayorts on neset 2) Select Schedule Trade Oueitione window shown here on the Fight. Decice whether to choose the trade mode or not. F you choose te trade mode, trades and FA? will 9¢ Inserted in the agraing of the sascn. 1) Auto Skip Select the “Azo Stip" mode and press the button "To week 0” window wil appear. Use tre Control Pad up/down to slect the number of weeks you would lite © sp and press tne 2 button ‘The nese time you ser a game, the scheckle wil auromatealy goto the species wok oF the games set in diferent contrat maces, skipped games are handled through the SKP vs. SKP made. To cancel ‘Auto Ship," nol dewn the @ button ) Playotte “To view the Playoff Tournament Table, etect “Fayoris® and press the button, Use the + Contrl Pad lefvright 10 tile through the Tournament Table Playoft Tournament Table 4) Reset Choose Rese” if you want to reset the options ta start om the beginning of te regular seasan you have been playing. The contents of the battery hack up in ne pak wil be deletect Trade and Free agents (FA) Mode [A the beginning of every Season, teem trades ad desired FAs er teaws with conte! modes etn "MAN ate conducted for season games If tne requested trodes end FAR are accepted, the team will be able ‘Trade Methods Use “Select Scneaule” to select the traae option twerer 10 F.12), eset the data. Set the team Control mode of your team to MAN. Choose ‘Game Start’ rom the Regular Season Option Jeni. The Hts of your trace screens wl then anpeee Use te # Cornio! Pag to select te team member YOU wisn to replace and pres the ® button, You are only able to repiace one player from each When you want to choose a player from a defense team move the cursor to “Oflense" on wil nen appear Fo retutn to the cffencive team tester, mave the eurce Conce you setect the payer you wars to replace, the Naming window _appe9's, Use tre # Control a lonunah co select the team of te payer {you want 16 aaa ca your ovn teem. Use the # Control Fad up/uown Seseci the name of the playet ana press rhe ® putton. the wack reer for the next team wel appear men. wen choosing a neN meMDer, you are erly alowed 16 nominate team memDers ‘na play the same postion a he player you ‘Trade Results screen ‘Once you have nnisnea naming your race recpiets in teams in WAN conto! maces, he Trade Rerults ereen apes nforming you! of your success. Up 10 three trades may be free 2t the beginning cf each seater If {you with ta stop masweay { 5 press the @ but ta finish Then the Trade Cramulteom SM Resuitssergen all app. (The Taco Ross screen always appears tee Alter racing is cnchided, you can ctsin tree agents. FA Methods ‘Ihe FA screen atiows you to obtain FAs trom the FA pols you have acquired a) Roster Area ‘ana cinge posiions wih the + Condo! Fad lefurgnt. eve the cursor tate pier you want to fre and press ihe @ vuton. ‘The player wil be fee acing FA ports for you to use u bb] Free Agent Area This ofen Tat FA players. Move the cursor to the “Free Agent Mea’ and change positions wih the # Cents Pad letVight. Move the cursor to the player you went to hire and press the @ buon. That payer wil be hive Homever in the situations below you are unable to hire players. ‘Wmien yeu do not have enough FA pints to hie the deseed player Wien there in more space on your roster You will ext the FA sereer if you press the ® button. The frst wesks sgemes wil ten stat ‘To restart FA from the beginning press the ® button (3) Starting tne Game The games wll ecin i accordance yath the senedule table. The tasning ‘game cn the «chads table wil be the next to star. Game resis 2 stasis are recerded in the Game memy. [4] NEL standings A table of tern wanes: records I provided for ‘cech conference and diviion. As the reguiat zeesan progresser, the teams with enough wins to enter the plays are given a ranking score which appeatsinred numerals W- Number of wins L- Number oF losses T- Mumber of tes PCT- Win percertage