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Exercise 2

Pros. We have very hospitable people, when someone comes to visit, goodwill is
felt. An hour of tea and good conversation is the best medicine for the heart and
soul. I read that many foreigners like our cuisine, it is homemade which is very
tasty and warms you up.
And also the most significant difference from other countries for me personally is
that Ukrainians are very patriotic, strong in spirit. We can see how much we love
our flag: we can see it in taxis, on buildings, bracelets and even fences on the
streets. Glory to Ukraine has become a motto for many years and people just say
hello with this phrase. How people are not afraid to say what they think and are
ready to fight for their country. They are ready to go to the enemy with their bare
hands and nothing will stop them. I love my country very much for this, and during
this war, it seems to me that this patriotism has gained even more significance.
This patriotism is unique.

Research has shown over half the nation (56 per cent) admit to a daily groan and
one in five (19 per cent) moan more than three times a day, resulting in 1,016
moans per year, for 169 hours.
Charlotte Fielding, head of Privilege Car Insurance said:

"As a British brand, we wanted to know if we Brits still fall under the stereotype
that we are an unreliable nation. These findings show that the main thing we tend
to moan about is the weather and politics - it's not surprising. "

“a good moan can sometimes help to let off steam, we think it’s important for our
customers to try to live as stress free as possible so that they don’t lose their cool
when driving on the road, while in the work place or at home.”
Top 15 UK moans

I was also very surprised by the list of people's moans and, accordingly, the
number of percentages, because it seems to me that our moaning priorities are

1. The weather 34%

2. Politics 34%

3. Not getting enough sleep 31%

4. Work 28%

5. Bad customer service 27%

6. Money 25%

7. Other people moaning 24%

8. Health 23%

9. Weight 21%

10. Family 18%

11. Having to queue 15%

12. Partner 15%

13. Public Transport 13%

14. Colleagues 13%

15. Football 10%

+ There is an opinion that the British can shake hands when they meet, and then
never shake hands with this person again in their lives.
"Physical integrity" among the British is formed early - the British stop touching
children at 7-8 years old; our nationality is much later, they touch and stroke even
teenagers on the head.
A comfortable distance between interlocutors for the British is considered to be
approximately 83-85 cm. For communication between friends in an informal
setting, the distance is 45-120 cm, and the social distance among the British (at the
dinner table, in the office, etc.) varies from 1 to 3, 5-4 meters.

1. Вітання
Слава Ураїні – героям слава , Христо народився , славімо його ( різдво ) ,
Пасха ( Христос Воскрес – Воістину Воскрес ) , Тиждень перед Пасхи
( Слава ісусу христу , слава навіки)
Жести : знак « воля « 3 пальца

Exercise 5
1. My opinion about London has not changed, I always said that I want to visit
it. From the text, I liked that London will keep the tradition, which gives people
nostalgia for those times. It's very cool that you can be innovative, but also have
a piece of something historical and familiar to those times. For example, this is
a visit to the party room and sewing to order suits, hats and others, as well as
double-decker buses
2. Of course, London and Britain itself are much more developed than Kyiv.
The economy is higher, wages. For example, medicine, in London, in order to
call an ambulance, you need to be on the verge of death. If you have a cold,
then Ukrainian doctors will prescribe a whole list of medicines, while British
doctors will only prescribe aspirin and liquid. Medicine for residents is free.
Without insurance, treatment at a regular private doctor will cost £100. There
are not as many pharmacies in Britain as we do. We have pharmacies on every
corner. Also in Britain, pharmacies are open until 6 pm. The quality of
medicine is very different.
3. If we take the whole of Ukraine, then Kyiv, of course, differs significantly
from other cities. It is more developed, economically as well. But for me there
is no global difference, because Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ternopil, etc. are also
developed as cities. As for culture, Kyiv is not quite part of the culture of the
whole country. Western Ukraine is significantly different, because there are
more specific traditions, celebration of holidays and more. So there is a
difference in this regard.

Exercise 6
2. Pros. We have very hospitable people, when someone comes to visit,
goodwill is felt. An hour of tea and good conversation is the best medicine for
the heart and soul. I read that many foreigners like our cuisine, it is homemade
which is very tasty and warms you up.

And also the most significant difference from other countries for me personally
is that Ukrainians are very patriotic, strong in spirit. We can see how much we
love our flag: we can see it in taxis, on buildings, bracelets and even fences on
the streets. Glory to Ukraine has become a motto for many years and people
just say hello with this phrase. How people are not afraid to say what they think
and are ready to fight for their country. They are ready to go to the enemy with
their bare hands and nothing will stop them. I love my country very much for
this, and during this war, it seems to me that this patriotism has gained even
more significance. This patriotism is unique.
Excellent nature. The nature of the Carpathians is especially captivating with
dense forests and deep waters. It must be protected from fraudsters, big and
small, public and private.
I would also like to note that the Oleshkevsky sands in the Kherson region are
the only desert in Europe.
There is a lack of tolerance and respect in public transport, especially on the
road. Although when I was in Lviv I really liked the people. They always give
up their seats on buses, help carry bags, etc.
Due to the low economy, wages in Ukraine are not high, and food prices are
rising. Many people simply cannot afford to buy simple products, especially
Medicine is not the best. A very expensive appointment with a doctor and
unfortunately there are few specialists who match this price.
3. The country is located in Europe and the largest state in Europe in terms of
area. 162.000 g. We have the largest desert in Europe - Aleshkovsky sands, in
the Kherson region. We have the deepest subway in the world, this is the
Arsenalnaya station - 105 meters.

5. Ivana Kupala

On this day, daredevils jump over the fire, and at midnight they look for a fern
flower in order to gain the ability to see the future and gain untold wealth. The
girls weave in. Unmarried girls float their wreaths on the water: whichever bank
he hits, the girl will go there and marry.

5. Answer the following questions after the first reading of the text:
1. What are the main features of the British mentality? What objective factors is
it related to? Do these features represent the opinion of the author of the text,
common knowledge or fact?
British people are reserved, aloof and often haughty. British still use such
popular sayings as “An Englishman’s home is his castle” to describe attitude
rather than any physical protection. Britain, you would immediately notice the
almost chilling politeness of the British and the peculiar way that people will
apologise continually. The British view that it is better to participate at a sport
and play honourably, than to win, is absolutely incomprehensible to an
American. The second, tradition, is the cornerstone of the British character and
another way to realise this is to look at places and their architecture and history.
) (There are many Neolithic and prehistoric sites around Britain, Roman
remains in such cities as Chester, Colchester, Bath and Canterbury, the remains
of Viking settlements in York and from the Norman invasion in 1066, many
stone castles and fortifications. )

