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Practice Set Worksheet


Name : REYNALDO D. SABANDAL JR. Date & Time : _____________

Program : DTE - BPE Score : _____________

Activity 4.1
Directions: After reading the paragraph, write a sentence stating the main idea.

Paragraph A

It has been said that to feel well, you must eat well. That is true, but you also need to get
adequate amounts of exercise. The combination of a nutritious diet and an exercise program is
the best thing you can do for yourself and those that love you. With a proper diet, you will more
easily maintain the proper weight and get the nutrients your body needs to function properly.
Add exercise to the mix, and maintaining the proper weight becomes easier. A proper diet
consists of fresh foods that are low in fat and sugar, high in fiber, and includes plenty of fresh
fruits and vegetables. This type of diet will help you ward off diabetes, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, and many forms of cancer. By adding exercise, you are keeping your heart
healthy and your joints functioning properly, which also helps ward off the same diseases as
well as arthritis. Recent studies have also shown that proper diet and exercise helps keep
people mentally fit also by lowering the risk of a stroke and even lowering your risk for
developing Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. So, as you can see, proper diet and
adequate exercise may just be the key to helping you live longer and healthier.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

Proper amounts of diet and exercise to acquire healthy body and to become
physically fit.

Paragraph B

The history of surgery is fascinating. When we think of surgeons today, we think of

highly educated doctors who have trained for years in their specialty area. Surgeons of today
are very skilled and have a very high success rate. They operate in sterile conditions and with
the aid of imaging such as x‐ray, CT scans, or MRIs. But this wasn't always the case. In fact, in
the Middle Ages, the barbers in a community were also the surgeons. Can you imagine that?
Going to the same place for surgery that you would to get your hair cut. Seems strange to us
today, but it was the common practice in those days. They also knew nothing about sterile
techniques and even operated without gloves. They also used rudimentary tools such as saws
and pliers. The worst part, there was no anesthesia. Sadly, most surgery patients died from
infection. They also didn't understand the way the body worked at that time. They would drill
holes in people's head to let the demons out and cut off a leg with a rusty saw. It is a wonder
that anybody survived a surgery during those times. Over the years, surgical techniques
improved and eventually evolved into the highly trained field it is today. We are lucky to live in a
time in which medical advancements abound.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

Surgeries between the middle ages and in the present time.
Activity 4.2
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : REYNALDO D. SABANDAL JR. Date & Time : _____________

Program : DTE - BPE Score : _____________

Paragraph A
The general public is now getting more involved in environmental crises that pose a threat
to life in our planet. Decades ago, the level of alarm that people showed on environmental
issues like cancer – causing chemicals, radiation, carbon dioxide, and other harmful gases,
ozone depletion the greenhouse effect, oil spills, non-renewable resources, destruction of
rainforests, natural habitats and natural resources and a thousand other environmental issues
was very minimal. These days, not only the government, big companies and environmentalists
are concerned with environmental issues; everyone is. More and more people are vigilant of
the devastation caused by activities that pollute, contaminate, deplete and overwork our
environment. Indeed, human survival depends on our environment.
1. Identify the main idea of the paragraph.
The effects of human’s abuse to the environment.
2. Get a partner and choose one environmental issue among the many issues cited in the
paragraph. Together write down a short paragraph suggesting simple ways by which
you can show your concern for our environment in our daily lives. This activity will
strengthen your understanding of the main idea of the paragraph. Be reflective as you
write your paragraph.

‘Greenhouse Effect’, a warming of Earth’s surface and troposphere (the lowest

layer of the atmosphere) caused by the presence of water vapor, carbon dioxide,
methane, and certain other gases in the air. Consequently, everything in nature is
running towards an inevitable side-effect called the ‘Green House Effect’. It is
dangerous for living creatures on earth.
The greenhouse effect is the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth as
a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution. It is very dangerous for our
existence and survival. It causes a great change in the weather and climate. The sun’s
scorching heat comes to earth in a direct way. The earth’s surface becomes seriously
heated. There will be an increase in a violent storm. The rivers frequent floods that carry
silent overflow their banks causing water to land and the land will lose it is alluvial and
fertility. Agriculture, forestry, and fishery will seriously be damaged. Greenhouse
effects make climate warm which causes sea-water to swell up. The sea-costs will be
over flooded and the sufferings of people of those areas will be untold knowing no
bounds. There will be less quantity of oxygen.
To prevent the dangerous effects of greenhouse necessary steps should
immediately be taken. People should not be allowed to cut off trees which cause
deforestation. Rather they will be advised and suggested to plant more and more trees
in accordance with their capability and convenience. Campaign for tree plantation
should be introduced and implemented. Forests also control the natural balance.
People should be made aware of it. Mills, factories, brick-fields should be set up in a
very good planned way. Silencer pipes should carefully be set to pass out polluted air,
gas, bad smell and intolerable sounds. There should be a good drainage system to pass
away waste materials, wastages, and poisonous chemicals. The world’s climate will
undergo a significant change; the temperatures will increase day by day for green-
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : REYNALDO D. SABANDAL JR. Date & Time : _____________

Program : DTE - BPE Score : _____________

house effects. Unless green-house effecting causes are not controlled, no men, animals
will be able to live, grow and thrive.

