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Using a Digital Camera To Take Black & White Photos

Cheryl L Davis
Prior to the1890’s black and white was all there
was, and it took years of challenging work for
color photography to get where it is today. So,
why shoot in black and white? When we shoot in
black and white, we must pay closer attention to
the subject. Black and white allows us to see
things that we would not see in a color shot.
(Like the shadow shown in this image).
Today’s digital cameras allow us to shoot in black
and white; however, not all digital cameras are
created equal, so do your research to determine the best camera and lens that will fit your
needs. Once you have identified your camera and lens, consider investing in a tripod so the
camera can be still, and you can capture a better shot.
What Subjects make the best Black and White Photos?
People make good subjects for black and white
portraits because the expressions and the mood can
be seen without distractions. When shooting people in
black and white, focus on the eyes because that is
where your story lies. Other Black and White subjects
that make good photos are things with a lot of texture,
landscapes, and my personal favorite clouds.
Tips for Shooting in Black & White
Tip #1
Research to select the best digital camera and lens for shooting black and white.
Tip #2
When shooting black and white photos, use a tripod for the best results. Tip #3When shooting a
black and white portrait, focus on the eyes.
Tip #3
When shooting a black and white portrait, focus on the eyes.
Photographs by Cheryl L Davis under the CC-BY-NC

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