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2. Cumplimiento
3. Medicina
4. Psicología
5. Educación
6. Abogacía
7. Periodismo
8. Beneficios
Ética profesional y deontología profesional son cosas diferentes.
The Code of Ethics is a set of rules that guide the exercise of a specific profession, in
such a way that all professionals in the area act with the same principles and ethical
The professions are not only governed by the Code of Ethics, but there are also statutes,
regulations and other types of documents, the Code being more oriented towards the
ethical and moral part of professional practice.
The Ethical Codes are elaborated by the members of a profession, who propose the
norms and carry out their approval; Some of these codes are many years old, so it is
unknown who their authors were, but nevertheless they are still valid and applied to the
Incumplimiento del código
Compliance with the Code of Ethics is the responsibility of each institution, since they
are responsible for ensuring that their employees abide by the rules established in the
code. These institutions have regulations that establish the sanctions that are applied to
those who fail to comply.
Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics is an offense that is considered serious.
When a professional violates the principles and norms established in the code, each
institution decides whether or not he will be sanctioned.
Any person can file a complaint with the corresponding institution against a
professional who is considered to have acted against the ethics that should govern their
profession, regardless of whether or not they have been directly affected by this action.
In the code of ethics of this profession you can find rules relating to:
The limit that must exist in the doctor's relationship with the patient, always based on
respect and preservation of the patient's dignity at all stages of life.
The right of patients to know their treatment options and the progress of a given
The quality of care that the health professional must provide to their patients.
The obligation of professional secrecy.
The right to conscientious objection that every doctor has under certain circumstances.
Medical care in the final stage of life.
The doctor's relationship with his colleagues.
Everything related to organ transplantation.
Anything related to issues that are considered sensitive, such as the field of human
reproduction, genetic testing and the development of medical research in humans.
Doping in the world of sport.
Professional and medical publications, ranging from the publication of medical research
to the presentation of medical cases.
The right to receive medical care that does not undermine the dignity of people.

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