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Research Article

Associations Between Manual

Dexterity and Language Ability
in School-Age Children
Rita Obeida,b and Patricia J. Brooksa,b

Purpose: We aimed to determine whether individual grammar, and nonverbal intelligence, after controlling for
differences in manual dexterity are associated with specific multiple comparisons. In regression analyses, manual
language skills (nonword repetition, receptive vocabulary, dexterity remained a significant predictor of nonword
and receptive grammar) after controlling for nonverbal repetition after controlling for nonverbal abilities and age.
abilities (visual–spatial working memory and intelligence). In contrast, manual dexterity was no longer significant in
Method: We assessed manual dexterity using the pegboard predicting receptive vocabulary or grammar when nonverbal
task and examined relationships with verbal and nonverbal intelligence was included as a factor in the model.
abilities in a diverse community sample of children (N = 63, Conclusions: These findings build on prior work implicating
mean age = 8;2 [year;months], range: 6;0–10;8) varying in poor fine motor control in child language disorders by
language ability (Comprehensive Evaluation of Language identifying a robust relationship between manual dexterity
Fundamentals–Fourth Edition core language score M = 105, and nonword repetition. Relationships between manual
range: 62–126; Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2003). dexterity and receptive language abilities appear to be indirect
Results: Correlational analyses indicated significant and mediated by nonword repetition. For clinicians, the results
relationships between manual dexterity and performance on underscore the importance of screening children with poor
tests of nonword repetition, receptive vocabulary, receptive fine motor control for concomitant language impairments.

linical research has shown that children with lan- a variety of motor tasks (Rechetnikov & Maitra, 2009),
guage and social communicative impairments often children with speech-language impairments exhibited lower
exhibit concomitant deficits in motor skills, which scores (mean effect size d = –0.61), slower responses (mean
encompass fine and gross motor control (see Hill, 2001; effect size d = 0.47), and higher error rates (mean effect
Leonard & Hill, 2014, for reviews). Measures of fine motor size d = 1.23) than typically developing children. Note that,
control typically require manual dexterity and visual–motor across the reported studies, the clinical samples appeared
integration, as in the pegboard task in which participants in- to be heterogeneous and included children with speech
sert grooved pegs into holes as fast as they can (Brookman, and/or language impairments (the latter called developmental
McDonald, McDonald, & Bishop, 2013). In contrast, mea- language disorder [DLD] or specific language impairment,
sures of gross motor control require coordination of whole- see D. V. M. Bishop, Snowling, Thompson, Greenhalgh,
body movements and include walking, hopping, and balance & CATALISE consortium, 2016).
tasks (Hill, 2001). In a meta-analysis of 16 studies utilizing The pegboard task is perhaps the most widely used
measure in research evaluating the motor skills of children
with speech-language impairments. A number of studies
(e.g., D. V. Bishop, 2002; Powell & Bishop, 1992; Preis,
Psychology Department, The Graduate Center, City University of Schittler, & Lenard, 1997) have observed impaired perfor-
New York, NY mance (i.e., slower response times in inserting the pegs) in
The College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, City children with speech-language impairments relative to con-
University of New York, NY trols, although some studies have failed to replicate this
Correspondence to Rita Obeid, who is now at Case Western Reserve finding (e.g., Archer, 1980). Preis et al. (1997) reported
University, Cleveland, OH: impaired performance among 4- to 12-year-old children with
Editor-in-Chief: Shelley Gray DLD on both a stylus tapping task and the pegboard task.
Editor: Kerry Ebert
D. V. Bishop and Edmundson (1987) found performance on
Received November 14, 2017
Revision received April 28, 2018
Accepted June 3, 2018 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.

