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1. 1. Identify all the .. in the articles/story. a) Nouns i) Countable and Uncountable Nouns ii) Singular and Plural Nouns iii) Collective Nouns iv) Common Nouns v) Proper Nouns vi) Abstract Nouns b) Prepositions c) Adjectives d) Adverbs e) Conjunctions f) Verbs g) Verb-to-be, Verb-to have, Verb-to-do h) Subject-Verb-Agreement i) Active and Passive Voice j) Simple Present Tense k) Simple Past Tense l) Present and Past Perfect Tense m) Present and Past Continuous Tense n) Gerunds o) Modals p) Future Tense etc 2. 2. Find the meaning of the difficult words found in the text 3. 3. Change the tenses in the text from; a) Simple Present Tense to Simple Past Tense b) Simple Past Tense to Simple Present Tense 4. 4. Identify and Copy down 10 interesting expressions/sentences from the text 5. 5. Change the Singulars to the Plurals (vice-versa) eg: box-boxes 6. 6. Give the synonyms to the underlined words eg: angry-mad 7. 7. Give the antonyms to the following words eg: deep-shallow 8. 8. Identify all the Countable and Uncountable Nouns 9. Form Comparative and Superlative Adjectives to the following words. Eg: good-better-best

10 10. 11. eg

Form questions from the sentences in the story Identify all the literary and poetic devices found in the text/poem, a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Personification d) Imagery


11. Identify all thein the text a) Proverbs (eg. Every cloud has a silver lining) b) Idioms / Figurative Expressions (eg.a wet blanket) c) Phrasal Verbs (eg.come up) d) Doubles (eg.again and again) 12. Give all the homonyms to the following words found in the text. Eg: air-heir 13. Identify all the genders : masculine, feminine, common, neuter 14. Identify all the.. a) Personal Pronoun eg: you,she b) Possessive Pronoun eg: mine. hers c) Reflexive Pronoun eg: herself, itself d) Interrogative Pronoun eg: who, which e) Indefinite Pronoun eg: anyone, most f) Reciprocal Pronoun eg: each other 15. Answer comprehension questions a) Underline the correct answer b) True/false c) Matching exercise 16. Give short answers to Wh-Questions 17. Based on the story, write the sequence of events 18. What moral values do you get from the story? 19. Do you like the ending of the story? Give your reasons why 20. Give another ending to the story 21. Do you like the story? Give your reasons why 22. In your own words, tell the story to the class. 23. Write a summary of the article or story 24. Group work : act out the scenes from the story


10th grade As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was mu so called best friend. I stared at her long, silky hair, and wishes she was mine. But she didnt notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said thanks and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why. 11th grade The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didnt want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, saidthanks and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why. Senior year The day before prom she walked to my mocker. My date is sick she said; hes not going to go well, I didnt have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as best friends. So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step! I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said I had the best time, thanks! and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why. Graduation Day A day passed, then a week, then a month, I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didnt notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she

came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, youre my best friend, thanks and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why.


I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper, even to a national, protesting about a projected by pass to her village, and, looking at a map, the route was nowhere near where she lived and it wasnt as if the area was attractive. I was more than puzzled, I was intrigued. The enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, and I wanted to know what it was that motivated her. So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods. Ive always loved this place, she said, it has a lot of memories for me, and for others. We all used it. They called it Lovers lane. Its not much of a lane, and it doesnt go anywhere important, but thats why we all came here. To be away from people, to be by ourselves she added. It was indeed pleasant that day and the songs of many birds could be heard. Squirrels gazed form the branches, quite bold in their movements, obviously few people passed this way and they had nothing to fear. I could imagine the noise of vehicles passing through these peaceful woods when the by-pass was built, so I felt that she probably had something there but as I hold strong opinions about the needs of the community over-riding the opinions of private individuals, I said nothing. The village was quite a dangerous place because of the traffic especially for old people and children their safety was more important to me than an old womans whims. Take this tree, she said pausing after a short while. To you it is just that, a tree. Not unlike many others here. She gently touched the bark. Look here, under this branch, what can you see? It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife I said after a cursory inspection. Yes, thats what it is! she said softly. There are letters and a lovers heart. I looked again, this time more carefully. The heart was still there and there was a suggestion of an arrow through it. The letters on one

