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Dance Line Skating System

Project Proposal
Version <0.1> For Y.Yakovlev

<June 12, 2008>

<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 2 of 9 Version <0.1>

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Dance Line


<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 3 of 9 Version <0.1>

Table of Contents
1 . Introduction...........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Scope.................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Definition..........................................................................................................................................4 2 . Project Description................................................................................................................................4 3 Proposed Solution...................................................................................................................................6 4. System Requirements............................................................................................................................6 5 Deliverables.............................................................................................................................................7 6 Support....................................................................................................................................................8 7 Time Estimate and Schedule...................................................................................................................8 8 Terms.......................................................................................................................................................8 9 Changes to Specification.........................................................................................................................9 Specification may be changed but re estimation of resources will be performed.....................................9 10 Ownership.............................................................................................................................................9 11 Contact Information..............................................................................................................................9

Dance Line


<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 4 of 9 Version <0.1>

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Project Proposal is to present complex model of automated system that allows managing of dance competitions.

1.2 Scope
Project proposal describes business model and architecture of Dance Line Skating System [DLSS], which corresponds to client's requirements, solution proposed to customer, project development requirements, system requirements, development plan estimation and responsibilities.

1.3 Definition
Abbreviation DLSS Sense

Dance Line Skating System Data Base Development Environment Process when application delivers and installs to Customer

DB IDE Delivery

2. Project Description
Electronic DLSS will be created to simplify managing process of dance competitions. 2.1 Any user connected to Internet will be able to: Login to DLSS or register to it; View the list of active events or events from archive; View results of selected event or real-time progress(text, video) of active events; Compare selected couples and view their marks and places for period of time; View information about adjudicators, couples, clubs, future events; Register for the selected event as a participant couple; Register to receive selected events results as an SMS to cell phone as a subscriber.

Dance Line


<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 5 of 9 Version <0.1>

2.2 Scrutineer of the dance event with the help of the local windows application will be able to: Login to DLSS; Create or edit events, competitions, rounds; Register couples and adjudicators; Input marks for couples after each round, delete couples from the next round; Print reports for adjudicators, couples and other; Manage (CRUD) reports; See the history of event; Save or export data to XSL, PDF and other format. DLSS should be able to store and maintain information about events, couples and adjudicators.

Dance Line


<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 6 of 9 Version <0.1>

3 Proposed Solution
DLSS will have client-server architecture and will include two client applications. 4.1. Server part:

Server part will consist of data storage (DB) and business logic, which will provide data access and maintaining. 4.2. Client Part: Client part will contain two applications: 4.2.1. Web application for a: - user who wants to view the event results or register for event as a couple or as subscriber as described in chapter 2.1; - a dance event scrutineer, which will allow performing of actions described in chapter 2.2. (JSP or Swing???) 4.2.2 Windows application for reports design

4. System Requirements
5.1. Server part: Workstation with IBM PC configuration with RAID controller: Any OS JVM Tomcat Web Server MySQL DBMS Firewall

5.2. Windows application: Workstation with IBM PC configuration Internet connection OS MS Windows 95/98/2000/XP JVM

5.3. Web-application:
Dance Line Confidential

<DLSS> Project Proposal

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Workstation with IBM PC configuration Any OS installed Internet connection Internet Browser

4 Development tools and technologies used

6.1. Development Tools: Eclipse IDE, MySQL DBMS, StarUML, Tomcat web server. 6.2 Technologies used The following technologies will be used J2EE, Spring, JDBS, Ibatis, JavaScript, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, (Web-Services?).

5 Deliverables
Deliverables contain all sources and executables of client and server parts, that includes: Database creation script Installation script Use cases diagrams Class diagrams Interaction diagrams DLSS source code DLSS executables User manual.

Dance Line


<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 8 of 9 Version <0.1>

6 Support
In a term of 2 month after product delivery Supplier is responsible to client assist, fixing bugs and products support. It cost is not included in this document (may be discussed later).

7 Time Estimate and Schedule

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Task Architecture Definition: Customer's business logic and requirements investigation Business logic concepts creation and documenting Use cases writing Common Architectural Concepts generation and documenting Optimal technologies selection and trainings Detailed architectural solution generation with UML Review of documentation created Final documentation correction and approvement Development Process: Database creation, review and correction Main server part implementation, review and correction JDBC and unit cases writing JSP server part implementation, review and correction and unit cases writing. HTML User Interface implementation, review and correction System integration, review and correction Testing process: Testing, rework, review and corrections Other: Technical documentation writing, review and correction Installation on client (environment, software needed, Product) Client training Buffer (to protect delivery date) Estimate (hours) 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 40 10 40 20 10 36 10 5 5 80 (20%) 440

11 13 14 Total:

8 Terms
Project must be implemented and delivered no later than two month. Customer is responsible for payment no later than 1 day after Delivery

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<DLSS> Project Proposal

Page 9 of 9 Version <0.1>

9 Changes to Specification
Specification may be changed but re estimation of resources will be performed.

10 Ownership
Customer can use all sources, executables and documentation in all purposes. Supplier is responsible for not sharing of any parts of this private information including parts of business process, source code and documentation.

11 Contact Information
Yuriy Yakovlev


Dance Line


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