5. Answer the following questions after the first reading of the text:
1. What are the main features of the British mentality? What objective factors is
it related to? Do these features represent the opinion of the author of the text,
common knowledge or fact?
British people are reserved, aloof and often haughty. British still use such
popular sayings as “An Englishman’s home is his castle” to describe attitude
rather than any physical protection. Britain, you would immediately notice the
almost chilling politeness of the British and the peculiar way that people will
apologise continually. The British view that it is better to participate at a sport
and play honourably, than to win, is absolutely incomprehensible to an
American. The second, tradition, is the cornerstone of the British character and
another way to realise this is to look at places and their architecture and history.
) (There are many Neolithic and prehistoric sites around Britain, Roman
remains in such cities as Chester, Colchester, Bath and Canterbury, the remains
of Viking settlements in York and from the Norman invasion in 1066, many
stone castles and fortifications. )
2. What is the role of tradition in the British character? Support your answer
with relevant points from the text, quoting it if necessary.
3. What are the historical and geographic facts that were not known to you
before you read the text? What are the facts that have impressed you most of
Британцы очень ценят ( аpreciate ) и уважают своей страны , например
People still drink at the ‘Old Trip to Jerusalem’ pub in Nottingham which dates
back to the twelfth century. Tourists flock to Stratford-upon-Avon where
Shakespeare’s birthplace is, and the cottage where he lived with Ann
Hathaway, his wife, in the 16th century, still stands, near many other buildings
the same age or older. Они больше дают предпочтении страиным зданиямс
нежели современным.

4. What is the main idea of this text?

affects - впливати
mentality - менталілтет
bump into - натрапити
pushing in - лізти бзе черги, проштовхуватися
dreadfully - жахливо
never mind - не переймайся
Salisbury Plain - рівнина Солсбері
peers - одноліток , придивлятися

Research has shown over half the nation (56 per cent) admit to a daily groan and
one in five (19 per cent) moan more than three times a day, resulting in 1,016
moans per year, for 169 hours.
Charlotte Fielding, head of Privilege Car Insurance said:

“As a British brand we wanted to understand whether us Brits still fall into the
stereotype of being a whingey nation. These findings reveal that the top things we
tend to moan about are the weather and politics – no surprises there.”

“Whilst a good moan can sometimes help to let off steam, we think it’s important
for our customers to try to live as stress free as possible so that they don’t lose their
cool when driving on the road, while in the work place or at home.”
Top 15 UK moans

I was also very surprised by the list of people's moans and, accordingly, the
number of percentages, because it seems to me that our moaning priorities are

1. The weather 34%

2. Politics 34%

3. Not getting enough sleep 31%

4. Work 28%

5. Bad customer service 27%

6. Money 25%

7. Other people moaning 24%

8. Health 23%

9. Weight 21%

10. Family 18%

11. Having to queue 15%

12. Partner 15%

13. Public Transport 13%

14. Colleagues 13%

15. Football 10%

+ There is an opinion that the British can shake hands when they meet, and then
never shake hands with this person again in their lives.
"Physical integrity" among the British is formed early - the British stop touching
children at 7-8 years old; our nationality is much later, they touch and stroke even
teenagers on the head.
A comfortable distance between interlocutors for the British is considered to be
approximately 83-85 cm. For communication between friends in an informal
setting, the distance is 45-120 cm, and the social distance among the British (at the
dinner table, in the office, etc.) varies from 1 to 3, 5-4 meters.

Lesson 4

1. So, how will this new law affect me? 2. What’s going to be the .effect. of this
new law on my income? 3. She pleaded to no affect.. 4. The Gulf Stream .affect..
the climate of Britain. 5. To this ..effect., he decided to donate some money. 6. The
.effect.. of the Gulf Stream is to raise average temperatures. 7. Her cold ..affect.
her mood. 8. Pamela was deeply .affect... by the news. 9. The bank affect... the
transfer of money between accounts. 10. His mother’s death .. affect. him badly.
11. This will have no . effect.. on our chances. 12. This won’t ..affect our chances.
13. We
had to go to the deceased man’s house to deal with his personal ...effect. 14.
He .affect.. the role of an idiot. 15. At last, the antibiotics took .effect.. 16.
For .effect.., she wore an orange scarf.

1. Отже, як цей новий закон вплине на мене? 2. Яким буде ефект . цього
нового закону щодо моїх доходів? 3. Вона закликала не впливати.. 4.
Гольфстрім влипаває .. на клімат Британії. 5. Цим наміром/дією., він вирішив
пожертвувати трохи грошей. 6. Мета Гольфстрім полягає в підвищенні
середніх температур. 7. Її холод ..впливає. її настрій. 8. Акторка Памела була
глибоко вражена/зворушеною... новинами. 9.Банк впливає на... переказ
грошей між рахунками. 10. Смерть його матері вплинула на нього погано.
11. Не буде впливу... на наші шанси. 12. Це не вплине. наші шанси. 13. Ми
довелося піти в будинок померлого, щоб розібратися з його особистими
речами ... 14. Він .прикидається ідіотом. 15. Нарешті антибіотики подіяли. 16.
Для ефекту вона одягла помаранчевий шарф.

1. Mrs. Kepi asked aliens from Haiti, the country affected by the hurricane, about
its devastating effects. 2. Experts claim that recent events will not affect the
country's economy. 3. In fact, all my attempts to speak with an accent and affect a
foreigner did not give the desired result. 4. We were very affected by the concert.
5. Smoking affects not only the health of the smoker, but also those around it. 6.
During the moving, all her effects were carefully packed and delivered intact. 7.
Needless to say, the film affected us. Sound effects are especially successful. I
didn't hear anything at all for a few days after that. 8. All our attempts were
without effects . 9. we collected warm anode For this effect, we collected warm
anode. 10. The use of antibiotics did not give the desired effect.

1. reserved – стриманий
2. aloof – відсторонений
3. boorish – невихований
4. haughty - зарозумілий
5. aloof – відлюдний
6. boorish - грубий
7. boorish – невихований
8. stand-offish- непривітний
9. aloof - віддалений
10. haughty – чванливий

1. Я не можу ходити, не кажучи вже про біг. 2 .Не хвилюйтесь, я виконую
всю роблю всю роботу неподілік! 3. Та дрібниці, це скоро заживе. 4. Команда
не могла точно пасувати м’яч, вже не кажучи про те, що б забити гол 5.. Не
має значення яка пори року, бігати все рівно корисно для здоров’я. 6.
Нічого, ми купимо вам ще один. 7. Не біда – мені стане краще після суботи,
коли я закінчу це обстеження. 8. Не звертайте уваги, я чекаю тут більше

1. What’s the most impressive ..cornerstone. Neolithic in the Crimea? 2. She ..took
for granted. that her parents would buy her a new mobile phone to replace the
stolen one. 3. He was hurt when he bumped into... the litter bin. 4. !@@The
vehicle was .allegedly.. hit by the c rane. 5. The decision was taken ..sack. the
employee for always being late. 6. Even though she was late, she did not
want .push in.. the queue. 7. After seven weeks at sea, the desert island come into
view... 8. He could not resist .show off.. his new MP3 player. 9. The midfielder
had long been a stone. of the football team. 10. He .. peer. long and
hard at the list of titles.11. @@The Japanese tourist could not understand the ... of
the Customs Official. @@12. The European Union found attitude
incompatible with their objectives. 13. The tourist group decided it was more
important to see the .sights.. than stop for lunch. 14. Being in such a bad mood, she
slam the door the next person’s face. 15. The Ukrainian ambassador was invited to
lay the stone of the new building. 16. I believe this prize pumpkin has
no ... 17. Where’s the .Neolithic.. of the Scythian port?