side were indistinct, but on the other on R was clearly visible with what looked like an I after it. Some budding romance? I asked, did you know who they were? Oh yes, I knew them, said Mary Smith, it says RH loves MS. I realized that I could be getting out of my depth, and longed to be in my office, away from here and this old lady, snug, and with a mug of tea in my hand. She went on He had a penknife with a spike for getting stones form a horses hoof, and I helped him to carve my initials. We were very much in love, but he was going away, and could not tell me what he was involved in the army. I had guessed of course. It was the last evening we ever spent together. After cutting the tree, he put his knife away, then turned and held me fiercely. I could sense his desperation, his urgency, his need. It matched mine but I did not say so. His grip hurt me, but I did not flinch. He didnt need to hold me so tightly; I wasnt going to run away! Then he kissed me. It was like honey, so sweet and lingering. He didnt try anything on, not that he would have had to try very hard, I would not have resisted, not that night. We kissed again, I remembered it so clearly. I wanted the night never to end. I wantedI wanted my Robin. I would have done anything for him, indeed I wish I had, because he went away the next day, back to his Unit. Mary Smith was quiet for a while, then she sobbed. His mother showed me the telegram. Sergeant R Holmeskilled in action in the invasion of France. Two years later she too was dead. Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. A child would have helped both of us. There was a further pause. Mary Smith gently caressed the wounded tree, just as she would have caressed him. And now they want to take our tree away from me. Another quiet sob, then she turned to me. I was young and pretty then, I could have had anybody, I wasnt always the old woman you see here now. I had everything I wanted in life, a lovely man, health and a future to look forwards to. She paused again and looked around. The breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. There were others, of course, but not a patch on my Robin! she said strongly. And now I have nothing-except the memories this tree holds. If only I could only get my hands on that awful man who writes in the paper about the

value of the road they are going to build where we are standing now, I would tell him. Has he never loved, has he never lived, does he not know anything about memories? We were not only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. Yes, I would tell him! I turned away, sick at heart.

Love and habit had brought the old man to the row of strawberries that grew along the south side of the small cottage he had called home for more than thirty years. The mid morning May sun had warmed him as he worked to rid the plants of weeds and now he was feeling the effects of having stooped too long and felt the thirst that only a large tumbler of ice tea would quench. The house was still cool and quiet as he found his favorite glass and poured the tea he would carry to his usual resting spot outside. The old glider squeaked and sagged as it accepted his weight. Warm spring winds wafted across his weathered face carrying the aroma of blooming lilacs and honeysuckle. He felt the coolness of the glass his hand and closed his eyes to shut off all the visual senses that would disturb the sounds and smells of spring. He let his mind shuffle through the pages of his memory until it came to a stop on a page that he enjoyed the most. Countless spring days had been spent in this glider when his wife was still here and still sharing the ritual of the rule of ten. He remembered how she had cajoled him into planting the strawberries when they had first bought the small house that was to be their home. She had promised to tend them and always make sure they were well cared for but she never did. The old man just accepted the care of the strawberries as one more duty he was to perform. Even after his wife had passed away he kept the little patch, as though she were still alive and still sitting at this side. Each evening she would take a small container to pick only the ten best berries from the vines. They would sit together in that old glider and talk of the days events. There was seldom anything special to fill their conversation, just the easy banter that passes between two people who have become very good and old friends. And so much more. When he asked her why she picked only ten strawberries she would answer that it just seemed

right to her and the old man accepted her answer as though it could only be the right one he had grown use to her quirkiness and, in fact, washad been fond of it. The hushed voices of excited children invaded his reverie. Look at all the strawberries! Said the one voice. The old man lifted himself from the glider and hurried towards the sound of the voice. When he turned the corner he bellowed, in his best gruff voice the rule is ten! the startled boys were frozen with fear and momentarily afraid to speak. Are these strawberries yours, mister? asked the older looking boy. they are, and you and your friend there can take ten of the best ones but only ten. The boys seemed perplexed and ask the old man why just ten. Because its the only way theyve ever been picked. Ten each? Asked the boy. The old man nodded his head yes and the boys fell to the ground eagerly picking and counting the strawberries as they plucked them from the vines. When they had their ten they ran off laughing and thanking the old man. Can we come back tomorrow? Again the old man nodded yes. But remember the rule is ten! He watched until the boys were out of sight. As he made his way back to the inside of the house the old man wondered if the children had thought the house was vacant. He convinced himself they probably didnt thing anyone lived here. The irony was they were more right than they knew. He listened to the quiet hum of the window fan and felt the still cool morning air that filled the bedroom. The studio picture of him and his wife on their silver anniversary made him wince as he thought of her absence. Im still here sweetheart and I still miss you. He said aloud as he stretched back on the bed and quickly drifted into sleep. Did the boys return the next day and honor the rule of ten? Write your own ending dear reader. Because on the eve of the old mans anniversary to the only woman he ever knew or loved with the quiet hum of the fan and the still cool morning air of early spring touching his face the old man went to sleepForever


