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Institute of Arts and Sciences

Southern Leyte State University

Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Name: Kishana Marie O. Baldrez

Program, Year and Section: BSHM 1-A


Project 1: Term Paper

Communication is a two-way process wherein knowledge, ideas, information, attitudes,

and feelings are transmitted verbally (written or oral) or non-verbally (symbolic physical
behaviors) in any types of setting, informal or formal settings. Being a two- way process,
communication occurs in an orderly and systematic sequence wherein we, humans are able to
see and hear what transpires in the environment and as a process, communication is adaptive,
dynamic and continuous.

When we are communicating it involves an interaction between or among people where

the message is being shared through audible and visual codes that being interpreted by the
receiver to be able to give accurate response and have a successful communication. In order to
have a successful communication, listening is important in a way that it enables to correct one’s
vocalization problems and defects, when one hears articulation error the other can remedy those
and implement the desired changes. There are two kinds of listening, we listen to understand
other’s feelings and emotions which is called emphatic listening and in critical listening, we
address our attention directly to what the speaker says, we evaluate and form opinions based on
speaker’s statement. As a receiver we can weigh and analyze what is being said before
responding. We listen for different purposes, first we listen to understand another person’s idea
or for information, then for enjoyment and the last one is to judge- either to accept or reject an
idea, it is appropriate when someone is persuading you to buy some product. If engaging yourself
into a relationship has a barrier, in listening too. These are prejudging, criticizing delivery and
physical appearance, listening to hard, intrusion of the past, drifting thoughts, and other factors
that affect one’s ability to listen: lack of rest, poor nutrition, lack of interest in the topic,
personality of the speaker and environment. If we have our own way to overcome the difficulties
in life there are also ways to overcome the barriers to good listening. To be a good listener we
have to adapt to the speaker’s delivery, avoid jumping to conclusions, on focus, avoid overreacting
emotionally to a message, summarize mentally what the speaker has said and listen with eyes
and ears. In communicating, we should mind the language or word we use. Words are symbols or
interpretations of objects, thoughts or feelings which can lead to misunderstanding depends on
the people using them. It depends on how we pronounce, enunciate, articulate, and apply diction
on the set of words we tend to deliver or share to other people. For us to speak well or fluently,
especially in public speaking , we must understand of how speech sounds are produced and how
the position of the mouth changes, includes the delivery of words, speaker’s gestures or non-
verbal movements, in this way we able to understand the speaker’s point of view and what the
message mean.

Therefore, oral and speech communication is essential in our life for the reason that it
helps us to develop to be unique persons, relating and cooperating with others. It improves our
quality of life , and satisfies our physical ego, social and practical needs.

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