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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


How do climatic change, cereal crops and livestock production

interact with carbon emissions? Updated evidence from China
Abdul Rehman 1 & Hengyun Ma 1 & Munir Ahmad 2 & Ilhan Ozturk 3,4,5 & Muhammad Zubair Chishti 6

Received: 23 December 2020 / Accepted: 9 February 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021

Carbon dioxide emission and climatic variation have a detrimental influence on the atmosphere as well as on agriculture
production. The key aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of carbon dioxide emission on livestock, cereal
crops production, rainfall and temperature in China by utilizing the vector autoregressive model and Granger causality test for the
period 1988–2017. Variables stationarity was verified by using ADF, P-P and KPSS unit root tests. The outcomes through long-
run dynamics exposed that agriculture value added and rainfall have a positive influence on carbon dioxide emission, while cereal
crops production, livestock production and temperature have an adverse interaction with carbon dioxide emission. Similarly, the
results of the short-run analysis also demonstrate that agriculture value added, cereal crops production, livestock production,
rainfall and temperature have a significant influence on carbon dioxide emission with their p-values (0.0488), (0.0885), (0.0263),
(0.0096) and (0.5141) respectively. Furthermore, the Granger causality test outcomes also exposed a unidirectional linkage amid
the variables. In order to improve agricultural productivity, the Chinese government should take potential steps to minimize the
carbon dioxide emission from various industries that trigger climate change.

Keywords CO2 emission . Climatic change . Livestock production . Rainfall . Cereal crops production

Abbreviations RF Rainfall
ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller TEM Temperature
P-P Phillips-Perron ECT Error correction term
KPPS Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin VAR Vector autoregressive
CO2e Carbon dioxide emission AIC Akaike information criterion
WDI World Development Indicators LR Likelihood ratio
AVA Agriculture value added FPE Final prediction error
CCP Cereal crops production SC Schwarz information criterion
LP Livestock production HQ Hannan-Quinn

Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues

* Abdul Rehman 1
College of Economics and Management, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
School of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027,
Hengyun Ma China 3
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Cag University,
Munir Ahmad 33800 Mersin, Turkey 4
Department of Medical Research, China Medical University
Ilhan Ozturk Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan 5
Department of Finance, Asia University, 500, Lioufeng Rd.,
Wufeng, Taichung 41354, Taiwan
Muhammad Zubair Chishti
6 School of Economics, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Environ Sci Pollut Res