982 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools • Vol. 49 • 982–994 • October 2018 • Copyright © 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
the pegboard task to predict language outcomes of children acquisition of motor skills and rule-based aspects of lan-
with language impairment assessed longitudinally from ages 4 guage, especially phonology, morphology, and syntax.
to 5.5 years. In a genetic linkage study, D. V. Bishop (2002) Ullman’s procedural deficit hypothesis (Ullman & Pierpont,
found that twins (ages 7 to 13 years) with speech and language 2005) claims that the linguistic difficulties experienced by
difficulties showed worse performance on a thumb-tapping children with DLD stem from underlying impairments in
task (Study 1) and a pegboard task (Study 2, conducted 2 to procedural learning, which differentially impact learning
3 years later) when compared with controls. Moreover, in an of sequences, probabilistic patterns, and higher order rules.
analysis of shared genetic variance, performance on the peg- This hypothesis has gained support from recent meta-analyses
board task was linked to accuracy in nonword repetition— documenting impaired performance of individuals with
a measure of phonological short-term memory (Gathercole, DLD, compared with age-matched controls, on assessments
Willis, Baddeley, & Emslie, 1994) that is often viewed as a be- of procedural learning, such as the serial reaction time task
havioral marker for DLD (D. V. Bishop, North, & Donlan, and the artificial grammar learning task (Lum, Conti-Ramsden,
1996; Conti-Ramsden, Botting, & Faragher, 2001). Morgan, & Ullman, 2014; Obeid, Brooks, Gillespie-Lynch,
Powell and Bishop (1992) extended these findings and Powers, & Lum, 2016). Ullman’s model (2001, 2004) leads
observed worse performance in a group of 6- to 12-year-olds to the prediction that manual dexterity should be more
with language impairments on a range of fine motor (e.g., strongly associated with grammatical abilities than with
bead-threading, pegboard) and gross motor tasks (e.g., vocabulary knowledge, as the latter may rely to a greater
ball-rolling with stick, ball-rolling with foot) compared with extent on the declarative memory system (Hamrick, Lum,
controls. Noterdaeme, Mildenberger, Minow, and Amorosa & Ullman, 2018).
(2002) observed difficulties in both fine motor skills (e.g., Theoretical frameworks emphasizing embodied aspects
pegboard, drawing, cutting) and gross motor skills (e.g., of cognition offer a different perspective on the relationship
stepping, stair climbing) in children (mean age = 8 years) of motor skills to language development. Under such a
with either expressive language impairment or receptive lan- framework, researchers have explored how children’s sen-
guage impairment (two separate groups) as compared with sorimotor activity, locomotion, and manual exploration
age and nonverbal IQ-matched controls. Owen and McKinlay serve as a means of discovering the affordances of physical
(1997) administered a battery of motor tasks (pegboard, fas- and social environments with direct and indirect effects on
tening buttons, threading beads, and drawing crosses) to language and cognitive development (e.g., Bates & Dick,
a group of 4- to 7-year-olds with speech and language im- 2002; Iverson, 2010; Iverson & Thelen, 1999; Thelen &
pairments and age-matched controls. They found worse Bates, 2003). The embodied cognition perspective views
performance in the clinical sample on all tasks except for semantic representations as multimodal in nature, with ac-
the drawing crosses task, which may have required a lesser cess to concepts invoking mental reenactments of sensori-
degree of manual dexterity than the other tasks. motor experience (Barsalou, 2009; James & Swain, 2011).
Under this view, motor experience and skills directly im-
pact lexical representations. Evidence in support of the em-
Theoretical Accounts Linking Motor Skills
bodied cognition perspective comes from neuroimaging
and Language Development studies showing activation of motor areas in the frontal
From a neuropsychological perspective, researchers cortex concurrent with activation of verb meanings, with
have emphasized overlapping patterns of connectivity patterns of activity in the motor cortex varying as a function
across brain regions supporting motor control, speech, and of the type of action, such as whether it involves the hands
language abilities (e.g., Diamond, 2000; Lieberman, 2000). (e.g., grab) or the legs (e.g., walk; James & Maouene, 2009).
In line with this view, Iverson and Fagan (2004) provided Bates and her colleagues (Bates, Dale, & Thal, 1995; Bates
evidence of synchronization in the production of gross & Goodman, 1997) argued that grammar and vocabulary
motor movements and vocalizations in infants as young as have inseparable developmental pathways, as evidenced by
6 to 9 months. They observed that the majority of infants high correlations between vocabulary diversity and gram-
coordinated their babbling with ongoing rhythmic limb matical complexity across childhood. Their “lexicalist” ap-
activity, which suggested that the infants’ rhythmic move- proach to grammar (Bates & Goodman, 1997) contrasts
ments were serving to entrain their speech. To the extent with the dual-route model of Ullman et al. (1997; see also
that speech and motor skills remain coupled, we would ex- Pinker 1999) and leads to the prediction that motor skills—
pect to find correlations across these two modalities over to the extent that they support language learning—should
the life span. A. M. Lieberman and Whalen (2000) have impact both vocabulary and grammar acquisition.
argued that articulatory gestures are the primary represen-
tational objects underlying both the production and per-
Empirical Work Linking Manual Dexterity
ception of speech; hence, motor control, at a very basic level,
is foundational for phonological development. With Specific Language Measures
Ullman’s work (2001, 2004) has highlighted the role To date, only a handful of studies have explored cor-
of neural circuits associated with the procedural memory relations between fine motor control (manual dexterity)
system (subsuming Broca’s area within the frontal cortex and specific language measures. Corriveau and Goswami
and the caudate nucleus within the basal ganglia) in the (2009) found that 7- to 11-year-old children with DLD were