Salty raindrops ran tiny rivers down her reddened cheeks, stinging as though her flesh had been scraped raw. She sat alone in the cold chill of the dark, refusing to wipe them away even as they fell, like blood from a seeping wound, upon the trembling hands clasped tightly in her lap. Each tear stung her eyes, burning her skin as though it had never felt filled with moments just like this. The pain was familiar. Never welcomed, always hoped to be outgrown or outlasted, but as familiar as the feel of her dogs chin across her feet. A womans tears were like diamonds, cutting permanent facets upon the heart as though it was a piece of cheap stained glass that would remain windowless simply waiting for the final shattering of unaccepted. He could not hurt her anymore, regardless of how well the game was played. He no longer had any control over what mattered, even though he held firm to the belief that everything about her was placed firmly under his thumb. She freed herself from that tyrannical grip a long time ago, when the voice within her insisted that she be her own champion, or die trying. Still, her footsteps had to be walked with thought and careful placement keeping vigilant watch for booby traps hidden in loving performances. Perfection was a myth revealed cruelly by each failure, and yet she tried to keep the illusion alive. For them. The ones whose blood should have guaranteed allegiance to her souls safekeeping, their weakness revealed as they stood lamblike in his shadow. They would never see past what they needed, the picture rooted so deeply in not wanting to change what they perceived wasnt broken, even as her spirit cracked audibly within range of their hearing each time they covered her in the weight of worthless. She understood what they never would, what they did not wish to see. She could live without them. Survival flamed not behind the shield and armor of her laughter, her smiles, her giving to keep peace, and the veiled mask of her agreeableness hid well the suffocating blue tinge in her green eyes. She was everything to everyone. And when she danced for them in her wallflower dress, they could feel good about who they were, because they lost interest long before she stumbled from exhaustion in the complicated steps of breathing the stale air of their delusion. Living was no longer an action for her, it had become the unattainable gold medal found only in her boxed-up, back-of-the-closet dreams. She just

needed to survive. Get through. Find a single wisp of fresh air to fill her soul once in a great while so that her heart could continue to beat through the constant struggle of bitter words. As she sat, shivering and silent, waiting to inhale her next crumb of oxygen, she finally understood why she hadnt wiped the tears from her cheeks. What was the point? They could not hurt her anymore. He could no longer make her bleed for his love. The champions voice no longer whispered in her head. She was empty. Damaged, broken beyond repair.


He is an acquaintance. I have known him since our childhood days. But we were not that close. Nevertheless, during the past two years, we were given a chance to learn each others behavior and to understand each others personality. We surprisingly became close to each other. He came to our house every now and then. We talked about funny things and sometimes those, which have no sense at all. He played the guitar, and I sang. He brought out jokes, which I always laugh at, and he made me stretch my brains out because of his brain twisters and puzzles in short, we learned a lot from each other and we were happy when we are together. One day he invited me to watch him play the basketball summer league. I could see the excitement in his eyes. I watched him play and I knew form that time on that hes good because hes next to the captain ball. Then the spark of pain startedThe news was heart breaking. He is in the hospital, a friend told me. I bowed my head and uttered words of pray I learned the following week that he went out of the hospital. I saw him that Sunday and I talked to him. How are you? I asked Uhm, Im fine, and I feel good this time. But he looked like hes not well. I became busy the next months that came. Unknowingly, he always asked for me when he could not see me around. His medication continuedMoreover, I kept on getting busier each day. Until someone told me that his illness was getting worse. I went to him. Pain covered his parents and me when he started to say

