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In education student with diverse back grounds and culture are often marginalized because they
are exposed curriculum with one predominant culture bias. It does not cater to the culture that
they are familiar with and are part of. This is why it’s important to create curriculum that
incorporates diverse perspective. The teaching and learning process must respond to physical,
social and cultural preferences of the children. This assignment consists of culture as important
in language teaching. The difference between foreign language and second language, give the
difference, differentiate between Chomsky and skinners.

a) culture
According E.A Hoebel culture is the sum of Total of integrated learner behavior patterns which
are characteristic of the member of a society and which are there for not the result of biological
Culture is based on a term used by the ancient Roman orator cicero in his truculence
disputations, where he wrote a cultivation soul or culture anim. Using an agricultural metaphor
for the development of philosophical soul. Understood in teleological aspect as the upmost
possible model for human development.

Importance of culture in language teaching

Culture as aesthetics: information about arts literature, theatre music, architecture etc. Culture as
asocial customs. Information about the family home life customs, leisure activities interpersonal
relation. Culture as culturally – laden words and concept: bank holiday, muddle-class, gay, high-
tea, afternoon tea
Culture as appropriate form of interaction, greeting and leave, taking, norms politeness,
strategies for complaints and apologues.
It influences their language and communication. It influences the social interaction with parents,
siblings’ pears and teacher
Culture awareness- To be aware of people culture when interact with other people
Gesture, body, movement and distance maintained by speakers should Forster culture insight
Having a close contact with the target culture and its speakers is a rare opportunity for language

b) Discuss the difference between foreign language and second language

English as a foreign language are languages that are originated from other country or continent,
spoken by people of a specific places

Second language are languages that used for communication and as official language in a certain
society in a country like Namibia there are different mother tongue that people use. English as a
second language for people to be able to communicate with one another.
The difference between foreign language and second language

Second language a language that is not the mother tongue of a speaker but that is used for public
communication especially in trade, high education and administration.
Widely used in that particular area
Typically, officially recognized and accepted like English in Namibia
It considered a second language by many of its speakers, because they learn it young and use it
regularly indeed in part of the country it regarded as official language refer to a non-native
language officially recognized and accepted in multilingual country as a means of public
communication. English in Namibia and African countries, French in Tunisia and Algeria.
Foreign language
Any language other than spoken by the people of a specific place not widely used in that
particular area not officially recognized and accepted Spanish in Namibia, Chinese in Namibia

Differentiate Chomsky and skinner theory of language acquisition.

Theory is set of principles which based on practice of activities and hypotheses refers to ideas about
language rules that learners form as they receive information.

Chomsky believes that language is a biological inherited that the use praise and rewards doesn`t
assist a child development nor encourage them to learn. Inmate biological ability that all human
possess. He believed that every child has a language acquisition.
Inmate learning mechanism enables a child to figure how the language works.
In a broader sense, various theories and approaches have been merged over the years to study
and analyzed the process of language acquisition. Four main schools of thought, which provide
theoretical paradigms in guiding the course of language acquisition are:
Imitation, Nativism or behaviorism: based on the empiricist or behavioral approach
Innateness or Mentalism: based on the rationalistic or mentalist approach
Cognition: based on the cognitive –psychological approach. This starts at an early-stage children
at the ages starting from 3-10 years because these learners have not exposed to too many

languages that prevents them to acquire other languages. Children do not need any kind of
formal teaching to speak a language.

Skinner believes that learning progress involving the shaping of grammar into correct form by
the re enforcement of another stimulus.
Approaches child as a blank slate that is filled up by knowledge gained thought experience.
Believed that children learn language through operant conditioning- those children receive
reward for using language in a functional manner. Increase a behavior by pairing performance of
the target behavior with positive or rewarding outcome. Successful attempts are rewarded
because an adult who recognizes a word spoken by a child will praise the child or give it what it
is asking for. Successful utterances are therefore reinforced while unsuccessful one is forgotten.
Limitations of behaviorism
Language is based on a set of structure or rules which could not worked out simply by imitation
individual utterances. The mistakes made by children reveal that they are not simply imitating
but actively working out and applying rules. A child says drinked instead of drunk is not coping
an adult but rather over applying a rule. The child has discovered that past tense verbs are formed
by ending a/d/or /t/ sounds to the base form. The mistakes occur because there are irregular verbs
which do not behave in this way. Such forms are often referred to as intelligent mistakes or
virtuous errors.


Culture is sum total of integrated learner behavior patterns which are characterized member of society
and which are therefore not the result of biological inheritance. Culture consists of appropriate form of
interaction with parents, sibling pears and teachers at school.

Environment makes contribution in both theories: as for Chomsky, he believes that as long there
are people available to speak to the child, the child’s biological endowments will do the rest. But
for skinner, he believes that children will learn by imitation, reinforcement that comes from the


Taxler, M.J (2012) introduction to psycholinguists: Understanding language science.

Noam Chomsky Sabahat, A. (2012) Crucial differences between behaviorist and Nativist view of
language acquisition.

a) culture.............................................................................................................................................2
Importance of culture in language teaching............................................................................................2
b) Discuss the difference between foreign language and second language............................................2
The difference between foreign language and second language............................................................3
Foreign language.....................................................................................................................................3
Differentiate Chomsky and skinner theory of language acquisition........................................................3


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