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            The Law of Definite Proportions suggests that any sample of
a given compound always consists of the same elements in the same
proportion by mass. This helps determine the composition of a
compound or the relative quantities of each constituent element.
The mass of each element in a chemical formula as well as its
percent composition in the compound may be obtained. The general
formula for calculating the percent composition of an element in a
compound is given by

Where A is the element of interest. Percent composition is the

percent by mass of each element in a formula. The molecular
mass (molecular weight) of a molecule is its average mass as
calculated by adding together the atomic weights of the atoms in the
molecular formula.
 Now get your periodic table. You should master or know where the
atomic mass of each element is because we will be frequently
needing it in our lesson for this week.
 Let’s try to solve the percent composition of the following
Sample Problems:
1. What is the percent composition of lactic acid, C3H6O3, a
component that appears in the blood after vigorous activity?
Step 1: Compute formula mass or molecular mass
            C= 3 x 12amu = 36 amu
H= 6 x 1amu   =    6 amu
O= 3 x 16 amu = 48 amu
                             90 amu
*Note: We are going to use the whole number value of the atomic
masses of elements in the periodic table. For example, oxygen’s
atomic mass in the Periodic table is 15.99, we then, use 16 in our
 Step 2:
                        %C =    36 amu  x 100 = 40% 
                                     90 amu
                        %H =    6 amu  x 100 = 6.67% H
                                    90 amu
                        %O =   48 amu  x 100 = 53.33% O
                                    90 amu
*Note: Always round your answer to two (2) decimal places.
Step 3: Check your answer. The percent composition of all the
elements composing a particular compound should always add up to
            40%  +   6.67%  +  53.33%  =  100%
 2. What is the percent composition of C5H8NO4, a compound
used to flavor foods and tenderize meats? Write your complete
solution below.
Step 1: Compute formula mass or molecular mass:
            C = 5 x 12 amu = 60 amu
            H = 8 x 1 amu =  8 amu
            N = 1 x 14 amu = 14 amu
            O = 4 x 16 amu = 64 amu
                                        146 amu
 Step 2:
%C =    60 amu  x 100 = 41.10% C
           146 amu
%H =    8 amu  x 100 = 5.48% H
          146 amu
%N =    14 amu  x 100 = 9.59% N
            146 amu
%O =   64 amu  x 100 = 43.84% O
           146 amu
 Step 3: Check your answer.
            41.10%  +  5.48%  +  9.59%  +  43.84%  =  100.01%
Your turn! Solve this problem in your notebook:
1. The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6. Determine its
percent composition.
How is percent composition applied in daily life? Share your
thoughts on the discussion board.
 Percent composition plays an important role in everyday life. It is
more than just the amount of chlorine in your swimming pool
because it concerns everything from the money in your pocket to
your health and how you live. 
For example, if you wanted to know the percent by mass of the daily
value for sodium you are eating when you eat one serving of the
food with this nutrition label, then go to the category marked
sodium. Look across the same row and read the percent written. If
you eat one serving of this food, then you will have consumed about
9% of your daily recommended value for sodium. To find the
percent mass of fat in the whole food, you could divide 3.5 grams by
15 grams, and see that this snack is 23.33% fat.
 In your well-being also, percent composition can also be applied.
You must give value to what composes you, your attitude, and your
unique characteristics, as a person. As an anonymous author said,
“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see
your worth”. Comparing yourself to others and listening to what
others say about us is not always a good thing. Remember, “God
paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world”.1 Cor
7:23 (NLT
 The chemical formula of a compound can be derived from a given
percent composition of its elements. This usually applies during
chemical analysis, when a compound is broken down into its
elements to determine its percent composition.
 Sample Problems: 
2. Identify the molecular formula of a compound that was found to
contain 40.00% carbon, 6.71% hydrogen, and 53.29 % oxygen.
The molar mass of the compound is 60.05 g/mol or amu.
Assume the percent composition to be equal to 100 g in total. The
masses are then converted to moles. To convert mass to moles, just
simply divide the mass given over the atomic mass of that element
just like the example below. In 100g of the compound: 

*Note: Empirical formula is the simplest ratio of the atoms
composing the compound.
The mass of the empirical formula, called empirical mass, can be
            Empirical mass CH2O = (12 amu x 1) + (1 amu x 2) + (16
amu x 1)
                                                = 30 amu
It follows that the molar mass must be a multiple of the empirical
formula mass.
The subscripts of the empirical formula are then multiplied by the
ratio (2) to get the Molecular Formula of the compound. This
formula represents Acetic Acid.



 Your turn! Solve these problems in your notebook:

3. A blue solid is found to contain 36.84% nitrogen and 63.16%
oxygen. Find the empirical formula for this solid. 
4. The chemical analysis of aspirin indicates that the molecule is
60.00% carbon, 4.44% hydrogen, and 35.56% oxygen. The molar
mass is 180.16 g/mol. Determine the empirical and molecular
formula of aspirin.
          The percent composition of a compound is calculated based
on the relative amounts of the elements in the chemical formula.
Empirical and molecular formulas can be determined from the
percent composition of a compound.
 The formula mass/ empirical mass (formula weight) of a molecule
is the sum of the atomic masses of the atoms in its empirical
 The molecular mass (molecular weight) of a molecule is its
average mass as calculated by adding together the atomic weights of
the atoms in the molecular formula.
 So, since the definitions differ according to whether you are using
the empirical formula or molecular formula for a molecule, it’s a
good idea to understand the distinction between them.
 The molecular formula indicates the actual type and number of
atoms in a molecule. For example, the molecular formula of glucose
is C6H12O6, which indicates that 1 molecule of glucose contains 6
atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen.
 The empirical formula is also known as the simplest formula. It is
used to indicate the mole ratio of elements in a compound. The
empirical formula of glucose would be CH2O.

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