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A. Noun + is + noun (singular)
Cat is an animal, Mexico is a country

B. Noun + are + noun (plural)

Canada and China are countries
Cats are animals

C. Pronoun + Be + Noun Contraction

I am a student I’m………………………………………..
You are a nurse You’re…………………………………..
He is a farmer He’s……………………………………..
She is a dancer ………………………………………….
It is a country It’s………………………………………
We are doctors …………………………………………..
You are a dentist/ fishermen
They are birds

D. TO BE + NOT Contraction
I am not a policeman I’m not………………………………..
You are not a librarian You aren’t…………………………….
He is not a business man He isn’t………………………………..
She is not a singer …………………………………………
It is not a painter …………………………………………
We are not a driver ……………………………………...
You are not an astronaut ………………………………………….
They are not birds ………………………………………….

E. TO BE + Adjective NEGATIVE
A ball is round ……………………………………
Balls are round ………………………………….
Mary and Tom are intelligent ……………………………………
She is young ……………………………………
They are happy ……………………………………

F. TO BE + A location
Maria is there, l’m at work, we are in the classroom
G. Question using TO BE Answer
Is the book on the table? ………………….
Are the pens in the bag? ………………….

H. Using “have” and “has”

I have a pen He has a car
You have a cow She has a cigarette
We have scooters
They have houses

I. using this, that, these, those

Singular Plural
This is my book These are shovels
That is your garden Those are hoes


 I,we,you study eglish
He, She talkS, it RainS
 Using requency adverbs
Bob always comes to class
Mary usually comeS to class
We often watch tv at night
I sometimes drink tea with dinner
They seldom go to the ricefild
Anna rarely makeS mistakes
He never eatS dinner
 Spelling and pronunciation of S and ES
-sh push pushes
-ch teach teaches
-ss kiss kisses
-x fix fixes

 Above ……………………………………………………………..
 At …………………………………………………………….
 Behind ………………………………………………………………
 Between ……………………………………………………………….
 From ……………………………………………………………….
 In ………………………………………………………………..
 Next to …………………………………………………………………
 On ………………………………………………………………….
 Under …………………………………………………………………
 Across ………………………………………………………………..
 Around ………………………………………………………………..
 For ………………………………………………………………….
 Near ……………………………………………….....................
 Without …………………………………………………………….
 After ……………………………………………………………….
 Before ………………………………………………………………..
 Of …………………………………………………………………
 Beside …………………………………………………………………
Question word (noun/ verb) + to be, to do, to have + Subject pronoun

1 WHAT Answer
A. What made you angry? A.
B. What do you need? B.
C. C. I need that tool
D. D. That is an apple
E. What country will you (go) to? E.
F. F. She reads magazine
G.What is your motivation working in Japan? G.

2 WHERE Answer
a. Where can I pay the bill?
b. Where does she work? She works at a hotel
c. Where was he last night?
d. Where are you now?
e. I study English at Kaory Academy
3 WHEN Answer
A. When did you arrive? 
B. When will you leave for Australia? 
C.  I watch world cup lasnight at
D. 09:00 PM
E.  I got married 3 months ago
 I will buy the car tomorrow
4 WHY Answer
1. Why do you want to work in Britain? 1..
3. 2. Since He will work at a global
4. Why do we find a lot of kangaroo in Australia? company
5. Why do Australians like to play ski? 3. As They wanted to borrow
4. Because their main habitat is in

5 WHO Answer
A. Who will come to dinner tonight? 1. Marry and Jhon
B. Who can answer my question? 2. Mr. Jack
C. Who want to come with me? 3. All of Us
D. 4. She is Miss Elisa
E. 5. I go to Australia with my
6 WHICH Answer
A. Which pen do you want? A.
B. B. She is interested in going to
C. Japan
C. My father wants to buy the
new one
7 WHOSE Answer
A. Whose car is that? A.
B. B. This is your bag
C. C. She stays in her grandmother
D. Whose house does she stay in? house
E. Whose book do you take? D.
F. E.
F. I work at Robert’s plantation

 Using the same (as), similar (to), different (from)
United Kingdom and Australia are the same or UK is the same as Australia
UK and England are similar or UK is similar to England
Japan and Australia are different or Japan is different from Australia.
 Using Like and Alike
Your bag is like my bag
Australia is like New Zealand or Australia and New Zealand are alike.
 Using ER and MORE
Australia is bigger than England
Japan is more interesting than Poland
To sound more natural and friendly, use an opinion phrase before you compare two people or
“I think that he’s more handsome.” “In my opinion, London is more expensive than Paris.” “I
reckon that Lucy is prettier than her sister.”
Grammar notes
Here are the basic grammar rules for making comparisons with nouns, verbs and adjectives.
To compare nouns
Use "more" to show an increase, and "fewer" or "less" to show a decrease. Use "fewer" for
countable nouns, and "less" for uncountable nouns.

