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Transcranial Color Duplex Ultrasound: A Reliable Tool for

Cerebral Hemodynamic Assessment in Brain Injuries
Guillaume Dupont, MD, Laetitia Burnol, MD, Richard Jospe, MD, Terrana Raphael, MD,
Christian Auboyer, MD, Serge Molliex, MD, PhD, Laurent Gergele´, MD,
and Je´rôme Morel, MD, PhD

Background: Transcranial color duplex ultrasound (TCCD) is

becoming an important tool for cerebral monitoring of brain-
T ranscranial color duplex ultrasound (TCCD) is a
noninvasive and easy access technique for cerebral
blood flow monitoring and indirectly cerebral perfusion
injured patients. To date, TCCD reproducibility has been pressure. TCCD is a combination of a Doppler and ul-
studied in healthy volunteers or patients with subarachnoid trasound techniques. Comparing with conventional
hemorrhage and its efficiency in many brain injuries has not transcranial Doppler (TCD), this process allows the vis-
been proved. Our aim was to evaluate TCCD interobserver ualization of the circle of Willis and permits registration
agreement in different brain injuries. of angle-corrected flow velocities in basal cerebral ar-
Patients and Methods: We performed a prospective monocentric teries.1 Studies evaluating TCD versus TCCD concluded
trial conducted from January 2014 to September 2014 in in- that TCCD was more efficient particularly to detect cer-
tensive care unit (ICU) of Saint-Etienne university teaching ebral vasospasm during subarachnoid hemorrhage
hospital, France. Brain-damaged patients admitted in ICU were (SAH).2–4 TCD/TCCD is currently recommended as a
included, excluding those with decompressive craniectomy. Two part of the monitoring of SAH patients.5 It also allows
randomized operators among the ICU medical staff consec- the detection of patients at risk for secondary neuro-
utively performed measurements of cerebral blood flow veloc- logical deterioration after mild to moderate traumatic
ities with TCCD. brain injury.6 Preservation of cerebral perfusion is es-
sential for the management of patients with severe brain
Results: One hundred measurements were obtained from 42 injury. In these patients, TCD/TCCD allows an early
patients. Hemodynamic and end-tidal CO2 pressure were similar evaluation of brain hemodynamic, while intracranial
between both measurement set. The results obtained with the pressure (ICP) monitoring is being performed.7 TCD has
Bland-Altman method showed bias at 0.52 (95% confidence been used for 30 years but only few studies have evaluated
interval [CI], 4.19 to 3.16), 0.53 (95% CI, 1.86 to 2.92), and interobserver reproducibility and all but 1 with TCCD
0.002 (95% CI, 0.06 to 0.06) for mean velocity, diastolic ve- were carried out in healthy volunteers.8–11 Moreover, it
locity, and pulsatility index, respectively. The limits of agree- appeared that there have been more measurement errors
ment were ( 32.4; 31.4), ( 20.4; 21.4), ( 0.5; 0.5) for mean in patients with the highest velocities.11 Brain-injured
velocity, diastolic velocity, and pulsatility index, respectively. patients represent a heterogenous population requiring a
The Passing and Bablok regression have shown a quasilinear close follow-up monitoring. There are many reasons for
relationship between measurements. performing TCCD and the parameter of interest (veloc-
Conclusions: We reported the reliability of TCCD interobserver ities or pulsatility index [PI]) is different depending on the
agreement in brain-damaged patients. cerebral pathology. However, whatever the reason for
doing TCCD, the measurement should be reliable and
Key Words: transcranial Doppler, interobserver agreement, reproducible. The primary aim of this study was to
brain injuries, cerebral blood flow velocities, reproducibility, evaluate TCCD interobserver agreement in patients ad-
pulsatility index, mean velocity mitted in intensive care unit (ICU) for different brain
(J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2016;28:159–163) injuries.


Received for publication April 20, 2015; accepted September 21, 2015.
From the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University
Study Population
Hospital of Saint Etienne, Saint-Étienne Cedex, France. The study group consisted of 42 patients admitted
The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. in ICU with brain injury from January 2014 to September
Reprints: Guillaume Dupont, MD, Department of Anesthesiology and 2014. Each patient needing a cerebral monitoring was
Critical Care, University Hospital of Saint Etienne, Avenue Albert
Raimond 42270, Saint-Priest en Jarez, France (e-mail: dupont_gui included. The protocol was approved by the local ethics committee (IORG0007394 on December 4, 2014) and
Copyright r 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. informed consent was deemed not to be required.

