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Use the FITT Principle

Progression is the key to any training program. Start slowly and gradually increasing the workload is essential for improvement

Name Frequency

Definition Recommendation Number of times Beginner 2-3 times per week per week for 4 weeks (how often) Intermediate 3-4 times perweek for 6 weeks Heart rate measured in beats per minute (how hard) Or Speed or workload of an activity Number of minutes per session per day or duration of an exercise session or length of time to complete an exercise Relative exercise advance Beginner Intermediate advance Beginner Intermediate Advance 4-5 times perweek 50%-60% 60%-70% 70%-90% of heart rate maximum 20-30 minutes 30-40 minutes 40-60 minutes





Intensity can be increase by (1) decreasing the time to complete an exercise or (2) increasing the distance or number of exercises.

Heart Rate Training Zone

Calculating the target heart zone (karnoven formula) (1) Resting heart rate (RHR) : 58 beats per minute (bpm) (2) Maximum heart rate (MHR) : 220 minus your age : 220 - 11= 209 beats per minute (bpm) 220 - ________(age) :_____________bpm (3) Working heart rate (WHR) : Maximum heart rate Resting heart rate 209- 58 = 151 bpm MHR_________- RHM________= _______WHR
(4) Target/ training heart rate zone (THR): working heart rate multiplied (x) by

recommended percentage of maximal training heart rate, plus (+) resting heart rate.

Lower limit : 151 multiplied (X) by .5 (50% of maximum)= 75.5 75.5 + 58 = 133.5 or 134 bpm WHR_________multiplied by .5 =_______+ RHR______=_____bpm Medium/limit : 151 multiplied (x) by .55 (55% of maximum) = 83.05 or 83 Middle 83 + 58 = 141 bpm WHR_______multiplied by .55 =_______+ RHR_____=_____bpm

Upper limit : 151 multiplied (x) by .6 (60% of maximum) = 90.6 90.6 + 58 = 148.6 or 149 bpm WHR________multiplied by .5=________+ Rhr______=_______bpm

Beginner (50%-60%). Zhe ning would start at 134 bpm in the first week of training and progress to 149 bpm by the fourth week, as to proceed to the next level. Intermediate (60% - 70%)

Example :

Name Age Weight Height

: Low Zhe Ning :___________ :___________ :___________

Type of cardiovascular exercise : 1. Jogging - Tues, Thurs, Saturday (week 1, 2, 3, 4)

Training Progression Rate Table

Month January Weeks Days %

Lower limit

Middle limit

Upper limit


Bpm Exercise % Duration (min)

Bpm Exercise % Duration (min)

Bpm Exercise Duration (min)

Tues Thurs Sat

5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0

140 140 140 140 140 140

20 20 20 20 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 147 147 147 25 25 25 6 0 6 0 154 154 30 30

tues Thurs sat

Tues Thurs Sat

Tues Thurs


6 0



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