He: - It is always interesting to learn something new about people living in other
countries: temperamental Spaniards, elegant French, practical and boorish
Americans, polite and reserved Britons ...

She: - By the way, about the British. They are very different, in fact, like the
representatives of any nation. I think the character of the British is strongly
influenced by their " insular mentality". It is believed that these people are
somewhat apathetic , closed, haughty, distrustful and strongly official with
strangers. I do not agree with that. It seems to me that they just hold on with
dignity. The Britons I met were hospitable, friendly and attentive. I always felt
peer among them.

He: - I have heard that many Britons are very categorical in their ideas about what
is acceptable and what is extremely rude. For example, if you do not apologize to a
passerby who came at you from around the corner and pushed you so that you
howled in pain, you will be considered an extremely boorish person. And what
will they think of you if, when you leave, you do not hold the door so that it does
not hit the one who enters? I'm not talking about the case if you try to push in the
queue ...

She: - Yes, I read that queuing is a national passion of the British. But is politeness
and discipline bad? Especially when it is natural, innate qualities that are taken for

He: - I agree. It is not proper for the British to "affect" something, to show
artificial, insincere politeness, and forced smiles so as not to lose their jobs.

She: - And how the British respect their traditions, preserve the monuments of
history! And this is also one of the most important features of the British character.
How many times when I was in Britain, I heard the words: "the first in world
history", "the only one in the world", "the oldest in the history of civilization" ...
Unfortunately, I did not have to see Stonehenge: they say when you see it, you can

He: - Yes, in Britain there is something to see, something to learn, and why just be

Section B

Ex 8
1. F (зелений)
2. Т ( голубий )
3. F ( фіолтовий )
4. Т
5. F ( оранжеве)
6. Т ( коричневий )
7. F ( рожевий )

Ex 10

1. Поруч має бути стоянка таксі – тут два театри. 2. Його

соціальне звання, щоб він одягав військову форму на
хрестини. 3. Зібрані рядові склади віддали честь Президенту.
4. Його перевели на рядову роботу в дистанційне
консульство. 5. Коли ворог наступав, перелякані воїни
вийшли зі строю . 6. Щоб приховати через порушення
фірмою Закону про компанії, вищому керівництву було
наказано зімкнути ряди та не спілкуватися з пресою. 7.
Керівник завжди з гордістю розповідав, що перш ніж пройти
шляш від рядового до офіцеру , він працював черговим на
автостоянці . 8. Офіцер був суворо дисциплінований
генералом і змусив вступити на військову службу . 9. Пішак
перемістився на сьомсьомий ряд в результаті розумної гри 10.
Наречена графа була народжена в високим соціальним

Ex 11
1. Only residents’ permit-.occupier .. are allowed to park their cars
here. 2. There wasn’t a single inhabitant... of the block of flats
who agreed with the proposal. 3. The .tenant.. of the flat above
had left a tap running. 4. The landlord was pleased to have found a
new .occupier, (tenant).. 5. “I could be the catalyst that sparks the
revolution, I could be an . resident (occupier), inmate.. at a long-
term institution” (Ian Dury lyric). 6. As a ..holder. of the building,
he had the right to use the attached gardens. 7. The . inhabitant.
(occupier,tenant) . of the British Isles are frequently insular in
their mentality. 8. Are you the . inhabitant.. of British passport?
9. Let me just check, ah yes, the ..tenant,holder . of room 101 is
Ann Simpson. 10. The old lady had been
resident.,inhabitant,occupier .. in the village for over forty years.

Ex 12

1. London’s urban .sprawl.. has reached formerly distant villages. 2.

The hotel complex ..spread. out along the coast. 3. He sprawl.. his
legs out on the coffee table. 4. She made herself comfortable
and ...sprawl. on the sofa. 5. This buffet’s tremendous. What a
glorious spread...! 6. The plant ..spread. all over the top of the
cupboard. 7. She ..sprawl. marmalade on her toast. 8. Ian ..spread.
the wall with paint.

1. Розростання міст Лондона досягло раніше віддалених сіл. 2.

Готельний комплекс ..пошир. вздовж узбережжя. 3. Він
розкинувся.. ноги на журнальному столику. 4. Вона
влаштувалася зручно і ... розтягнулась. на дивані. 5. Цей
шведський стіл чудовий. Який чудовий розповсюдження...! 6.
Рослина ..розповсюджується. по всій верхній частині шафи. 7.
Вона ..розтягнута. мармелад на її тост. 8. Ян ..розгорнутий. стіна

Ex 13
1. Impulsive -імпульсивний
2. Rash- необачний
3. Reckless- необережний
4. hair-brained- необдуманий
5. careless- необачний
6. thoughtless – бездумний
7. madcap –безрозсудний
8. impetuous – бурхливий
9. foolhardy – нерозсудливий

Ex 16
1. concede - confess, accept, admit (поступитися, визнати )
2. alighted - land, disembark ( висажуватися)
3. felt a thrill - tremor; quiver; awe; flutter; ( віцчути трепет)
4. cannot bear - I can not stand ( не можу просто )
5. exhilarating - play havoc with the hearts ( кружить голову,
6. step off the kerb - leave,  go off , get out of( сходити )
7. wandering - roam; rove; ( бродити )
8. Teem - swarm; ( кишити )
9. Destination - goal;; point of destination;; place of destination
( мысце призначення )
10. Plaque - tablet , sign ( табличка з підписом )
11. Range - wonder, walk round , surround ( обійти)
12. Encounter - come across, drop across , face, barge
into( натрапити)
13. eluded – not come to one's mind ( не спадало на думку)
14. lively - briskly; lifelike; lively; merrily; (жвавий)
15. courteous - polite, amiable ( ввічливий)
16. drop - put down , put down ( довезти до )
17. put you to any inconvenience - cause inconvenience,
disoblige;( дісоблайдж) (доставить вам будь-які

1.Він не визнавав би своєї неправи, хоча це було всім очевидно. 2.

