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Activity no.

4 - Food and Beverage Personnel Interview

- Interview an LPU alumna/alumnus of LPU Batangas who works in the food and
beverage department of a hotel, restaurant, cruise ship, airline catering, or any related in
the food service industry. (Manager, supervisor, server, etc.,) and seek positive
experiences they can share when they chose to work in the F&B department.

Group members:
Flores, Rhyven
Manigbas, Mark Dominic
Platon, Tricia Mae

Interviewee: Ms. Angelica Teñoso Quiring

Demographic profile of the respondent:

Name: Angelica Quiring
Age: 23
Course: Cruise line in Hotel Services
Current Work: Food & Beverage Services
Position: Branch Manager
Place of work: Colorado, USA

1. What position is the best for fresh graduates?

- LOWEST POSITION, where you can learn the smallest thing about the business and
experience the hardest part so you’ll be able to know even the deepest thing when you already
taking any higher positions.
2. What positions are commonly available in the F&B dept. as fresh graduates?
- Food Runner
- Busser
3. What advice do you have for aspiring and future F&B personnel like us? Can you give
us some pointers on how to be successful in the field of food and beverage service?
- Be an empty jar, where you can fill it with new learnings and experiences. Being empty
doesn’t mean that you’re nothing to prove or you’ll pretend that you don’t know anything. It’s about
that you’ll entering the real world of WORK/Job. You need to learn and listen starting from the
person who’ll train you to start. Try your best to take all the advices and practice every details of
your job. And explore! It’s okay to make mistakes and TRY again. Work hard!

4. What are the benefits in working in a F&B dept?

- For me, is to learn to deal gracefully with different people and even with difficult people.
Get to bond with co-workers. And also, I get strong arms working in F&B department and for me
it’s my benefit!

5. What are the most common problems when working in a F&B dept?
- Having complains from the customers.

6. Is working on F&B dept. Worth it?

- YES! Specially if you’re hard working!

7. What has been your most difficult challenge as F&B Personnel?

- Dealing with people, since I started here in the U.S. The culture really shocked me and
their practices. Communication has been my challenging part because I am dealing not just
Americans but also other races.

8. What is the best experiences that you had in your work?

- Being appreciated by the customers, co-workers and bosses. New and a lot of learnings
from my job and the people I work with.

9. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

- Having my own growth business in my own country in the Philippines.
Ms. Angelica T. Quiring
BS International Hospitality Management Specialized in Cruise line Operation in Hotel Services
Batch 2019

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