J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 28, Number 2, April 2016 | 159

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Dupont et al J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 28, Number 2, April 2016

The exclusion criteria were patients below 18 years

TABLE 1. Patients’ Characteristics
old and those with decompressive craniectomy.
Overall Brain-damaged Patients
Study Design Parameters (n = 42)
Five operators took part in the study, all are Age (y) 63 (46-68)
members of the ICU medical staff and were trained to Sex—male 32 (76.2)
Hypertension 19 (45.2)
perform TCCD (the technique was learned during their Diabetes 1 (2.4)
medical studies and practiced daily). As described below, SAPS II on admission 39 (25-48)
practices were standardized before the beginning of the 30-day mortality 9 (21.4)
study. For each measurement, 2 observers were Main diagnosis
randomized among the physicians present in the unit at Aneurysmal subarachnoid 13 (31)
the moment of the measurement by drawing pieces of Intracerebral hematoma 9 (22)
paper from a bag. They successively performed TCCD on Traumatic brain injury 6 (14)
the same patient, and were blinded to each other’s results. Ischemic stroke 5 (12)
Measurements were undertaken bilaterally. The mean Other 9 (21.4)
Initial surgery
arterial blood pressure, ICP (if assessed), and end-tidal External ventricular drain 11 (26)
CO2 pressure (PETCO2) were noted. Insonation of the Aneurysm embolization or 9 (22)
middle cerebral artery, M1 segment, was achieved surgical clip
through the transtemporal acoustic window using Other 5 (12)
color-coded duplex ultrasound (S5-1.1 MHz probe; Phi- None 16 (38)
lips Healthcare CX50, DA Best, the Netherlands). Data are presented as median (interquartile range, 25% to 75%) or number of
The butterfly-shaped mesencephalic brainstem was cases (percentage).
sought as an anatomic B-mode landmark before color-
coded identification of the middle cerebral artery. An
optimal signal was sought using angle correction when SAH. ICP was assessed in 21 patients at the moment of
necessary (left to the discretion of the operator) (pref- TCCD measurements. The mean arterial blood pressure
erably in a depth of 4.5 to 5.5 cm), the screen was then (MAP), ICP, and PETCO2 were not significantly different
frozen, and the mean flow velocities (systolic, diastolic, between both timepoints. The mean MAP was
and mean) and PI during 10 cardiac cycles were auto- 93 ± 15.2 mm Hg (n = 50) for observer 1 and
matically measured. Only measurements without artifacts 93 ± 14.2 mm Hg for observer 2 (P = 0.22). The mean
were taken into account. Regarding the SAH patients, the ICP was 10 ± 5.6 cm H2O (n = 21) for observer 1 and
measurements were performed during the first 15 days 13 ± 6.9 cm H2O for observer 2 (P = 0.37). The mean
from the ictus. PETCO2 was 34 ± 6.8 mm Hg (n = 20) for observer 1
and 34 ± 3.3 for observer 2 (P = 0.37). No therapeutic
Statistical Analysis was administrated between both timepoints. The average
Statistical analyses were performed with XLSTAT time between both the operators’ measurements was
software (Addinsoft, Wales, UK) for Mac version 8 ± 0.01 minutes.
2014.4.05 and Medcalc (Medcalc Software, Ostend, The Bland-Altman plot for the mean velocity, diastolic
Belgium) version 15.6. A Bland-Altman plot with multi- velocity, and PI are shown in Figure 1. The bias of mean
ple measurements per subject was performed. Interob- velocity, diastolic velocity, and PI was 0.52 (95% CI, 4.19
server agreement was also assessed with the Passing and to 3.16), 0.53 (95% CI, 1.86 to 2.92), and 0.002 (95% CI,
Bablok regression. This test represents a linear regression 0.06 to 0.06), respectively. The limits of agreement were
procedure with no special assumption regarding the dis- ( 32.4; 31.4) for mean velocity, ( 20.4; 21.4) for diastolic
tribution of the samples and the measurement errors. The velocity, and ( 0.5; 0.5) for PI (Figs. 1A–C).
result does not depend on the assignment of the methods Using the Passing and Bablok regression, the slope
to X and Y. The slope and intercept are calculated with coefficient of right diastolic velocity, right mean velocity,
their 95% confidence interval (CI). These CIs are used to and right PI was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.80-1.05), 0.90 (95% CI,
determine whether there is only a chance difference be- 0.76-1.02), and 0.97 (95% CI, 0.81-1.17), respectively
tween the slope and 1 and between the intercept and 0. (Figs. 2A–C). The intercept was 1.14 (95% CI, 4.5 to
The analysis was performed for each side separately. The 6.7), 6.8 (95% CI, 2.1 to 15.6), and 1 (95% CI, 0.8-1.2)
Student test was performed to compare blood pressure, for right diastolic velocity, right mean velocity, and right
ICP, and PETCO2 at both timepoints. Data are presented PI, respectively (Figs. 2A–C). The slope coefficient of left
as median (interquartile range 25% to 75%) or number of diastolic velocity, left mean velocity, and left PI was 0.99
cases (percentage). (95% CI, 0.75-1.22), 1.04 (95% CI, 0.86-1.30), and 0.85
(95% CI, 0.72-1.02), respectively (Figs. 2D–F). The in-
RESULTS tercept was 0.55 (95% CI, 8.98 to 7.75), 2.92 (95%
One hundred measurements were obtained from 42 CI, 20.1 to 8.16), and 0.16 (95% CI, 0.02 to 0.30) for
patients whose characteristics are presented in Table 1. left diastolic velocity, left mean velocity, and left PI,
Thirty-one percent of the patients were admitted for respectively (Figs. 2–F). We observed an acceptable