Obeid & Brooks: Manual Dexterity and Language Ability 983

slower than controls at rhythmic finger tapping and peg- Nonword Repetition as a Behavioral Marker
board tasks. However, across the sample as a whole, per- of Language Ability
formance on the pegboard task was significantly associated
with only one language measure (phoneme deletion). On As noted above, two previous studies (D. V. Bishop,
the other hand, performance on the rhythmic finger-tapping 2002; Corriveau & Goswami, 2009) have linked individual
task correlated significantly with multiple measures (recep- differences in motor skills with nonword repetition ability;
tive vocabulary, reading, spelling, rapid color naming, hence, the current study included nonword repetition as
nonword repetition). DiDonato Brumbach and Goffman part of a battery of language assessments. The nonword
(2014) documented delays in speech motor, gross motor, repetition task is a commonly used measure of phonological
and fine motor control in 4- to 6-year-olds with DLD in short-term memory in which participants are required to
comparison to an age-matched control group. Yet, after repeat as accurately as possible a set of made-up words of
merging the two samples, only fine motor skills (and not varying lengths. Nonword repetition is a challenging task
gross motor skills) correlated with performance on a com- for many children with DLD (Dollaghan & Campbell,
posite measure of phonology and articulation (Bankson– 1998). As reported in a meta-analysis of 23 studies, chil-
Bernthal Test of Phonology; Bankson & Bernthal, 1990). dren with DLD exhibited impairments in repeating non-
In a twin study involving four hundred fifty-eight 9- and words when compared with age-matched peers, with mean
10-year-olds, Brookman et al. (2013) found that children effect sizes ranging from d = 0.52 to 1.05 for one- to four-
with language impairments showed poorer performance on syllable nonwords (Estes, Evans, & Else-Quest, 2007). Re-
the pegboard task when compared with controls; how- search has also confirmed associations between speech
ever, at the level of individual differences, they failed to motor abilities and performance on the nonword repetition
find any significant correlations between performance on task. For example, when looking at the effects of speech
the pegboard task and core language abilities. movement coordination in relation to nonword repetition,
Moving beyond the clinical literature, which has researchers have shown that both children and adults show
tended to focus on group-level comparisons of children improvements in repeating nonwords after speech motor
with language impairments and typically developing peers, training (Sasisekaran, Smith, Sadagopan, & Weber-Fox,
a handful of studies of neurotypical infants and children 2010). Children with DLD have been observed to have less
have explored links between motor control and language stable lip and jaw movements when compared with their
skills. In a large population-based longitudinal study (N = typically developing peers (Goffman, 1999) and are less
62,944), Wang, Lekhal, Aarø, and Schjølberg (2012) had able to produce stable and organized rhythmic movements
mothers complete questionnaires about their children’s mo- when producing novel word sequences (Goffman, 2004).
tor and communicative abilities at ages 1;6 (years;months) A. Smith, Goffman, Sasisekaran, and Weber-Fox (2012)
and again at 3;0. Motor skills at 1;6 correlated concur- examined nonword repetition in children who stutter: Chil-
rently with oral comprehension and word production at dren who stutter but did not have a concomitant language
1;6 and, longitudinally, with oral comprehension and pro- impairment performed as well as a typical control group,
duction of multiword utterances at age 3;0. Using data whereas children who stutter and had a language impair-
from a large national cohort (N = 12,593 children), Son ment performed poorly relative to both of the other groups.
and Meisels (2006) documented associations between These findings suggest that nonword repetition ability is
visual–motor skills, assessed via drawing and copying tasks more closely related to language ability than to speech fluency.
in kindergarten, and achievement in reading and mathe- The nonword repetition task has garnered much in-
matics in first grade, after controlling for prior abilities. terest due to its associations with word learning and vocab-
Similarly, in a longitudinal study of 73 children, Doyen, ulary development, which extend to typically developing
Lambert, Dumas, and Carlier (2017) found manual dex- children and adolescents, foreign language learners, and
terity, assessed using the pegboard task in kindergarten, to children and adults with language impairments (for re-
predict children’s reading abilities measured a year later views, see Coady & Evans, 2008; Gathercole, 2006). In
in first grade. an early study, Gathercole and Baddeley (1990) found that
Taken together, these studies fail to provide a con- 5- to 6-year-old children who performed poorly at non-
sensus view of the relationship of fine motor control to word repetition also struggled in learning the unfamiliar
specific language skills. In light of the theoretical debates names of toy animals. Similarly, Michas and Henry (1994)
about the interrelatedness of perceptual–motor function- observed 5-year-old children’s nonword repetition accuracy
ing and language development, the current study was to correlate significantly with their success in a word-learning
conducted. We focused on children in the early elemen- task. Extending this to foreign language learning, Service
tary grades (ages 6 to 10 years) with the aim of exploring (1992) observed that Finnish 9- and 10-year-old children
the robustness of relationships between manual dexterity, who were better at nonword repetition were also better at
assessed via the pegboard task, and fundamental language learning new English vocabulary. Using longitudinal designs,
skills (receptive vocabulary, receptive grammar, and non- researchers have demonstrated the robustness of the link
word repetition) to shed light on mechanisms under- between nonword repetition and vocabulary development
lying putative relationships between motor and language while emphasizing its bidirectionality (e.g., Gathercole, Willis,
development. Emslie, & Baddeley, 1992; Melby-Lervåg et al., 2012).