TS Total points (OP - Opponent points 15) Team Rankings Lice this moce ta view the offensive anc defensive rankings for rushing, passing, ane fetal yardage fr both league ard conference Use the # Conv! Puc leftaght to select the category you want to see. Il you press Control Pac: down you con tee tower ranking [6] NFL Records “Thi seen shows you the sonscr gee recres of the great oye by ay tom The acts! NFL records are shown fe. The NFL records rer fn te mewn ‘hen reseting regu exon game To reset to the oignat NFL record, press the @ button. Te reset window wil ten appar. Select "esta rest the records back te song sate Play Items for NFL Recoras Incvidual Records ating: est etng ofthe year Passing Yard ‘mos passing yar gained aang the year ‘Touchdown Passes: os. oUucraoan passes forthe yea Rushing Yaras: fost rushing yerUs gained during te year Recelving Yards: Mos. tecevine yerds gared during the yee. [Fass Receptions: ost pas eceptenn recewea curing the year ‘Touenaowns: mos touecsoans for re yea. Seoring: ‘most pant seorea aunng the year. ‘Sacks: mos seks for the year Interceptions: Most inevcemans for he year Team Records Offense Total: Total offensive yas Rush: Total offensive nshing yores Pass: Total ffenive pasing yrs Defense Total: Fewest yar alowed! Rush: Fewest nshing yar lowed Pass: Fewest passing yards allowed (7) NFL Leaders Use this move to view the vecords ane ‘ankangs of the top payers n each category Choose the category and lesque or Conference thet you want see. Then press the burton, Pusn me ®) button to bang ‘adh the oniinal screen. Te # Conttoi Fac Luprdown allows you to look Up and down through the rerkergs Play tems of NFL teaaers — aay eet as ean creas Soe ee err gel = Bee eee A orc ence anes eee = ete, eee beers ae es ee eee ie See. ata aces | ea NG a ee ee |e a eee ee ecw ee = Tere pemaaanes |e om weenie — heel {fe sae er eS eum a fina ae! eee oS a = | chor deme Press the 4 Contre Pad to the right. The Pay item window will then appear Use tho "b* mark to elect the tem you wart andi then press the Dutton to contirm your selection. Press the + Control Rad tothe let to ext the window Gerrnerr Team datas separated into regular sear, preseason, and Pro ow data 1. Regular Season team data I seen erates you 19 lew the team aata for the present season, 10 Dring up the Team Gata sereon,etect Ten ‘Team Data sereen Offensive Starters / Defensive Starters DF Sete” and “DF tert” en te Tear Ova seen Engs up a tree for contirning 27d ectng te tres cf he oenve are cetenae teams. YU can ‘so replaea the pyersn he “Starter coun tough ie # Conta Pac ana oe (8) ton Sew for seta) Yu ean enec the Faria ca or lays Dy pressing the uton ar clang te payers name “ewe me PF markt the “Stare sction and pres he Buon, Ter he resee widows vit appear Chon Yeo change tne neu 92Ck 0 Me onal Play Book, For on cffensve team dumng.a gare, you cn " mark will appeer in tre raster cum (players Is), Use the + Conti Pad leigh 10 select OF/OF, and up/down to see: payers. The Players Data screen can be Cxoughe Lp by pressing the & bution stor column) 19 Individuat Data sereen rset 4] Physical Condition Players have 5lfferent phypcal condiion kvels este Topeorston Mayen atin candin ‘ces: Gosacaraton yr cn ay ey ‘Aege_ ects coir Baye tera coe Inuret: Sener Pecan pe aceon games by Abi y The Abit seen indcetes tre players abies Abiites vary depencling on Dayers postion ‘Abilities common to all players | Abilities of Running Backs, Wide Reming ed ye snsinct | Regier, and ight Er Moumaen sored: Splyersmimumspest | receptions: iy ac pes fang power Ryerson Sone mancer | Punter Abilities Srporee ehrgpovr | Seat ie nt spacsa wncraaaee kb orp eens ante Xetra power Seth fi ever areacy a cg Fass aug cn os Defensive Player Abilities ‘Quarterpacke Abilities essen spent”— Spee of eeese when ¢] Individual Results Te view a players indivcunl resus, use the + Control Pac right whe on the