goodbyes and bade farewells. I thanked God because He had given me a chance to be with him even in a short period. I know you are strong. I dont want to see you cry even if I pass away. This came as his joke on me, but deep inside me, I am crying for him. I could not show his the tears so I held it back behind my eyes. I visited him in the hospital every time I had the time. He was full of joy whenever I am with him holding his hands. You know, I miss you every time youre not here beside me. I want you if possible, to stay here. But of course, I understand that you have other things to do, he said. In my mind I was honestly answering him back, I miss you too. Dont you worry. Ill always be here for youI comforted him. The doctors discharged him out of the hospital. I was not able to see him since then because of my studies and the school work I had to finish. He always asked for me and said he wanted to see me. We had one very memorable night. It was very cold but it was warmed with tender conversation and care. It was also the time when the voice of the heart was spoken. I had seen and felt his sweet smiles and gentleness. Both of us did not want the night to pass but the day was coming to break the cold embrace of the night. Is he your boyfriend? my friend in school asked me. I simply answered, Hes my best friend. Her eyes could not believe. But my heart said there is something more because he is not just anyonehe is so special He asked me to go to their house the next day. I went there and asked him what he need form me. Nothing, I just want you to be here because I miss you He said softly. if I could only walk long distance, I will be the one coming to visit you. I was deeply touched and felt compassion towards him. He took the guitar and played it as I sang. He always wanted me to sing songs as he played the guitar. He came to our house for two consecutive Sundays. We played chess and we talked a lot. I did not know that he was just enduring the pain. We spent the day with the stories, smiles, and laughter. I did not know this will be the last time for me to see him alive. They told me they brought him to the hospital a day before Valentines

Day. Did he wait for me for three days? Yet I did not go It seemed to me that my strengths left me as I heard the news. I was hurt and felt my heart ached. But then I realized that something more has left me; I was left by the one I love. Yes, I love him and it is too late to say that I do. He is my first love but it was more painful to be left by someone with his unheard farewell


The summer was never ending, day after day spent in fields of waving corn, the gentle sound of humming insects filled the air, and sensual concoctions of a an English summer meadow filled ones mind. In a giant oak tree seemingly there since the dawning of the ages, sat a young boy and girl, both touched by the suns golden paintbrush, neither caring what the world would bring, both lost in the joys of youth. The boy stopped pocking a stick into the tree trunk and looked into the eyes of freckled face girl who sat next to him, making a chain of daisies. His own pale blue eyes squinted as he looked into the sunlight which seemed to make a halo around the girls face. Julie he said, still not sure enough of what to say or if he was right even trying to say it. The girl looked up and seemed to sense this was a special moment she smiled a smile that dimmed the sunlight on the summers day. He looked and knew he was right, and it was right, this was the moment. Julie he said, this time his voice was sure and clear, We are good friends arent we? Well Alex continued I know we are both young, and there is the rest of our lives ahead of us he looked into her dark brown eyes, would she laugh? Was she laughing inside at his stumbling attempts even now. The eyes that looked back showed nothing but concentration at what he was saying, though deep down he thought he could see something else, something he was not sure of. He stumbled on, We have been friends for a long time, and well, I hmmmm could we hmmmm I mean when we get older? he

was lost, he couldnt find the words. Yes she said If you will wait, so will I, and yes, I feel the same.


John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didnt, the girl with the rose. His interest in her had begun thirteen months before in a Florida library. Taking a book off the shelf he found himself intrigued, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin. The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind. In front of the book, he discovered the previous owners name, Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he located her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond. The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War 11. During the next year and one-month the two grew to know each other through the mail. Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A Romance was budding. Blanchard requested a photograph, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldnt matter what she looked like. When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, the scheduled their first meeting-7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York. Youll recognize me, she wrote, by the re rose Ill be wearing on my lapel. So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for a girl whose heart he loved, but whose face hed never seen. Ill let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened: A young women

was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her blonde hair lay back in curls form the delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. I started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose. As I moved, a small, provocative smile curved her lips. Going my way, sailor? she murmured. Almost uncontrollably I made one step closer to her, and then I saw Hollis Maynell. She was standing almost directly behind the girl. A woman well past 40, she had graying hair tucked under a worn hat. She was more than a plump, her thickankle feet thrust into low-heeled shoes. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away. I felt as though I split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her, and yet so deep was my longing for the women whose spirit had truly companioned me and upheld my own. And there she stood. Her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible, her gray eyes had a warm and kindly twinkle. I did not hesitate. My fingers gripped the small worn blue leather copy of the book that was something precious, something perhaps even better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful. I squared my shoulders and saluted and held out the book to the women, even though while I spoke I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment. I, Lieutenant John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to dinner? The womens face broadened into a tolerant smile. I dont know what this is about, son, she answered, but the young lady in the green suit who just went by, she begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I should go and tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!


