The Teaching Profession

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- Perhaps the biggest reason why teachers - The day-to-day in and out of classroom
quit is stress and burnout. While the encounter between the teachers and the
ongoing pandemic has certainly added learners helps teachers themselves to learn
more stress on teacher’s plates, stress is many new things. These encourage them to
nothing new. Teachers are spread thin with study and read further the realities of new
unrealistic expectations and never-ending technology related to their subjects.
to do lists. Over time, these unhealthy NEW FRIENDS EVERYDAY
norms of the job lead many teachers to - Teachers meet new faces everyday inside
experience a lack of work-life balance and and outside of their classroom. These
personal well-being. young people make them too young too.
TOXIC CLIMATE AND LACK OF SUPPORT When friendship is established, certainly,
- Another major reason teachers quit is due such relationship extends to the families of
to toxic climate, often exacerbated by a lack the learners.
of support. Teachers are more likely to feel LOVE AND RESPECT
valued and inspired when working in a - The happy and sad moments might had
positive and supportive environment. That passed but the most treasured experiences
sense of value is highly motivational as of the teachers were those time when the
they tackle the daily challenges of the learners showed their sincere closeness.
teaching profession. A lack of such culture And respect to them as second parents and
can not only lead to diminished sense of someone to confide with. A priceless joy for
value and a decrease in inspiration, but to the teachers, indeed.
an unclear sense of purpose as well. FORMATOR OF FUTURE LEADERS
LACK OF UPWARD MOBILITY WITHIN SCHOOL - Teachers play a very significant role in
SYSTEMS shaping the future leaders of their
- Within the school district setting, there are community, particularly, and the country,
few options for a teacher to leverage in general. Because they assiduously
themselves into new and exciting roles. instilled the seed of good leaderships in the
While some teachers leave the classroom mind and heart of men and women who
for administration or curriculum specialist desire great changes in their community
positions, many find themselves in a career and the country. They believe that molding
standstill. As years go on, they have less rightly the progressive mind and the
motivation to grow with their career skill characters of their students would bring
sets. The professional development out positive effects to them; and so, these
opportunities that administration does teachers continue to endure teaching in
offer are often stale, unrelatable, or missing more lengthy years in order to
teachers’ biggest pain points altogether. form/produce good, productive/dignified
citizens and leaders of the community and
the country.


Name: Rose Marie Genodiala Maglasang Name: Lovenia Ann Lauron Maquilan
Name of School: Holy Trinity Child Development Name of School: Academia del Christifidelis, Inc.
Nature of work:
Nature of work: - Since I am a fresh graduate, I do not want
to pull all my four years of sacrifice to
- The reason that I choose to be an educator waste. I would like to experience teaching
is to influence students that learning has in the real field. Ever since I was young, I
no age limit, and it not about how believe I’m good with handling kids and I
intelligent you are as a learner. Just like really like to share my learnings with
flower, it does not try to compete against them. It’s fulfilling to see that I bring out
the flower that is planted next to it, it just change to children and witness them
blooms and becomes a thing of beauty. develop and grow to be successful people.
And I want to be part of this noble
profession, and someday be counted What is your experience as a teacher?
among those in whom teachers found - Although I have still been in this field for 3
inspiration. months, I have gained quite few learnings
and experiences that changed the way I
What is your experience as a teacher?
look at education. I’ve come to realize that
a teacher’s job is not for the faint hearted.
- As a teacher, I experienced that you need Thus, means that you must always brace
to know first your students’ characters, yourself for any obstacle or challenge that
attitudes, learning styles, their weaknesses might arise. A teacher should be prepared
and strengths. For me to help them with and has initiative to come up with plan B.
their weaknesses. This kind of field will surely test your
patience and passion for teaching. You
What are your problems encountered? might feel a slight regret for choosing this
career but it’s amazing to see that you
- The problem that I encounter in my class made a difference.
is that 2 of my students need my guidance.
Assessing them is very important and at What are your problems encountered?
same time difficult they have different - The school has just started the HyFlex
learning capacities. mode of learning, this means after having
2 years of online class, students are now
What are your plans for your professional growth having their limited face-to-face class.
and development? With thus at hand, students are again
- My plan for my professional growth and shifting and adapting to physical classes.
development is to share with others This is where problems arise because
teachers. My journey as a teacher is there is A learning gap between the
difficult giving advice, tips, and strategies student’s knowledge and the coverage of
to a novice teachers will have a great their lessons. I’ve encountered grades 3-4
impact on their journey. students who does not know how to write
and read properly. In this case, it is
difficult to teach them new concepts when
they don’t understand what is being
discussed or what they are reading.