984 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools • Vol. 49 • 982–994 • October 2018
Children with larger vocabularies show considerable advan- of nonverbal intelligence (Brown, Sherbenou, & Johnsen,
tages in nonword repetition, perhaps due to their ability to 1997) and an assessment of visual–spatial working memory
use their existing vocabularies to help them remember the intended for school-aged children, that is, the one-shape
nonwords (Bowey, 2001; Metsala, 1999). Hence, in the cur- array memory task (Cowan, AuBuchon, Gilchrist, Ricker,
rent study, we expected to find a strong correlation be- & Saults, 2011) as control variables in analyses.
tween receptive vocabulary and nonword repetition ability.
Research Aims
Impact of Nonverbal Abilities The current study sought to examine whether manual
Diamond (2000) has linked cognitive and motor func- dexterity, assessed via the pegboard task, was associated
tioning to the protracted development of brain regions, with individual differences in specific language skills in
including the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum, that sub- a community sample of school-age children with a broad
serve coordination, cognitive control, and working mem- range of language ability. We included nonword repetition
ory (see also Rosenbaum, Carlson, & Gilmore, 2001). as prior work documents its significance in distinguishing
Under this view, motor skills are expected to show rela- children with language impairments from age-matched peers
tionships with a broad set of cognitive abilities, including (D. V. Bishop et al., 1996; Conti-Ramsden et al., 2001)
nonverbal intelligence and visual–spatial working memory, and receptive measures of vocabulary and grammar to eval-
as well as language. Clinical research has supported this uate claims of competing theoretical accounts that impli-
conjecture by suggesting comorbid motor impairments in cate motor skills in language development. Our research
children with intellectual disabilities (Howe, 1959; Rintala questions were as follows:
& Loovis, 2013; Vuijk, Hartman, Scherder, & Visscher,
1. Is manual dexterity associated with individual differ-
2010; Wuang, Wang, Huang, & Su, 2008).
ences in nonword repetition, receptive vocabulary, and
In addition to group-level comparisons of motor
receptive grammar?
skills in children with and without intellectual disabilities,
researchers have documented interrelationships between 2. Do these relationships remain significant after control-
motor control and cognitive functioning in samples of ling for individual differences in nonverbal abilities?
typically developing children (e.g., Davis, Pitchford, & 3. Is the relationship of manual dexterity to language skills
Limback, 2011; Jenni, Chaouch, Caflisch, & Rousson, direct or indirect?
2013; Martin, Tigera, Denckla, & Mahone, 2010; Pangelinan
et al., 2011; Roebers & Kauer, 2009). In a longitudinal study
of over 200 children from ages 7 to 18 years, Jenni et al. Method
(2013) documented relationships between various measures
of gross and fine motor control and general intelligence
(assessed via a German version of the Wechsler Intelli- Sixty-three children took part in the study (33 girls;
gence Scale for Children [Tewes, 1983] with subscores re- 30 boys, mean age = 8;2, SD = 1;3, range: 6;0–10;8); all
ported for performance, visuomotor, and verbal IQ). In this children were native speakers of American English living
study, individual differences in manual dexterity assessed in the New York metropolitan area. Children were re-
via the pegboard task correlated with both performance and cruited either through a child subject pool at an urban
visuomotor IQ (measured using tasks of block design and public university or using flyers posted at the university
object assembly) but not with verbal IQ. Roebers and Kauer and local convenience stores. Families were compensated
(2009) examined relationships between performance on mea- with $20 gift cards for each session. Informed consent was
sures of gross and fine motor control, including the pegboard obtained from parents and verbal assent from children.
task, and executive functioning in 7-year-old children. Per- Parental report of race/ethnicity was as follows: 63.5%
formance on the pegboard task showed significant associ- White, 12.7% Black/African American, 6.3% Middle Eastern,
ations with both the Simon task (a measure of inhibitory 4.8% Latino/a, 1.6% Asian, 11.1% mixed. Parental and child
control) and the measure of cognitive flexibility/working mem- self-report indicated that 58 children were right-handed
ory. Pangelinan et al. (2011) used magnetic resonance and five were left-handed. All families reported English as
imaging to explore linkages between manual dexterity and the child’s primary language, although 10 families reported
intelligence in a sample of typically developing children. that an additional language was in use at home.1
The researchers documented correlations between full-scale All children were given the Clinical Evaluation of
IQ and performance on the pegboard task and between IQ Language Fundamentals–Fourth Edition (CELF-4; Semel,
and measures of brain volume in the cerebellum and cau- Wiig, & Secord, 2003) test, which provides a global as-
date nucleus (i.e., brain regions subserving motor control). sessment of expressive and receptive language abilities. As
These studies suggest that motor control plays a role children at different ages were required to complete different
in the development of nonverbal and verbal abilities and subtests of the CELF-4, we did not include this measure in
indicate the need to control for nonverbal abilities when
assessing the role of motor control in language development. 1
All results reported in this article still held when excluding the 10 bilingual
In the current study, we included a standardized assessment children.

