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4/10/21 Research on different sustainable methods of Research on different sustainable methods of 4/10/21
resource extraction resource extraction in the construction
Industry from 1980 in Japan. Resource
extraction also involves the usage of

4/10/21 Average wages of Japanese construction Find graphs on the average wages of 4/10/21
workers Japanese construction workers from 1980 till

4/10/21 Research on different construction companies Find out whether construction companies 4/10/21
that adapted to sustainable technologies fired employees or hired more employes after
adapting to more sustainable technologies

5/10/21 Connection between sustainable methods and Try and connect the years of sustainable 5/10/21
workers economic state technologies to the economic state of the
Japanese workers in order to find out the
extent to which the methods have affected
the Japanese workers economically
Step 2: Search Strategies
These are the keys to unlocking information on the Internet. Instead of searching for long phrases, try using
commonly used words.

Guiding Questions:
Generate guiding questions that will help you answer your larger research question. Guiding questions may
be open or closed questions, and a variety of both would be useful. Generate as many questions as you can
to support your plan.
Guiding Questions
What are the different sustainable technologies that emerged in the construction Industry in Japan from the 1980s to
reduce construction waste?
What are the different sustainable resources used for construction in Japan from the 1980s?

Why are the sustainable resources used for construction in Japan from the 1980s sustainable?

Which companies in Japan switched from the regular construction process to using sustainable technologies for
Did anyone get hired or fired in those companies after the transition?
What are the average wages of Japanese construction workers from the 1980s?
Step 3: Research and Analysis

Creating a research grid:

Guiding Questions Source 1 Source 2 Summary of best answer in my own
words. (Bullet points)
What are the different sustainable - 3d printing of building was created by
technologies that emerged in the (Wikipedia (ANI News) Japan in 1980 in order to solve the issues
construction Industry in Japan Contributors) associated with the dangers of building
from the 1980s to reduce high rise buildings by Shimizu and Hitachi
construction waste? - Autonomous Robotics Construction
System (ARCS) in 2018, which reduces
the waste generated due to the accurate
and consistent work of robots.

What are the different sustainable ● Wood, Paper and Stone required people
resources used for construction in (abundance) (Great Big to grow special plants and apply highly
Japan from the 1980s? Story) specialised skills to create the material.
Kengo Kuma, a Japanese architect
valued aesthetic sustainability, which is
“the art of producing something
extraordinary and resilient by making the
most of what’s available in the natural
environment and human wisdom/skills”

● Kengo also uses cork, bamboo and

timber, which are sustainable. Ans also
have an advantage over concrete
building. When there is a repair, you can
fix one piece of timber but in a concrete
building, you will need to replace the
whole wall or building.
Why are the sustainable resources (“Wooden •All of the materials are recyclable and don't
used for construction in Japan Buildings a emit as much CO2 as other traditional
from the 1980s sustainable? More construction materials.
Option than
Concrete - Cork is sustainable because it doesn’t require the
IWBC”) logging of trees and it can be recycled.
Wood is an extremely sustainable material.
According to iwbcc concrete emits 26% -
31% more greenhouse gasses than wood.
Which companies in Japan •Not many companies have replaced
switched from the regular (“Japan Is workers with robots to reduce the waste
construction process to using Replacing Its generated. Shmizu has developed and
sustainable technologies for Aging deployed robotic welders, carriers and
construction? Construction all-purpose lifting tools.
Workers with
Experts suggest robots can only work on 1%
of each construction project. Robots can
replace workers in Japan to replace the
retired workers, since a quarter of the
Japanese population is over 65 years and
according to futurism, this can increase by
40% in 40 years.
Did anyone get hired or fired in (Kawaguchi (“Shimizu The retired and aged workers can get
those companies after the and Mori) Begins replaced by robots to perform tasks such as
transition? Collaborating welding, shipping and basic tasks involving
People and the construction of a high rise building.
Robots at
Construction However, according to shimz, “People and
Site, AI-equipped autonomous robots collaborate
Toranomon-A in performing construction work in the Shimz
zabudai Smart Site”
Project |
Information |

What are the average wages of (“Japan: (“Japan:

Japanese construction workers Contractual Contractual
from the 1980s? Cash Cash
Earnings Earnings by
Construction Age Group |
by Age Group Statista”)
2017 |

The wages decreased and the wages of the

older world have decreased because they
are aged and robots are replacing them.