What are your plans for your professional growth

and development?
- I plan to never stop learning. Everyday is a
new learning opportunity to gain lots
experience and harness my skills. Life will
always test us and with trying comes
failure. This failure will not put an end to
my plans and dreams but instead I will use
it as a stepping stone to develop further. I
will also be open to new opportunities
that may come.
 A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and
foremost concern, and shall deal justifiable and impartially with each of them.
 A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in the merit and
quality of academic performances.
 Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it
dignified means of earning a decent living.
 Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education,
shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his
best at all times and in the practice of his profession.
 Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to
 A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he
shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive
to such learning and growth
 A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in
their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.
 A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials
other what is authorized for such service.
 A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and
shall discourage unfair criticism.
 Every teacher shall possess and actualized a full commitment and devotion to
 A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle of
personal behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.
 A teacher shall ensure that conditions contributed to the maximum development
of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or
solving learner’s problems and difficulties.
 A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as
a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.

 Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty,
mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good;
and full cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest of the learners, the
school, or the profession is at stake in any controversy, teachers shall support
one another.
 A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates
and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents which has not been
officially released, or remove records from files without permission.
 A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to
his contract, assuming full knowledge of employment terms and conditions.
 A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and
shall discourage unfair criticism.
 Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and
shall conduct himself to merit her confidence and respect.
 A teacher shall not use his position or official authority or influence to coerce
any other person to follow any political course of action.
 Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress
and deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in
pointing out the learner’s deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for
the proper guidance and improvement of the learners.
 It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for what may
appear to be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. However,
this may be done only if there is I controvertible evidence for such conduct.
 A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with the life for which it is the
highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home,
or elsewhere.
 A teacher shall not conflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are
clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship.
 Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official
relations with other professionals, with government officials, and with the
people, individually or collectively.
 Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever assumes the
position such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work.