Individual Dota sere, Passing ‘0p Sacks wo: nucorpsogoucninns | PUREE) Receiving icks 1K) ts: Langs ween ace Pur Returns Rushing Ys: Yack gored enpurers ‘nek rege yacedoeet BERANE by eto ered rer neeoreaeies Kick Returns ‘Team Schedule During the regular scorer, wicehy tearnreauts are dipayed. * The tenm schedule sony available for segues season games a 2. Preseason Team Data Seiecing “Preseason Team Data” Bangs UP tne Conference Sect screen. Use ine Control Pad lelt/right 10. select the conlerence Choose the tear whase data or roster you wish to confirm by pressing the burton, the Preseason Team Data sereen enables you ta chek the team dta ar change tring players. No sates fom the preceaton are caved, Thete ate na individual results. playbook. o¢ tear sched inthe data screen 3. All-star Team Data Player's Data Select “Players Qata" nd prose the © button. The screen il then side ‘ove! 10 the offensive roster Use the Control Pa right $0 display the cefereve rotor. To view the data of individual players, after selecting & player pres the ® button, [Refer to P19} (OF Starters, DF Starters ‘You can conf ce reorganize ofernive endl defensive teem starters see page 19 Play Book ‘Allows you to contin or ec the ey book see pace 1) Change Players LUse his mece to range the Pro Bow team roser Selet “Change Payers” ane press the ® outton. THs wil bing Up the 22 Crfensve reser. Then use het Corer! Pas Fane (0 dbplay he defensive roste. To select the player Yu Wis (2 replace ine the # Control Fad ana ten press the urton A window which snows tne atstar players by team will pear. nen use me + Control 2ad lersight (0 select 2 team. Use te up/down contiols 9 select team rmemaers. Press the @ pun fo exchange selectea peyers. Presse button ta go bac ta the previous cree. Reset Players This allt you to retutn the Fro Boa team roster back me way Was orginal. If you choose “Superstar Editor’ in the ‘Main Menu, the Custom Player Une Up sc1eon will appear On ts screen, te names, teams, and jersey numbers of regitered custom players are clsplayed in alist. The maximum number of cusiors playsets 7 places where no players have been regitere, Registering Players Move the curir tothe space you want to regster a player on the Player Line Up scrgen and press the @) button, The window wil then appear on the seroon, Move the cursor to "Eat Play" in the window and press the 3) button to select te Register cereen, prewercracs ance — i Po (1) Enter Name Tes posible to exer ene leter for he fect 4 Conirol Pac upiciown/ervight to sect ia levers, Use te @ buon to one. Use Complete the name ently by choosing [2] Enter Jersey Number Mowe the cursor wth the Canto Pad 5 on Upldoorvetvashe. Your enty can 5e nace | ica By prasing the © button. Fra the 10% gt it snd then he Fs gh al Be onto [9] Decide the Player's Skin Tone Select the sin tone y pusirg Ue # Conwel Pad leivright and then presing the @ I Set Payers abies In te Aoily Set screen, you nave 1 spe me points Between een ity Ihe Toot Poms wil be dspayed on te lo he srcen. and a st of abies wi be apieyed on he nightie of te sieen Te rueor cant und tose ay eos treugh the # Cont Pa upon The ality eroacer ay prescing the Cantel Pad ight, wile decrease by oresing it ok AL you incrate ay core Can de pois ur “Toa Pint reaches o Preset ater sein esc aby. Tero Then you wil oe asked “OK? You can comple the sting of sls by pusting the button, The former {51 Decide the Team Nowy crated cheaces nd plyers ofthe seme postion wil be displayed! by tears dhe Tea Select window. Use the + Coro} Pad lefvright t choose tre teem you wish pace your orignal cheracter on. Move the lia cursor up/éown to select players you want faa your oigina’ character to substuste dn for Note: Once a new plays! 