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Group E / 5
Gines, Alexander
Hachero, Mark
Mendoza, Nicole
Paguio, Angelo
Serrano, Gabriel
Villanueva, Enzo


° Second Homecoming + Leading to Rizal’s Imprisonment - ALEX
° Exiled to Fort Bonifacio then Dapitan + Life in Talisay - ENZIZZLE
° End of Dapitan Exile - MARK
° Arrest and Trial -PAGS
° Final Days - GAB
° Death Day - NICOLE
° Conclusion -

15-minute presentation + Q&A

Jose Rizal’s intentions upon his second homecoming were first, to confer or personally speak
with Despujol concerning his Borneo Colonization Project, Rizal left Hong Kong on June 21,
1892 along with his sister Lucia (fifth child / 1857-1919 / widowed / was married to Matriano
Herbosa). Second, to establish the civic association which would be named “La Liga Filipina” in
Manila, and third, to prove that Eduardo de Lete was wrong for attacking him in Madrid that he,
being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had abandoned the country’s cause. (Let’s attack
which was printed in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1892 which portrayed Rizal as a cowardly,
egoistic, and opportunistic—a patriot in words only.)

But without his knowledge, a secret case against him was filed in Manila for an “anti-religious”
and “anti-patriotic” public campaign for his written novels. This then leads to his exile.

Rizal and his sister, Lucia arrived in Manila at noon on June 26, 1892. At 7PM, he was able to
speak with Despujol in Malacañang who agreed to pardon his father and told him to return on
June 29.
And on June 29, 30, and July 3, he had gone through other interviews with Despujol;
unfortunately, Rizal’s Colonization Project was rejected, but his request to lift the exile of his
sisters was granted. (Rizal’s family were now able to go back to the Philippines)

On the evening of July 3, Rizal spear-headed the meeting in the house of Doroteo Ongjunco on
Ylaya Street, Tondo, Manila attended by at least 20 Filipinos, including Andres Bonifacio and
Apolinario Mabini.

Rizal explained the aims of the civic association La Liga Filipina. Officers were then elected,
having Ambrosio Salvador as the President, thereby officially establishing the league.
((Isang samahan ng mga Pilipinong nag na-nais ng reporma at pagbabago sa kalagayan ng bansa
noong panahon na iyon.))

La Liga Filipina was founded on July 3, 1892.

As it sought to involve the people directly in the reform movement Andres Bonifacio became
one of the founders…
The primary aim was “to unite the whole archipelago into one compact, vigorous, and
homogeneous body.”


Later on was found out about the Spaniards or Spanish authorities and they considered this plan
“dangerous” and a threat which led to them arresting Jose Rizal on July 6, 1892 (Wednesday).

Just 3 days after the meeting, Rizal was arrested during his interview with the governor-general.
Despujol showed him the anti-friar leaflets Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars) allegedly discovered in
his sister Lucia's pillow case / luggage.

Imprisoned in Fort Santiago (escorted by Ramon Despujol, the nephew and aide if
Governor-General) for almost 10 days, Rizal was brought at 12:30 AM of July 15 to the steamer
“Cebu” (The steamer was supervised by Captain Delgras depated 1:00 AM south, passing
Mindoro and Panay) and docked at Dapitan in Zamboanga del Norte in the evening 7:00 PM of
July 17 where Rizal was handed over to Captain Ricardo Carnicero, the Spanish commandant of
Dapitan. (Steamer = steamboat / ship)

Rizal’s exile in Dapitan would last until July 31, 1896. (four years)

July 7, 1892 (Thursday), Gaceta de Manila published the story of Rizal’s arrest the same issue
the Gubernatorial decree gave him the reasons for Rizal’s deportation as follows:
° Rizal published books and articles abroad which showed disloyalty to Spain which were
“frankly Anti-Catholic” and “prudently Anti-Friar”.
° A few hours after his arrival, there were a “bundle” leaflets/handbills/pamphlets entitled
“Pobres Frailes” which meant Poor Friars.
° His novel “El Filibusterismo” was dedicated to the memory of the 3 traitors.
° The end to which he pursues in his efforts and writings is to tear from the loyal Filipino and
break the treasure of our “Catholic faith”.

Officers of the La Liga Filipina :

Jose Rizal - Founder
Ambrosio Salvador - President
Agustin dela Rosa - Fiscal
Bonifacio Arevalo - Treasurer
Deodato Arellano - Secretary and first Supreme Leader of the KKK.

