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Age of Initiation, Determinants and Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers in Lagos State, Nigeria


Age of initiation, Determinants and Prevalence of Cigarette

Smoking among Teenagers in Mushin Local Government Area
of Lagos State, Nigeria
AO Abiola1, OS Balogun2*, OO Odukoya1, FA Olatona1, TO Odugbemi1, RK
Moronkola3, AA Solanke4, OJ Akintunde5, OO Fatoba1

Background: Cigarette smoking constitutes a major threat to the health and wellbeing of teenagers. While
smoking has been on decline in the developed countries, the reverse is the case in developing countries. The aim
of this study was to determine the age of initiation, determinants and prevalence of cigarette smoking among
teenagers in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a
descriptive cross-sectional study among 475 teenagers selected by multistage sampling. A pre-tested, structured,
interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The study was carried out in November,
2014. Results: Response rate was 84.6%. Mean age of the respondents was 16.4±1.65years. Range and mean age
of initiation of cigarette smoking were 7 to 17 years and 12.0±3.32 years respectively. Teenagers who were above
15 years (OR:5.13, 95%CI: 0.87-30.26), males (OR:5.19, 95%CI: 1.57-17.18), married (OR:8.41, 95%CI: 1.04-
63.35), had ≤primary school education(OR:4.31, 95%CI: 1.07-17.33), influenced by friends(OR:308.84, 95%CI:
84.87-1123.81), and influenced by advertisements (OR:27.83, 95%CI: 3.92-197.64) were more likely to have
initiated cigarette smoking. Furthermore, teenagers who were males (OR:12.77, 95%CI: 2.90-56.28), married
(OR:19.24, 95%CI: 2.05-180.45), had ≤primary school education(OR:7.85, 95%CI: 2.37-26.01), influenced by
friends(OR:28.56, 95%CI: 10.86-75.07), and influenced by advertisements (OR:5.95, 95%CI: 1.72-20.61) were
more likely to be current cigarette smokers. In addition, 24.9% had initiated cigarette smoking while 14.7%
were current smokers of cigarette. Conclusions: Mean age of initiation of cigarette smoking was 12.0±3.32
years. Determinants of cigarette smoking were age, gender, marital status, educational background, friends
and advertisements. Life time prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher than prevalence of current cigarette
smokers. Cigarette smoking reduction programs should take these factors into consideration.
Keywords: Age of initiation - determinants of cigarette smoking - teenagers - prevalence - Nigeria

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 17 (3), 1209-1214

Introduction these, 700 million of them being males live in developing

countries. While smoking rates have been on the decline
Tobacco smoking remains a major public health in the developed countries, they have however been on the
concern particularly among young people (Odukoya et high side in the developing countries and it has increased
al., 2013). It is the leading preventable cause of mortality by as much as 50 %, especially in Asia and in the Pacific
and over five million people die globally from the effects region. Over the last decade about four million deaths
of tobacco every year. Every eight seconds someone, occurred annually as a result of about 50% increase in rate
somewhere in the world, dies as a result of using tobacco of smoking cigarette in developing countries.
(Leung et al., 2009). It is reported that by the year 2030, In Europe, an estimate of 26% of people aged 15 years
the death rate is estimated to exceed eight million people and above approximately 100 million people smoke on
a year Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group a daily basis (AIHW, 2008). China and Indian, the two
(GYTS, 2002). world’s most populous nations are home to more smokers
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) than the entire European Union. In China alone, more
it is estimated that 1.1 billion people, representing a third than 300 million people are tobacco users while in India
of the world population above the age of 15 years, use about 275 million people use tobacco and about 57 million
tobacco, principally in the form of the cigarettes and of Indonesians are tobacco smokers (David, 2012). However
Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, 2Lagos State Ministry of Education,
Department of Internal Medicine, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 4Multichoice Nigeria Limited, 5Phamatex Industries Limited,
Lagos State, Nigeria *For correspondence: seunballo2004@yahoo.co.uk