Пасажири вийшли з автобуса, щойно він зупинився. 3. Коли вона
нарешті реалізувала своє бажання побачити Стоунхендж, вона
відчула трепет. 4. Кейт просто не може їсти нічого з абрикосами. 5.
Це було хвилююче відчуття стояти на скелі і дивитися на океан. 6.
Ви повинні бути дуже обережними, коли виходите з узбіччя у
Великобританії, оскільки рух не відбувається на тій же стороні
дороги, що й у Європі. 7. Олена провела дуже щасливі пару годин,
блукаючи по магазинах біля гавані. 8. Багато курортів кишать
життям всю ніч. 9. Його призначення було ясно, щоб прибути до
Ноттінгема до четверга. 10. На більшості статуй у Лондоні є
табличка, яка описує, кого вшановують. 11. Він ходив далеко по
долині, шукаючи, де були знайдені скам’янілості. 12. Вона була
здивована, але задоволена, зустрівши в магазині примірник її
книги. 13. Значення ієрогліфів йому вислизало, хоча він вивчав їх
роками. 14. У барі готелю вечорами було жваво. 15. Я завжди
ходжу в той супермаркет, тому що помічники завжди ввічливі. 16.
Дякую за підйом; Ви можете підвезти мене до світлофора, будь
ласка? 17. Сподіваюся, я не завдав вам жодних незручностей, підвіз

Ex 18

London is congenial to a giant body with countless people, cars,

buildings, monuments, squares, parks, churches ... Private cars are not
very train here: continuous traffic jams, a complex network of streets
with one-way traffic, confusing interchanges ... This can only be done
by taxi drivers who know ( ken) London, its streets and houses very
well. Taxi drivers are not only highly professional: they are very
courteous, friendly and reliable. It would seem that this is the case?
Don't tell me: on many streets, houses are as congenial as if they step
off the same conveyor , especially in the sprawl of London. Here you
can get lost among the wandering rank of terraced houses.

If you do not have any urgent matters, it is better to wander slowly

through the streets and squares of London. Then you will understand
that everything here is steeped in history more than in any other city.
Parks here are greener, theaters are more beautiful, orchestras and
museums are bigger, streets are safer, and residents are better educated.
I'm afraid
only that it will take more than a decade. Still, London will remain an
intoxicating secret for you. Every time you will discover new and new
areas, streets, shops, swarm markets, charming abandoned churches,
quiet corners where
you can sit on a bench while relaxing ... You will meet pictures dear to
your heart: red telephone booths and mailboxes, statues of unknown
Victorians in togas, double-decker buses, memorial plaques on houses,
polite warning signs. And still something will eluded of your sight.
London is the whole world. He will never get bored. And if you
suddenly get tired of London, then you're tired of life.

Section C
Ex 3
1. London
2. transfer to the metro at terminal 4 ; take a taxi; take a regular
3. to the right of the information desk, there will be a large
announcement with various information
4. There’s a free, regular shuttle bus to the other terminals where we
can catch the Piccadilly Line into town. We can catch At the bus-
stands by the Departures entrance
5. as far north-east as you can go in the British Isles. Loch means
6. They’re little and shaggy and stranger
7. Tintagel Castle located a the south-west of England
8. King Arthur stone found there a few years ago.
9. Tintagel’s on a headland jutting out from those cliffs.

Ex 6

1. Реконструкція стадіону «Вемблі» — це масштабне

починання. 2. Реставрування експонатів у музеї мадам Тюссо
– це нескінченна робота. 3. Ремонт/ відновлення і
обслуговування тисяч кілометрів лондонської каналізації
коштує кілька мільйонів фунтів стерлінгів на рік. 4.
Відновлення лондонської каналізації оцінювалася в 3,5
мільярда фунтів стерлінгів у 2004 році. 5. Власник універмагу
Harrods наполягає на щоденній заміні вмісту залу свіжої їжі.
6. Ремонт різдвяних прикрас у центрі Лондона починається за
кілька місяців до того, як їх повісять у листопаді. 7.Ми
любимо оновлювати наш будинок повністю кожні пару
років. 8. Лондонський міст був реконструйований у 1967-
1972 роках, тоді як оригінал був доставлений до Арізони. 9.
Оновлення лондонських портів відбувалося понад 20 років і
повністю змінило територію. 10. Після пожежі в 1992 році
витрати на ремонтВіндзорського замку становив близько 40
мільйонів фунтів стерлінгів.
Ex 7
A) 6
B) 9
C) 1
E) 2
F) 3
H) 8
I) 10
j) 4

Ex 9

Замок Тінтагель розташований на косі, що виступає в море з

плоскогір’я Північного Корнуолла. Половина замку на материку, а
до іншої частини можна дістатися, пройшовши по вузькому
перешийку між двома затоками моря.
Протягом сотень років ті, хто шукав замок, пробиралися по
плоскогір’ю або по краю долини до цього місця, оскільки єдиний
шлях до замку був вузькою стежкою.

Середньовічний письменник писав про переваги його

розташування: «Замок збудований високо над морем, яке оточує
його з усіх боків , але іншого шляху немає окрім вузького
скельного перешийка. Троє озброєних солдатів могли б
протистояти вам, навіть якби на вашому боці стояло усе
Королівство Британії .З усіма своїми природними захисними
силами Тінтагель був ідеальним місцем для величного

Легенда свідчить, що Тінтагель був місцем народження не менше

людини, ніж король Артур, який, як вважають, був полководцем у
шостому столітті. Скрізь, де зустрічається його легенда, також ім’я
Мерліна Чарівника, чия печера знаходиться під замком. Довгий час
не було знайдено доказів зв'язку цих двох із місцем, аж до в
1998 року було знайдено кришку середньовічного водостоку, на
якій є латинська версія імені Артур. Але враження, яке залишили
казки про короля Артура у свідомості багатьох поколінь, справді

Ex 14
Occupant( житель) , sprawl( передмістя, розповсюдження) , rank
( ряд, звання), retirement(вихід на пенсію), quest( пошуки ) , kerb
(узбіччя) , double-decker bus( двоповерховйи автоубс ) ,
teeming(кишить), sidestreet (провулок) , privacy (конфіденційність),
fortification (укріплення), shopping trolley(торговий візок) ,
confusion(т плутанина) , queuing (черга) , effect ( дія, вплив, мета ,
речі ) cornerstone (фундаментальний елемент) , mentality
(ментальність) , psyche (психіка) , peer ( підглядати, лорд , рівня ,
рівний ) , housing estate (житловий масив) , reptile (рептилія) , bus
stand (автобусна зупинка ) , shuttle (автобус , який має одни нпярм з
пункта в пункт , безкоштовний, регулярний) , connection (з'єднання)
, redevelopment (реконструкція) , headland (мис) , cliff (скелі ) ,
Anonymous (Анонімний) , stuccoed (поштукатурений), exhilarating
(хвилюючий), courteous (ввічливий) , congenial ( споріднений ) ,
teeming (кишити ) , obscure (незрозумілий) , teeming, odd ( дивний ,
випадковий) , fractional (дробовий) , Neolithic (неолітичний0 ,
prehistoric(доісторичний) , punitive (каральний ) , incom prehensible
(незрозумілий) , aloof ( віддалений , байждужений) , haughty
(пихатий . грубий ) , reserved ( стриманий ) , stand-offish
( сором’язливий) , boorish (хамський) , chilling ( освіжаючий ) ,
peeping (підглядаючи) , alien ( чужий ) , hare-brained (необачний) ,
allegedly (нібито) , shaggy ( лохматий) , rugged (грубий) , sensible
(розсудливий), regular.( регулярний )
To range (До діапазону), to elude (не спадати на думку) , to encounter
(зустрітися) , to feel a thrill (выдучити трепет) , to have an amble
(прогулятися) , to lunge down ( падати вниз ) , to affect ( впливати,
щкодити, уражати ( про хвороуб, хвилювати) , to flock
(скупчуватися) , to come into view (потрапити в поле зору) , to slam a
door (грюкнути дверима) , to be taken for granted (сприйматися як
належне) , to concede (допускати можливість) , to alight
(висажуватися), to bear something (не можу просто) , to put oneself to
an inconvenience ( поставити себе в незручності ) , to have an amble (
проуглятися ) , to push in ( проштовхнутися ) , to bump into
( натрапити) , never mind ( вде не кажучи про ), to show off
(похизуватися) , to assert (відстоювати) , to suspend ( призупинити) ,
to be off ( йти) , to grace ( удостоювати) , to jut out (вдаватися) .