Obeid & Brooks: Manual Dexterity and Language Ability 985

any analyses but used the standardized scores to provide In addition to these standardized tests, children were
descriptive information about the sample. Note that stan- given a computerized version of the nonword repetition
dardized scores on the CELF-4 follow a normal distribu- task adapted from Edwards, Beckman, and Munson (2004)
tion with μ = 100 and σ = 15. The current sample scored and Munson, Kurtz, and Windsor (2005) and run on an
slightly above these expected values: M = 106 (SD = 13) Acer laptop computer using E-Prime 2.0 software (Schneider,
for expressive language, M = 105 (SD = 15) for receptive Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002). Thirty 3- and 4-syllable non-
language, M = 105 (SD = 14) for total (core language) scores. words (e.g., /hesɚlәm/, /mæsɚtɑlәn/), recorded by a female
native speaker of English, were presented in a random or-
der in two blocks of 15 trials. At each syllable length, there
Materials and Measures were equal numbers of nonwords with high versus low
Assessment of Manual Dexterity phonotactic probability. On each trial, a nonword was pre-
The Grooved Pegboard (Lafayette Evaluation, sented auditorily over speakers, and the child was instructed
Lafayette Instruments # 32025) was used to assess manual to repeat it as soon as a blue cross fixation symbol ap-
dexterity (i.e., fine motor control). The pegboard has 25 key- peared on the computer screen (100 ms after the offset of
shaped holes arranged in a 5 × 5 matrix. Below the grid of the nonword). All responses were audio-recorded and scored
holes is a circular receptacle where the key-shaped pegs are as correct or incorrect. To establish coding reliability, two
placed. Participants were instructed to place a peg in each trained research assistants independently scored 20% of
of the holes by rotating the peg to match the shape of the the data (i.e., 390 trials from 13 participants). Interrater
hole. Participants completed this task using their dominant agreement was 94%. The proportion of correct responses
and nondominant hand in a counterbalanced order. In ac- served as the outcome variable. Because of violations of
cordance with instructions in the manual, trained research normality, we arcsine transformed the proportions prior
assistants used a stopwatch to manually time how long it took to statistical analyses based on recommendations from
the child to insert all of the pegs, with completion time in Cohen and Cohen (1983).
seconds used as a measure of fine motor control. To obtain
a measure of manual dexterity, we averaged completion Assessments of Nonverbal Abilities
times for the two hands. Note that there was a strong cor- Children were given the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–
relation between the dominant and nondominant hand per- Third Edition (TONI-3; Brown et al., 1997), which pro-
formance on the pegboard task, r(63) = .72, p < .001.2 vides a language-free measure of intelligence, aptitude, ab-
stract reasoning, and problem-solving. The test consists
of 60 items arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Par-
Assessments of Verbal Abilities ticipants were presented with a series of shapes that are set
Children were given standardized assessments of re- in a specific pattern. Participants were then required to
ceptive vocabulary and grammar. Trained research assistants choose from a series of four to six shapes the shape that best
calculated raw and standardized scores for each test, with completes the pattern. We calculated raw and standardized
all scores double-checked for accuracy. The Peabody Picture scores for the test but used raw scores in all analyses.
Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition (PPVT-4; Dunn & Dunn, The one-shape array memory task (Cowan et al., 2011)
2007) served as a standardized measure of receptive vocab- was used to assess visual–spatial working memory. The
ulary. In this test, the participant is provided with sets of task was run on an Acer laptop computer using E-Prime
four pictures and instructed to point to the picture that best 2.0 software (Schneider et al., 2002). Participants were
illustrates the meaning of a word spoken aloud. The test instructed to attend to a set of two, three, four, or six col-
terminates after the participant makes a specified number ored circles that appeared in a grid of 12 squares (see
of errors at a given level. The Test for the Reception of Figure 1). To keep the children interested, they were told
Grammar–Second Edition (TROG-2; D. V. M. Bishop, 2003) that the grid represented a classroom with each colored cir-
served as a standardized measure of receptive grammar. cle representing an individual student. On each trial, the
In this test, the participant is provided with sets of four grid appeared for 500 ms with several circles in it; after
pictures and instructed to point to the picture that best il- 500 ms, it reappeared with only a single-colored circle pres-
lustrates the meaning of a sentence spoken aloud. Each ent and a door icon to the right of the grid.
participant is tested on 20 grammatical contrasts (80 trials If the colored circle was in the correct place (no change
total). For both of these standardized tests, we used raw trial), the child was instructed to click on the colored circle
scores as the outcome measure and controlled for age in (the “student”). If the colored circle was in the wrong place
the statistical analyses. Use of raw scores on standardized (location change trial), the child was instructed to click
assessments avoids interpretative problems associated with on the box (the “seat”) in which the colored circle (“stu-
including scores from tests lacking age norms in the same dent”) belonged (i.e., its original location). If the colored
set of statistical analyses as standardized (age-adjusted) circle (“student”) did not belong anywhere in the class-
scores. room (a new color trial), the child was instructed to click
on a door to “send the student to the principal.” Partici-
Analyses with the pegboard task remain the same when using only pants were given 10 practice trials and 32 test trials (16 no
the dominant hand or when including only right-handed children. change, eight location change, eight new color) in a random

986 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools • Vol. 49 • 982–994 • October 2018
Figure 1. Examples of trials in the one-shape array memory task (Cowan et al., 2011).

order. Responses on test trials were scored as correct/ correlated significantly with both measures of receptive
incorrect by the E-Prime program. Proportions of correct language (PPVT-4 and TROG-2) but not with nonword rep-
responses were tabulated; arcsine-transformed proportions etition. Performance on the pegboard task showed signifi-
were used in all statistical analyses (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). cant negative correlations with all of the variables, except
for the array memory task, with faster response times as-
sociated with higher scores on language and nonverbal
Procedure intelligence tests. All of the tasks except TROG-2 and non-
Participation took place over two sessions conducted word repetition showed significant associations with age
in a laboratory at a large urban public university, with (in months) after controlling for multiple comparisons; note
each session lasting up to 2 hr. Children completed the lan- that the nonsignificant correlations between age and TROG-2,
guage and nonverbal tasks in a counterbalanced order. r(61) = .27, p = .031, and between age and nonword repeti-
Trained research assistants supervised by the first author tion, r(61) = .29, p = .020, were in the predicted direction.
assisted with data collection.

Regression Analyses Exploring Individual

Results Differences in Language Abilities
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for each of the To examine relationships between manual dexterity
language and nonverbal tasks. Table 2 presents zero-order and specific language abilities, we ran a series of regression
correlations between assessments and age (Bonferroni- models with receptive vocabulary (PPVT-4 raw scores),
adjusted α = .0024). As expected, all of the language mea- receptive grammar (TROG-2 raw scores), and nonword
sures (PPVT-4, TROG-2, nonword repetition) were highly repetition (% correct) as outcome measures, see Table 3.
correlated with one another. Performance on the TONI-3 When creating the regression models, we entered variables

Table 1. Mean scores for verbal and nonverbal assessments and standard deviations in parentheses, N = 63.

Task Domain Raw scores Raw score range Standardized scores Standardized range

Pegboard Manual dexterity 98.2 s (24.3) 60.6–166.0 s — —

PPVT–4 Receptive vocabulary 146.4 (22.0) 90–183 112.7 (15.5) 72–146
TROG–2 Receptive grammar 14.9 (3.5) 5–20 102.4 (16.0) 62–130
Nonword repetition Phonological working memory 70.8% (14.2%) 36.7%–96.7% — —
Array memory Visual–spatial working memory 64.5% (14.2%) 28.1%–87.5% — —
TONI-3 Nonverbal intelligence 113.8 (14.2) 4–34 20.9 (6.6) 81–144

Note. Em dashes indicate data not [obtained/reported/available]. PPVT-4 = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition; TROG-2 =
Test for the Reception of Grammar–Second Edition; TONI-3 = Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–Third Edition.

