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This text is the form of an advertisement from the banking company HSBC.

The text has

bright red gutters and borders which are also the color of their logo. It displays three
different pictures - a woman winning a prize (supposedly beauty pageant judging from
the crown she’s wearing, the sash and the bouquet of flowers), an astronaut walking on
the moon and a child tying their shoelaces. All the pictures also have the word
‘accomplishment’ written on them. The lines “The more you look at the world, the more
you recognise what really matters to people” are written on the side of the ad. HSBC’s
tagline “The world’s local bank” and their website is also linked in the ad.

The red from the borders and HSBC’s logo link together well and work to bring the
whole advertisement together. The red is also a good color to choose for an ad like this
as it attracts attention and stimulates viewers. The font used is a simple yet classic one
with a wholesome feel to it which may provide comfort to viewers as opposed to a
flashier font. The lack of gutters indicate that the creators of the ad wanted the viewers
to see the pictures as one without giving them any time to process a single image
before moving on to the next one. They may have wanted the viewers to process the
pictures as a single photo.

The repetition of the word ‘accomplishment’ conveys the message that no matter how
small or big an accomplishment seems from a subjective point of view, it holds the same
value to the person achieving the task. This gives the viewers a sense of validation as it
reiterates the fact that even though tying a shoelace or winning a beauty pageant may
not be considered as highly of as walking on the moon, it is in fact still an
accomplishment while being equally as important and valuable. This idea and concept
illustrated in the advertisement brings viewers in, thus making it more effective.

The scales of accomplishments differ in the text ranging from medium to big to small,
left to right respectively. These accomplishments are also achieved in different areas
and times in lives, the beauty pageant winner and astronaut seemingly being in their
teens-to early twenties and late twenties to early thirties respectively while a child is
tying their shoelaces. To a child, tying their shoelaces would feel the same as walking
on the moon and to a beauty pageant contestant, winning; this idea is reinforced
throughout the text.

The ad, especially the picture of the child tying their shoelaces may help target parents
as tying shoelaces is an achievement for a child and their parents. Seeing this picture
may also remind parents of their current or future children and allow them to think about
their children’s financial security. This in turn will push them to put away money for their
children in HSBC bank as it is one of the services offered by them.
All of these factors combined make for a very effective and successful advertisement as
it caters to a wide target audience. It has the ability to identify itself with a large number
of viewers who may be motivated to secure their futures. The company’s tagline “The
world’s local bank” also resonates with the advertisement as it emphasizes that HSBC is
dedicated to make everyone from everywhere feel seen and understands their personal
wants and needs no matter how different they may be from someone else’s.

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