112 season game, tne player ne was substliuied for can not play in a season game because he fs NOt regpicred anymore IF you wort (0 reecinete that player, you have to delete the custom plhyer you registered by wing the delete commone. Then te custom player wal clsappeor and the previous player wil return to the screen You can not exchange one custom piyer for another custom ply 16) Registered Players ‘Aer you st al of the tems, Seect "Se" ana press me ® Duron THe ‘orginal characte Is now reaistered ab kems ae se. al setungs have ot been input, 4 message that you rave not completed your player ‘appears. Now You vill be asked If you wish 10 “Oule Ede Player 7 Sevecing “No- wal alow you to complete your curent player Seecing "Yes ele wll delete the payer you are currenty regsrerlng + Even if thee are some remining point in “Teal Fins" for “Ab” you sue, the poins wil be lest. you wish to Out Ede Payer 2t any time vila felting your cust payer pres the ® atten and answer “Yes twice) Deleting Players ‘Te delete year oars oignal chereters fom te register, move the esr to tie player you ware to delete ond press the @) buton. Awindow will then apoear om the sreer. Mave the curr to "Delete Payer” and push the ® button. The player regtered in the selectad space wil be cleared ‘and the space resin 9 not regatered sas Improvement Custom players improve thet? skis each game In each season Fnprovermert poins wil be obtared F pleyels experenced a couple of ‘Games wan gpoa resus The“ mak wal appear on the Player Line UD screen for players thet have deel improvement ports. Move the curser to the player you want to mprove and press the ® putter to bring up the window. Select “Impreve aye" to make the Ability Sex Seren appear. ‘The procedure to cide point isthe same as exer. However, points for any obit can ot be set beta the orginal settings 26 7. Starting the Games FF jou ate trough checing the data and reting up the teams, Hime to starthe action! Prot the Str bution on the Game Condition creen, Note: Aways chack the Schedule and Team Contra) mode: batere starting ff you are playing regular teacon games Sy youre. You wil ‘hot be able to ply by yourself # the scheckao 21 ro a taxpayer ‘ede such 28 MAN ve MAN or COA v= COA, Coin Toss Before starting the game, the referee toss 1 coin t cctermine wtich team wil eke The team that wins the toss can select te ich olf or receive. To ship the Coin Tost Kickoff ater the kof meter a the Dottom ofthe seroer, carly and pee te 8 button at atthe ngpetime ifthe Kekof executed ‘ahen the meter af ie mazimurn the Sal sl ave further. On-side Kick Ack the Dall when the mete is blue end i Wil produce an on-sae kick wilh your ‘ching team val have a good chee of recovering and reurning. You can contrl your player that mangas to ecoyer the bal Fair Catch To make afar catch, press the ® buttan while the kick sn the ae You can take 6 tie cut by pressing stat whenever play & intorrupted by Touchback To make a touthback, press tne @® buion when your returner catches tne Dal in ene zone. ER Wher play is interuptea by a whistle, Ne Play Book screen appears. Selec play book one oF two by pressng bre Contr Pac as aplayed fm the seer. Then te Pay Sekt Screen Wal appear Play Book screen Play Select screen Wile an the Pay Select screen, press the # Control Pat andl the ® or ® button atthe same tine © choate the kind of play you want Running Play --# Control Fad and the ® button Passing Play - -+ Control Pad and the ® button Play Strategy window 1 bring up the Pay Strategy window, press the @ butien. (Use the © NED buton t© dose the window) e O Time our Thee te ous can De taken per nat TOU tan ako take ate out atime. by presing the Sta button when te beallis deag @ Punt Kick Use ts mode when you want to Wek {2 unk The Punt Teckcs sreen wl the gppear. Th screen aves you ie ofxtons oF Kckhng @ punt or fang @ punt ane conanuing with your offersive ave ‘Choose the 22 of pay you want according 10 me conroler that appears Play Strategy window a on te screen wet te daarams If you have chesen to punt, a Ack meter Will appear as cre