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Collaborative Script 😛


1.DETECTIVE: (Billy)

2.CHIEF OFFICER: undecided

3.VICTIM: (Abdu)

4.MURDERER: (Saoud)



Murder scene in Billy’s compound


-Time Travel – Asem & Billy

-Phone Virus – Abdu

-Character controlled by virus – Saoud

Virus can be the catalyst for the time travel, perhaps the virus can trigger time-travel (on
iphone plz) in the infected in life-death situations (definitely not from zero escape VLR)

Virus should be called Radical-6, why did I choose that name? Play VLR to find out!- Asem

The time travel effect can either be:

A. King Crimson VFX (le JoJo)
B. Glass shatters the first scene recorded and the current scene, and the first scene pushes the
present scene aside.
C.the past can shown as a monotone setting (a different temp of colour, warm for the past and
cold for the past)

The murder happens while DETECTIVE is in the same area, but doesn’t realise it. But once
the time travel occurs, DETECTIVE (once realising he’s in a time loop) makes an attempt to
stop it.

Mystery/’Comedy’ Horror/Sci-fi/Slasher
Collaborative Script 😛



[establishing shot of clubhouse, pause on frame for five beats.]

Collaborative Script 😛

DETECTIVE walking towards the clubhouse gym with a serious, annoyed expression.

Low angle - medium shot of DETECTIVE staring at the gym door


*sigh* Am I the only Detective in town? What’s the situation?


We had a report of someone screaming, we still haven’t inspected the scene.

DETECTIVE is glancing at his phone to check the time. A notification pops up. It reads “app

The Detective enters the gym. He notices nothing strange and decides to check the lounge


What is this smell?

Dolly + pan shot tracking DETECTIVE

DETECTIVE looks to the right. Terrified, he’s staring at a dead body of VICTIM on the
ground. No one else is in sight.

The DETECTIVE pulls up his phone to call for backup. The phone begins to glitch out, and it
stopped responding.

Low angle of phone, zooming in

Weird static noise starts playing from the phone.The screen is turning on and off, reflecting
on the DETECTIVE's face.

Medium shot of DETECTIVE

DETECTIVE is panting. He looks at the phone with a cautious expression. The screen turns

Close up of phone screen

The phone screen stays off, but suddenly wakes up, displaying the timer app. The 30 minute
option is selected. DETECTIVE tries to close the app, but nothing is responding. He taps the
start button.

Medium shot of DETECTIVE

Match-cut of the room

The lights are out and there’s no body to be seen. Confused, the DETECTIVE rushes down
the flight of stairs and leaves the gym.
Collaborative Script 😛

Medium shot of outside the gym

Neither the police tape nor the actual police are in sight.

MURDERER comes out. They have a kitchen knife in their right arm, and are dragging
something with them in their left arm. VICTIM comes out, and their head is covered. Blood
can be seen over their clothes.

Close up of MURDERER

The MURDERER began to slowly rotate his head to the detective, and the slight elevation of
the mask and its straps show the DETECTIVE a horrific sight. The MURDERER’s bloated
and misshapen face contorting into a putrid expression with his tongue out. They proceed to
make a silly face.



Extreme close up shot of the DETECTIVE

The DETECTIVE with a confused and intensive stern, he is horrified at the expression. Was
this the man who murdered the victim? A lot of those thoughts raced through his head, but as
he was disoriented the MURDERER jumps him.

A transition to the title

[title card plays]

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