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 17, 2016 1209

AO Abiola et al
in Africa, the prevalence of smoking varies from country 80% of adult regular smokers initiate tobacco use before
to country. In South Africa, 33.3% of males and 8.2% of the age of 18 (Poynter, 2008). However, initiation of
females smoke. In Kenya, 22.9% of males smoke and tobacco in teenagers is usually due to interaction of
0.7% of females smoke. In Ghana, 8.8% of males and different factors which include intrapersonal, interpersonal
0.1% of females smoke. Comparatively, in Nigeria, 8.0% and environmental factors. Some intrapersonal factors
of males and 0.5% of females smoke (Pampel, 2008). associated with adolescent smoking include lower levels
Smoking of tobacco appears to be a well-entrenched of knowledge on hazards of smoking (Yan et al., 2014),
behaviour among teenagers. Adolescence period is seen low self-esteem (Karimy et al 2013; Nazarzdeh et al.,
as a forming stage, a resistant period where young people 2013). Peer pressure and having friends who smoke has
tries to form their own identity and also try to belong to a been considered as the most important factor influencing
particular stratified social group. Initiation of smoking at the habit of smoking in adolescents in the western world;
a tender age is a behaviour that occurs at a time when the (Schaefer et al., 2012), also motivation by smoking
persons involved are not fully equipped to make certain behavior of parents and siblings, the media, secondhand
decisions and these decisions may affect their inclination smoke exposure, curiosity, and a drive for experimentation
to addiction and also influences adult smoking behavior. (Voorhes et al., 2011).
Epidemiological study suggest that most tobacco users The earlier a smoker quits smoking the less the hazard,
begin as adolescents and individuals who reach their as evidence suggests that much of the projected mortality
mid-20s as nonsmokers are unlikely to ever become from smoking can be prevented by stopping. This study
tobacco users (Aldrich et al., 2015). It is estimated that seeks to determine the age of initiation, determinants

Table 1. Factors Associated with Initiation of Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers, Mushin LGA,
Initiation of cigarette smoking
Variables Frequency (%) Statistics & Pvalue
Initiated Never initiated
Age (Years)
≤15 84 (31.1) 186 (68.9)
>15 16 (12.1) 116 (87.9)
t=5.0315; df=400; p=0.0001
Total 100 (24.9) 302 (75.1)
Mean ± SD 17.07 ± 1.53 16.14 ±1.63 100.0
Male 87 (34.1) 168 (65.9)
X =31.8734; df=1; p=0.0001
Female 13 (8.8) 134 (91.2)
Marital Status
Unmarried 95 (24.1) 299 (75.9)
*p=0.0255 56.3
Married 5 (62.5) 3 (37.5)
Religion 50.0
Christian 45 (21.1) 168 (78.9)
Islam 55 (29.1) 132 (70.9)
Ethnic group 25.0
Yoruba 81 (26.7) 222 (73.3) 31.3
Others (Hausa/Fulani/ Igbo) 19 (19.2) 80 (80.8)
Educational Background 0
≤ Primary School 21 (48.8) 22 (51.2)
Newly diagnosed without treatment

≥ Secondary School 79 (22.0) 280 (78.0)

Friends influence
Yes 83 (94.3) 5 (5.7)
No 17 (5.4) 297 (94.6)
Advert influence
Yes 29 (90.6) 3 (9.4)
No 71 (19.2) 299 (80.8)
Parents influence
Yes 12(85.7) 2 (14.3)
No 88 (22.7) 200 (77.3)
Relatives influence
Yes 26 (87.7) 3 (10.3)
No 74 (19.8) 299 (80.2)
*Fisher’s Exact tests

