Waste Land Poem Assignment

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1. The Mole
The game1 begins under the hot sun
A crashed airplane in the forest
She2 comes from out of the trees
tells the players3 they must leave
for they are on a hunt of their own
find the treasure but beware of the mole4

Everyone ponders who it might be

is it he or she and how will they know
sneaky and quite
quick and sabotaging
the mole stays hidden
but everyone is cautious

they climb trees5

and swim through water6
but one group is lost7
they cannot be found
they believe the mole must be near
how could they have gotten lost
since a pilot is guiding
this game is quick and
with only an hour to go
the hunt is over
the group is done and
the mole has won.
2. The Fight
A dog8 is lucky
their mom is in college
they are spoiled and rotten
but oh, so sweet

momma bear is protective

she will bite your head off
do not tell her what to do

A fight9 occurs
What was said
By whom
How dare you tell me
I am a bad parent10

Was that really said,

we hear what we want
we get mad
we yell, we scream
we cry, we leave
yet it seems
our friend is not ripped11
at the seams.

3. Heart Break
All we12 do is fight
I cry and cry and cry
I try and try and try
Nothing is good enough
We say we love each other
What does that really mean
It is about time for relationship season
But ours feels like heartbreak season13

Don’t shed no more tears14

I don’t need your pity15
That is all I want
Flowers, strawberries, cards
Hi, how are you, miss you
What even is that

Do you care
I am hurting and sad
I have tried and tried and tried
We have nothing left to give
This is heart break season
This is where you and I

4. College
Scary and Fast
Fresh meat that I am
Lurking through the halls
What could I be,
What will I do
Oh, the places that I will go16
I feel so old
Yet it is only year two
I am still lost and confused
What will I do
Only two years left to complete
How do people know what they want to be

Year three has come

I changed my major
So many times
And here I go again
What will I do
Who will I be
Why is this so hard for me

Year four has come

I am senior
So dazed and confused
College will do that to you
I still have no idea who I am
Lost in my own world
What shall I do

Graduation is upon us
With no clue in the world
Go out with a bang
Give the world a swirl
Tell everyone how much fun you had
All a façade
Deep down you know
This is not who I am
This is not what I will be
I did not give college the best of me
Live it up
Go have fun
You can only be a college girl once
Take the world by storm
Make sure everyone knows
This world is yours.
End Notes
The reference to the game is the TV show on Netflix called the mole that is a game show.
She is the game show host and her name is Alex Wagner
The players are every competitor that started the show including the mole
The mole is the player who is trying to sabotage the players and make them lose money
I’m giving the setting of where the players were at in the jungle for this game
This is the setting of where the other group of players were during this game
I’m explaining how this group of players got lost during this game
I am referring to my roommate (Taylor) dog Taz
I am referring to an argument that occurred between both of my roommates over Taz
The fight broke out because of miscommunication and Taylor believed our roommate was
calling her a bad dog mom
The argument lasted for a couple of days, but they ended up repairing it which is what I was
explaining by saying our friend is not ripped
My ex-boyfriend and I
This is a reference to the song called heart break season by Mia Day
This is a reference to the song lyrics in Justin Bieber’s song called Don’t check on me
This is another reference to Don’t check on me
This is reference to Dr. Seuss’s book Oh the places you will go
While writing my Poem I realized how helpful it was to read the waste land poem

once over. After reading the wasteland poem I felt as though I had a better understanding of

the project itself. The wasteland poem told a lot of stories in detail and a good example of

this would be the game of chess poem that he wrote. I tried to mimic my poems in a structure

that was like his but as I look back, I feel as though his poems were a little long sometimes. I

wanted my poems to have a good amount of detail in them so they would not be boring, but I

did not want to make them too long either. The one thing that should have been used in my

poems more is descriptive words. T.S.Elliot made his poems as descriptive as he could,

which made me feel like I could see, feel, and hear everything that was going on. When it

comes to my poems, I think I did a good job describing what was going on and how I was

feeling but I do not think that my words jump off the page. Another thing that I noticed about

T.S.Elliot poems is he used a lot of references to many different things in the world. This

was honestly very confusing to me because I am not a huge literature person, so I did not

know what was going on until I noticed there were references. I tried to make my poem not

to confusing but I also tried to add in some references that some people may not know. The

wasteland poem does not flow in any order at all and sometimes does not make sense from

line to line. This was something another thing that I struggled with in my poem. I was trying

to make everything flow together and I was trying to make everything rhyme as well. I,

however, did not realize that I was doing that until I went back and read the first poem I
wrote. It took me by surprise because I honestly did not think that writing this poem was

going to be as difficult as it was. It is very impressive to look back at the waste land poem

and see how much detail he put into it but also how he just let the poem flow and wherever

the poem took him he went with it. The one thing that threw me off a little bit with his poem

though was the fact that he incorporated another language. I never really understood that, and

I think that it messed with the flow of the poem a lot. I tried to keep the flow of my poem

good, and I tried to break up the sections that I thought did not go together. All in all, this

was a very fun poem to write, and the waste land poem was a very influential guide for me to

write my poem.

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