Many years ago, my uncle owned a restaurant at a small city and I was the hostess. One afternoon, my mother and I went to a dinner for lunch. Our waitress, Debbie, was so sweet that we took an immediate liking to her, and my mother offered her a job at my uncles restaurant on the spot. Debbie accepted. We invited her to our home for dinner that evening and during our conversations with her, we learned that she had never married and that she had no boyfriend. She told us that five years before while on a flight back east, she me her pilot and that it was love at first sight. She was very nervous as she was boarding the plane and the pilot was standing in the doorway greeting passengers. He must have conversation with her. They spoke less than ten minutes, and he assured her he would fly her safely to her destination. She told us it was love at first sight, and we told her there was no such thing. Although she never saw her pilot again, she never forgot the feeling she had in her heart when their eyes met. Mother and I had a plan. Since she was so in love with her pilot, we decided to fix her up with one of the many single pilots that came into the restaurant to eat in between flight. We approached John, one of the pilots, and told him about Debbie. He agreed to meet her for a dinner date on one of his nights off. We sat him at a nice table with candlelight and fresh flowers. When Debbie arrived, we walked her to the table to introduce her to her date. As we approached, Debbie stopped dead in her tracks, tears

welled up in her eyes, her hand went to her heart, and though I couldnt believe what I was hearing, she said, My pilot, its my pilot! he stood dumb stuck and embraced her. We later learned that he, too, had fallen in love with his passenger five years ago on that flight back east. The last we heard from Debbie was in a letter from Guam. When people tell me there is no such thing as love at first sight, I tell them this story and show them the photo Debbie enclosed with her letter, a photo of her family, her husband, john, in his pilots uniform and their two beautiful daughters.


Jason. He was the boy of my dreams. He started coming to my school when I was in the second grade, but he was in a different class than me, so I barely caught a glimpse of him. In the third grade he wasnt in my class either, but then came fourth grade. That was the first year we had the same teacher, and the first time I really got to see him, hear him, watch himand I fell madly in love with him. His blond hair was always cut just so, and his bangs hung straight down on his forehead. His blue eyes were the bluest of blues, and when he smiledoh, that smile. His entire face lit up. He had the straightest, whitest teeth Is ever seen. He was a dream. I was obsessed with him, and it was the beginning of a secret crush that Id hold onto for years. In fifth and sixth grade, Jason and I ended up having different teachers so I didnt see him as much, but he was on my mind an in my heart just the same. During lunch or recess, Id steal glimpses of him. I couldnt erase his blue eyes out of my heart. When sixth grade came to an end, we were off to junior high school. I knew Id be meeting new boys, and Jason would be meeting new girls. I was excited, and nervous. For three years I secretly loved him, dreamt about him and never shared that with anyone. Finally the first day of junior high school came. I hardly slept at all that night, I was so scared and nervous and anxious all at the same time. When the bus arrived at our new school, I went to my first class