Cat's eyes are flashlights that light up the road.

Tigers eye ring make enormous effects on your mental and physical
health. For the centuries Cat's Eye or Tiger's Eye worn as talisman to
protection against bad luck, illness and lack of resistance of body. In
some parts of the world, the stone is believed even to ward off the evil

Unit 5

Ex 2
Simultaneously, voyage ( вОяджь) , genocide ( дженосайд) , alluvial ( елУвіал) ,
to encourage( енкаАридж) , the Caucasus ( кОкасис) , the Carpathians
( карпЕсіан), revival ( ревАйвл) , giant ( джайнт) , manganese ( мАнганиз) ,
titanium ( тайтеніум) , fertilizer ( фЕтілайза) , revitalized ( рівАйталайзд),
Crimean ( краймІан) , cereal.

Одночасно, подорож, геноцид, напливний, ( надихнути, стати поштовхом

до, заоохувати), Кавказ, Карпати, (відновлення сил, відродження повернення
до життя), (гігант, велетень) , марганець, титан, добриво, оживлений,
кримський, зерновий.

Ex 3

1. Why is Ukraine called “The Breadbasket of Europe”?

For centuries, Ukraine has grown wheat as a prime crop and during the Middle
Ages, earned itself the nickname “The Breadbasket of Europe”.

2. What is the predominant kind of soil in Ukraine?

black soil

3. What encourages farmers to graze cattle rather than sheep?

why raise sheep or goats, who can survive on poor land when cows can be fat and
healthy on rich land
4. Why do Ukrainian farmers prefer to plant crops rather than raise cattle or pigs?
The farmers who chose to plant crops, rather than raise cattle or pigs, will first of
all consider cereal crops, especially wheat, as Ukraine can harvest huge quantities
of the very best wheat.

5. What famous political figures have called Ukraine “The breadbasket of

During Napoleonic times, when both the infamous French emperor and his British
opponent, the Duke of Wellington, used the phrase to describe Ukraine in various

6. When did the main revival of agriculture occur?

7. What metals is Ukraine a leading producer of?

Ukraine is a leading producer of manganese, used in making steel and also
producess nickel and titanium.

8. What natural resources is Ukraine rich in?

Coal, where there are still huge deposits, iron ore and other such natural resources
in the Donbass region to the east of the country provide the raw materials for
Ukraine’s heavy industries.

9. What are the key crops of Ukraine?

sugar beet, corn, barley, wheat, corn

10. What fruit and vegetables are grown in Ukraine?

The wealth of tomatoes, apples, pears, strawberries, cherries and all the other
natural products

11. Why is forestry important for the development of the economy of Ukraine?
Even the hilly areas in the eastern Carpathian regions can contribute with forestry
and wood products and maybe one day add sheep to the picture, for lamb and wool
to feed and clothe the tourists

12.What is a typical Ukrainian landscape?

Ex 6

1. F
3. F.
4. T.
5. T.
6. F.
7. T.
8. F.
9. F
10. T.
11. F.
12. T

Ex 13

1) rice – рис
2) buckwheat - гречка
3) wheat - пшениця
4) sweetcorn - кукурдза
5) sunflower - соняшник
6) millet - просо
7) barley - ячмінь
8) hops - хміль
9) oats - овес
10) oil-seed rape - рапс

Ex 14

fruit vegetables herbs crops

tomatoes Potatoes Dill (кріп) rice
Redcurrants Aubergines Sorrel (щавель) Buckwheat
(червонасмородина) (баклажани) (гречка)
apples Beetroots Sage (шавлія) Wheat
( буряк) (пшениця)
Plums ( сливи) Lettuce(листя Parsley(петрушка) Sunflowers
салату) ( соняшник)
wild strawberries Radishes parsnips(пастерна Millet
( суниця) (редис) к) ( пшоно)
Cherries (вишня) Sweetcom Peanut (арахіс) Barley
(кукурудза) (ячмінь)

Gooseberries( аґрус) Onions( цибул Mint ( м’ята) Basil(базилік)

Blackberries(ожина) Turnips ( ріпа) Hops(хміль)

Grapes (виноград) Courgettes oats(овес)

Raspberries ( малина) Cucumbers oil-seed rape.
(огірки) (рапс)
Pears (груші) Garlic
Apricots ( абркос)
Blueberries (чорниця)

Peaches (персики)

1. You are the .apple.. of my eye. 2. She had lips like cherrises... 3. I want to send
in my CV quick – this sounds like a ..plum. job! 4. British people love to eat roast
lamb with .main.. sauce. 5. The bottom half of the Ukrainian flag
represents .wheat.. 6. Instead of confetti, the guests threw more traditional ..rice. at
the bride and groom as they left the wedding ceremony. 7. He was a genius – he
really knew his onions... 8. A lot of people use the phrase “An .apple.. a day keeps
the doctor away”. 9. He was as cool as a ..cucumber. 10. She was really
embarrassed and turned as red as a .beetroot.. 11. Did those new shoes really cost
you peanunts ... in the sales or are you teasing me? 12. Being married, she knew
that chasing after young men was forbidden ..fruit.