center snaps ine bak wale watching the meter press the bouton at ust tne int ume @ Field Goal Select the mods to attempt field gost Lite the pont this seraen slows you toy 3 field goal or Fake anc continuo your PURE Tactics screen Ave, Make your crocs by folowing tne controle thot ppacrs with the diagrams Ifyou chose to aterpt 2 feld goal a >” mark appears i front of the cer. This moves up oF down once the center has snapped the all deection of the mark cetermines the ditccton the bal wil travel the @ button while carefuly warenieg the tning, @ change Use ws moae io cll up me Omense Change screen. The Onense-Charce screen ako appears wen a player 1s injured. (See page 34 cn how to “change etfensive team members) © Statietics (State) ‘Select this pede to check on the mic geme statics of players, © Play Book Select this made to change the pla pattern ofa olay Book OD Reset Selet this mace 1 close the Pay Stctegy window, The screen wil en tum to the Play Bank sersen » Reset can be cane hy pushing (i even ifthe window i osad The action starts as soon as you and your opponent have selected your plays an the Play Select seraen, To snap the ball — Press tne @ bution ‘Offensive Audibles — At the time of Ready ser" Dut before the bails set forthe snap, you are able 10 ‘henge plays from run {0 pass or pass to tun. To use an audible, press the © Dutton during "Ready set". "Auchibte® will ‘appear on the screen. Then press the @ Dutton to change the play. The ine ill then shift according to the new play settings. Press the © button te cance! the aude, Control of Running Plays To control the ball cartier — Use the # Control Fad ‘To shake off a player who hes grabbed you Frew the © button repeatedly Control of Passing Plays acs plays can only De cone when you have select Pass Play” orn the Play Setecion seren, ‘To select the receiver after the snap — Pres: the ® or ®) button ‘To pass the bail ‘to the recelver Inaieated bby the pass inaieator (-¥~ manny — ress me ® Dutton = Throwing different types of passes 1 you keep pressing the button after you release the pass wil de Duet pass. you release te beaten immediately aftr releasing the bal, you wil thaw 2 rainbow pass. Ute these techniques to thaw dforeneiypor oF pass depending ypen the stustion, ‘Your pass may not he a5 good as expected i you have a poor quartarack Cerf he 1s not in goed physcal carcipen AS the success of your patsee ‘cepende greatly on the ability and physica) canditan of noth your ‘quarterback and tecelver, it wice te avo passes with a high rh of faiure, Careful use of passes can help you to penetiate the defense and Jmptove your chances fer tovehdonne 20 Controlling Dive Plays ‘To make 2 dive Prose tho @ button You can choose dive plays from the Play Paiteins on the Play Select screen, or by pressing te @ button durng normal lays Ths makes the ball mie dive. Try-for-Point ‘One Point Conversion Afier scoring a standard six point touchdown. the “Iryier Pont Tactics sereen wil appear # you elect “Nick” with the Contra Pac and ene 8 bution. you wil Be sole te attempt a one point conversion ‘Two Point Conversion Tare are two ways te make a two point 4) Seer “Fake Pose" or “Fake Run” in the Tey for Point Tastes seveen with the + Control Pad and 2) burton 2) Dreze the © button in the Try for Point Taetcs ercen to display the window for Pont Conversions + the Pay Book screen wil appear if you chosie “2 eint Conversion” You wil be able to make a selection fern among the norma plays using the normal process. 