VECM Vector error correction model agriculture and its distributional consequences in addition to
AR Autoregressive provide information on strategies to mitigate carbon emission
(Carter et al. 2018; Gollehon et al. 2019).
Different researchers have conducted various studies to
examine the interaction of carbon dioxide emission to agricul-
Introduction ture technology, fertilized fields, semi-arid dualistic agricul-
ture, sustainability, land agglomeration, water usage, pasture
CO2 emission and climate variation have a severe influence on field and renewable energy and capital assessment, sustain-
agricultural production and also causing global warming. able food production and urbanization (Ismael et al. 2018;
Low-carbon demand, production and green economy have Czubaszek and Wysocka-Czubaszek 2018; Huong et al.
been generally recognized globally; it is difficult to turn from 2019; Rehman et al. 2019; Fernández et al. 2019; Agovino
conventional fossil fuels to clean and sustainable energy et al. 2019; Hao et al. 2019a; Timilsina et al. 2020; Rehman
sources and minimize the carbon dioxide emissions to China et al. 2020a; Murshed and Dao 2020; Ahmad et al. 2020;
which is considered the world’s huge user of energy and the Sansilvestri et al. 2020; Diallo et al. 2020; Rehman et al.
massive emitter of carbon dioxide (Chen et al. 2018a, b). 2020b; Martín-Arias et al. 2020; Usman et al. 2020;
Climate change has been triggered by carbon dioxide emis- Qingquan et al. 2020; Rehman et al. 2021). However, the
sion which poses unparalleled threats to human existence and present study examines the carbon dioxide emission influence
growth, such as extreme weather, environmental invasion and on livestock, cereal crops production, rainfall and temperature
scarcity of resources (Dong et al. 2019). Energy utilization in in China by using the vector autoregressive model Granger
China and CO2 emission has had a major effect on climate causality technique for the period of 1988–2017. Variables
change worldwide. Though global warming is more evident, stationarity was verified through the unit root tests.
the influence on all aspects of human existence is becoming Aside from the “Introduction” section, the remainder of this
more substantial, and the usage of coal in China has directly article is arranged as follows: the “Related literature” section
influenced the climatic variation (Hao et al. 2016). deals with the previous topics related to literature. The
The climatic change has been a significant environmental “Methodology and data” section presents the study data sources
concern in the world and has gained growing support globally and econometric techniques. The “Empirical results and discus-
(Shukla et al. 2017). Furthermore, greenhouse gas emissions are sion” section illustrates the variables stationarity tests, optimal
considered the core cause to trigger the climatic variation, most- lag (p) determination and cointegration tests, VECM estimation
ly related to the utilization of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide emis- through short-run and long-run and causality test between var-
sion has gained a lot of criticism owing to the extremely large iables. Finally, the “Conclusion and policy recommendations”
production of all greenhouse gases and their long life span. The section shows the study conclusion and policy directions.
development of a low-carbon economy, especially low-carbon
agriculture, has great importance as widespread concern about
agriculture in China and having the extensive pilot to reform Related literature
urban and rural development (Zhangwei and Xungangb 2011;
Lee and Van de Meene 2013). Greenhouse gas emissions are Environmental change and climatic variations are the global
constantly involved and contribute to enhance warming, which challenges today. A critical goal in the battle against climate
in turn impacts the plant’s ecosystem and leads to changes in the change is to reduce gross carbon dioxide emissions in the fight
atmosphere, although the causes of climate change can be sep- against global warming. Food processing, energy utilization
arated into two groups, namely natural and anthropogenic fac- and carbon emissions are the key domestic economic sectors
tors (VijayaVenkataRaman et al. 2012). directly linked to people’s everyday lives and steady econom-
The susceptibility of crops to changes in weather, precipita- ic development. Similar to other sectors, CO2 emission and
tion and carbon dioxide is a question of concern for the future agricultural-related energy consumption have many character-
food supplies of the planet. Agricultural consequence reports istics, whereas agriculture, livestock and aquaculture are
have been utilized to update the policymakers and the public sources of carbon dioxide and their emissions are smaller than
about the potential influence of climate change and the conse- those historically deemed high-emission and resource-
quences of various technologies and retort techniques on the intensive industries (DECC (Department of Energy and
reduction of agricultural productivity (IPCC 2014; Reidsma Climate Change 2013; Glenk et al. 2014; Xiong et al. 2016).
et al. 2015; Campbell et al. 2016; Hoffman et al. 2018). The As in various countries, agriculture has a multifunctional po-
environmental change would have an influence on food supply, sition, an interface amid community and natural environment
rendering it much more difficult to fulfil food requirements as a and it also refers to an assortment of ecological facilities, in-
consequence of population development, economic growth and cluding landscape development, tourism and leisure and the
urbanization. Researchers emphasize the climatic impact on supply of non-food raw materials. The agriculture sector
Environ Sci Pollut Res

