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Evidence Settings
Rediscover Your Case Processing
Settings and How to Quickly Assess • Reuse evidence stores - Enables new evidence to
and Manage Large Datasets for be added to existing evidence indexes, which in
turn will result in faster searching and exporting.
Ingestion This setting should always be used.
A Processing Profile defines what processing options • Calculate audited size - Enables the audit size
to apply to items added to a case, and is the most field to be calculated and updated with a file size
important window in Nuix Workstation. for items considered to be material items.
• Store binary of data items - Enables a copy of
DEFINE DATA PROCESSING SETTINGS the item to be stored in binary format within the
FROM THE USER INTERFACE databases in the case directory. Only store
Enable appropriate settings for the Processing Profile. binaries for items that will be used as evidence.
Binaries for system files should not be stored.
o Pros: Enables very quick review of documents in
their native format, and speeds up the export of
native files.
1. Perform item identification – Further indexing o Cons: Reduces indexing speed, and increases
options to be performed on items beyond a light data storage requirements for evidence,
scan of the file system properties on the outside of depending on the makeup of the data.
items. If this option is not selected, Workstation 3. Deleted File Recovery & Forensic Settings
creates an "Unknown Binary File" entry for each
physical file it encounters along with only limited
file system metadata.
Calculate processing size up-front - This option
enables the progress bar to display progress
during the ingestion process by the physical file
size of the evidence.
Traversal - Options available for traversing the
documents at the time of ingestion are: • Recover deleted files from disk images - It is a
• Process loose files but not their contents good idea to turn this setting on.
allows a quick directory listing of all the files • Extract end-of-file slack space from disk
presented for ingestion without any further images - This setting can be useful for finding
extraction. passwords in the file slack.
• Process loose files and forensic images but • Smart process Microsoft Registry files –- Only
not their contents allows forensic images to be sections of the Microsoft Windows Registry that
treated like a file directory along with any loose are most useful for forensic investigations are
files for ingestion without any further extraction. processed when this option is selected. The main
• Full traversal will extract all items completely Windows registry settings are Security, System,
according to the evidence processing settings Software and Sam.
selected below. • Extract from mailbox slack space - Extracts
deleted files from .pst, .ost and .edb mailboxes at
a different, lower level, allowing access to slack

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space items. It is recommended that this is used cannot be changed when using the Reuse
in conjunction with the Store binary option. Evidence Store option.
• Index unallocated space -Text strips unallocated • Use stop words – By selecting this option, stop
space for text index searches. The resulting item words for the selected language will not be
will be the entire unallocated space when a match indexed. Do not check this box unless you have a
is found. specific reason to do so.
• Carve file system unallocated space - It is • Use stemming – When this option is set,
recommended that this setting only be used Workstation creates a different type of text index
when reloading selected unallocated space items that stores only stemmed components of words.
after initial processing. Once set, this option is applicable to the entire
• Carving block size (in bytes) – This will case. Use the stemming option with caution
determine how many bytes are processed at one because you may get too many hits.
time. A smaller size will result in many shards of • Enable exact queries – This option stores text
files; a larger size will result in higher memory content of items to enable use of punctuation and
consumption, but full files that are more likely to capitalization when searching, essentially doing
be restored. By default, the data carving will an exact string match. Use single quotes (‘ ‘)
attempt to pick up the block size from the file around the search term to invoke exact queries.
system which is being carved. The query must be grammatically correct and is
4. Family Text Settings case sensitive. Use this setting with caution.
6. Upfront Processing Workflow Settings

• Create family search fields for top level items -

This option creates an extra field with all child
• Enable preconfigured profiles/workflows for
items’ text added to their parent's text, allowing
printed images, export metadata or OCR.
for use of "family" searches, for faster searching.
Additional options may appear in this section for
A top level item is a material item with no material
specific Nuix license types.
ancestors (first material item in item path).
7. Item Content Settings
• Hide immaterial items (text rolled up to
parent) - Allows immaterial items to be
automatically hidden to avoid clutter in the
results set. Extracted text from hidden immaterial
items is appended to its parent item so it is still
available for searching. While this setting may be
helpful for the e-discovery practitioner, digital
forensic practitioners should never turn this
setting on.
5. Text Indexing Settings • Process text – Enables Workstation to extract
the text content of evidence to enable searching.
If disabled, users will only be able to search
across an evidence item’s metadata. This setting
should always be turned on, or items will not be
• Enable near duplicates – Enables identification
• Analysis language – Select the language (English
of word shingles to allow for near duplicate
or Japanese) to be used for text indexing. Only
detection and clustering within the case. It is
one language can be used per evidence store and
recommended that this setting be turned on.