1. They didn't dare go into the Florida ..swamp . as they were afraid of the
alligators there. 2. The Mongol hordes swept across the grassland / prairie. 3. The
Paris - Dakar car rally is mostly held across the African . desert.. 4. There’s little
real forest... left in Ukraine today. 5. After the farmer failed to establish a herd of
cows on the grassland , he found that a flock of sheep did well there. 6. The
people in the village all shared a . field.. to plant their potatoes. 7. There’s a
small .wood.. near our dacha where we look for mushrooms in the autumn. 8. The
dairy herd thrived on the .prairie... beyond the hill. 9. It’s difficult to imagine
today the millions of bison that once lived on the Canadian .. prairie

Industrial output, revitalized industries, search engine, organic produce, European
producers, up-to-date technology, Mongol hordes, highly-prized meat, to stamp
authority, manganese, nickel, titanium, iron ore, mining equipment, revenue for
Ukraine, an increasing amount of investment, raw material, national resources,
abundant, alluvial black sail, eating habits, genocide, revitalized industries.
Промислова продукція, відроджені галузі, інформаційно-пошукова система,
органічна продукція, сучасні технології, Монгольські орди, високоцінне
м’ясо, поставити печатку влади, нікель, титан, залізна руда, гірничо-шахтне
обладнання, прибуток для України, збільшення обсягу інвестицій, сирий
матеріал, національні ресурси, (багатий (чимось); ; надлишковий), розсипні
чорні вітрила, звички в харчуванні, геноцид, відновлені галузі промисловості.

Житниця Європи (Breadbasket), район лук і пасовищ (Grassland)
, газонокосарка (lawn mower) , безкраї степи (endless steppes) , марнувати
час(to let grass grow under your feet) , самому заробляти на життя (earn a
living) , сосновий ліс (pine forest) , лісове господарство (Forestry), досвідчений
лісник(Forester) , пастися (Graze), подряпати коліно (grazing my knee),
багатий урожай (a heavy crop), зернові культури(crops), головні посівні
культури (main crops, key crop, prime crop), давати гарний урожай( to crop),
підстригати волосся( to crop), нав’язування правил (imposirion rules) ,
показний будинок (Imposing house), поступово відходити в історію (gradually
going down in history), зів’ялі квіти (faded flowers), нев’януча слава (unfading
glory), вносити гроші на депозит ( Deposit ), багаті родовища (fertile posits) ,
віддавати на зберігання (to deposit), грошовий внесок ( deposit ) , родюча
земля (fertile land) , багата уява (fertile imagination), родючість (fertility),
мінеральне добриво (fertilizer) , пустеля Сахара (Sahara desert) , смачний
десерт (delicious dessert), безлюдні вулиці(deserted streets ), зробити внесок у
якусь справу (Deposit, contribute to something), щорічна грошова виплата
(annual revenu) , сприяти чомусь (contribute to something),
вкладник( contributor), дописувач газети “Kyiv Post” contributor to the
newspaper "Kyiv Post")

1. It goes without saying that Ukraine is called the Breadbasket. 2. Please put
black and white bread in the breadbasket. 3. The landscape of Ukraine is mostly
flat, but in Ukraine you can see not only endless steppes, but also dense forests
and high mountains. 4. Grass roots do not let grass grow under their feet, but earn
a living. 5. Most of Scandinavia is covered dense forests. 6. As far as I know, his
father is a very good forester. 7. Cows were grazing in gassland and eating
bushes. 8. What are the main crops in the Kiev region? 9. I know it’s an
uncomfortable imposition, but could I use your bathroom? 10. At the corner of
Volodymyrska Street we saw an imposing house. 11. For 3 years, Mary's beauty
gradually disappeared, but she still remained an attractive woman. 12. My father
deposited money in Nadra Bank last week. 13. His sister made a deposit to a new
apartment in the Arcade Bank last year. 14. Researchers have found fertile
deposits of manganese and gold in the Lviv region. 15. Undoubtedly, Ukrainians
are a race fertile in genius. 16. Our company exports organic and mineral
fertilizers. 17. What would you like for dessert today? 18. Tourists disappeared
without a trace in the Sahara desert. 19. This street is deserted during the day, but
in the evening it comes to life. 20. M. Amosov made a great contribution to the
development of cardiac surgery. 21. Mr. Johnson has deposited significant
monetary donations to the charity. 22. With the proclamation of Ukraine's
independence, significant foreign investment has been made in Ukraine's economy,
which has deposited to its gradual development. 23. Fortunately, such the
phenomenon of genocide is a thing of the past in our country, but we must
remember these events and the millions of Ukrainians who died of starvation in the
1930s. 24. The Ukrainian blue and yellow flag symbolizes the blue sky and yellow
endless fields of wheat.

Section B
Ex 1
Speleologist ( спіліоліджист) , mountaineer ( моунитеніер) , the Scandinavian
Varangians ( Сканденевіан вераніанс ), the Byzan-tine Greeks ( байзан тайм
грикс) , Czarina ( заріна ) , enthusiasts ( енсузіаст), Empire ( емпайа) , barrier
( барія), suspicious, Scythian ( сісіе) , Sar- matian ( самейшин) , cuisine.

Спелеолог, альпініст, скандинавські варяги, візантійські греки, цариця,

ентузіасти, імперія, бар’єр, підозріла, скіфська, сарматська, кухня.

Ex 2
1.What is usually meant by someone’s “hobby”?
Everyone has a passion for something, whether to a larger or to a greater extent, a
passion that reaches to their soul, that satisfies them and brings pleasure

2.What does the Ukrainian flag symbolically represent?

Yellow color symbolizes wheat fields, and blue - a clear sky above them.

3. Which Ukrainian sailor has made a single-handed round-theworld voyage?

Юрій Лисянський

4. What was used to recreate the ship “Bohun”?

A 70-year-old oak was used to recreate this ship.
A second ship, a commercial boat, was then recreated from a 147 year-old pine
that was 1.8 metres in diameter and 18 metres long, using traditional techniques.

5. Why was the recreated ship called “Bohun”?

was called the “Bohun” in honour of the eminent Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitskiy

6. When did the ship “Bohun-2” set sail?

The boat was called the “Bohun-2” and set sail on 22nd July 2002 on its maiden
voyage with a crew of 20.

7. Why did the Russian czarina Catherine II disband the Zaporizhya Sich?
This was done to remove military power from Ukraine.

8. Who took part in the liberation of the cities on the Black Sea from the
With that agreement, “The Army of the Free Cossacks” took part in the liberation
of all the cities on the Black Sea from the Turks.

9. When did the czarina Catherine II give the island of Taman’ to the
On 30th June 1792, the czarina gave a large territory, the island of Taman’, to the
Cossacks, together with money, artillery, military regalia and awards.

10. How did the ship commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Independence
of Ukraine?
It visited five key historical Cossack sites on the Dnipro: Mikitinska Sich,
Zaporizka Sich on the island of Khortytsia, Tomakivs’ka Sich, Bazaluvska Sich
and Stara Chortomlitska Sich. The crew paid tribute to the grave of one of the most
renowned Cossack atamans (Cossack military commander), Ivan Sirko. The ship’s
crew also inspected the wreckage of one ship which had sunk in 1788, from the
Cossack flotilla under the command of Anton Holovatiy.
11. When did the ship return to Kyiv?
The ship returned to Kyiv in the middle of September 2002

12. What dishes did the crew of the ship cook?

Among the favourites were Mudryi Borshch (“Wise Borshch”), Dniprovska ribna
yushka (Dnipro fish soup) and Khortitskyi Khlib (Hortytsia bread).