and then my second-and there was no Jason. I went to my third class, then finally my fourth. I walked in the classroom-and there he was, sitting alone at a desk. He gave me a huge grin as if he was so relieved to see a familiar face-mine! I sat right next to him, and we talked. We talked and talked and talked. It was different this time, we were in junior high, and we didnt know anyone else in the class except each other. We talked until the class started and then we talked at the end of class, and we walked out together! Except, I wasnt walking at all- I was floating! Thats how it was every day in fourth period during those first few weeks. Jason and I sat next to each other and talked. We became fast friends, more than wed ever been before. Then one day, my heart almost exploded. I have an idea of what you can do today when you get home, Jason said to me as we walked out of the classroom. What? I asked, curious. You can call me, he answered, and I was speechless. Call me around three oclock. Okay, I said; my lips and heart quivering. With trembling hands I picked up the phone. It was three oclock, just like he said. I heard the phone ring, then another. Hello? Jason answered. Hi, I said, hoping that hed know it was I. He did. After the first few minutes I began to relax, and he did too. We talked on the phone for more than an hour! I was dreaming I was flying; my head was in the clouds! And to top it off, the first dance of the year was coming up that Friday, and began to hope that Jason might ask me to the dance with him! Was my dream on the verge of coming true? The next day I wanted to run to fourth period class, but I didnt. I walked slowly, fighting the butterflies that were flying around my stomach. I went and sat in my usual spot next to Jason. He looked at me and smiled. Right away, the teachers started talking, and try as I might, I couldnt pay attention. My heart was pounding in my chest as I sat next to the boy of my dreams, the boy Id talked to on the phone for more than an hour the day before! To my total surprise, he slipped a note on my desk. With trembling hands, I took the folded slip of paper. My face became hot,

and I hoped it didnt look as red as it felt. What could this be? I thought. Is he telling me that he likes me? Is he going to ask me to the dance? Is my dream coming true? I carefully and quietly opened the piece of paper and saw one sentence written there. I looked closely and read the words, Will you ask Shelly if she likes me? Thanks, Jason. Fighting tears, I quickly folded it back up and put it in my book. I looked over at Jason and quickly nodded yes to him. The teacher rambled on, but I was in a broken-hearted world of my own. I did Jasons asking for him and I found out that Shelly didnt like him, but it didnt matter. For the first time ever, Id experienced a broken heart, and Id had enough.

I love daisies too, she told him several night after they first met . She wasnt sure why she blurted it out, but it seemed the normal thing to say considering the conversation they were having. They were talking about favorite things the way you do when you are trying to get to know someone. Small talk that keeps the conversation flowing: My favorite color is green, 18 is my lucky number, and my favorite food is pizza when she jokingly asked if he had a favorite flower he replied, Nope, but my mom loves daisies. She brightened up immediately because daisies have long been one of her favorites and she was impressed that he knew what type of flower his mother liked the best. They began to spend more and more time with each other until their relationship seemed like a night in August. Before long, wedding bells rang, and the happy couple started their lives together as man and wife. He loved to bring flowers home, usually roses but occasionally he would bring home mixed flowers or carnation. He never needed a holiday or special occasion, he did it because her expression never changed, she was always genuinely surprised by his thoughtfulness. As with many marriages, it wasnt long before their home was filled with the cries of a baby; a baby boy named after his father. Many floral arrangements were sent to the happy mother to celebrate the birth of her child, including two dozen long stemmed roses with a card that read, Thank you for our son, I will always love you!

The baby grew up quickly, and before his parents could believe it, he was celebrating his fifth birthday. On the day of his birthday, the father pulled his son aside before his party started to have a fatherson talk with him. The mother noticed and just smiled because she thought her husband was reminding their son to behave and be a good boy at the party. The party was fun for everyone that attended, young and old alike. After the presents were opened, the little boy turned to his mother and said, Mommy, I have a present for you too. He walked out of the room and returned almost instantly with a gigantic bouquet of daisy flowers. His mother couldnt believe her eyes, and she wondered how her little boy could have possibly known that she loved daisies. It was then that she remembered the fatherson talk earlier in the day. She turned to her husband and asked, How did you ever remembered? He smiled and replied, Your favorite number is 18, you love the color green and pizza is your favorite food, right? Right, but you have given me flowers so many times, and you have never, not once, given me daisies, she continued, I just thought you had forgotten after so many years. He just smiled and said, The moment you told me your favorite flower, I knew our son would give you daisies on his fifth birthday. She looked confused, so he continued, I gave my mother daisies for the first time on the day I turned five too! The first time? she asked. Yup, my father pulled me aside on the day of my fifth birthday, and I have given daisies to my mother every year since. Now his wife was genuinely shocked. You have given your mother daisies every year since you have been five? Yes, I do it because I live her, and I am happy that she is my mother, he answered. With surprise in her voice she asked, How come you never told me that you did such a thoughtful thing for your mom? Simple, he said, I didnt want to ruin your surprise!