1210 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 17, 2016

Age of Initiation, Determinants and Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers in Lagos State, Nigeria
and prevalence of cigarette smoking among teenagers in values of ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria. Logistic regression analyses were carried out to determine
factors associated with tobacco cigarette smoking. For
Materials and Methods the multivariate analyses, all the variables that were
statistically significant on the bivariate were entered into
Study location the multivariate analyses.
Mushin local government area (LGA) in the Lagos Ethical consideration: Approval for this study was
metropolis is one of the 20 LGAs in Lagos state, Nigeria. obtained from the ethics and research committee of the
It is one of the major commercial centres in Lagos state. Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Verbal informed
The 2006 census put the population of the LGA at 631,857, consent was obtained from each respondent.
with 326,873 males and 304,984 females. Mushin LGA
has 19 political wards. Each ward in Mushin LGA had Results
an average of 40 streets and each street had about 36
houses, each house had an average of ten households, A total of 402 out of the 475 selected respondents
and each household consist of an average of five persons. participated in the study; giving a response rate of 84.6%.
The Local Government is a socio-cultural diversity of the Mean age of the respondents was 16.37± 1.65years.
typical Nigerian society because it is well represented by Majority of the respondents were males (63.4%),
various ethnic groups. unmarried (95%), Christians (53%), Yoruba by tribe
(75.4%) and had minimum of secondary school education
Study design (89.3%) (Table1).
The study design was a descriptive cross-sectional Less than one-third (24.9%) of the respondents had
study among teenagers that were permanent residents ever smoked tobacco cigarette while 14.7% were current
in Mushin LGA. The confidence interval and degree of cigarette smokers. The modal and mean age of initiation
accuracy desired were set at 95% and 5% respectively. The of cigarette smoking was 15years and 12.00±3.32 years
minimum sample size of 250 was determined using the respectively (Table2). Reasons for smoking initiation
formula n = Z2pq/ d2for descriptive cross-sectional study were primarily friends (21.9%), advertisements (8.0%),
with the prevalence of tobacco use amongst adolescents relatives (7.2%) and parents (3.5%). Sixty six (16.4%) of
in a previous study carried out in Kajola LGA, Oyo state, the respondents like to smoke with friends, 10% like to
Nigeria of 0.205.13However, 475 respondents were smoke always, 9.0% like to smoke when nervous, 6.7%
selected for the study. Respondents were selected by like to smoke when idle while 5.0% like to smoke when
multi-stage sampling method. In the first stage, one street over-worked.
was selected from each ward by simple random sampling A bivariate analysis showed that there were statistically
method using balloting procedure. In the second stage, five significant associations between the respondents’
houses were selected from each selected street by simple age (p=0.0001), gender (p=0.0001), marital status
random sampling method using balloting procedure. In (p=0.0255), religion (p=0.0418), educational background
the third stage, five households were selected from each (p=0.0001), friends (p=0.0001), advert (p=0.0001), parent
selected house by simple random sampling method using (p=0.0001), relatives (p=0.0001) and initiation cigarette
balloting procedure. In the fourth stage, one teenager was smoking (Table 1). There were statistically significant
selected from each selected household by simple random
Table 2. Age of Initiation of Cigarette Smoking among
sampling method using balloting procedure. Where a
Teenagers, Mushin LGA, Lagos state, Nigeria, 2014
household has no teenager, another household is selected
to replace it. This study was carried out in November, Age of initiation of cigarette Frequency (%)
2014. smoking (Years) (n=100)
7 1(1.0)
Data collection
8 2 (2.0)
A pre-tested structured interviewer-administered
questionnaire was used to collect information on socio- 9 4 (4.0)
demographic characteristics and tobacco cigarette smoking 10 7 (7.0)
among teenagers. The questionnaire was adapted from 11 2 (2.0)
previous studies and from the World Health Organization
12 3 (3.0)
Global Youth Tobacco Survey tool (CDC, 2008). The
questionnaire comprises of two sections: Section A had 6 13 6 (6.0)
questions on socio-demographic characteristics, section B 14 11 (11.0)
had 14 questions on tobacco cigarette smoking. 15 26 (26.0)
16 15 (15.0)
Data analysis
17 8 (8.0)
Data analysis was done using the Epi Info version
3.5.1, GraphPad Instat and WinPepi statistical software Age not given 15(15.0)
packages. Chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used Total 100(100.0)
to compare differences between proportions while t-test Mean±SD 12.00± 3.32
was used for comparison of differences between means. P
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 17, 2016 1211
AO Abiola et al
Table 3. Factors Associated with Current Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers, Mushin LGA, Lagos state,
Nigeria, 2014
Cigarette smoking
Variables Frequency (%) Statistics & Pvalue
Yes (n=59) No (n=343)
10-14 52 (19.3) 218 (80.7)
15-19 7 (16.2) 125 (83.8)
t=4.283;df=400; p=0.0001
Total 59(14.7) 343(85.3)
Mean±SD 17.20±1.42 16.23±1.65
Male 56 (22.0) 199 (78.0)
Female 3 (2.0) 144 (98.0) X2=29.5471; df=1; p= 0.0001
Total 59(14.7) 343(85.3)
Marital status
Unmarried 54 (13.7) 340 (86.3)
Married 5 (62.5) 3 (37.5)
Christian 25 (11.7) 188 (88.3)
Islam 34 (18.0) 155 (82.0)
Ethnic group
Yoruba 45 (14.9) 258 (85.1)
Others (Hausa/Fulani/Igbo) 14 (14.1) 85 (85.9)
Educational Background
≤ Primary School 16 (37.2) 27 (62.8)
≥ Secondary school 43 (12.0) 316 (88.0)
Friends influence
Yes 49 (55.7) 39 (44.3)
No 10 (3.2) 304 (96.8)
Advert influence
Yes 21 (65.6) 11 (34.4)
No 38 (10.3) 322 (89.7)
Parents influence
Yes 7 (11.9) 52 (88.1)
No 7 (2.0) 336 (98.0)
Relatives influence
Yes 17 (58.6) 12 (41.4)
No 42 (11.3) 331 (88.7)
*Fisher’s Exact tests