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 28, Number 2, April 2016 Transcranial Color Duplex Ultrasound

FIGURE 1. Interobserver measurements. A–C, Interobserver analysis with the Bland-Altman plot. A, Mean velocity interobserver
agreement, limit of agreement is ( 32.4; 31.4). B, Diastolic velocity interobserver agreement, limit of agreement is ( 20.4; 21.4).
C, Pulsatility index (PI) interobserver agreement, limit of agreement is ( 0.5; 0.5).

interobserver agreement whatever the pathology (SAH not observe such dichotomy between measurements but
and other brain injuries) (data not shown). only few points above 100 cm/s were observed in our
study, which constitutes a limitation. In their study, the 2
measurements were taken within 15 minutes. They have
DISCUSSION reported a moment-to-moment variability also described
Few information is available on interobserver re- by Venkatesh et al.13 They explained this variability by
producibility of TCCD measurements in clinical practice. medical interventions like calcium antagonists admin-
Indeed, most studies have assessed interobserver agree- istration or triple H therapy, which are more aggressively
ment in healthy volunteers with a limited numbers of administrated in patients with vasospasm. In our work,
patients and without high velocity or abnormal PI as seen the average period between 2 operators’ measurements
in brain death or SAH.8–10,12 We reported here for the was 8 minutes; no difference was observed considering the
first time a reasonable interobserver agreement for parameters affecting the cerebral blood flow (PETCO2,
TCCD’s derived parameters in neurocritical care patients MAP, ICP). Moreover, no therapeutic was administrated
admitted after different brain injuries. between 2 measurements. This could explain the differ-
Our data are consistent with those of Staalsø et al11 ences observed with older studies.
obtained in SAH patients. They found an overall good Our results show that TCCD is a reliable but not
interobserver agreement except in patients with vaso- necessarily accurate tool. Indeed, the bias obtained with
spasm as compared with those without. Those patients the Bland-Altman plot is close to zero but with wide
have usually high mean velocities (>120 cm/s). We did limits of agreements (Fig. 1). With healthy volunteers,

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Dupont et al J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 28, Number 2, April 2016

FIGURE 2. A–F, Interobserver analysis with Passing and Bablok method: the solid line was obtained from the 2 observers’
measurements. The gray lines are the 95% confidence interval. We observed a near linear relationship for mean velocities,
diastolic velocities, and pulsatility index (PI).

McMahon et al10 found a limit of agreement of Although the usefulness of TCCD has been eval-
± 22.1 cm/s for mean velocity, we found ( 32.4; uated in brain-injured patients, its use is only recom-
31.4) cm/s. The level of error measurement clinically mended to monitor the cerebral vasospasm occurring
acceptable is difficult to define. More data could have with SAH.5 Recently, Wakerley et al14 showed that
improved these outcomes. PIZ1.26 reliably predicts cerebrospinal fluid pressure

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 28, Number 2, April 2016 Transcranial Color Duplex Ultrasound

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