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I can still remember that swamp we used to soak ourselves in search for toads. Around it were
tall trees, wild grasses, and fleeting, little dragonflies. Well, that was the life I never thought I would
have wished in the future. Dreams do come true, but why do I wish for a time machine now?

I grew up by the seashore which was also near the humble plantation of our city. I grew up in a
meek environment where most of the residents wished to succeed in life for big buildings and great
towns. In short, I was born on the preface of information era.

That was decades ago, yet it remained in my memory because this future I was dreaming back
then is almost perfect - and I cannot handle this.

Lands were reformed for industries. Trees were cut for another produce. Waters are covered
and spilled. A lot of natural resources have been taken without limits. Forests and the wilderness are
being disturbed for accessible roads.

There are buildings and new discoveries everywhere, especially factories to produce great
technology and stuff for easier living. These infrastructures seemed to grow like mushrooms, but unlike
mushrooms, they spill the unnecessaries to the waters and lands and smoke the unessential to the air.

The present give us access to the past and more progress for the coming times. On the other
hand, it has ruined the natural in exchange for the limited ones. Such progress has discreetly attacked
ourselves - we cause floods, landslides, climate change, and other disasters which the nature could have
helped us with. We are over the red line now. Yes, we live easy today but we are living in the brink of
danger and of our masterpiece.

If only we could turn back time. If only we could regenerate what we have abused on this Earth.
If only we all know what could happen when this place would be full of concretes and money. Maybe,
just maybe, I could still feel that cold water from the swamp with my little nieces, nephews, and sister
during summer. Maybe, I could still breathe the air those dragonflies had breathed.

If only these developments were real mushrooms, the environment would have been under
control. Why don't we start planting one now and maybe some other plants and trees?

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