Table 4. Determinants of Initiation of Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers, Mushin LGA, Lagos state, Nigeria,
Variables OR CI P
Age (>15 yrs / ≤15 yrs) 5.13 0.87-30.26 0.0709
Gender (Male / Female) 5.19 1.57-17.18 0.007
Marital status (Married/Unmarried) 8.41 1.04-63.35 0.0464
Educational Background
4.31 1.07-17.33 0.0399
(≤ Primary Sch / ≥ Secondary Sch)
Friend (Yes/ No) 308.84 84.87-1123.81 0.0001
Adverts (Yes/ No) 27.83 3.92-197.64 0.0009

relationships between respondents’ age (p=0.0001), smoking (Table 3).

gender (p=0.0001), marital status (p=0.0023), religion A multivariate analysis revealed that teenagers who
(p=0.0519), educational background (p=0.0001), were above 15 years, males, married, had ≤ primary
friends (p=0.0001), advertisements (p=0.0001), parents school education, influenced by friends, and influenced
(p=0.0016), relatives (p=0.0001) and current cigarette by advertisement are 5.13, 5.19, 8.41, 4.31, 308.84, and
1212 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 17, 2016
Age of Initiation, Determinants and Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among Teenagers in Lagos State, Nigeria
Table 5. Determinants of Current Cigarette Smokers out in Northeast Nigeria, in which 18 (15.9%) had ever
among Teenagers, Mushin LGA, Lagos State, Nigeria smoked and 0.3% are regular smokers who still smoke
(Salawu et al., 2009). The disparity in the results could be
Variables OR CI P as a result of the socio-ethnic differences. Furthermore,
Gender (Male / in this study males accounted for 95% of current users
12.77 2.90-56.28 0.0008
Female) compared to 5% amongst females; this findings agrees
Marital status with other studies in Nigeria where males were more likely
(Married/ 19.24 2.05-180.45 0.0096 to smoke compared with females (Odukoya et al., 2013)
The prevalence of current smokers in this study is
14.7% which is similar to a study carried out in Kajola
7.85 2.37-26.01 0.0007 Local Government Area, Oyo state, Nigeria where the
(≤ Primary Sch / ≥
prevalence of current smokers was 11.6% (Akindele et
Secondary Sch)
al., 2010) but was lower than the corresponding figures
Friend (Yes/ No) 28.56 10.86-75.07 0.0001
reported by Lovato among school children where the mean
Adverts (Yes/ No) 5.95 1.72-20.61 0.0049
prevalence of smoking in all age groups was 22.0±3.37%
and the mean prevalence of smoking among 15-19 years
27.83 times respectively more likely to have initiated old was 20.3±8.30% (Lovato et al., 2010).
cigarette smoking (Table 4). Furthermore, teenagers who Consistent with findings obtained in similar studies in
were males, married, had ≤ primary school education, many parts of Africa, the lifetime prevalence of smoking
influenced by friends, and influenced by advertisement cigarette in this study (24.8%) is lower than among
were 12.77, 19.24, 7.85, adolescents in some countries in Asia, notably Japan
(Odukoya et al., 2013).
Discussion In conclusion, mean age of initiation of cigarette
smoking was 12.00±3.32 years. Determinants of
This study shed some light on the age of initiation, cigarette smoking were age, gender, marital status,
determinants and prevalence of cigarette smoking among educational background, friends and advertisements.
teenagers in Mushin LGA of Lagos State, Nigeria. The Life time prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher
mean age of initiation of cigarette smoking was 12 ± 3.32 than prevalence of current cigarette smokers. Cigarette
years. Teenagers do not just wake up one day and start smoking reduction programs should take these factors
smoking; the uptake of cigarette is as a result of various into consideration.
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