During the Exile of Rizal (position changes)

Domingo Franco - President and Supreme Leader
Deodato Arellano - Secretary / Treasurer
Isidro Francisco - Fiscal
Apolinario Mabini - Secretary

Other members
Andres Bonifacio - third Supreme Leader of the KKK / led the Pugadlawin
Mamerto Natividad - one of the leaders of the revolution in Nueva Ecija
Moises Salvador - Master of lodge of the mason in Balagtas
Numeriano Adriano - Chief Guard of lodge of the mason in Balagtas
José A. Dizon - Master of lodge of the mason in Taliba
Ambrosio Dianzares Bautista - War Adviser during the first Philippine Republic, Author of
Philippine Declaration of Independence
Timoteo Lanuza - stated the depose to dispel the Spanish frail in the Philippines 1889
Marcelino de Santos - Bidder and assistant of La Solidaridad
Paulino Zamora - Master of lodge of the mason in Lusong
Procopio Bonifacio
Juan Zulueta - Member of lodge of the mason in Lusong, Member of Supreme Council
Doroteo Ongjunco - Member of lodge of the mason in Lusong
Arcadio del Rosario - Publicist of lodge of the mason in Balagtas
Timoteo Paez - Member of Supreme Council

The Constitution of the Liga Filipina

1. Unite the archipelago into one compact and homogeneous body.

2. Mutual protection in every want and necessity.
3. Defense against all violence and injustice.
4. Encouragement of education, agriculture, and commerce.
5. Study off application and reforms.

Motto : Unus Instar Ominium (One like all)

Duties of the Liga Filipina Members

1. Obey the orders of the Supreme Court;

2. Help in recruiting new members;
3. Keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities;
4. Have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes President of the
5. Report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which affects the Liga;
6. To Behave well benefits a good Filipino;
7. Help fellow members in all ways.


His Exile in Dapitan

He was given the choice to live in the house of the parish priest, Fr. Antonio Obach or at
Carnicero’s house.

He could live in the priest’s quarters but that would mean:

° Rizal would have to publicly retract his masonic and anti-church beliefs.
° He must regularly participate in Church rites.
° He must conduct himself as a good Spanish subject and a man of religion.

He was at peace, he betted and won the lottery (PHP 20,000) ticket number: 9736
He then used the money to build an octagonal bamboo house and nipa in Talisay.
He was able to build a school and taught students for free. (No tuition) condition : they need to
help in the household chores
He used the rest to build his eye clinic where he aided his mother’s eye condition.
He also built houses for his sisters who were free to visit him in Dapitan.
Carnicero even wrote a letter to the Governor-General to allow his mother and sisters to join him
in Dapitan. (This was granted)
May 4, 1893 - Carnicero was replaced by Captain Juan Sitges

Captain Juan Sitges - didn’t want to live with a deportee. He then assigned Rizal to live in a
house near the headquarters. He only orders Rizal to appear and report in the headquarters (3)
times a week. He restored all the privileges that Rizal had enjoyed during Carnicero’s term.

The Jesuits sent his former professor from Ateneo Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez to essentially
entice him back to the Church and retract and withdraw his words against the Spanish
government and Church. This did not work.

Retraction - pagbawi ng mga sinabj (lalo na mga masamang sinabi)

He stayed busy by helping clean up the Plaza of Dapitan and lit it up at night with coconut lamps
since they had no access to electricity, thus, having no lights.

Rizal also found love in Dapitan. He fell in-love with the 18-year old Josephine Bracken,
daughter of George Taufer, a patient of Rizal.

Rizal and Josephine tried to have themselves married in Catholic rites but Fr. Obach required that
Rizal retract his beliefs.

Rizal’s relatives and friends looked at Josephine with suspicion and condescension. (Akala nila
spy of the friars si Josephine because of Manuela Orlak, was very close to the Spanish friars)

Pablo Mercado - a spy of the friars who posed as Rizal’s relative but his real name was Florencio

Pio Valenzuela - an emissary of Andres Bonifacio, he was asking for advice on how to launch a
revolution. He offered to have the Katipunan assist him in escaping from Dapitan. (By this time,
si Andres Bonifacio na yung Supreme leader ng KKK)

Rizal objected and opposed to the proposed projected revolution, he said that the revolutionaries
He didn’t want to escape because he wanted to honor his word to the Spaniards. Gusto niya
panindigan ang mga sinabi niya against the Spaniards. And if he wanted to escape, he said he
could’ve done it earlier.


When Cuba was under revolution and a raging yellow fever epidemic, Rizal wrote to
Governor-General Ramon Blanco offering his service as a military doctor.

Governor-General Ramon Blanco - he approved the request of Rizal on July 1, 1896.

At midnight of that day, Rizal left aboard the steamer España.