requires natural habitats to be altered; it is particularly vulner- reports addressed the relevance of reducing farm pollution
able to climate change effects. However, every assessment of and building more productive food systems and security
the agricultural hazard is a well-known issue due to the link (Ripple et al. 2014; Vermeulen et al. 2012; Moore and
and interaction between agriculture, environment and the pop- Ghahramani 2013).
ulation. The future will certainly have a high priority of sus- Carbon dioxide emissions associated with agriculture and
tainable food production in an evolved and unpredictable energy are linked to agricultural activities. Agricultural activ-
world, but climate change is just one of several agricultural ities influence the amount and overall usage of agricultural
problems. Discussing concerns related to climate change equipment, while agricultural activities also contribute to
needs environmental advantages, and agricultural diversity is bring improvements in CO2 emission and energy utilization.
significant, but not just for the food development (Knox et al. The current demand for food would have a greater effect on
2010; Lobell et al. 2011; Zougmoré et al. 2016). potential farming practices which would potentially trigger
The impact of environmental change on energy output and shifts in energy use and carbon dioxide emissions.
accessibility is important. Because fossil fuel energy produc-
tion is the primary cause of greenhouse gas emissions, climate
change would have an effect on carbon dioxide emissions
owing to its effects on energy use. Although energy demand Methodology and data
is growing with the passage of time and directly influenced by
the increases in atmospheric temperature, changes in the tem- Data sources
perature induced by climate change in a region also cause
agricultural production, and energy demand must be adjusted We have used time series data ranging from 1988–2017 and
to evolving conditions and improved quality of life. the key source of this data is World Development Indicators
Subsequently, increases in energy demand may contribute to (WDI) ( The study
an increase in coal usage and related carbon dioxide emissions variables used in this analysis are carbon dioxide emission,
(Ouedraogo et al. 2012; Zhou et al. 2014; Wang and Zhang agriculture value added, cereal crops production, livestock
2014). production, rainfall and temperature, respectively. The
Global warming is a challenge to human economic growth, variables trends are illustrated in Fig. 1.
and primarily, it is triggered by carbon emissions. Human
activities are considered the primary source of industrial pro-
duction of oil. Modernization is the general trend for the ad- Econometric model specification
vancement of human culture; it involves a number of process-
es such as economic change, technological progress and trans- Vector autoregressive model was used to demonstrate the
formation of environment and living standards. The effect of variables linkage among carbon dioxide emission, agricul-
modernization on carbon dioxide emissions indeed has great ture value added, cereal crops production, livestock pro-
importance (Li et al. 2019). As worldwide surface temperature duction, rainfall and temperature. This model is flexible
escalates over time, there has been a strong global warming and fit for the economic estimations (Karlsson 2013). We
change. Climate change has contributed to a number of have estimated the model in order to demonstrate the var-
threats, including declines in the food supply, agriculture deg- iables interaction and generally, it can be written as in the
radation and chemical pollution, which have compromised following equation:
socio-economic stability and existence. Atmospheric changes
are mostly induced by anthropogenic greenhouse gases, par- yt ¼ ðLnCO2 et Þ ¼ f ðAVAt ; CCPt ; LPt ; RFt ; TEMPt Þ ð1Þ
ticularly carbon dioxide emission (Aslam et al. 2017; Shaik Equation (1) shows that CO2et denotes the carbon dioxide
and Yeboah 2018; Chen et al. 2018a, b; Ran et al. 2020). emission, AVAt indicates the agriculture value added, CCPt
One of the most significant challenges to public health is denotes the cereal crops production, LPt indicates the live-
indisputable climate change, and greenhouse gases, in partic- stock production, RFt demonstrate the rainfall, TEMPt show
ular carbon dioxide emissions, are known to be the main haz- the temperature and t presents the dimension of time.
ards. In different sectors, one of the three driving factors for
the use of resources that has had a key influence on the envi-
ronment is the construction industry, particularly road con-
struction (Choi 2019; Chen et al. 2016). Globally, livestock
is estimated to account around 29% of global greenhouse gas
emissions, including the impact of land use shifts on pasture
and feed development, and have long been recognized as a
particular problem. In addition, climate change mitigation
Environ Sci Pollut Res

16.2 LNCO2e 2.0 LNAVA

15.6 1.6

15.4 1.4
15.2 1.2
14.6 0.8

1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

20.1 4.6

20.0 4.4
19.7 3.6
19.6 3.4
1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

4.05 2.18
4.00 2.14
3.95 2.10
3.90 2.06
1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

Fig. 1 Trend of the variables

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Unit root tests results of

the series used in the model Variables ADF (Prob.*) P-P (Prob.*) KPSS (Prob.*)

I(0) I(1) I(0) I(1) I(0) I(1)

Without Without Without Without Without Without
trend trend trend trend trend trend

LnCO2e 0.748 0.005 0.769 0.005 0.798 0.099

LnAVA 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.213 0.061
LnCCP 0.489 0.000 0.489 0.000 0.770 0.133
LnLP 0.006 0.280 0.020 0.013 0.798 0.640
LnRF 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.090
LnTEMP 0.608 0.000 0.168 0.000 0.739 0.500
Critical value of KPSS
1% level 0.739
5% level 0.463
10% level 0.347

Furthermore, the econometric specification is written as:

