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Alien Gods and

Eldritch S e crets

portray ancient and

alien intelligences that lurk beyond

the perception of ordinary mortals,

beings whose very presence provokes

madness and despair at an indi-

vidual’s utter insignificance in the

greater cosmos. These entities are at

best neutral to lesser beings and at

worst utterly hostile by the nature of

their very existence, capable of anni-

hilating entire civilizations with no

more thought than that of a mortal

crushing an ant underfoot. There are

others of less power, though they are WRITING Anthony Pryor

COLOR ART Júlio Rocha
no less malevolent. EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi

Alien Gods and Eldritch Secrets  |  EN World EN5ider

D espite this many of these ancient god-like beings
have attracted vast cults of worship with priest-
hoods, rituals, sacred texts, and artifacts. What follows
Those who revere this entity or the powers that it
represents feel a duty to hasten the end of life, order,
are a sampling of such beings, along with informa- and the universe’s very existence. While single mortal
tion about their followers, relics, and spells. Note that individuals cannot achieve such goals on their own,
these names and the concepts to which worshipers they do their best by studying chaos magic, commit-
adher, are nothing more than rationalizations of ting acts of mass death and destruction, and sowing
unknowable beings filtered through the limited disorder. They have neither rationale nor greater
minds of mortals—they are far beyond comprehen- purpose in their activities and make mayhem for
sion, their true natures and goals are as inconceivable reasons given to them by their leaders, and if a
as they themselves are. Mundane concepts such as worshiper perishes in their pursuits so much the
alignment, intellect, and purpose mean nothing to better. Axu-Nagos’ cults do not seek fame, fortune,
them, and they may behave in ways that are entirely power, influence, or rewards in an afterlife—they just
contrary to what their followers believe. want to destroy, and see utter oblivion for themselves
and the rest of the universe as their ultimate destiny.
Axu-Nagos (The Entropy, AXU-NAGOS SPELLS
The Great Nothingness) With intense and fanatical worship the followers
That an entity can manifest the concept of chaos of Axu-Nagos believe they’ll be awarded with the
and the eventual entropic death of the cosmos is the ability to innately cast one or more spells associated
kind of self-contradiction that defines many cosmic with their god. This magic is chaotic and destruc-
beings. Axu-Nagos is the embodiment of disorder tive in nature, inevitably cast to cause the most havoc
and the inevitable chaos into which all things eventu- possible. Should a worshiper be granted this boon,
ally descend, to the point that it may not even truly be cantrips can be cast at will, while more powerful
called an entity or god. Rather than a true conscious- spells can be cast once in a number of days equal to
ness, Axu-Nagos may simply be yet another natural half its Hit Dice.
force like gravity or magnetism. There are those who Axu-Nagos Spells. Acid splash, poison spray, color
claim otherwise, believing it to be a separate force spray, hideous laughter, blindness/deafness, fear, confu-
with intent and purpose that cannot be truly known, sion, cloudkill, mislead, disintegrate, irresistible dance,
only served. Some scholars have chosen to delve prismatic spray, feeblemind, maze, meteor swarm.
into its true nature—most go mad or join the cults of
Nothingness, violently seeking to further Axu-Nagos’ For example, a cult fanatic has 6 Hit Dice so would
existence through acts of unwonted chaos. gain the acid splash and poison spray cantrips, as well as
innate casting of color spray and hideous laughter each
once per day, blindness/deafness once every 2 days, and
fear once every 3 days.

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Alien Gods and Eldritch Secrets  |  EN World EN5ider