Developing a works cited page and analysis of sources
As a writer it is your ethical responsibility to give proper credit to sources. It is also very important that you
give credit in accordance with a style of citations. You must use MLA style formatting, and should use for help in the process. If you fail to give proper credit to a source you have committed

1. The Works Cited page should always be the last page of your essay, report or presentation.
2. Sources should be organized alphabetically by the first word or name in the entry. This first word
or name is what you use in the paper when making a direct citation or quote from the author.
3. You should include every source that is in your research above.
4. Use to create your Works Cited page.
5. Write a short paragraph about your sources that identifies the author and their purpose, then
analyze the source in terms of its timeliness, objectivity, and accuracy in order to evaluate the
values and limitations of the source and make a conclusion about it's validity.


abundance. “Japanese Architecture: Is It Really Natural and Sustainable?” Zero = Abundance, zero =

abundance, 25 May 2019, Accessed 5 Nov. 2021.

ANI News. “Shimizu Corporation Introduces Robots for Construction - #Japan News.” YouTube, 27

Dec. 2018, Accessed 5 Nov. 2021.

Great Big Story. “How Sustainability Is Bringing Architecture Back down to Earth.” YouTube, 19 Sept.

2019, Accessed 6 Nov. 2021.

“Japan Is Replacing Its Aging Construction Workers with Robots.” Futurism, Futurism, 25 Apr. 2018, Accessed 6 Nov. 2021.

“Japan: Contractual Cash Earnings by Age Group | Statista.” Statista, Statista, 2019, Accessed 6

Nov. 2021.

“Japan: Contractual Cash Earnings Construction by Age Group 2017 | Statista.” Statista, Statista, 2017,

ge-group/. Accessed 6 Nov. 2021.

Kawaguchi, Daiji, and Hiroaki Mori. “The Labor Market in Japan, 2000–2016.” IZA World of Labor,
2017,, 10.15185/izawol.385. Accessed 6

Nov. 2021.

“Shimizu Begins Collaborating People and Autonomous Robots at Construction Site,

Toranomon-Azabudai Project | Company Information | Shimizu Corporation.”,

2017, Accessed 6 Nov.


Wikipedia Contributors. “Construction 3D Printing.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Oct. 2021, Accessed 5 Nov. 2021.

“Wooden Buildings a More Sustainable Option than Concrete - IWBC.” IWBC, 13 Aug. 2018, Accessed 6 Nov.



The CRAAP Test Worksheet

Use the following list to help you evaluate sources. Answer the questions and then score the five parts 1 – 10, (1
= unreliable, 10 = excellent). Add up the scores to help you decide whether you should use the resource or
whether your professor would want you to use it.


Currency: the timeliness of information

● When was the information posted or published? 2017 (10)
● Is the information current or out-of-date for your topic? It’s out of date but that doesn’t matter
because the information I need needs to be out of date (10)
● Are the links functional? Yes (10)
Currency Score: 10
Relevance: the importance of the information for your needs
● Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question? To some extent, yes (6)
● Who is the intended audience? Robotic enthusiasts (10)
● Is the information at an appropriate level? Yes (10)
● Have you looked at a variety of sources before choosing the one? Yes (10)
● Would you be comfortable using this source for a research paper? Yes (10)
Relevance Score: 9.2
Authority: the source of the information
● Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor? Shimz, an engineering company in Japan (10)
● Are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliation given? Yes (10)

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