Ex 4

1.F (That can be something that’s created with your own hands, a puzzle that’s
solved (such as a crossword, for example), this may be travel to distant
places, climbing a mountain, swimming over a long distance, catching fish,
photographing places, people or events, and so on.)

3. F (Ukrainian speleologists have explored the deepest caves)
4. Т
5. F (was called the “Bohun” in honour of the eminent Hetman Bohdan
Khmelnitskiy )
6. F (Cossacks would have built such a ship in 15 days)
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F (On 30th June 1792)

Ex 11
1. fad (скороплинна мода)
2. recreation (відпочинок)
3. obsession (настирлива ідея)
4. interes (інтерес)
5. hobby (хобі)
6. sport (занятт)
7. amusement (здивування)
8. passing fancy (примха)
9. distraction (відволікання уваги)
10.pastime (проведення часу)
11.relaxtion (розслаблення)

Ex 12

1. I’d be delighted to go on a sea .cruise /voyage... but my wife has never been a
good sailor, so we can’t join you. 2. Last week we made a wonderful ..trip. to the
mountains. It took us four hours by coach. 3. The . tour.. of Italy was really
exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome. 4. It
is delightful to come ashore after a long /voyage.. and to feel solid ground
under your feet. 5. Many times on his long travel/ journey... in the depths of
Africa, he faced danger, starvation and death. 6. At the beginning of the last
century going from Kyiv to Yalta was described as “ travel".Now it is only a
night’s .trip.. by overnight train, a six hour’s journey... by day-train or an
air of an hour and a half. 7. I’m just reading a very amusing book about a
party of Americans making a Caribbean on a yacht. 8. Young people are
naturally fond of..tour. as a way of visiting new places and seeing things: it is
cheap and gives you a feeling of freedom and infinite horizons. 9. I’m told you’re
going on a .. travel. to the Far East. 10. They’re planning a .tour.. of some Baltic
resorts. 11. You’re looking pale. A . travel/ journey.. to the seaside will do you
good. 12. The journey... to Moscow by rail took us about three days.

Ex 13

To fly into a passion (розлютится) , a passion for basketball (пристрасть до

баскетболу) , passionless (безпристрасний) , hobbyhorse (дерев’яний коник), to
be on your hobbyhorse (улюблений предмет розмови), to be in a terrible
condition(бути в жахливому стані), to be in a condition to do something (бути
здатним щось робити), to meet conditions (виконувати умови) , tough economic
conditions (жорсткі економічні умови), conditional sentences (умовне вирок,
умовні речення) (both meanings), to satisfy the conditions (задовольняти,
виконувати умови), to explore the city (досліджувати місто) , to explore for
mineral (досліджувати корисні копалини ), an explorer (дослідник) ,
noncommercial organization (благодійна організація) , replica (точна копія), a
different route ( інший маршрут ), an interesting voyage (цікаве подорож), a tour
of England (екскурсії по Англії), a journey(мандрівка), a short business trip
(коротке відрядження ), Mediterranean cruise (Середземноморський круїз),
hitch-hiking (подорож автостопом ), an eminent scholar (видатний учений),
eminently ( надзвичайно) , to install equipment (для встановлення обладнання)
, to be installed as a manager (бути встановленим як менеджер) , to disband the
Zaporizhya Sich (розпускати Запорізьку Січ), to remove wallpaper ( зняти
шпалери) , to move mountains (перевертати гори), removal( переміщення,
перевезення), suspicious behavior (підозріла поведінка) , suspicious
circumstances (підозрілі обставини) , above suspicion (поза підозрою) , to be
under suspicion (бути під підозрою) , on suspicion (за підозрою) , the ship sank
(корабель затонув) , it’s sink or swim (пан або пропав) , a kitchen sink(кухонна

Ex 14
Пристрасно (Passionately) , палкий (passionate), захоплено (passionately),
байдужий (apathetic) , дерев’яний коник (hobbyhorse ), улюблений предмет
розмови (to be on your hobbyhorse) , говорити на улюблену тему, бути в
гарному стані (to be in a good condition) , бути в формі (to be of condition),
жити невідповідно до своїх достатків (to live inconsistently with their condition)
, умови життя(living conditions) , встановлювати умови (set conditions) ,
умовний спосіб (conditional) , умовні речення (conditional sentences) ,
обстежувати ( explore) , дослідник(explorer) , вчений (scholar) , благодійна
організація(noncommercial organization) , точна копія (Replica) , автобусний
маршрут( bus route) , різні засоби (different route ), морська подорож(voyage),
мандрівка (journey), приємна подорож(journey ), подорож автостопом (hitch-
hiking) , Середземноморський круїз (Mediterranean cruise) , визначний юрист
(eminent lawyer) , встановлювати нове обладнання (install new equipment ),
призначати на посаду(Install), розформувати (Disband) , розпускати
Запорізьку Січ (to disband the Zaporizhya Sich) , винести меблі (Remove
furniture) , звільняти з посади (Remove ), перевертати гори (to move
mountains) , переїзд до нового будинку (moving to a new home ), скидати одяг
(Remove clothers ), підозріла людинa (suspicious person) , бути під
підозрою(be under suspicion ), за підозрою (on suspicion) , поза підозрою
(above suspicion) , підозріло (suspiciously ), кухонна раковина(a kitchen sink) ,
пан або пропав (it’s sink or swim ).

Ex 15
1. The teacher spoke passionately about the need to learn the Ukrainian language.
2. Suddenly, my neighbor flew into a passionate state and started shouting loudly.
3. As far as I know, his sister's hobbyhorse is sailboats. 4. After the renovation,
our apartment was in a good condition. 5. He was so tired and in no condition to
do something. 6. What conditions did you live in when you were studying at the
university? 7. A new expedition explored minerals on this peninsula. 8. Brave
travelers discovered new lands and explored them. 9. Thanks to the efforts of folk
artists, an replica,of the boat "Princess Olga" was made on time and quickly. 10.
Foreign tourists did not know which route to choose to get to Victory Square. 11.
How do you feel about travel on the Dnieper from Kiev to Kaniv? 12. Having
bought a tour of European cities, my friend has already visited six countries. 13.
Mediterranean Cruise attracts many. 14. Mykhailo Drahomanov was a eminent
politician and well-known Ukrainian writer. 15. A new alarm system was recently
installed at the Museum of Ukrainian Art. 16. The Military Institute in Lviv was
disbanded last year. 17. Returning from a walk, the boy quickly remove his
clothes and shoes. 18. She noticed two suspicious men near her house and
immediately called the police. 19. In fact, the situation is quite complicated: it’s
sink or swim .