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• Enable Text Summarization – Calculate and 9. Digest Settings
store text summaries from documents when data
is ingested. When selected, this option
automatically selects the Process text option, if
that option is not already selected.
• Extract named entities from text and Include
text stripped items – Enables you to include text
stripped items while extracting named entities
from text. Text stripping is a process used when
Nuix Workstation is able to identify an item’s file
type, but is unable to cleanly extract all text and
metadata in accordance with the file type’s API.
The result is a data item that is searchable, but
• Digests to compute – Enables generation of
the text may be garbled or not properly
extra digests in addition to the default MD5.
• Email Digest Settings – Email digest settings are
• Extract named entities from properties.
used by e-discovery practitioners, but not usually
• Extract named entities from communications -
by forensic practitioners.
Enables you to extract named entities from
communication metadata using standard or MIME TYPE TAB
custom named entities. When selected, this MIME Type Settings interact with the Evidence
option enables the Use custom named entity Processing Settings. Select the MIME Types that
profile option. need to be processed. Everything here depends on
8. Image Settings your data processing settings! Remove what you
don’t need, but beware. If you make bad selections,
you can completely miss information.
To reset the MIME Type Settings to defaults, click
Reset to defaults.

1. MIME type - Lists available MIME types.

2. Enabled - Select this option to process the
required MIME type. By deselecting this option
against MIME Type Settings, all other options are
cleared and the selected MIME type is minimally
• Generate thumbnails for image data. processed.
• Perform image color and skin-tone analysis – 3. Descendants - Select this option to process
Captures skin-tone information on images descendants found within items of this MIME type.
processed within the dataset to identify a certain Examples of descendants are files within a zip
ethnicity and age of people. archive, or files attached to one or more email
• Detect faces – Analyzes image for skin tones, and messages within an email store.
determines if that area includes facial features. 4. Text Mode - Select from the following options to
• Classify images using Deep Learning – Uses process text of the selected MIME types:
shapes to classify images into different • Process text.
categories. By selecting the Configure option, the • Text strip (when selected, by default, descendants
Deep Learning model file can be set by finding its are unselected).
location. Users can also load label files and set • No processing.
input image width and height from here.

Nuix Workstation: All About Processing — Copyright ©2021 Nuix. All rights reserved. PAGE 3 of 4
5. Images - Select this option to allow generation of RELOAD ITEMS FROM SOURCE DATA
thumbnails and capture skin-tone information Reload and reprocess evidence as many times as
when processing images for the selected MIME needed. In each processing run, select items to be
types. processed, right click, and select Reload Items from
6. Entities - Select this option to process Named Source Data. In the Processing options window,
Entities on the selected MIME type. The option select the appropriate profile, and click OK. The
from the Data Processing Settings tab must be following is an example of a reprocessing workflow
selected to enable the identification and capture of which would gain more control over processing time
named entities within the data set for further and allow focus on data most relevant to the case. In
analysis. addition, processing is more efficient, as you will not
7. Store Binary - Select this option to store the be examining items for information that they could
binary of the selected MIME type. The option from not possibly contain:
the Data Processing Settings tab must be selected
to store the binary format within the databases in
the case directory.
8. Data Carving - Select this option to control what
MIME types are included and excluded from Data
Tip: Use CTRL+ F to search MIME types by entering
There is a selection for all forms of email, contact, and
calendar items, including older versions, but not
‘special’ formats like XML. By processing in waves, you can:
If you are going to be selective, pay attention to your • Gain some control over processing times.
containers: • Focus on the data most relevant to the case much
• Make sure to select the evidence item itself… E01. more quickly.
• Select directories to process a hierarchy. • Make processing much more efficient by not
examining items for information that they cannot

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