0 1 yt ¼ γ i þ ∑ ψi yt−1 þ εt ð3Þ
α1 i¼1
B α2 C
ð LnCO2 et Þ ¼ B
B α3 C
C where yt = nX1 indicates vector of endogenous variables, ψ =
@ α4 A nXn indicates matrix of the autoregressive coefficients for i =
α5 1...k, γ is the intercept vector and ε is the white noise process.
0 10 1 The econometric specification is written as follow:
η11 η12 η13 η14 η15 LnAVAt−1
k B η21 η22 η23 η24 η25 CB LnCCPt−1 C
þ ∑B η η η η η C B LnLP C ΔLnCO2 et ¼ α þ ∑ ξi ΔLnCO2 et−i
B 31 32 33 34 35 CB
i¼1 @
t−1 C i¼1
η41 η42 η43 η44 η45 A@ LnRFt−1 A
d−1 d−1
η51 η52 η53 η54 η55 LnTEMPt−1 þ ∑ φm ΔLnAVAt−m þ ∑ ψl ΔLnCCPt−l
0 1 m¼1 l¼1
B ε2 C d−1 d−1
B C þ ∑ δn ΔLnLPt−n þ ∑ ϕp ΔLnRFt−p
þB B ε3 C
C n¼1 p¼1
@ ε4 A
ε5 þ ∑ ωq ΔLnTEMPt−q þ λ1 ECTt−1 þ ε1t ð4Þ
ð2Þ q¼1

where t is the time dimension, Ln is the natural logarithm, αi is where optimal lag length reduced by 1 as indicated by d−1.
the matrix of the autoregressive and εt is the residual matrix. ξi, φm, ψl, δn, ϕp and ωq demonstrate the coefficients of short-
VAR (k) model is considered as: run dynamics in the adjustment of the model. λi is the level of
change parameter with a negative sign and ECT indicates the
error correction term.

Table 2 Correlation between

variables LnCO2e LnAVA LnCCP LnLP LnRF LnTEMP

LnCO2e 1.0000 0.2295 0.8606 0.9239 − 0.1490 0.5014

LnAVA 0.2295 1.0000 0.2471 0.1031 0.1019 − 0.0400
LnCCP 0.8606 0.2471 1.0000 0.8041 0.0380 0.4154
LnLP 0.9239 0.1031 0.8041 1.0000 − 0.0962 0.6319
LnRF − 0.1490 0.1019 0.0380 − 0.0962 1.0000 − 0.0347
LnTEMP 0.5014 − 0.0400 0.4154 0.6319 − 0.0347 1.0000
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 3 Lag length criteria


0 136.6347 NA 2.53E-12 − 9.676641 − 9.388678 − 9.591015

1 315.6292 265.177 6.82E-17 − 20.26883 − 18.25308 − 19.66944
2 349.8469 35.48504 1.22E-16 − 20.13681 − 16.39328 − 19.02366
3 459.1594 64.77777* 2.47e-18* − 25.56736* − 20.09605* − 23.94045*

*Denotes the selected order of lag through criteria

Empirical results and discussion production, rainfall and temperature are depicted in Table 2.
Outcomes demonstrated that all variables are correlated to
Stationarity level of variables used in the model each other.

The variable stationarity was checked by using the unit root

Optimal lag (p) determination and cointegration tests
tests. We used the three-unit root tests and the approximate
for the model
findings are represented in Table 1 which indicates the sta-
tionarity at the first difference with a 5% significance rate. The
Table 3 reports the results of the VAR lag length criteria and
ADF (Dickey and Fuller 1979) statistical test average value is
the optimal lag length determination replicates the model dy-
larger than the critical value of 5% for all variables. This
namic characteristics. The appropriate lag order was
indicates that the null hypothesis requires a unit root test se-
established through the usage of the Akaike information cri-
quence and is dismissed for the related variables. Furthermore,
terion (AIC). In the model, the stationarity test shows that all
Phillips-Perron (P-P) (Phillips and Perron 1988) unit root test
variables get stationarity at first difference. None of the vari-
demonstrates the absolute value at the first difference and 5%
ables cointegrated in the model through the null hypothesis.
which is greater than the critical values. Similarly,
Table 4 depicts the Johansen cointegration test results
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) (Kwiatkowski
(Johansen and Juselius 1990).
et al. 1992) unit root tests demonstrate that the critical value
Table 4 reveals that the values of trace statistics and max
of KPSS shows the significance level at 1%, 5% and 10%.
statistics are bigger than the critical values at a 5% significance
According to the KPSS test, the null hypothesis presumptuous
level. It is assumed that the rejection of the null hypothesis in
the stationarity of the variables and cannot be rejected in the
the equation during cointegration, and the statistic values of
series. ADF, P-P and KPSS unit root test outcomes which are
the Johansen cointegration test show that all variables are
depicted in Table 1 validated the data stationarity at the first
cointegrated. There is a continuous association between all
difference that illustrates the significance level at 5%.
tested variables in the model seen during the period of the
analysis, given the possible short-term variance from the equi-
Correlation between variables librium point. It suggests the presence of long-term associa-
tions of causality among variables. The vector error correction
The variables correlation including carbon dioxide emission, model (VECM) is therefore an effective estimation method to
agriculture value added, cereal crops production, livestock be used in this analysis.