Saukkassus (The All-Being, SAUKKASSUS ARTIFACT
The most precious of all items associated with Sauk-
The Dreamer) kassus is the Book of Dreams.
From whence do dreams come? Are they simply the
subconscious reflexes of a sleeping mind or do they Book of Dreams
originate in a distant realm, mere echoes of a slum- Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
bering being of unimaginable power and intellect? This silk-bound volume details how to gain messages
Some believe that Saukkassus is the source of dreams and enlightenment directly from the All-Being’s
and that as it slumbers, images of its reverie are sleeping mind. While you are attuned to the book
reflected in the minds of sleeping mortals (and even and it is within your reach, you can cast the following
in those such as elves who meditate rather than sleep). spells without the need for material components: sleep
Saukkassus is said to exist on all planes of existence at (3/day), sending (3/day), divination (1/day), commune (1/
once, and the powerful emanations from its sleeping day), astral projection (1/day). You can only use the book
mind influence beings everywhere—including to cast sending on creatures that are asleep. Whenever
the gods themselves, who even with their reality- you use the book to cast astral projection, commune, or
changing powers are still subject to the slumbering divination you must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving
power of The All-Being. throw or be reduced to 1 Intelligence and 1 Charisma
(as the spell feeblemind).
While it sleeps, Saukkasssus’ effect on the waking
world is chaotic and sometimes destructive, but not Mortulos (Maker of Monsters,
ultimately world-ending. Should it awaken however, Mother of All)
its chaotic conscious mind is thought to be so over- This strange being is said to live in twisting caverns
whelmingly strange and alien that all things in the deep in Underland, or in a dimension consisting only
multiverse would be driven to madness (deities of dark, labyrinthine tunnels. It is an amorphous
included). The All-Being’s worshipers are divided thing simultaneously of flesh and not, covered in eyes,
between those who wish to keep their deity asleep— mouths, and various limbs. Mortulos is a twisted
known as the Sleepers—and the opposed Awakeners. deity that births strange and unwholesome monstros-
The Sleepers’ motivations are obvious as the ities, including aberrant creatures such as chimera,
cosmos will continue to exist so long as Saukkassus chuul, gibbering mouthers, manticores, and otyugh.
continues to slumber; they seek wisdom in Sauk- It is believed by some that Mortulos is the actual
kassus’ sendings, devoting much of their time to progenitor of even more terrifying creatures such as
sleep and dreams. Those seeking to rouse Saukkassus the tarrasque as well, all emerging from its slime-
believe themselves to be the chosen ones, blessed to coated body and dragging themselves to the surface
survive the end of its sleep where they will gain ulti- where they breed and thrive, or fail to find a place and
mate power and enlightenment in the new multiverse die out. Some are so horrific that they cannot survive,
that follows. The Awakeners’ rituals often involve reabsorbed into Mortulos’ form. Almost the oppo-
sacrifice and other evil acts in an effort to directly site of entities like Axu-Nagos, Mortulos is a thing of
affect Saukkassus’ dream-consciousness and draw uncontrolled creation and fecundity, filling the world
it forth from slumber. As might be expected conflicts with aberrant life and bloating to cataclysmic size
between the two groups are common, but usually until all is absorbed into a single, pulsating, primor-
take place in secret, behind the scenes in cities and dial universe of flesh.
kingdoms. Assassinations, curses, twilight assaults,
and magical duels take place, often damaging prop-
erty and injuring or killing innocents caught in the
crossfire while leaving authorities puzzled.

Alien Gods and Eldritch Secrets  |  EN World EN5ider

Those who revere Mortulos do so in the knowledge that Some powerful followers of Mortulos also command
they and all of existence will eventually be devoured magic that can twist and mutate animals or even
by this entity and its weird progeny. Its worshipers humanoids into aberrations as a horrific tribute to
seek out aberrations and attempt to control them, their amorphous god.
letting them ravage the countryside and terrorize cities
in the hope that they will prosper, grow, and eventu- Aberrant Transformation
ally reproduce. The followers of Mortulos also seek to 8th-level transmutation (bard, cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
increase the population of sentient species regardless of Casting Time: 1 hour
the consequences, overpopulation, or lack of resources, Range: Touch
believing that growing numbers of living things will Components: V, S, M (vial of blood from an aberration)
hasten the day when the Maker of Monsters rises to Duration: Instantaneous
absorb all. Such worshipers often work as doulas, This spell transforms a creature that you can see
fertility experts, animal breeders, and in related profes- within range into an aberration determined by the
sions. While their laboring may seem beneficial, their material components used to cast it. An unwilling
intentions are almost always malevolent. creature must make a Constitution saving throw to
avoid the effect. The transformation is permanent,
but the target can be returned to its original form with
heal, remove curse, or wish. The new form must have
a challenge rating equal to or less than the target’s
(or the target’s level, if it doesn’t have a challenge
rating). The target’s game statistics are replaced by
the statistics of the aberration. It retains its alignment,
Intelligence score, and personality.
The target assumes the hit points of its new form.
The creature is limited in the actions it can perform
by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast
spells, or take any other action that requires hands
or speech.
The target’s gear melds into the new form. The crea-
ture can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit
from any of its equipment.
At the end of each long rest the target must make
a Wisdom saving throw, losing its awareness and
reducing its Intelligence score on a failure. This change
is permanent, but the target can be transformed back
into its original form with the spells remove curse, heal,
or wish. e

Alien Gods and Eldritch Secrets  |  EN World EN5ider

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