Final Story First

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Something Happened at Midnight at Camp and Stuff

It was many weeks before, at the time we went camping, everyone was excited,
but after the camp, most of us are tired and start to hate the toilet. This is what

It is on Wednesday, and everyone was excited because we are going to camp, we went
on the bus, and I sat with Daniel in the front seat, he took out his phone and we
watched TikTok together. In a few moments, there was no more silence on the bus,
most of us are either talking or using our phones for either games or other reasons.

Now, we are at the place for a camp, we took our stuff

and went in the place after the adults, in there, it is a very beautiful place, but when
we are looking around and it rained, rained for a long time, about the rest of the day,
so for the afternoon, we played games indoor, the games were all very fun, especially
with my friends, later, the adults thought us how to set up a tent, but the problem is
that there are no more three person tents, so a teacher gave us his tent. We cooked
pasta by ourselves for dinner, it was a long time to wait for the pasta to be cooked, so
we ate some dry noodles with sauce on them, and we finally got some pasta, and for
now, we are going back to the place we had set up our tent.

It is night now, some students are out of their tents and

some stayed in their tents, I am one of them that stayed intent, but not in my tent, it is
Eason's tent because he invited me there, and watch his phone together, for a moment
later, I went back to my tent, and then “William? “I whispered, after a second I heard,
“Yihan? “and I got in my tent, “want some snacks? “he said as he took his bag of
snacks, “yes,” I whispered to him.

It was very silent in our tent but not outside, “What are they doing outside?”I asked,
“I don’t know, why don’t we just go out and find out what are they doing?” he said as
he opened the door of the tent, the moment we looked out, we saw people walking
around, some that looks like playing tag.
Now, we are in our tent and trying to sleep, but when we try to sleep, we just can’t get
to sleep, “should we just chat because we can’t sleep?”I whispered to William and
Jan, “OK, fine since we can’t sleep.” “Well, OK.” “wait, did you guys hear that?” I
whispered to them, “teacher’s coming, be quiet!” It was a moment of silence until we
can’t hear that sound, “is the teacher away from here?” “I think so, there’s no more
walking sound here, the teacher mite is in their tent now.” “Just sleep, in case the
teacher comes back here again.”

It was now 3 am, Eason came to our tent, “can I come in?” he whispered, “yes.” I
said, he came in and opened his phone to play with it in our tent, later, it got the
teacher here, and bang! Someone is something to our tent, “who’s that? “I said, after a
moment I heard, “get out of your tent, now!” I realized that it was a teacher yelling at
us in a small voice, as we get out, the teacher said, “why do you have people in your
tent!?” and that was the first night at camp.

It is now the second day, we are doing four activities, first, it was how to save
yourself, it was very boring because we just listened for a long time, second, it’s doing
art, it was also boring, it is just to listen, look for stuff and waiting, the third one is the
raft, I am fortunate that I didn’t sit on the raft and go down water because the students
that are down there are mostly half wet, the fourth one is shelter, nothing interesting.

This is the last day, the day that everyone was tired on
the bus, that includes me, and this is all that happened at camp.

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