Table 4 Results of Johansen cointegration test

Hypothesized no. of CE(s) Trace statistic Hypothesized no. of CE(s) Maximum eigenvalue statistic

t-stat. 0.05 critical value p- t-stat. 0.05 critical value p-

value value

None* 295.4687 95.7537 0.0000 None * 131.3412 40.0776 0.0000

At most 1* 164.1275 69.8189 0.0000 At most 1* 62.5672 33.8769 0.0000
At most 2* 101.5604 47.8561 0.0000 At most 2* 55.2390 27.5843 0.0000
At most 3* 46.3214 29.7971 0.0003 At most 3* 26.3749 21.1316 0.0083
At most 4* 19.9465 15.4947 0.0100 At most 4* 16.1299 14.2646 0.0251
At most 5 3.8166 3.8415 0.0507 At most 5 3.8166 3.8415 0.0507

*Indicates the null hypothesis rejection at 0.05 significance level; at 0.05 level trace test and max-eigenvalue test illustrates 5 cointegrating equations
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 5 Statistical values of the vector error correction estimated model VECM estimation through short-run and long-run as-
Regressors Coefficients Std. error t-stat p-value sociation between variables

Long-run dynamics The outcomes of the vector error correction model are present-
LnCO2e (− 1) 1.0000
LnAVA (− 1) 25.6845 − 0.6922 37.1035 ed in Table 5. The findings reveal that the ECT (error correc-
LnCCP (− 1) − 14.4202 − 1.7586 − 8.1999 tion term) coefficient and the adverse value recommend that
LnLP (− 1) − 7.9670 − 0.6774 − 11.7614
LnRF (− 1) 77.9649 − 3.4378 22.6790 all the given variables are well balanced in the model. The
LnTEMP (− 1) − 11.8961 − 2.9350 − 4.0532
Short-run dynamics adjusted coefficient value of − 0.0231 indicates that the vari-
ECT (CointEq1) − 0.0231 0.0084 − 2.7350 0.0170 ance of the previous time from the long-term average is set at a
D(LnCO2e (− 1)) 0.3148 0.2346 1.3419 0.2026
D(LnCO2e (− 2)) 0.0753 0.2238 0.3366 0.7418 point of 2.30%. P-values 0.0170 of the VECM demonstrate
D(LnAVA (− 1)) 0.3352 0.1542 2.1740 0.0488 the occurrence of a long-term equilibrium interaction between
D(LnAVA (− 2)) 0.1190 0.0535 2.2242 0.0445
D(LnCCP (− 1)) 1.0382 0.5639 1.8411 0.0885 variables. The negative coefficient of ECT and the substantial
D(LnCCP (− 2)) 0.8614 0.7463 1.1542 0.2692 p-values of the VECM evaluation indicate that the designated
D(LnLP (− 1)) 2.9178 1.1644 2.5057 0.0263
D(LnLP (− 2)) 1.5938 1.1145 1.4301 0.1763 model is appropriate for modelling in order to make specific
D(LnRF (− 1)) 1.4048 0.4628 3.0351 0.0096
D(LnRF (− 2)) 0.3887 0.2382 1.6316 0.1267
policy prescriptions.
D(LnTEMP (− 1)) 0.2129 0.3174 0.6708 0.5141 The long-run dynamic results of the model demonstrate
D(LnTEMP (− 2)) − 0.5810 0.3304 − 1.7583 0.1022
C − 0.2199 0.0930 − 2.3643 0.0343 that agricultural value added and rainfall have a positive and
Statistical values of the estimated model constructive influence on carbon dioxide emission, while ce-
R-squared 0.672899 Mean dependent var 0.046543
Adjusted R-squared 0.345798 S.D. dependent var 0.072258 real crops production, livestock production and temperature
S.E. of regression 0.058444 Akaike info criterion -2.53533 revealed a diverse influence on carbon dioxide emission in
Sum squared resid 0.044405 Schwarz criterion -1.86342
Log likelihood 48.22698 Hannan-Quinn criter. -2.33554 China. The key issues and consequences of changes in live-
F-statistic 2.057161 Durbin-Watson stat 1.789679 stock production and the prospects for various types are un-
Prob (F-statistic) 0.103389
certain in China. Changes in the development of livestock are
attributed to radical food demand fluctuations but also to
Fig. 2 Long-run and short-run
dynamics among study variables
Environ Sci Pollut Res