3 Coarcn kn When the Flay Baok screen appears, elect the Defense Formation you want according te the contoler that cppea tt isa good idea to choose your defer accoreng to Wie mount of specs behind the defensve tne Play Book screen Play Select screen {Choosing “Formation” brings up the Play Select screen, Press the Cerner burton that you thine reprocents the pay pattem the offence aly 0 erase ‘To stop a running play — Use the + Control Pad wth tne @ bution To stop a passing play — Use tre # Control Fad wen the © button Defense Window ‘To open tne aetense winaow — Press tne ® button (The @ buon doses © Timeout ‘You can nave three timecuts per hat [ou may take timeouts by using the ® change Use this mode to bring Up the Defense Substitution screen. The Delense Suibsitution sicen also appea's when a ployee is injured. [See page 44 for detals about how i defensive players This allows you zo check the midgeme perermances of players, Choose the play items you wart ta ecrrine, Team memers wil 9 lied in accordance te performances, @ reset Closes the ey Strategy vandow anc fetus (othe Pay Book Sciest YOU can reset by presing the © ex ® butons while the window oxsec. The action begins 2s soon as you and your opponent have selected lays tom the Piay Selec screen Defense Audible For an auaible. press ine ® button using the "Ready set” perio netore the bal is snanpea. The Formation Select pare! then appears aong with "Aucible". Use me + Contiol Pad to Select the derensive formation and Dress the ® button. Press the iB) Dutton to cancal the aude To select the player you want to Contrel~fress me i or burn hve you are in “Readiyfor Pay’. [Te defender you contro changes wth every push of he butane | ‘To alve tackle an opponent — rress tne ® button atter catching up to the player you want to rack [Ths can knock down almest any player) To shake off a player who has grabbed you — Press the @ button repeateay Pa Carona Offense Team Return Team @ Formation Finder Ifyou change the formation on tes teen, you may change whe {exmation as shoven in 6 Poston Finder". Te ine up then chenges re the new formation, B Position Finder The pioyers ere shown in formation with posiions and jersey numbers, |B Names of players entered in game @ Names of players on sideline Injures ayers nares ave shown in rea ‘These players can not ever games When yeu want to make change: to te return team preis to Control Pad right anc the screen wil sce on to theretun team's window © Names of kickoff and punt retumers ® Names of players able to be substituted with Kickoff and punt returners. 3 Player Sunstitutions Use the # Control Pad to relect players you want to eubsttute in the Players for “Returners| column. Then press the @® button. Then a” ‘marc wil appear ithe “Tears Area" column [Return Team” column for Fotuers} Move the marker to the players you want © enter eto the ‘game and prese the button again. The players wil then be subsiuted for ench othe Ih Formation has bean changed, the substkuts line up wil return to it Press the (© button to view the personal data for players you have selected, In the player's column the position of tho players marked Oy the "> ftarhes There ar limiatens to substitutions depending on the position of 3 lay Tied in "Return Team” column (OR = cuortaback, RB = ninning back, WR ~ wide receiver TE = Hoh 8, KR= Lick off returner, PR = pure cotumner, T= tackle, G = guard, {C= center, DL = defensive nernen, KB = linebacker, DB = detervire back When the gam ir interrupted by 2 whistle, players my be injured Substtute for any injured players ae they wil not be able to enter the {gerne again ure the injury is healed. Some injures can take an entire feazon to hal Rr ecenor aod ‘The 104d Super Bol ong an Hoos Witmue cused etre ad ly _retgy the Sper Day an etna pal. Hop pling Yur: ee ue Yur Ses oy tty to shies von TECHNIQUE SECTION Running Plays ‘Avoiding a diving tackle ‘hon the CCM aut tore avg tcl, te defereve payor wi gt cy to ‘vs ter hel ate to ake yar aye To wad! berg raced gc of Ne way st ese s geting reaoyto are LB YR ES + are aetensve payer ges reay to aive, — get cut ofthe way. make the most of your running back’ talents Some runing Recs Tae to use ther tengo Opi over the lene ad low ‘Sraght ane, wie ars het ue pci tacniqee and ead fo suo! tle ‘When you te containg