More Fewer Less

1. More people 1. Fewer people 1. Less money
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.
10. 10. 10

To compare verbs
Use "more" to show an increase and "less" to show a decrease.
I'm sure he loves me more
He sends me more chocolates or flowers every day.
He eats less than me.
Making comparisons with adjectives

Adjective(one syllable) Comparative (final -ER) Superlative (final -EST)

Happy Happier The happiest

Adjective More than one Comparative (more- ) Superlative (The most-)

Interesting More interesting The most interesting

When the adjective ends in -y, change the -y to -i and add -er.
He's happier now he lives in the countryside.
Note: some two-syllable adjectives can have both types of endings: "more + adjective" and
"adjective + er".
Clever = cleverer / more clever gentle = gentler / more gentle cruel = crueler / more cruel
polite = politer / more polite
Irregular adjectives
Some adjectives have deferent comparative forms.
Good – better …………………………………………………………………….
Bad – worse ……………………………………………………………………
Far – further …………………………………………………………………..

Progress check
Can you complete the sentences? ………………………….
1. My brother is than my father. (tall)
2. My sister is also taller my mother.
3. Do you think that English is than French? (easy)
4. Or do you think that French is than English? (difficult)
5. But perhaps it has words than French.
6. She’s than her sister. (polite)
7. Smoking is for you than not exercising. (bad)
8. Sarah is a student than Melissa. (good)
9. Who is ? You or your brother? (old)


1. Describing food
Meat = chicken, lamb, pork, (”Red meat” is meat like beef, and “white” meat is meat like
Fish = tuna, trout, etc. (Fish comes from either the sea or from rivers.)
Seafood = prawns, shrimps, etc. (Seafood comes from the sea.)
Vegetables = green vegetables (such as cabbage or root vegetables (such as carrots and
potatoes, mushrooms, etc.
Fruit = citrus fruit (such as oranges, soft fruit (such as berry fruit (such as strawberries or
Dairy = milk, cheese, yoghurt (”yogurt” in American English), cream, butter
Grains = wheat (to make bread), etc
Oil = olive etc
Sugar = in sweet food and drinks, or added to coffee or tea
Carbohydrates / carbs = food like bread, rice and pasta
2. Meals of the day
Breakfast = what you eat in the morning……………………………………………
Lunch = what you eat anytime between 12 or 2 pm………………………………..
Dinner = what you eat in the evening………………………………………………….
Supper = a late meal in the evening………………………………………………….
Brunch = lunch and breakfast combined……………………………………………
Snack = something quick between meals……………………………………………
3. Understanding a menu
Starter / first course / hors d’oeuvre / appetizer
In many British restaurants, this is often a soup with bread.
Main course
Many restaurants offer meat, vegetarian and fish dishes. Meat
Dessert / pudding = a sweet course at the end of the meal such as cooked fruit, chocolate
mousse or ice-cream. Sometimes cheese or fruit is on the dessert menu.
4. Explaining the menu.
Dalam menerangkan menu kepada tamu sebaiknya:
 Meminta maaf kepada tamu dan beritahu kepada tamu hidangan yang telah habis
 Beritahu kepada tamu hidangan/menu special untuk saat ini
 Tawarkan cocktail atau aperitif sebelum tamu memesan makanan/minuman
 Berikanlah menu kepada tamu, sambil mengucapkan
 Berikanlah saran alternative ketika tamu bingung utuk memilih menu yang ada
 Jelaskkalah mengenai menu tersebut(bahan bahannya,proses pengerjaannya, dan
lain lain)
5. Taking and writing the guest order
1) Tanyakan apakah guest/ customer siap untuk memesan sekarang
You say:…………………………………………………………………..
2) Tuliskan pesanan guest/ customer dengan rapi, dan jelas terbaca
3) Bila semua orderan sudah ditulis, tanyakan/permisi ke tamu untuk
mengulagi/membacakan orderannya.
You say…………………………………………………………………
4) Setelah tamu selesai memesan, ucapkan terimakasih
You say…………………………………………………………………..
5) Antarkan pesanan tamu ke bagian terkait untuk diproses sambil diterangkan
6. Passing the order
 Original shit diberikan ke cashier/ food checker untuk pembuatan guest bill
 Lembar ke dua diberikan ke kitchen utuk pembuatan makanan
 Lembar ke dua dierika ke bar jika ada pesanan minuman dari bar
 Lembar ke tiga diberikan ke captain utuk ditempelkan di side board


