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PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS All humans must eat regular, By supporting all human
sufficient meals.We must physiological needs, we can
Basic human needs such as drink enough water and get ensure that all humans have
food, water, and comfort enough sleep to allow our access to food. Water
bodies to continue to bottles are a simple solution
function. Humans need and research shows the
access to air to breathe, many benefits of hydrated
which is perhaps the most people.
primal of all physiological
needs. Human bodies also
need adequate clothing and
shelter, as humans can only
survive within a certain
range of temperatures.

SAFETY NEEDS By putting security systems By supporting human safety

like CCTV, emergency exit, needs, we can continuously
The desire for security, and by providing medical equip humans and monitor
stability, and safety insurance could be a big the climate of our classroom
help for our safety. These to decrease bullying.
needs have to do with our Develop class guidelines
natural desire for a together. Create a class
predictable, orderly world blog. Invite outside speakers
that is somewhat within our that promote service and
control. safety: police officers,
counselors, former students
who have risen above
difficult situations, etc.

SOCIAL NEEDS Social needs are things By creating special and

such as acceptance, celebratory days all year
The desire for affiliation appreciation, belonging and long: birthdays, VIP days,
including friendship and companionship. Essentially, strength day, progress days,
belonging social needs are met by colorful days, etc.
forging relationships with
other people.

ESTEEM NEEDS By developing self-respect People need to sense that

and achieving our personal they are valued and by
The desire for self-respect, goals. Unfortunately, a good others and feel that they are
and respect and recognition personality can be making a contribution to the
from others overshadowed by poor world. Participation in
mental or emotional health. professional activities,
A good sense of academic accomplishments,
contentment means that you athletic or team
work hard throughout your participation, and personal
life, leaving little time for rest hobbies can all play a role in
and play. fulfilling esteem needs.

SELF-ACTUALIZATION By practicing acceptance. We begin to explore and

NEEDS Learning to accept what model, designing, evaluating
comes — as it comes — and analyzing information
The desire for self-fulfillment can help you achieve outside of our own basic
self-actualization. needs, serving others. To
become creative thinkers,
we have to begin
discovering the problem, not
just coming up with a

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