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1 Linear communication model - communication is a one-way activity

- information flows from sender to receiver
- ideas, thoughts, and feelings are prepared in
form of a message and then injected in a straight
line into a receiver

- example: messages from print and broadcast


- elements: sender, receiver, message, channel

2 Interactive communication model - two-way process

- sender formulates and transmits a message to a
receiver who, in turn, formulates a response
- the receiver’s reaction to the speaker’s message
whether verbal or nonverbal is very important

- example: Telephone conversation, interview

- elements: sender, receiver, message, channel,

feedback or response

3 Transactional communication model - communicators send and receive messages

- the roles of the sender and receiver are not
separated/ not doing things one at a time
- a single discrete communication act is affected by
communication incidents that come before and
after it.
- communication is a process in which individuals
create a relationship by interacting with each

- Example: negotiation that occurs when both

parties talk at the same time

- Elements: participants/communicators, message,

channel, feedback, environment, noise

4 Osgood and Schramm circular model - endless circular flow of communication between
two acting parties
- identical functions of encoding and decoding and
interpreting are performed by both parties
- each party is shifting to roles of communicator
and receiver
- like the interactive model

- Example: conversation of two parties having

parallel experiences

- Elements: sender/encoder, receiver/decoder,

message, channel, feedback

5 Dance helical model - breakthrough in the field of communication

- innovation from the old models
- communication does not and cannot simply leave
from and return to its origin
- process of communication moves upward and
- what is being communicated at present influence
communication’s content and structure to follow
- the longer two people converse, the more
progressive communication is
- communication is nonstop, never stale, static or
- basic belief: Knowledge tends to create more
- communication may be affected by unforeseen
factors and elements of communication

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