Paragraph B
The first and most basic criterion for the family of today is that the family must be rooted in
the marriage of one man and one woman. Today, there are many advocates of the idea that
the composition of the family is a matter of choice---any combination of individuals of whatever
gender. According to Prof. May, this is a folly because a child needs a father and mother who
are committed to each other in marriage to provide him/her with the security of a home. Non-
married individuals do not have the right to generate human life because they have not given
themselves unconditionally to one another.

1. State the main idea of the paragraph.
Married couples must be committed to have a strong family foundation and non-
married individual has no write in generating human life.

2. To test your thorough understanding of the main idea, write a brief reaction to the
statement: “the family is a matter of choice---any combination of individuals of whatever
gender.” Complete your paragraph with an introduction, body and concluding

Marriage, as both a natural institution and a sacred union, is rooted in God’s plan
for creation. The truth that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman is
woven deeply into the human spirit. The Church’s teaching on marriage expresses a
truth, therefore, that can be perceived first and foremost by human reason. God created
man on his own image, male and female he created them. And God bless them, saying:
“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:27-28)

Marriage is the fundamental pattern for male-female relationships. It contributes

to society because it models the way in which women and men live interdependently
and commit to seek the good of each other. The marital union also provides the best
conditions for raising children: namely, the stable, loving relationship of a mother and
father present only in marriage. The state recognizes this relationship as a public
institution in its laws because the relationship makes a unique and essential
contribution to the common good.

As a God’s ardent follower, I hardly disagree with the statement stating “The
family is a matter of choice, any combination of individuals of whatever gender.”
because I believe that marriage exist only between a man and a woman. It is because of
the natural structure of human sexuality makes man and woman complementary
partners for expressing conjugal love and transmitting human life. Only a union of male
and female can express the sexual complementarity willed by God for marriage. This
unique complementarity makes possible the conjugal bond that is the core of marriage.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : REYNALDO D. SABANDAL JR. Date & Time : _____________

Program : DTE - BPE Score : _____________

Performance Task 1
Directions: Develop a short REFLECTIVE ESSAY of not more than 15 sentences. You
may choose from any of the following topics:

When Did You Know You Were in Love?

When is success counted the sweetest?
Did Your Parents Ever Punish You Unfairly?
Water is life.
Have You Ever Helped Someone in Need?

Please be guided by the rubric below.

Write your composition here.

Water is the basic necessity for the functioning of all life forms that exist on earth.
It is safe to say that water is the reason behind earth being the only planet to support
life. This universal solvent is one of the major resources we have on this planet. It is
impossible for life to function without water. After all, it makes for almost 70% of the
earth. However, despite its vast abundance, water is very much limited. It is a non-
renewable resource. In addition, we need to realize the fact that although there is an
abundance of water, not all of it is safe to consume. We derive some very essential uses
from the water on a daily basis. If we talk about our personal lives, water is the
foundation of our existence. The human body needs water for the day to day survival.
We may be able to survive without any food for a whole week but without water, we
won’t even survive for 3 days. This, in turn, helps our body to function normally. Thus,
the lack of sufficient water or consumption of contaminated water can cause serious
health problems for humans. Therefore, the amount and quality of water which we
consume is essential for our physical health plus fitness. Further, our daily activities are
incomplete without water. Whether we talk about getting up in the morning to brush or
cooking our food, it is equally important. This domestic use of water makes us very
dependent on this transparent chemical. In addition, it is essential for the production of
the goods we use every day. If we look beyond human uses, we will realize how water
plays a major role in every living beings’ life. It is the home of aquatic animals. From a
tiny insect to a whale, every organism needs water to survive. Therefore, we see how
not only human beings but plants and animals too require water. The earth depends on
water to function. We cannot be selfish and use it up for our uses without caring about
the environment.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : REYNALDO D. SABANDAL JR. Date & Time : _____________

Program : DTE - BPE Score : _____________

CONTENT OF WORK Reflection is thorough.
_____/ 20 Makes meaningful connections to
important ideas covered over the course
of the school year.
Is supported with relevant details
through use of concrete, sensory
language, narrative accounts, and
personal experiences.

SELF-ASSESSMENT Reflection reveals feelings and

_____/ 20 thoughts through presentation of the
Is thoughtful, convincing, insightful,
and explanatory
Analyzes the experience by looking at
more than one angle.
Looks into the future.

WRITING STRATEGIES Effectively uses a variety of

_____/ 15 writing strategies make the
reflection clear to the reader using
specific, concrete details
comparing, contrasting naming,
describing reviewing the history
explaining possibilities
creating a scenario

COHERENCE AND STYLE Consistently uses appropriate

_____/ 10 language.
Shows deep insight through natural
flow of ideas and effective conclusion.

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