power anne (2 rune’ with exe ting peer nave conmcence inn erat ane fim sig. atthe cee. Wher you ore Cv sifu raring eck |e ruer wi ring spec ard cnn ooh) eve pel by olaing re deers tempt Pass Plays ‘Look for an open receiver Dont rroira pas toa reer who well cover bythe dense Fhe pass may be Fenoked dower tected Lak fran eper ei nd then ps the bli oe ee Wet! covered receiver Sy Well covered receiver “No Re open receiver SS ‘The succots of your partes depend: on the ability of your quartorback and receiver, The gente te bly of yer quarterback an receiver the eer il efx yu to carbete pases Wit wietea pajess Ib posible @ mate pases even when your layers are covered However, yout rcever nt tered he might dp the bal fn though nes wide epen. Li, your quarterback i talents he might tow the also bal the your recive atari LUse your ace receiver when it really counts you ave a ace recee your team who exter tare iy revmng me lignin stein wee ray rts Intercepting the other team's passes Move yout cetentss 10 te ate ha he ensve cams pas is eding, Te yout defender ar tated enough, they might be able to meke an interception, STRATEGY SECTION Make the most of your team's talents ‘ree ae many deferent Wpes of teams — geod passhg teams. goad ung teams sing deersve teats, Gc Fd Ouch YoU teams stengs ead Ne mae your pby crocs tanedon these engine ‘Take away your opponent: strong points Stuey your oppenant to tover i oenghe ard weatrece, Dureg the game conceneate on shuting down your opponent’ favorite py and seamngris cane pian, WEATHER SECTION The eater condtian can inpotare factor ofthe game Te weater wl be tern 3D, In presearon and pro bow! games: eu ae able fo choose the weather condor. cu can semlre yeu reamaony Lunde sow and fan condtions. and can develop « pln of tacks under ary In the regular season game: “he weater concen i detraned fy he season by the raion where the gane £ being ed and y he praia rain a snow for xarpe 2 wre game payed ia wet normsr ate wil have «igh Oba of sno. On Ee carta a ane Bhyed na cy southom area sey have rice weather Twin the game uncer bac wether crdors, yourmust cone 2 plan of acts fer your eam by plyra preseason aes under bad weather conden nen param ran ox rom: ye you are cling mayo nda a Play Patterns “The five base pay petems Used in Teco Super Bow formation Fermation wnere the running bec: line up sk quantarbace, forning 9 shape Hormation Formation where two running backs ate placed diiecty Behind the quarterbeces,reserbling an shape by side behing the Oneret Back Fermaton where running backs ae placed just behind the quarterbacks Double Tight End (TE) Formation where tight enc are placed on both sides of inemen. Running hack can flac the drection ral in thie fermstion. Run and shoot Formation where a fourth wate receveriakes the place ofa tghe end to lenabie a better passing ofersve shot Gun Formation wnere ine quarterbacks are placed 7 yards behind the center. ‘enabing the center to make. long snap. This Formation allows for better passing cflesve. The Famer paction Aisa ‘alves the quarterbacks more roam to manewer. Running play can ako De ‘conducted in mis oration } i { So.0Ay uMED WARRANTY TEewo GAIN PaKs oan atts pear Sn wl por ot epics re att oto. Hee once incu Friday i (eee ee fener nt ecinenoereeerate Tee ee arene i882 Wate nats ‘sony oh np ine ec orl eh ‘rtiosng acter money o:de for the arount cuced fale Joma, re Teco wk Fenarer PA renicemers PAKS ve no ulate the Sefecine =A un Seater nd The provisos ofuis warerty ae vale In re Une States only. Some states donot alow imtators or how long an implied wera itso ‘xcluson of consequential or Meidentel dammagac cathe akaveliteions andi exchsion may Not cpity to you Ths waranty ives ou Sostickea ight an you may alse nave cer ights ahs vary trom aiaes to state 2 See peer rt Sorel ead ee eee eae eee ed cow Oona Se en ee eee its

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