Obeid & Brooks: Manual Dexterity and Language Ability 987

Table 2. Zero-order correlations between all outcome and predictor variables, N = 63.

Pegboard PPVT-4 TROG-2 Nonword repetition Array memory TONI-3

Age –.50* .49* .27 .29 .41* .45*

Pegboard — –.48* –.42* –.42* –.32 –.46*
PPVT-4 — .70* .55* .39* .52*
TROG-2 — .49* .36** .59*
Nonword repetition — .21 .23
Array memory — .36**

Note. PPVT-4 = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Fourth Edition; TROG-2 = Test for the Reception of Grammar—Second Edition.
*p < .0024 Bonferroni-adjusted alpha. **p < .0036.

in two separate blocks. In Block 1, we entered age (months) and accounted for 18.2% of the variance. Note that per-
and pegboard as predictors; this is presented as Model 1 in formance on the pegboard task, t(60) = −2.82, p = .007,
Table 3. In Block 2, we added nonverbal cognitive abilities, but not age, t(60) = 0.61, p = .54, predicted receptive gram-
that is, the array memory task and nonverbal intelligence mar scores. Model fit improved substantially with nonver-
(TONI-3 raw scores), as additional factors; this is presented bal abilities included as predictors, ΔF(2, 58) = 10.85, p <
as Model 2 in Table 3. Collinearity diagnostics indicated .001, ΔR2 = 22.3%. In the expanded model, the effect of
that all variance inflation factors were below 1.4, and toler- manual dexterity was no longer significant, t(58) = −1.63,
ance values were above 0.2; observation of probability- p = .11, and nonverbal intelligence was the only signifi-
probability plots showed that the assumption of normality cant factor, t(58) = 4.06, p < .001.
was met (Field, 2009). With nonword repetition as the outcome variable,
With PPVT-4 raw scores as the outcome variable, Model 1 was significant, F(2, 60) = 6.84, p = .002, and
Model 1 was significant, F(2, 60) = 13.48, p < .001. Both accounted for 18.6% of the variation. Response times on
age, t(60) = 2.65, p = .01, and the pegboard task, t(60) = the pegboard task, t(60) = −2.72, p = .008, but not age,
−1.54, p = .01, predicted receptive vocabulary scores and, t(60) = 0.81, p = .42, predicted accuracy in nonword repe-
together, accounted for 28.7% of the variance. Model fit tition. Model fit did not improve when nonverbal abilities
improved significantly when nonverbal abilities (array mem- were included as predictors, ΔF(2, 58) = 0.11, p = .90,
ory task and TONI-3) were included as factors in Model 2, ΔR2 = 0.3%. As shown in Table 3, performance on the
ΔF(2, 58) = 4.18, p = .02, ΔR2 = 8.7%. In the expanded pegboard task remained significant in predicting nonword
model, the effect of manual dexterity was no longer sig- repetition after accounting for nonverbal abilities, t(58) =
nificant, t(58) = –1.65, p = .10, and nonverbal intelligence −2.46, p = .02.
(TONI-3) was the only significant factor, t(58) = 2.34, p = .02.
With TROG-2 raw scores as the outcome variable,
Model 1 was again significant, F(2, 60) = 6.66, p = .002, Indirect Effects of Manual Dexterity
on Receptive Language
Having established a link between manual dexterity
Table 3. Standardized regression coefficients with language measures
as the outcome variables. and nonword repetition and robust intercorrelations be-
tween nonword repetition with receptive language abilities
Nonword (see Table 2), we explored possible indirect effects of
Predictors PPVT-4 TROG-2 repetition manual dexterity on receptive vocabulary and grammar.
Using the PROCESS macro in SPSS (Hayes & Preacher,
Model 1: 2014), we conducted mediation analyses with receptive vo-
Age (months) .33* .08 .11
Pegboard –.31* –.38** –.37**
cabulary (PPVT-4 raw scores) and grammar (TROG-2
R2 total .31 .18 .19 raw scores) as outcome measures, nonword repetition as
F (2, 60) 13.48*** 6.66** 6.84** the mediator variable, and manual dexterity as the inde-
Model 2: pendent variable. Nonverbal intelligence and age were
Age (months) .20 –.12 .09
treated as covariates as both of these variables had been
Pegboard –.20 –.20 –.35*
TONI-3 .28* .49*** .01 significant in prior regression models. The mediation analy-
Array memory .14 .17 .56 ses used a bootstrap estimation approach with 1,000 samples
R2 total .40 .40 .13 and 95% confidence intervals.
F (2, 58) 9.55*** 9.85*** 3.37* With PPVT-4 scores as the outcome variable, the
Note. PPVT-4 = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition; mediation analysis confirmed a significant indirect effect of
TROG-2 = Test for the Reception of Grammar–Second Edition. manual dexterity on receptive vocabulary that was medi-
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001. ated by nonword repetition, Z = –2.06, p = .039; β = –.14,
CI [–0.31, –0.03]. With regard to direct effects, both nonword