Ex 5

1) Downright - e) Absolutely
2) Balneology - d) A branch of knowledge that deals with the medicinal effect of
drinking and bathing in mineral waters
3) Spa - f) Place where mineral waters are located
4) Beaten hollow - a) Beaten into a cocked hat
5) Hobby - i) Pastime
6) Classy - Up-market
7) Mighty - h) Very strong and powerful
8) Gorgeous - b) Very beautiful and attractive
9) Your choice - “Your cup of tea”
Ex 6
1. If parascending suits your taste(cup of tea) then fine, but don’t expect me to try
it! 2. This summer we’re planning to go to a health mineral water (spa) resort. 3. I
think this new model of car has a lot of advantages(A lot going for it) . 4. My
university main building in Manchester is 19th century architecture (post-
Revolution) . 5. I’m going to the nightclub with my friends( mates) as soon as
this TV programme’s finished. 6. The number of words in this essay must be
almost (about) 5000. 7. The place where I come (home town) from is Coventry in
England. 8. The thatched cottage was so attractive (Gorgeous) that all the tourists
єphotographed it. 9. The central administration building from the 18th century
could only be described as huge and imposing (Mighty). 10. My origins (roots)
are in the central regions of Ukraine.
Ex 7

Мої друзі ( mates), моє рідне місто( home town ), курорт мінеральних
вод(Spa) , шикарний (Gorgeous) , це його улюблена тема( to be on your
hobbyhorse), грандіозний (grandiose) , мати перевагу в чомусь (A lot going
for it ), випускник(graduate ), абсолютно(Downright), будинок з червоної
цегли,( redbrick building ) розбитий вщент (Beaten hollow.) , класний
(Classy), це мені підходить (it’s my cup of tea), невелика відстань (reasonable
distance) , бути враженим (to be impressed), слов’янські племена (Slavic
tribe), фортеця(castle), поселитися (to to settle), відвідувачі(visitors) ,
відновити сили(recuperate) , гарні місця (beauty spots) , відчути історію(feel
the history)

Ex 8
Промислова продукція, відроджені галузі, пошукова система, органічна
продукція, новітні технології, високо цінне м'ясо, марганець, нікель, титан,
залізна руда, гірничодобувне обладнання, сировина, національні ресурси,
велика кількість алювіального чорного ґрунт, харчові звички, геноцид,
відновлена промисловість, місц мінеральної води, житниця.
Луга, чагарники, пустеля, лісова місцевість, зачаровувати, випасати, врожай,
насадження, родючість, внесок, рис, гречка, солодощі, соняшник, просо,
ячмінь, хміль, овес, ріпак, некомерційний(благоднійний) , тонути, знімати.
Влетіти в пристрасть, безпристрастний, хобі, моя чашка чаю, бути на твоєму
хобі-коні, відповідати умовам, досліджувати, репліка, інший маршрут,
подорож, коротка відрядження, круїз по Середземному морю, автостоп ,
видатний вчений, видатний, встановити обладнання, встановити
менеджером, розформувати, зняти, превернути гори, видалення/ знняти, поза
підозрою, бути під підозрою, за підозрою, це тонути або плавати.
Аспірантура, рідне місто, мої найкращі друзі, щоб бути вражені, просто
масивні, вікторіанські будівлі з червоної цегли, очевидні, важливий центр,
що сягають минулого, слов’янські зв’язки, щоб оселитися, пишатися своїм
корінням, почути суперечку , побита дупло, компроміс між могутнім і
красивим, хороший аргумент.

Ex 9
1. After graduating from university, I will return to my home town. 2. Truskavets -
a famous spa. 3. The ancient city was beaten hollow during the war. 4. This red
brick house, built in Victorian style, attracts tourists. 5. In terms of architecture,
Lviv has a lot going for it. 6. If you going for( prefer) balneology and you need
to recuperate, go to Cardova Var. 7. Your arguments are quite convincing, you
need to take them into account. 8. I bet we'll find great restaurants here. 9. If you
want to feel the history, visit the Kamyanets-Podilsky Fortress. 10. Let's walk, the
castle is not so far.
Ex 10

1. It can not be that he has already returned to Kyiv, as he only went to

London yesterday. You must be wrong. 2. Shall I Help you? - No, thank
you, I can do everything myself. 3. I don't know if I will do this job in such
a short time. - You shоuld have thought (докір, критика ) about it earlier.
4. You shouldn’t have left the gas burning, such things can not be joked,
because there may be a fire. 5. You don’t have to, needn’t( necessity ) go
to the post office, I will send your letter myself. 6. George was to have had
( unfulfilled plan) lunche with us yesterday, but he didn't come. 7. I must
have misunderstood you and that's why I came so early. 8. My friend was to
have ( unfulfilled plan) gone to Lviv last week, but a scientific conference
delayed him for a few days. 9. You needn’t take an umbrella today, there
are no clouds in the sky. 10. I have to\ must leave a note to Tamara, I may
not see it. 11. My sister was in a bookstore yesterday, she may have bought
me an English textbook. 12. I usually go to work on foot, but I left home
very late yesterday and I had to take a bus. 13. When John was young, he
could run a mile in less than 5 minutes. 14. I must have finish my term
paper yesterday, but I couldn't do it. I had to finish it today. 15. He may
have found this book uninteresting, but he probably read it very carefully
because he remembers all the details. 16. My brother may come tomorrow,
because he must have received our telegram. 17. You could do this
translation if you had more free time. 18. It can’t be that my friend to leave
Kyiv without telling me about it.

1) He can’t possibly have returned to Kyiv already since he left for London only
yesterday. You must be mistaken.
2) – Shall I help you? – No, thanks, I can handle it myself.
3) – I’m not sure if I can finish this work on such short notice. – You should have thought
about it earlier.
4) You shouldn’t have left the gas on; you have to take such things serious, because a fire
may start.
5) You don’t need (don’t have to) to go to the post office, let me post your letter for you.
6) George was to have had diner at our place yesterday, but he didn’t come.
7) I must have misunderstood you, that’s why I’ve come so early.
8) My friend was to have gone to Lviv last week, but he was detained by the scientific
conference for several days.
9) You needn’t (don’t have to) take your umbrella, there isn’t a single cloud in the sky.
10) I’ll have to leave a note for Tamara, I probably won’t be able to see her.
11) My sister was at the book store yesterday; she might (may, could) have bought an
English textbook for me.
12) I usually go to work on foot, but yesterday I left the house very late and I had to catch a
13) When John was young, he could run one kilometer less than in 5 minutes.
14) I was to have finished my coursework yesterday, but I wasn’t able to do it. So, I’ve had
to finish it today.
15) He might (could, may) have found this book boring but he must have read it very
attentively, since he remembers all the details.
16) My brother may come tomorrow because he must have received our telegram.
17) You could have done this translation if you had had more free time.
18) My friend couldn’t possibly have left Kyiv without informing me.

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