The townspeople of Dapitan wept because they considered Rizal as a good son and neighbor.
(Napamahal si Rizal sa dapitan because of all of his good works for the province)

He stayed in Dapitan for (4) years, thirteen days, and a few hours.

August 6, 1896 - upon arriving in Manila Bay, Rizal was not able to leave immediately for Spain
since the vessel Isla de Luzon already left. (he missed it)

He was transferred to Spanish cruiser Castilla and stayed there for a month from August 6 to
September 2, 1896 almost a month.

August 19, 1896 - the Katipunan plot to overthrow the Spanish rule by means of Revolution, it
was discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil after Teodoro Patino’s disclosure of the organization’s secrets.
(Traydor si Teodoro)

—They planned to overthrow the Spanish Rule in the Philippines by means of Revolution or a
bloody war. Then, immediately, Fr. Mariano’s discovery told this to the higher ups. (During this
time, he was still in Manila, ‘di pa siya nakaka-alis)

At this time, Katipunan was already discovered and the Philippine Revolution was already raging
/ it has started.

August 26, 1896 - Bonifacio and Katipunan raised the Cry if Revolution (Sigaw ng Pugadlawin)
in the hills of Balintawak, a few miles north of Manila.

In that afternoon, Governor-General Blanco proclaimed a state of war in the first (8) provinces
for rising arms against Spain. Naming : Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac. This symbolize/represent the 8 rays or sinag ng araw sa Philippine Flag
while the 3 stars represented Luzon, Panay Island (which was in Visayas), and Mindanao.

Rizal received letters from Governor-General Blanco which absolved him from all the blame for
the raging revolution. (Hindi sinisi kay Rizal yung revolution. Wala daw siya kinalaman doon so
he continued to journey to Spain.)

He transferred to Isla de Panay which was sailing for Barcelona, Spain.

Upon arrival in Singapore for a stop-over, Don Pedro Roxas advised Rizal to stay and take
advantage of the protection of British Law. (He warned Rizal that he feels something huge is
about to happen)


September 30 - The Isla de Panay had already sailed past Port Said(Sa-eed) in Egypt and was
now sailing in the Mediterranean.

A telegraphic message was received ordering that Rizal be placed under arrest.

Bernardino Nozaleda - Archbishop of Manila who clamored for the arrest of Rizal who was said
to be the spirit of Philippine Revolution.

October 3 1896 - The Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona and Rizal was sent to a prison-fortress,
Montjuïc Castle. (Pronunciation: Mont Joo-ick)

Rizal’s interview with Despujol he would be shipped back to Manila.

On the night of the same day, after the interview, Rizal was taken aboard the ship called Colon
which was loaded with Spanish Troops and sailed for Manila. (Kasabay ni Rizal pabalik ng
Manila yung mga maraming Spanish Troops that were gearing for the war as backup forces)

Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto Lopez - they exerted all their efforts to find a lawyer in
Singapore who could aid their friend. (to help Rizal)

Atty. Hugh Fort - an English lawyer in Singapore. (they originally chose him to be Rizal’s
lawyer) Unfortunately, Chief Justice Lionel, the judge in Singapore, denied the request.

Regidor and Lopez attempted to secure a Writ of Habeas Corpus but Rizal remained in Spanish
November 3, 1896 - the ship Colon arrived in Manila Bay and Rizal was taken to Fort Santiago.

November 20, 1896 - Rizal was brought before a Spanish military tribunal headed by Colonel
Francisco Olive.

Oral testimonies were taken and were used to implicate Rizal in the Philippine Revolution.

Governor-General Blanco appointed Captain Rafael Dominguez to institute charges against


Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade - the lawyer of Jose Rizal and brother of his former bodyguard Jose
Taviel de Andrade.

December 13 - the case was forwarded to Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja - replacement

of Governor Blanco.

Rizal’s actual trial began on December 26, 1896 and it was held at the Hall of Banners of the
Cuartel de España in Fort Santiago.

Rizal was charged with 3 crimes: Rebellion, Sedition, and Formation of illegal associations.

In defending himself, Rizal presented 12 arguments.

The court judged Rizal GUILTY for the charged and voted for the Death Penalty.

December 28, 1896 - Governor-General Polavieja signed Rizal’s death warrant ordering him to
be shot at 7:00 AM at Bagumbayan.

Rizal signed it saying he was innocent.