988 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools • Vol. 49 • 982–994 • October 2018
repetition, t(58) = 3.86, p < .001, and nonverbal intelligence, Verbal Comprehension subtest of the British Ability Scales,
t(58) = 2.80, p = .007, were significant in predicting PPVT-4 and nonverbal intelligence (Leiter International Performance
scores, and manual dexterity was significant in predicting Scale; Leiter, 1948). Although Bishop and Edmundson’s
nonword repetition, t(59) = –2.52, p = .014. Age was sample was younger than the children in our study, the
not significant in the analysis. Likewise, with TROG-2 overall pattern of their results appears to be similar to
scores as the outcome variable, the mediation analysis indi- ours in demonstrating broad associations between motor
cated a significant indirect effect of manual dexterity on recep- control, language, and nonverbal skills.
tive grammar mediated by nonword repetition, Z = –2.00, Taken as a whole, the full set of correlations shown
p = .046; β = –.13, CI [–0.29, –0.02]. With regard to direct in Table 2 provide evidence of a positive manifold in abili-
effects, both nonword repetition, t(58) = 3.54, p < .001, and ties, where individual differences in performance across
nonverbal intelligence, t(58) = 4.71, p < .001, predicted disparate tasks exhibit positive linkages suggestive of
TROG-2 scores, and manual dexterity predicted nonword bidirectional influences and interactions across modalities
repetition, t(59) = –2.52, p = .014. Age was not significant in (cf. Kievit et al., 2017; van der Maas et al., 2006). Al-
the analysis. though not all of the correlations were significant after
Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons, the over-
all pattern was consistent: Response times on the pegboard
Discussion task exhibited negative relationships with scores on lan-
Difficulties in motor control have been documented in guage and nonverbal tests (i.e., greater manual dexterity
children with speech-language disorders (Leonard & Hill, was associated with higher test scores), whereas other tasks
2014; Rechetnikov & Maitra, 2009), yet few studies have (verbal and nonverbal) showed positive associations. After
demonstrated links between motor skills and specific lan- noting a wide range of associations in performance across
guage abilities. The current study explored relationships cognitive and motor tasks, Diamond (2000) proposed that
between manual dexterity (grooved pegboard task), re- maturation of neural circuits connecting brain regions,
ceptive language (vocabulary and grammar), and nonword such as the striatum, the neocerebellum, and dorsolateral
repetition in a community sample of school-age children prefrontal cortex, might underlie correlated developments
with a broad range of language abilities. In addition to ex- in motor and cognitive control, executive functioning, and
amining relationships between motor and language skills, working memory. Evidence of such interdependencies also
we included assessments of nonverbal intelligence and visual– aligns well with dynamic systems models of development
spatial working memory, as existing research suggests broad (e.g., Iverson, 2010; Rosenbaum et al., 2001; L. B. Smith,
linkages between cognitive and perceptual–motor skills 2013), as will be discussed further below.
(Davis et al., 2011; Roebers & Kauer, 2009), as well as be-
tween nonverbal cognitive abilities and language (Gallinat Direct and Indirect Influences of Manual
& Spaulding, 2014; Vugs, Cuperus, Hendriks, & Verhoeven,
Dexterity on Language Subskills
2013). In discussing our findings, we start by examining
the overall pattern of correlations across motor, language, In an effort to disentangle direct and indirect effects
and nonverbal assessments and, then, focus the remaining of manual dexterity on nonword repetition, receptive vocab-
discussion on relating manual dexterity to specific lan- ulary, and receptive grammar, we conducted a series of
guage subskills and theoretical models. regression analyses controlling for age and nonverbal abili-
ties. In the models for receptive vocabulary and grammar,
the effect of manual dexterity became nonsignificant when
Intercorrelations Across Disparate Tasks nonverbal intelligence was added as a factor. In contrast,
In the current study, manual dexterity was signifi- for nonword repetition, the effect of manual dexterity
cantly associated with all three language assessments after remained significant. The observed relationship between
controlling for multiple comparisons, and it also showed a performance on the pegboard task and nonword repeti-
significant relationship with nonverbal intelligence (TONI-3 tion confirms D. V. Bishop’s (2002) research, which doc-
scores). These findings are largely consistent with those umented similar findings in a genetic linkage study. Note
of an early study (D. V. Bishop & Edmundson, 1987), also that the lack of an association between nonword repe-
which examined performance on the pegboard task at ages tition and both measures of nonverbal ability aligns with
4, 4.5, and 5.5 years in relation to a battery of language other studies (e.g., Engel de Abreu, Conway, & Gathercole,
assessments that included tests of receptive vocabulary 2010) indicating the absence of a significant relationship
(British Picture Vocabulary Scale; Dunn, Dunn, Whetton, between measures of fluid intelligence and phonological
& Pintillie, 1982) and grammar (Test for the Reception of short-term memory.
Grammar; Bishop, 1983). At ages 4.5 and 5.5 years, manual Given that a strong association between accuracy in
dexterity correlated significantly with all of the standard- nonword repetition and receptive grammar and vocabulary
ized language tests and with the mean length of children’s was evident in our data (see also Bowey, 2001; Metsala,
utterances. At age 4 years, manual dexterity correlated 1999), we conducted a series of mediation analyses, with
significantly with two expressive language tests (Action nonverbal intelligence and age as covariates, to deter-
Picture Test, Bus Story Test; Renfrew, 1997, 2010), the mine whether manual dexterity had a significant indirect