fundamental shifts in livestock roles, processes and impacts. Table 6 Granger causality test results
These changes are hard to grasp. Moreover, it needs a deeper Null hypothesis F- Prob.
understanding of more sustainable pathways in livestock pro- statistic
duction (Bai et al. 2018). As one of the world’s most populat-
ed developing economy, China’s livestock industry is fast LnAVA does not Granger cause LnCO2e 0.2746 0.7623
emerging. These varieties are more popular in different agri- LnCO2e does not Granger cause LnAVA 2.2116 0.1323
cultural regions of the world. Such breeding areas, cropping LnCCP does not Granger cause LnCO2e 2.8001 0.0816
areas and agricultural can be classified into three groups, de- LnCO2e does not Granger cause LnCCP 5.2032 0.0137
pending on feed availability and environmental conditions of LnLP does not Granger cause LnCO2e 1.2155 0.3149
these regions (Han et al. 2016). Given that China is still in a LnCO2e does not Granger cause LnLP 0.2362 0.7915
time of rapid growth, it may deepen the inconsistency between LnRF does not Granger cause LnCO2e 1.2134 0.3155
cultivated land and other priorities for economic development. LnCO2e does not have Granger cause LnRF 5.3229 0.0126
Although it is difficult to expand the area of arable land in the LnTEMP does not Granger cause LnCO2e 2.1843 0.1354
coming years, there might be little potential for a significant LnCO2e does not have Granger cause LnTEMP 1.2866 0.2954
increase in the production of food. Chinese farmers also typ- LnCCP does not Granger cause LnAVA 0.6176 0.5480
ically recognize that a significant temperature discrepancy LnAVA does not Granger cause LnCCP 0.3383 0.7165
each day is ideal for crops throughout the growing season LnLP does not Granger cause LnAVA 0.2296 0.7966
(Wang et al. 2018). The population growth has led to an in- LnAVA does not Granger cause LnLP 0.9790 0.3908
crease the food demand, fuel, fibre and other natural re- LnRF does not Granger cause LnAVA 2.2633 0.1267
sources. As the arable land has increased and fuel and infra- LnAVA does not Granger cause LnRF 0.3535 0.7060
structure materials have been overwhelmed economically, LnTEMP does not Granger cause LnAVA 0.8964 0.4218
ecosystem services are increasingly declining and habitat ex- LnAVA does not Granger cause LnTEMP 0.0344 0.9663
tinction is accelerated (Hao et al. 2019b; Chandio et al. 2020). LnLP does not Granger cause LnCCP 0.6967 0.5085
The effects of short-run dynamics from the model indicate LnCCP does not Granger cause LnLP 0.1959 0.8235
that carbon dioxide emissions, agricultural value added, cereal LnRF does not Granger cause LnCCP 2.6486 0.0922
crops production, livestock production, rainfall and tempera- LnCCP does not Granger cause LnRF 0.0561 0.9456
ture have positive coefficients (0.3148), (0.3352), (1.0382), LnTEMP does not Granger cause LnCCP 0.0539 0.9476
(2.9178), (1.4048) and (0.2129) with p-values (0.2026), LnCCP does not Granger cause LnTEMP 1.1905 0.3221
(0.0488), (0.0885), (0.0263), (0.0096) and (0.5141) respec- LnRF does not Granger cause LnLP 1.2020 0.3188
tively. The consequences to be able to sustain the populace LnLP does not Granger cause LnRF 2.5638 0.0988
and boost ecological conditions, food supplies would not only LnTEMP does not Granger cause LnLP 1.9647 0.1630
have to be considerably higher than the existing rate, but en- LnLP does not Granger cause LnTEMP 3.5260 0.0462
vironmental emissions, partially induced by human energy LnTEMP does not have Granger cause LnRF 5.6941 0.0098
consumption, would also have to be reduced. Factors LnRF does not Granger cause LnTEMP 1.1408 0.3370
influencing and impacting agricultural development involve
shifts in agricultural policy, price dynamics, terms of trade,
management methods, genomic characteristics, availability of capital and land use regulations (Wesseh Jr and Lin
2017). The consequences of these climatic adverse effects
on agriculture growing involve decreased crops and animal
Inverse Roots of AR Characteristic Polynomial
production, changes in cultivation and processing times, infil-
tration of new diseases and pathogens and developing expo-
sure to farm biodiversity (Tobin et al. 2017; Chatrchyan et al.
0.5 China has been the main focus on the planet and is
under rising strain on carbon dioxide emission.
0.0 Nevertheless, that energy consumption renders it impossi-
ble to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The manufacturing
sector is the largest cause of overall CO2 emissions glob-
ally, except the steady progress in the agriculture sector has
proved to be the major factor of rising carbon dioxide
-1.5 emissions for some time (Dogan et al. 2016; Hasegawa
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 and Matsuoka 2015). For some cases, control strategies
Fig. 3 Stability plot of CO2e
Environ Sci Pollut Res