1. Introduction
The telephone department is headed by the telephone services manager. The telephone
supervisor and telephone operator process all incoming and outgoing calls through the hotel
switchboard. Staff in this department generally possesses good language and communication
In order to provide better service, some hotels have introduced the “one-stop service”
with all guest requests being carried out through the telephone department. For example, if a
guest called in and wanted to place a booking with the coffee shop, the line would be transferred
by the telephone operator to the coffee shop in the past. With the “one stop service”, the
telephone operator will take the booking for the guest. This can speed up the booking process
and leave the guest a better impression.

2. Using an Appropriate Telephone Manner/ Telephone Courtesy

An appropriate telephone manner includes the following:
A. Using polite language at all times – regardless of the language being used by the caller
B. Using appropriate welcoming or greeting phrases – as set by the employer, the style of the
greeting should reflect the style of business involved
C. Showing enthusiasm (that is, a positive attitude or approach to the call) when taking a call – to
demonstrate the business is eager to talk to the caller and to do business with them
D. Being friendly – it is important for all those who take telephone calls to understand the need
to be friendly to all callers. This friendliness while on the telephone has been referred to as the
need to „put a smile in your voice‟ when talking on the telephone. Some people recommend
placing a mirror near the telephone or on the desk to remind users to smile while on the phone
E. It is suggested not to eat or drink during calling
F. do not be the first to close the phone before the caller
G. Making an offer of help to the caller
H. Always say thanks to the caller

3. Answering to Incoming Telephone Calls

1. Answer calls promptly, in an appropriate manner in accordance with enterprise standards
2. Offer friendly assistance to the caller, and accurately establish the purpose of the call
3. Repeat call details to the caller to confirm understanding
4. Answer caller enquiries promptly, or transfer caller to the appropriate location/person
5. Record caller requests accurately and pass on to the appropriate department/person for follow
6. Relay messages accurately to the nominated person within designated timelines
7. Report threatening or suspicious phone calls promptly to the appropriate person, in accordance
with enterprise procedures
8. Use language, tone and volume appropriate to phone calls

Situation Answer
Greet the caller, and introduce
your self
Identify the business/introduce
Make an offer of assistance

Certainly it is totally unacceptable to pick up the telephone and say: What?, Yes, Hello
All incoming calls must be answered within three rings
Use of the caller‟s name. When you know the name of the person calling it is standard practice
to use that name throughout the duration of the call
When taking a telephone call you must always be alert to the need to (as appropriate):
1. Make an initial offer of help to the caller, such as: – “Who would you like to speak to?
2. Where can I direct your call?
3. Be responsive to directing the call in accordance with the initial information provided by the
caller: It sounds as if you need to talk to our Function department, Mr Maguire. I‟ll connect
you to Mr Thomas, our Banquet Manager” – “I think you will need to talk to Peter, he’s in
charge of reservations
4. Take a message if the person the caller needs to speak with is unavailable: – “I‟m sorry Mr
Smith, Mr Grey is unavailable at the moment. Can I take a message and get him to ring you

4. Making Telephone Calls

When making telephone calls:
1. Always prepare in advance before placing a call
2. Obtain the correct telephone number
3. Determine what you want to achieve as the outcome of the call
4. Identify who you need to speak with
5. Plan what you are going to say
6. Use the workplace telephone system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and
workplace protocols
7. Identify yourself, the name of the organisation you represent and the reason for your call when
making contact with the other party
8. Do not use the workplace telephone for private calls
9. Maintain a polite and courteous manner at all times.
3. Closing telephone calls
1. Always repeat the caller intention and mssage to make it
2. Saying thanks to the caller for contacting/ calling/………………………………………………
3. Do not close the telephone before the caller closes it first.

DAY- 13

 Types of Shops
Where can you buy clothes?
Shopping centre = a big building with lots of deferent shops inside (= shopping mall in American
Boutique = a small shop, often expensive, with designer label clothes
Charity shop (goodwill in American English) = a shop where you can buy second-hand ( = not
new) clothes. The money you pay goes to charity.
Factory outlet = a shop where you can buy clothes directly from the factory that makes them.
Often these clothes (or shoes) are "samples".
Department store = a large shop with "departments" for men's clothes, women's clothes,
household objects, etc.
Chain store = a "brand" that has shops in many different towns, such as "Zara" or "H&M".
Phrases a shop assistant says
 Shopping Phrases

Phrases Answer
1. Can/could/how may I help you? 1.
2. Are you looking for anything in particular? 2.
3. Do you need any help at all? 3.
4. We are sorry We don't have any of these left 4.
in stock, there is no more of something.
5. What size are you?” 5.

