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The students/pupils in all schools shall enjoy the following
rights, in addition to those rights provided for under relevant laws,
subject to limitations likewise prescribed by laws and regulations:

1. The right to receive, primarily through competent instruction,

relevant quality education in line with national goals and
conducive to their full development as persons with human

2. The right to avail of school guidance and counselling service

toward making decisions and in selecting alternative fields of
school work suited to their potentialities;

3. The right to have access to their own school records, which shall
be maintained and preserved in a confidential matter by the
school; unless otherwise required as public document.

4. The right to expeditious action not exceeding fifteen (15) days

from receipt of request by the school, to the issuance of official
school certificates, diplomas, transcripts of records, grades,
transfer credentials, and similar school documents or records;

5. The right to publish a student newspaper and similar

publications, and to invite resource persons during assemblies,
symposia, and other activities of similar nature;
6. The right to have free expression of opinions and suggestions,
and to avail of effective channels of communication with the
appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the school;

7. The right to form, establish, join, and participate in organizations

and societies, for purposes not contrary to law, and subject to
the prohibition on the operation of fraternities and sororities in
elementary and secondary schools (D.O. No. 7, s. 2006);

8. The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those

approved by their own organizations or societies;
9. The right to seek redress if a pupil/student has been injured

10. The right to be informed of the policies, rules, and regulations

formulated and implemented by the school;

11. The right to vote, to be nominated and elected into office of


12. The right to be represented in different meetings and assemblies

of the school on issues affecting the welfare of all

13. The right to due process.


The pupils’/students’ rights have corresponding responsibilities
attached to them. To maintain the order and harmony inside
schools, the pupils/students must be committed to and conscious of
the following duties and responsibilities expected of them, both
inside and outside the school (during activities authorized by the

1. Every pupil/student has the duty to observe and uphold the laws
of the Republic of the Philippines, as well as rules and
regulations of its duly authorized agencies, offices, including the

2. Every pupil/student shall support and promote the thrusts and

objectives of the school, as well as the organizations duly
constituted therein;

3. Every pupil/student shall abide by the policies, rules and

regulations, by-laws, and other provisions reasonable enforced
for proper administration of the school or the different
organizations duly constituted therein;
4. Every pupil/student shall strive for academic excellence and
holistic development through participation in different school
5. Every pupil/student shall communicate and transact with their
peers and authorities in a respectful and polite manner at all

6. Every pupil/student shall conduct himself/herself in an

appropriate manner at all times.

(by Teacher, Learner, Parent)
The complaint may be in an oral or
written form, and may originate from
a Initial Conference learner, parent, outsider, or a
teacher. When initiated by a student,
parent, or outsider, it shall at all times
be endorsed to the Adviser/ Teacher
Written Report concerned. When it is initiated by the
teacher/adviser, it shall be endorsed
to the Discipline Coordinator /
Assistant School Head.
Endorsement to
Discipline Committee Initial conference

When the complaint originates from a

learner/parent/outsider, the
Imposition of teacher/adviser concerned shall, if
Sanctions practicable, individually call the
learners concerned for fact-finding or
investigation. When the violation
involves such number of learners that would make individual
conferencing improbable, they may be called in groups, provided it does
not prejudice the fact-finding process. During the initial conference the
learner may be accompanied by his/her parent/guardian. When the
complaint originates from the teacher/adviser, it shall be the Discipline
Coordinator who conducts the Initial Conference.

Written Report

Once a learner/parent/outsider complainant endorses the complaint

to the Adviser/Teacher concerned, the latter prepares a written
report which shall contain a brief summary of facts, the violation
committed, and the person/s responsible based on the initial
conference held. When it is the Teacher/Adviser himself/herself
who acts as the complainant, it will be the Discipline Coordinator
who prepares the report. The written report will then be endorsed to
the Discipline Committee for appropriate action.

