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I found my way to the gathering of about 120 people with the help of a neighbour turned brother .

he is, and how it happened will be discussed.

The neighbour turned brother is a tall ,dark and of course handsome young man literally dragged me
that day it was the gathering of the Children of God On Campus.

He was happy I came but sincerely it was just the normal activity to me as the regid and tough Girl that I
used to be well not anymore though.

After the Gathering I wasn't impressed but they tried to impress me even after the service and it was
obvious I was in interested.

The president of the fellowship showed interest in me( not sexually ) but mentor’s , but I feel I don’t
need one , my ideology is nothing close to that.

What was in my head when he was talking to me was “ guy if you talk from now till next year I will do
what is in my mind I’m not going to come to this church ,I have a church I attend and I can’t attend a
student church”

I never knew I was going to go back to that gathering, but fortunately for me because it was worthwhile
I went back there

I used to be a rigid person like I’ve said earlier I wasn’t disrespectful but I love to stand on my world I
move towards my goal deliberately being focused if you present something to me, it doesn’t sit well
with me, I tell you “sorry it’s not my thing’ and I’ll pass.

That was me but that is not me now!

Few weeks with this people changed my perspective about life. I decided to join the believers class and I
got to change many things about myself positively . It wasn’t even about the spiritual growth although
that was part of the benefit but this meeting and Channel gave me the right perspective to life.

It was a gathering of torture to some persons but to me it felt like a new face coming to cover the old
ones with growth and strength.

One of the things this Gathering did to me was that I learnt patience , not just about the patience ,
flexibility has been at the top of my list.

I didn’t stop at the believers class , I also registered for the workers in training.

During the training ,I was asked just like every other person there what unit I would like to join I said
“none”, it was strange to them but that was the truth sincerely.

like I told the pastor I just want to grow and gain strength so I'll be able to stand on my own without
being spoon-fed

few months later I was inducted into the prayer unit and I became a leader few months after again
looking back to the things that has changed over the years I’ll always fall back to the particular day I
followed my neighbour turned brother to the Gathering of about 120 members

how the neighbour of mine turned brother will be discussed in my next article.

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