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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education(Profe Ed 604))

October 12, 2022



Instruction: Choose a partner and explain comprehensively the following questions.

1. What are the different models of disability? How would each one define
disability? (75 points)

The different models of disability is the moral, medical and social, the moral disability is
seen as all about the person , individual or in our families character that perspective
from this stigma and particularly in the disability is seen as a mark of a wrongdoing. The
medical disability it is a disability that cause of any condition of our health or in your
body or mind it is condition that difficult to an individual with that condition to do certain
activities or have a limitation for creating what activities to do have. And the social
disability that people are disabled by any barriers in our society such as having a ramp
or accessible toilets or people what is a character or what is an attitude.

2. How are impairments differ from disabilities? (5points)

Disabilities differ impairments have create a problems refers with that structure of organ
of our body any disability is a functional and have a limitation with that said to an
particular activity to yourself.

3. What is special education? How different is it from inclusive education? (10


Special education it is centered an objectives related to an education in any condition of

normalcy for out students with that special needs or it is to focused on a children with
school support of any services. Inclusive education it is mainly to centered on adapting
the school with specific learning requirements of our students and regular classroom
and still meet of our individual needs.

4. Which international treaties are directly involved in the pursuit of inclusive

education? (5 points)
The international treaties are directly involved the pursuit of inclusive education through
integral and legally binding of our international services or instrument to protect of our
rights of any persons disability.

5. Explain differentiation. (5 points)

Differentiation it is an instruction to meet individual needs whether teachers differentiate

content, the process, products or the learning in our environment its use to flexible that
makes a successful approach to our instructions.

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