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1. A uniform disc of 150 mm diameter has a mass of 5 kg. It is

mounted centrally in bearings which maintain its axle in a
horizontal plane. The disc spins about it axle with a constant
speed of 1000 r.p.m. while the axle precesses uniformly about
the vertical at 60 r.p.m. The directions of rotation are as shown
in Fig. If the distance between the bearings is 100 mm, find the
resultant reaction at each bearing due to the mass and
gyroscopic effects.

2. A uniform disc having a mass of 8kg and radius of gyration of

150 mm is mounted on one end of a horizontal arm of 200 mm
length. The other end of the arm can rotate freely in a universal
bearing. The disc is given a clockwise spin of 240 rpm as seen
from the disc end of the arm. Determine the motion of the disc
if the arm remains horizontal.

3. An aero plane flying at 240 kmph turns towards the left and
completes a quarter circle of 60m radius. The mass of the rotary
engine and the propeller of the plane is 450 kg with radius of
gyration of 320 mm. The engine speed is 2000 rpm clockwise
when viewed from the rear. Determine the gyroscopic couple on
the aircraft and state its effect.

4. The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2.2 tons and rotates
at 1800 rpm clockwise when viewed from the aft. The radius of
gyration of the rotor is 320mm. Determine the gyroscopic couple
and its effect when the
a. Ship turns right at a radius of 250 m with a speed of 25
b. Ship pitches with the bow rising at an angular velocity of
0.8 rad/s
c. Ship rolls at an angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s

5. The rotor of the turbine of a ship has a mass of 2500kg and

rotates at a speed of 3200 rpm counter-clockwise when viewed
from stern. The rotor has radius of gyration of 0.4 m. Determine
the gyroscopic couple and its effect when
a. The ship steers to the left in a curve of 80 m radius at a
speed of 15 knots (1 knot = 1860 m/h)
b. The ship pitches 5degrees above and 5 degrees below the
normal position and the bow is descending with its
maximum velocity – the pitching motion is SHM with a
periodic time of 40 seconds.
c. The ship rolls and at the instant, its angular velocity is 0.4
rad/s clockwise when viewed from stern.
Also find the maximum angular acceleration during pitching.

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