Knowing that he has lost his trial and been sentenced to death

He asked for a favor to have his family with him for the last moments

He was also transferred to the prison chapel

Besides his family

Rizal also requested his former professors in Ateneo

Father Miguel Saderra Mata, the rector of the Ateneo Municipal

Father Luis Viza bought the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which was made by Rizal when

he was still studying in Ateneo

Along with them are

Father Antonio Rosell who ate breakfast with him

Luitenant Taviel de Andrade also arrived and Rizal thanked him for his services

Kasi siya yung lawyer nung trials niya

Along with him was Father Balaguer that remained with Rizal until 12 noon

Nung umalis na si Fr. Balaguer

By the time umalis si Fr. Balaguer

Rizal squeezed in and wrote his last piece of work

(Mi Ultimo Adios or My Last Farewell)

BY 3:00 PM bumalik si Fr. Balaguer

And he tried Rizal to retract his masonic beliefs

Pero he remained firm and rejected it

After Fr. Balaguer left, Rizal mother and sisters arrived

Rizal began by handing out gifts and souvenirs to his family

He gave Trinidad an alcohol stove which was a gift from Pardo de Tabera

And whispered there would be something inside the stove

Dito daw nakatago yung last piece of work niya

He also told her to look inside his shoe after his execution

Fun fact or baka alam niyo na

According to historians, wala naman daw talagang title yung last piece na ginawa niya,

nabigyan na lang ng title after mabasa ng people, maybe his family or close friends

After his family left,

Fr. Balague with Fr. Vilaclara arrived again to convince Rizal to retract

By 8:00 PM
Fr. Balaguer returned with Fr. Viza to talk to Rizal on religious matters

At this point,

they were joined by Fiscal Gaspar Castano of the Royal Audiencia

At around 10:00 PM

Binigyan siya ng draft of the retraction galing kay Archbishop Bernandino Nozaleda

But was also rejected by Rizal

It was ok but it was too long

Fr. Pio Pi provided another draft of the retraction

The superior of all the Jesuit Mission in the Philippines

At 11:30 PM

Rizal signed his retraction from his masonic beliefs and Juan del Fresno witnessed it

the Chief of the guard detail and the Adjutant of the Plaza Elroy Moure

After signing,

Rizal had a confession with Fr. Vilaclara and rested afterward.

TAKE NOTE :: The retraction of Rizal is still unclear upto this day. Walang makakapagsabi if
binawi nga ni Rizal yung mga sinabi niya. Alleged pa ‘to. Maybe here-say. Nagkaroon ng
falsification daw and pineke yung signature ni Rizal.

December 30, 1896 (Bagumbayan, Manila)

5:00AM, Rizal had his last breakfast, autographed his remaining books which became his last

Fr. VICTOR Balaguer - performed the marriage rites of Rizal and Bracken. (Also it wasn't clear
if the marriage ever happened.)

Rizal gave a book to Josephine, Imitacion de Cristo by Thomas Kempis which he autographed.

Afterwards, he wrote 3 farewell letters to his Parents, Dr. Blumentritt (his best friend), and
Paciano (his brother).

At around 6:30 AM, Rizal was taken from cell and the march to Bagumbayan began.
A colonel took Rizal to the site of his execution. (*Drums were also present in the site so that if
in/case Rizal had something to say to the crowd, he wouldn’t be understood*)

Rizal had requested the firing squad to spare his head which was granted. He also requested to be
shot at his front, but was denied.

Funfact: Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo took Rizal’s pulse and found that it was normal. (His heartbeat
was ok and hindi daw natatakot si Rizal with what was taking place.)

Before he was shot he said “Consummatum Est” which meant “it is end/ it is finished.” Natapos
na. Came from the last words of Jesus.

The commanding officer ordered his men to aim by means of his saber and there was a
simultaneous crack of gunfire and Jose Rizal made one last effort to drop on his back with his
face facing the sun.

After he was shot, a medical officer went near him and checked his pulse only to find out that he
was still alive and later on, a member of the firing squad finished him off one last time.

Trivia: Hindi Spanish army ang pumatay or bumaril kay Rizal but it was actually the Filipino
army who were ordered to fire and behind them were Spanish army men who were ready to
shoot them in-case they didn’t follow orders to shoot.

The Spanish spectators shouted Viva España! And the military band played Marcha de Cadiz.

Rizal’s body was secretly buried at Paco Cemetery where it was later traced by his sister
Narcissa. (His body was found after 2 days)

The remains of Rizal were cleaned in Higino Mercado’s house in Binondo and were given to
Doña Teodora.

His remains were laid to rest inside the Rizal monument in Luneta.

Rizal’s remains are laid to rest in the Rizal monument in Luneta excluding his vertebrae which
are found in Rizal’s shrine in Calamba, Laguna.

The Last days of Jose Rizal: Trial and Execution -

Lesson 6 Section 2 Trial and Execution -

Rizal's Life: First Homecoming, Second Travel Abroad, and Second Homecoming. -

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