It all started when I was 6 years old. While I was playing outside on my farm in California, I met a boy. He was an average kind of boy who teased you and then you chased them and beat them up. After that first meeting in which I beat him up we kept on meeting and beating each other up at the fence. That only lasted for a little while though. We would meet at the fence all the time and we were always together. I would tell him all my secrets. He was very quiet, he would just listen to what I had to say. I found him easy to talk to and I could talk to him about everything. In school we had separate friends but when we got home we would always talk about what happened in school. One day I said to him that a guy I liked hurt me and broke my heart. He just comforted me and said everything would be okay. He gave me words of encouragement and helped me get over him. I was happy and thought of him as a real friend. But I knew that there was something else about him that I liked. I thought of it that night and figured it was just a friend kind a thing that I was feeling. All through high school and even through graduation were always together and of course I thought of it as being friends. But I knew deep inside that I really felt differently. On graduation night even though we had different dates to the prom I wanted to be with him. That night after everybody went home I went to his house and wanted to tell him that I wanted to see him. Well, that night was my big

chance and all I did was just sit there with him watching the stars and talking about what I was going to do and what he was going to do. I looked into his wyes and listened to him talk about what his dream was. How he wanted to get married and settle down. He said how he wanted to be rich and successful. All I could do was to tell him my dream and cuddle next to him. I went home hurting because I didnt tell him how I was feeling. I wanted to tell him so bad that I loved him but I was too scared and frightened. I let my feelings go and told myself that someday I would tell him just how I felt. All through college I wanted to tell him but he always had someone with him. After graduation he got a job in New York, I was happy for him but at the same time I was sad to see him go. I was sad also because I didnt tell him how I felt. But I couldnt let him know now that he was leaving for his big job. So I just kept it to myself and watched him go on the plane. I cried as I hugged him for what I felt was going to be the last time. I went home that night and cried my eyes out. I felt hurt that I didnt tell him what I had inside my heart. Well, I got a job as a secretary and then worked my way to a computer analyst. I was proud of what I had accomplished. One day I got a letter with an invitation to a marriage. It was from him, I was happy and sad at the same time. Now I know that I could never be with him and that we could only be friends. I went to the wedding the next month. It was a big occasion. The big church wedding and the reception at the hotel. I met the bride and of course him. I fell in love one more time. But I held back so it wouldnt spoil what should be the happiest day in his life. I tried to have fun that night but it was killing me inside watching him being so happy and me trying to be happy covering up my sadness tears inside of me. I left New York feeling that I did the right thing. Before I left on the flight, he came running out of nowhere and said his good-byes and how he was very happy to see me. I came home and just tried to forget about what went on in New York. I had to go on with my life. As the years went on, we wrote to each other on what was going on and how he had missed talking to me. On one occasion he never wrote back to me at all. I was getting worried as to why he hadnt written anything for a long time after I had already written 6 letters to him. Well, just when everything seemed hopeless and sad in my life, I got a note that said: meet me at the fence where we used to talk about things. I went and saw him there. I was happy to see him, but he was

broken-hearted and sad inside. We hugged until we couldnt breathe anymore. Then he told me about the divorce and why he hadnt written for a long time. He cried until he couldnt cry anymore. Finally, we went back to the house and talked and laughed about what I had been going and to catch up on old times. But in all of this, I couldnt tell him how I felt about him. In the days that followed, he had fun and forgot about all his problem and his divorce. I fell in love again with him. When it came time for him to leave back to New York, I went to see him off and cried. I hated to see him leave. He promised to see me every time he could get a vacation. I couldnt wait for him to come so I could be with him. We would always have fun when we were together. One day he didnt show up like he said he would. I figured that he might been busy. The days turned into months and I just forgot about it. Then I got a call one day from a lawyer in New York. The lawyer said that he had died in a car accident going to the airport. And that it took this long till everything was settled. It broke m heart. I was shocked about what took place. Now I knew why he didnt come that day. Again ,I was broken-hearted. I cried that night, cried tears of sadness and heartache. Asking question why did this happen to a kind guy like him? I gathered my things and went to New York for the reading of his will. Of course, things were given to his family and his ex-wife. I finally got to meet her since the last time we met at the wedding. She explained to me how he was and how he always provided. But he always unhappy. She would always try everything but she couldnt get him happy, as he was that night at their wedding. When the will was read, the one thing that was given to me was a diary. It was a diary that of his life. I cried as it was given to me. I didnt know what to think why was this given to me? I took it and flew back to California. As I flew on the plane I remembered the good times that we had together. I started reading the diary and what was written. The diary was started with the day we first met. I read on till I started to cry. The diary told of him saying that he had fallen in love with me that day I was broken-hearted. But he was too afraid to tell me what he had felt. That is why he was so quiet and liked to listen to me. It told of how he wanted to tell me so many times, but was too afraid to say anything. It told of when he went to New York and fell in love with another. How the happiest time he had was seeing me and dancing with me at