 In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between
teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to
avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the learner.
 Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies
of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.
 Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and
 No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially interested
in, any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other commodities in
the purchase and disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only
when his assignment is inherently, related to such purchase and disposal;
provided they shall be in accordance with the existing regulations, provided,
further, that members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives may participate
in the distribution and sale of such commodities.
 Every teacher, individually or as a part of a group, has a right to seek redress
against injustice to the administration and to extent possible, shall raise
grievances within acceptable democratic possesses. In doing so, they shall avoid
jeopardizing the interest and the welfare of learners who’s right to learn must be
 A teacher shall transact all official business through channels except when
special conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when special
conditions are advocated but are opposed by immediate superiors, in which
case, the teacher shall appeal directly to the appropriate higher authority.
 A teacher shall not make any false accusations or charges against superiors,
especially under anonymity. However, it there are valid charges, he should
present such under oath to competent authority.
 The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state; each teacher js a
trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation is under obligation
to transmit to learners such heritages as well as to elevate national morality,
promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the
constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience to
the laws of the state.
 A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other
par5isan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect or
receive any money or service or other valuable material from any person or
entity for such purpose.
 Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of
expounding the product of his researches and investigations; provided that, if
the results are inimical to the declared policies of the State, they will be brought
to the proper authorities for appropriate remedial action.
A good teacher enjoys Effective teachers need Best teacher, however, Outstanding teachers
his work, has control to be able to work in the classroom comes are warm, accessible,
of his class, is constantly evolving alive. It becomes not enthusiastic and
conscientious and environment and just a place for caring. Teachers with
industrious, and does adjust their teaching regurgitation; it these qualities are
an impressive job with methods based on the becomes instead of known to make
the subject matter. The age of their students, living breathing entity themselves available
students are in good the resources available that feeds upon itself. to students and
and capable hands, and changing A best teacher is like a parents who need
well behaved, on task curriculum, practices conductor of orchestra them. An outstanding
most of the time, and and requirements. The or an actor on the teacher demonstrate
are learning. Being skills needed for stage. The teacher is their passion for
able to engage effective teaching the performer and the teaching and for their
students with humor, involve more than just students become their subject and inspires
creative lessons and a expertise in an responsive audience. their students to
strong classroom academic field. You The information is the appreciate the
presence is an must be able to script and the content. An
important part of what interact with people presentation itself the outstanding teacher
makes someone a good and help them music. The instructor bu8lds positive,
teacher. A good understand a new way and the students are supportive
teacher will perform of looking at the world. animated and relationships with
for their students to They are prepared, set involved. The their students and
keep them going. It’s clear and fair classroom atmosphere holds them all to high
not about sitting back expectations, have a is dynamic. Students expectations. They all
and just lecturing, it’s positive attitude, are ask, they answer, they went beyond basic
about engaging in the patient with students, discuss and they think. instruction they were
work. Another key to and assess their Students in the class intentional about
engaging students and teaching on a regular are involved in timing and activities
improving their basis. They are able to discussion about to keep us engaged
learning is to treat adjust their teaching ideas, are writing and excited about
each student as an strategies to fit both often, and are involved learning. They took
individual by being the students and the in class presentation. time to get to know
empathetic and material, recognizing The students become each of the students
understanding to what that different students contributing factors to and set individual
may be going on their learn in different ways. their own educational goals which made us
lives. A good teacher As a teacher, you are a environment. Be feel seen and
teaches in excellent role model who sets experienced enough to important. An
way and imparts the tone for the class. If allow his audience to outstanding teacher
knowledge. And also, a you are able to show be creative and yet not is continuing to care
good teacher teaches enthusiasm and wander too far astray long after a student
effectively in a commitment your from the intent of the leaves their
structured way. students are more lesson. classroom.
likely to reciprocate.

Teachers matters for many reasons, particularly because they can make a
difference in student achievement. Student achievement can help improve
school and education quality. Teacher commitment to teaching and its
associated aspects are explored, including the characteristics of committed
teachers. Committed teachers are characterized by four qualities: having
desire to be good teachers, being more fact purveyors and sources,
recognizing and accepting individual worth, and meeting professional
responsibilities. Thus, committed teachers need to be prepared, to maintain
their commitment, and to improve their performance. Teachers must commit
to connecting with challenging students on a personal level. Once the trust in
the relationship has been established, which may take significant time,
academic progress can begin to be made. Teachers should also pay attention
to whether or not students physical needs are met. An effective educator has
to be committed not only to his students but also to the teaching profession as
a whole. She may be confronted with the challenges in the field of education
such as new information technology and computer-aided instruction.
Teachers are in the teaching profession because of their deep commitment
and love for the noble task of molding the future citizens of the country.
Teachers always put their students’ wants, needs, and interest first. Now that
we are in rapidly changing world, teachers have to continuously update
themselves with the current trends in education. They have to keep abreast
with the latest developments in education. Those who are dedicated to their
profession never stop learning new methods and techniques as well as
strategies. This can help them ensuring an effective teaching-learning process.
In order for the students to continue living in a modern technological world,
then teachers have to effect a genuine change in the quality of education. It is
education that makes one a better person and a more fulfilled individual. This
is the great commitment of a teacher that students under her care can truly
thank God for her who touches their hearts, open their minds, and shape their

The first thing you must know about teaching as a profession is that teaching
is about inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their
potentials. The greatest teachers of all time have devoted their life in inspiring
and empowering their students to achieve great things and be a good human
being. Teaching is a noble profession that comes with so much responsibility
and duty towards students. Teachers do not only teach and impart knowledge
but inspire and motivate students for life and take important steps in life.
They keep working to boost the confidence of students and direct them in the
right direction. There were many teachers who dedicated all their life to
empowering their students and making them better and more successful
human beings in their life.

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