such as the adjustment of planting times, varieties or water Conclusion and policy recommendations
and energy conservation methods and innovations may
help to decrease the adverse effects of climate change The major aim of this analysis was to investigate the conse-
(Moore and Lobell 2014; Aggarwal et al. 2019). quence of carbon dioxide emission on the agriculture value
Agricultural strategies are expected to fulfil the increasing added, cereal crops production, livestock production, rainfall
needs of a rising global population for food and fibre. The and temperature in China by utilizing the time series data
recent amplification of input and output processes has con- ranging from 1988–2017. We used three-unit root tests in-
tributed to growing issues over the environmental effects cluding ADF, P-P and KPSS to test the variable stationarity.
(Boscaro et al. 2018). In order to verify the reliability of the variables, the vector
Figure 2 explains the dynamics of long-run interaction autoregressive model and Granger causality test were used
through the vector error correction model (VECM) that to validate the interaction amid variables. The long-run dy-
validates the linkage amid variables. The variable agricul- namic outcomes show that agriculture value added and rainfall
ture value added and rainfall revealed a positive and con- have a constructive impact on carbon dioxide emission, while
structive influence on carbon dioxide emission with their cereal crops production, livestock production and temperature
coefficients (25.6845) and (77.9649). Similarly, in the have an adverse influence on carbon dioxide emission.
long-run analysis, cereal crops production, livestock pro- Similarly, short-run dynamic results also demonstrate that ag-
duction and temperature exposed a non-significant linkage riculture value added, cereal crops production, livestock pro-
to CO2 emission with their coefficients (− 14.4202), (− duction, temperature and rainfall have a constructive influence
7.9670) and (− 11.8961) respectively. Furthermore, out- on carbon dioxide emission in China. Furthermore, causality
comes through short-run dynamics also prove that agricul- analysis of variables also exposed a unidirectional linkage.
ture value added, cereal crops production, livestock pro- Based on the findings, the Government of China needs to take
duction, rainfall and temperature have significant influence the requisite action to introduce more reliable policies to re-
on carbon dioxide emission having p-values (0.0488), duce the carbon dioxide emissions that cause environmental
(0.0885), (0.0263), (0.0096) and (0.5141) respectively. pollution and climatic change. The agriculture sector includ-
The inverse root of the AR characteristic polynomial test is ing livestock is often influenced by climatic change and global
calculated to determine the consistency of the model in the warming. Given that China is a huge CO2 emitter, new con-
analysis. As seen in Fig. 3, both roots need a modulus of less servative emissions and mitigation strategies are needed. It is
than one and lie within the unit circle for the layout. From this also assumed that CO2 emissions remain a rising global con-
analysis, we can assume that the approximate VECM meets cern today, and future conventional strategies from all coun-
the stability requirement and proves the stability of the model. tries are expected to take account of reducing CO2 emissions
in order to avoid depletion of the atmosphere.

Causality association between variables

The Granger causality test was used in this analysis to inves- Availability of data and materials Not applicable
tigate the causal influence among variables including carbon
Author contributions A.R. and I.O. conceived the study, collected the
dioxide emission, agriculture value added, cereal crops pro- data, designed the econometric methodology and write the original draft;
duction, livestock production, rainfall and temperature in M.A. and M.Z.C. review and edited the manuscript; H.M. read and made
China. If the p-value of the F-statistic is less than 5% then suggestions to improve the quality of the manuscript. All authors read and
the null hypothesis is denied by the Granger causality test. approved the final manuscript.
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