Endorsement to Discipline Committee

All reports will be endorsed to the Discipline Committee for

appropriate action. The Committee may undertake either of the
following steps:

a. Delegate the imposition of Sanctions to the School Head,

especially for minor offenses;
b. Invite all the parties concerned, including the parents of the
children involved, for a conference and the imposition of
Sanctions, especially for serious offenses;
c. Impose the appropriate sanction in accordance to the rules of
court with the appropriate pertinent laws and send a written
notice to both the learner concerned, and his/her

Imposition of Sanctions

Every imposition of sanctions must be in writing, documented by

the Discipline Committee, and with notices sent both to the learner
and parents/guardians concerned. In no case shall a sanction be
imposed upon a learner without the notice sent to his/her

Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all

classes. A learner who has been absent or has cut classes is required to
present a letter of explanation from his/her parents or guardian, or bring
them to school for a short conference with the section adviser or
guidance counsellor, as the case may be.

Attendance of learners in special holidays, activities relative to

their religion, shall be allowed provided permission of the School
Head is sought.

A learner who incurs absences of more than twenty (20)

percent of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods
during the school year or term should be given a failing grade and
given no credit for the course or subject. Furthermore, the School
Head may at his/her discretion and in the individual case exempt a
learner who exceeds the twenty percent limit for reasons
considered valid and acceptable to the school. Such discretion
shall not excuse the learner concerned from responsibility in
keeping up with lesson assignments and taking examinations
where indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the School
Head, and may not be availed of by a learner nor granted by a
faculty member without the consent of the School Head.

(Authority to Maintain School Discipline - D.O. 92, s. 1992)
Every school shall maintain discipline inside the school campus, as
well as outside, when pupils/ students are engaged in activities
authorized by the school.

School officials and teachers shall have the right to impose

appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of minor
offenses or infractions of good discipline. However, no cruel or
physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against a
student/pupil, consistent with the provisions of the Child Protection
Policy (D.O. 40, s. 2012)

The school, after affording the child hi/her right to due process,
reserves the right to impose the penalty of confiscation, oral/written
reprimand, in/out of school suspension, expulsion and denial of
readmission or transfer, or any other disciplinary measure that is
consistent with the reformation of the child who is found to have
violated the provisions of this handbook.

Kinds of Disciplinary Impositions

Articles or items that are not to be brought in school or used in
school will be confiscated by the school. Items which are illegal to
be in the possession of a minor (such as prohibited drugs, alcoholic
beverages and liquors, tobacco and cigarette products,
pornographic materials) will no longer be returned. However,
items/articles which are not illegal, but their use is unauthorized
during class hours or inside the school premises will be returned to
the violator after the school day or imposition of other sanctions, as
the case may be.

Oral Warning/ Written Reprimand

The violator shall be reminded by his/her misbehavior and shall
sign a commitment for good behavior, witnessed and countersigned
by his/her parent/guardian, the case shall be documented in a
confidential log book.

In-School Suspension
The violator will not be made to attend his/her regular classes, but
will still report to the school for other tasks and/or counselling.
He/she shall be given school tasks that aim to develop his/her sense
of responsibility, moral character, and personal discipline under the
supervision and guidance of the Discipline Coordinator or Guidance
Designate. Such sanction and its fixed duration shall be
documented in a confidential log book. At the end of the suspension,
the learner is again made to sign a commitment for good behavior,
to be witnessed and countersigned by his/her parent/guardian.

Out-of-School Suspension
The violator cannot attend his/her regular classes and will not be
made to report in school. Instead, he/she shall be given tasks aim to
develop his/her intra personal skills under the supervision of the
Discipline Coordinator or Guidance Counsellor, together with the
violator’s parents/guardians. Such sanction and its fixed duration
shall be documented in a confidential log book. At the end of the
suspension, the learner is again made to sign a commitment for
good behavior, to be witnessed and countersigned by his/her

Expulsion/ Transfer
Subject to the approval of the Schools Division Superintendent, the
violator will be refused re-admission to the same school where
he/she was enrolled at the time of committing the offense/violation.