1. 1. I'm looking for ……………………..

2. 2. I'd like to buy……………………….

How much does this cost, please?

Do you have this in XL?
There's a discount of 20% on this
1. Can I try this on? 1.
2. 2.No, not really. (It's the wrong size / It doesn't
really suit me.)
You can pay at the cashier
When you go shopping for clothes with a
friend, say if the clothes look good!

I think it’s a bit too small

How much is the price of/for …?
This is you bill
Clothes, bargain, cheap, expensive
Trying on, shopping, size,looks good on you!
Try on, changing rooms, pay, cashier, discount, pay cash.
Credit card, colour, suits ,too small, to fit.
Note “Colour” in British English but“color” in American English.
Clothes can be: too big, to go well with / to match
 Progress Check
Can you complete the sentences?...........................................
1. I’d like to __ a pair of jeans.
2. Do you have this in a larger _ ?
3. Is this __ sale?
4. Can I try this __ ?
5. Where are the __ rooms, please?
6. These jeans don’t __ me. They’re too big!
7. Where can I __ ? (The cashier tills are over there.)
8. These boots go well __ my jeans.
9. Which shoes do you prefer - __ ones or those ones?
10. I don’t have __ money to buy this coat. It’s too expensive!

Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
agriculture large group of cultivated plants
crop to put seeds in soil
cultivate growing plants and raising animals
produce to make something
domesticate to raise a crop from seeding to harvest
plant to tame an animal
. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.
1 water supply / irrigation
A The river is the farmer's ____ _
8 helps farmers grow crops in areas with little rainfall.
2 harvesting / farming
A includes raising animals and crops. B Far ers ai until crops are mature
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1 _ harvest
2 _ legume
3 _ melon
4 _ tuber
5 _ cereal
6 _ farmer's market
A a crop that gro s underground
B a crop ha 0 oauces grain C a crop t a~ as Dods D crops :"'a: ~a.e oeen gathered E a ' J e : a-ge s
'/eet fruit F a g'~~: ~: :a .......... e S selling crops

Farmer: Welcome to the farmer's market. C~11 ~h something?

Customer: Yes, please. I want some fresh fruit.
Farmer: These 2 are perfect. We picked them yesterday.
Customer: Oh, good. And I'd like some 3 , too. 4 ___ _ ____ are they?
Farmer: A three pound bag costs one dollar.
Customer: I'll take a bag, thanks.
Farmer: Okay. Anything else today?
Customer: Yeah. I saw your ad for 5 ___ _ Do you have that? Farmer: Yes, we do. 6
_______ _ are grown on a nearby farm.
ditch I groundwater A Irrigate the crops by digging a ____ _
B Areas with a lot of _____ are ideal for farming.
2 shortage I rainfall A With so much _____ , Dawn didn't have to water her plants.
B Many crops died due to the water
3 rain-fed I drought-resistant A Li a p efers crops since s'"'e ,es in an arid region.
S - 'e: doesn't irrigate; his crops are
1 Farmers plant small objects from which plants grow in the spring. s __ d_
2 Each plant has a different number of days until it can be harvested. d ___ t_ m a _____ y
3 Some plants require special ways in which seeds are planted. _o w _ __ e ____ _
4 To plant a arge crop, you need a large qua ! '06' of seeds.
5 :::~5: a~: oroduce seeds that pass the ... -:2' - ;:- active state. -:'----y
roots growth chart d leaves buds flowering
1 Those _____ will grow into flowers.
2 Plants absorb nutrients from the soil with their
3 Photosyn hesis occurs in the 0 a plan.
4 To eeps a detailed of his cro s tes how effective his fertilizers are.
5 plants usually produce colorful e spring. 6 -~e _ _ ___ of a quinoa plant contains ::-::0 8' -
e' -rich harvest.
«1 cool! dry A _____ the grain or the heat will ruir it. B After the harvest, _____ the wet
2 storage / mold
A Nancy is worried about getting _____ in her silo.
B Jim sold some of the grain and put the res in _ ___ _
3 silage bag / ventilation
A e e s a problem with the silo; use a
8 s orage facilities have excellent

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