the wedding. He said he imagined it was our wedding. How he was always unhappy till he had no choice but to divorce his wife. How the best time in his life was to read the letter written to him by me. Finally, the diary ended when it said, today I will tell her I love her. It was the day he was killed.


Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesnt seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so lets go their own ways there and thenheartbroken, the guy agreed. When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company You never fail until you stop trying. He always told himself. I must make it in life! One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didnt take him long to realize those were his ex-girlfriends parents. With a heart in

getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasnt the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life! Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed themand he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstoneand he saw his precious paper cranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle therefore she had chosen to heave him. She had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just weptthe worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them but knowing you cant have them and will never see them again.

He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promised. They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, and she thought to herself, Please, let me go home Suddenly he asked the waiter, Would you please give me some salt? Id like to put it in my coffee. Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red but still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously, Why did you have this hobby? He replied, When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea, I liked playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there. While saying that tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched. Thats his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway

hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story. They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful. He was such a good person but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story, the princess married to the prince, and then they were living the happy life And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew thats the way he liked it. After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said, My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole lifes lie. This was the only lie I said to you-the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. I never thought that could be the start of our communication! I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything Now Im dying, Im afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth, I dont like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life! Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for the second time, I still want to know you and have you for my whole life, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again. Her tears made the letter totally wet. Someday, someone asked her, Whats the taste of salty coffee? She replied, Its sweet.


Do you know which famous person the teddy bear was named after? For the answer to that question and many more, heres a general knowledge test for you. (Note: The answers are given below) 1. Which metal is heavier, silver or gold? 2. How many legs do butterflies have? 3. Which is the country with the most people?

4. Which state is the biggest in the US? 5. Which country has the largest area of land? 6. Which is the country hosting the 2008 Olympic Games? 7. Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US? 8. Which golf player's mother is from Thailand? 9. What is Aurora Borealis commonly known as? 10. Which is the non-contagious disease that is the most common in the world? 11. Which was the album the Beatles recorded the last time together? 12. Which instrument did Miles Davis, the jazz musician, play? 13. What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock? 14. In which country was golf first played? 15. Which is the sport where you could be out leg before wicket, or hit a six? 16. When did baseball originate in the US? 17. Which is the sport wherein you would use a 'sand iron'? 18. What is the largest mammal in the world? 19. Which is the country where reggae music originated? 20. Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster? 21. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? 22. Who was the writer of Alices Adventures in Wonderland? 23. After which famous person was the teddy bear named? 24. Which is the smallest ocean in the world? 25. What is the rhinos horn made of?

Answers 1. Gold 2. Six 3. China 4. Alaska 5. Russia 6. China 7. Basketball

8. Tiger Woods 9. Northern Lights 10. Tooth Decay 11. Abbey Road 12. Trumpet 13. Wrestling 14. Scotland 15. Cricket 16. 19th Century 17. Golf 18. Blue Whale 19. Jamaica 20. P.G. Wodehouse 21. Michelangelo 22. Lewis Carroll 23. Theodore Roosevelt 24. Arctic Ocean 25. Hair


Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style

It's seven twenty o'clock. It's seven twenty. Your coat is broken. Your coat is torn. Susan didn't make a fault anyway. Susan didn't make a mistake anyway. Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Yes, certainly. Would you mind mailing this letter for me ? Of course not. OR ( Not at all ) He becomes better. He got better. We'll have a hearing test tomorrow. We'll have a listening test tomorow. I recommend you to take a long vacation. I recommend that you take a long vacation. The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up! The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly ( almost ) eleven now, Hurry up! It was still bright outside. It was still light outside. I very enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. If you determine to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard. If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.

Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style Malaysian Style American Style

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