Grave Offenses Less Grave Offenses Minor Offenses

1. Gross Misconduct 1. Bringing or showing 1. Habitual

2. Cheating pornographic Tardiness
3. Stealing, inside or materials 2. Failure to wear
outside of the 2. Bringing of gambling the prescribed
school, including paraphernalia in uniform or
the spending or school appropriate attire
using of 3. Bringing of cigarettes, 3. Using profane
organizational liquors or intoxicants languages
funds or property in school 4. Littering inside
4. Assaulting a 4. Tampering or the school
teacher, or any unauthorized premises
other school defacing or removal 5. Using different
authority, or his of official notices and gadgets like
agents posters from the cellular phone, I-
5. Assaulting, bulletin/display pad, video –
fighting, or causing boards gaming gadgets,
injury to another 5. Absenteeism and and the like
learner Cutting classes during class
6. Smoking inside the 6. Disrespecting, hours
school premises refusing, and 6. Public display of
7. Vandalism or disregarding affection like
destruction of summons and the kissing, necking,
school property calling of attention by petting and
(i.e. chairs, tables, any school personnel fondling
windows, books, 7. Misconduct inside the 7. Unruly behavior
laboratory school and unruly during
equipment, others) behavior assemblies
8. Gambling of any 8. Disrupting classes by 8. Going to
sort loitering and by restricted areas
9. Drinking creating noise or any 9. Inappropriate
intoxicants and disturbance in school usage of school
liquor 9. Insulting, mocking, property and
10. Carrying and contemptuous action equipment
concealing deadly or speech against 10. Borrowing
weapons his/her without returning
11. Extortion or asking classmates/schoolma 11. Inappropriate
money tes behavior in school
12. Using, selling, 12. Not giving of
possessing of 10. Refusal to wear, letters to parents
prohibited drugs tampering, or
13. Forging or defacing the school 13.Refusal to obey a
tampering with ID student leader
school records or 11. Vandalism when the latter is
forms and destruction of discharging
other learners his/her duty, or
14. Immorality, properties representing an
engaging in lustful 12. Using school authority
conduct inside the facilities without 14.Absence from
school premises permission school
15. Instigating, authorized
leading, or activities such as
participating in programs,
concerted activities symposia, etc.
leading to
stoppage of
16. Preventing,
learners or faculty
members or school
authorities from
discharging their
duties or from
attending classes
or entering school
17. Hazing in or out of
18. Operating,
facilitating the
operation of
fraternities and
sororities in the
19. Committing any
act that would
destroy the
goodwill of the
school, its officials,
faculty members,
personnel, and
fellow learners
20. Publishing or
circulating false
information about
the school, its
officials, faculty
personnel and
fellow learners
21. Bullying or cyber-
22. Disrespect to the
national flag and
the national
23. Voyeurism

Minor Less Grave
Grave Offenses
Offenses Offenses
First Written
Oral Warning In-School Suspension
Offense Reprimand
Second Written In-School
Out-of-School Suspension
Offense Reprimand Suspension
Third In-school to Other Schools Due to
Offense Suspension Factors that Affect the
Safety of Other Students
Accessory Penalties

Items subject to confiscation are the following:

a. Prohibited drugs and paraphernalia

b. Liquors and alcoholic beverages
c. Cigarettes and other tobacco products
d. Pornographic materials
e. Items/articles used to commit any offense
f. Items/articles stolen

Learners caught and sanctioned for cheating will be disqualified
from receiving any awards and recognition for that school year.

Guidance Counselling/ Learner

Guidance Required Sessions
In such number of
Third Offense or sessions as the Discipline
Minor Offense
Oftener Committee may deem
Less Grave Second Offense or Same number of days as
his/her suspension or
more as may be
Offense Oftener
prescribed by the
Discipline Committee.
Same number of days as
his/her suspension or
First Offense more as may be
prescribed by the
Discipline Committee.

 Each counselling session must adequately be documented, and

at the end of the sessions a report must be submitted by the
Guidance Designate to the Discipline Committee. Such report
will form part of the records of the case.

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