Obeid & Brooks: Manual Dexterity and Language Ability 989

relationship on receptive language measures (vocabulary from producing single-word to multiword speech (ages 10–
and grammar). The mediation analyses provided evidence 20 months). They found that toddlers often used gestures
of direct effects of nonverbal intelligence and nonword to refer to objects prior to learning their names; in other
repetition on receptive language, as well as a significant in- words, lexicalized concepts were often expressed first in the
direct effect of manual dexterity mediated by nonword manual modality and only later in speech. Moreover, the
repetition skill. In other words, manual dexterity explained occurrence of gesture-plus-word combinations in which the
residual variance in receptive language abilities via its gesture added information not expressed by the word (e.g.,
relationship with nonword repetition (phonological short- pointing at a cookie and saying “eat”), predicted the subse-
term memory). quent occurrence of two-word utterances (e.g., “eat cookie”;
As outlined in the Introduction section, various theo- see also Özçalışkan and Goldin-Meadow [2009]). Argu-
retical accounts have proposed connections between motor ably, the use of a deictic gesture (e.g., show or point) func-
skills and language development with somewhat different tioned similarly to a pronoun (e.g., it or that) in allowing
implications for phonological, lexical, and grammatical the toddlers to adapt their limited communicative reperto-
development. The robust relationship between manual dex- ries to ever-changing communicative contexts.
terity and nonword repetition seems to fit the predictions Other research suggests that attainment of motor
of speech motor theorists emphasizing connections between milestones correlates with advances in children’s language
phonological abilities, motor control, and articulatory ges- development. Oudgenoeg-Paz, Volman, and Leseman
tures (P. Lieberman, 2000; A. M. Lieberman & Whalen, (2012) assessed infants longitudinally from ages 16 to
2000), as well as more domain-general theories emphasizing 28 months and found earlier development of sitting and
a common neural substrate underlying the procedural learn- walking to predict expressive vocabulary size and a steeper
ing of cognitive and motor skills (Diamond, 2000; Ullman, rate of vocabulary growth. In a subsequent longitudinal
2001, 2004). study of infants from 12 to 23 months, Longobardi,
In line with a domain-general approach to DLD, Spataro, and Rossi-Arnaud (2014) confirmed the positive
Ullman and Pierpont (2005) proposed the procedural def- association between motor skills (e.g., crawling, walk-
icit hypothesis, suggesting that DLD is associated with ing, climbing) and acquisition of expressive vocabulary,
an underlying impairment involving the neural substrates while demonstrating that this relationship was mediated
of cognitive–motor skills acquisition. Such impairments by individual differences in infants’ production of gestures.
would impede learning of sequential and rule-based aspects Dynamic systems theorists, emphasizing mutual inter-
of language (phonology and grammar) more so than vo- dependencies across disparate aspects of development,
cabulary, which is supported to a greater extent by de- have suggested ways that achievement of motor milestones
clarative memory (Hamrick et al., 2018). Although the might have cascading effects on language and cognitive
demonstrated link between manual dexterity and nonword development (Rosenbaum et al., 2001; L. B. Smith, 2013).
repetition fits with Ullman’s views, we failed to find any As shown by Kretch, Franchak, and Adolph (2014), changes
evidence for a heightened relationship between motor con- in posture that accompany locomotor development dra-
trol and children’s grammatical abilities. That is, the ob- matically alter infants’ views of the world. That is, by walk-
served indirect relationship of motor control to receptive ing upright, as opposed to crawling, infants transition from
language, mediated by nonword repetition, was identical looking mostly at the floor to being able to see their care-
for vocabulary and grammar. Thus, this aspect of our re- givers and other interesting sites that are in front of them.
sults appears to be more consistent with the lexicalist These disparate experiences impact how infants engage
framework of Bates and Goodman (1997) than with the with and explore objects, which, in turn, alter their social
words versus rules framework of Pinker and Ullman (cf. interactions with caregivers (Clearfield, 2011; L. B. Smith,
Pinker, 1999; Ullman et al., 1997), which proposes a 2013). For example, Karasik, Tamis-LeMonda, and
common mechanism, as opposed to distinct mechanisms, Adolph (2014) documented how infants’ locomotor devel-
for acquisition of vocabulary and grammar. opment impacts the quality of child-directed (maternal)
speech by comparing 14-month-olds who were crawlers
with age-matched peers who were already walking. Both
Broader Implications of Motor
crawling and walking infants often showed interesting
Development for Language objects to their mothers, yet differed in the extent to which
Moving beyond manual dexterity, the literature they made such communicative bids while in motion. Crawl-
points to relationships between motor skills and language ing infants typically showed objects from a stationary posi-
ability that may be fruitful to pursue in future research. tion (e.g., while seated), whereas walkers more often made
It is now widely recognized that children learn words at bids while in transit to their mother. This, in turn, im-
around the same time that they learn to express themselves pacted how the mothers responded. When infants showed
via gesture, with expressions in either modality used for objects to their mother while in transit, the mother often
similar communicative purposes in a mutually supportive replied with an action directive (e.g., Bring it here), which
fashion (Volterra, Caselli, Caprici, & Pizzuto, 2005). In a encouraged further interaction. In contrast, when infants
longitudinal study, Iverson and Goldin-Meadow (2005) ex- held up objects from stationary positions, the mother was
amined toddlers’ speech and gestures as they transitioned more likely to respond with general affirmation or ignore

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ment of this project as a dissertation. We also thank Benjamin Corriveau, K. H., & Goswami, U. (2009). Rhythmic motor entrain-
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994 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools • Vol. 49 • 982–994 • October 2018
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