History Essay 17 July

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Sharmaine Wong, 4L/32 SBQ AssignmentCold War The Cold War described the relationship between two protagonists,

, the USSR and USA, due to heightened tensions caused by several reasons. Both believed in different political systems, which were contradictory in many aspects. This brought about different social, political, and economic systems in both countries. This was a major source of conflict, as it rose suspicion and distrust between the power. Cold War was also brought about by resentment due to historical skirmishes and aggression by both parties. Sources A, C, and E agree to the statement that the outbreak of cold war was due to irreconcilable ideological differences, while sources B and D disagree. Source A supports the hypothesis. The source highlights how communism was behind USSRs influence to other countries and warns of increasing strength of USSR, which would threaten USAs position. It states that the USSRs motive in the international communist movement is to retain and solidify their absolute power. This implies that the USSR was looking to strengthen communist ideology in the Soviet Union and areas under their control, in Eastern Europe. This would allow them to strengthen their power. The source also states that the Soviet leaders desired the ultimate elimination of any effective opposition to their authority. This reflects the authoritarian rule of the soviets. This disagrees with the way of governance of the US. USA advocated democracy, free will and choice of its people. USA has a political system with more than one party. However, USSRs communism allowed only a one-party government, and advocated the elimination of opposition. The source suggests that the USSR is spreading communism to other countries through control of government and society, by stating, destruction of government and society in nonsoviet world. This again portrays the totalitarian nature of communism, opposing to the democratic beliefs of the USA. With reference to source C, which mentions that communist parties have been raised to power far beyond their numbers to obtain totalitarian control, the viewpoint of source A can be validated. Source C also states that it is not the liberated Europe (USA and Britain) fought to build. USA wanted a post-war Europe governed by the rules of freedom, but USSR desired to spread communism. This disagreement in goals led to heightened conflict and power rivalry, resulting to the cold war. As we all know, the USSR controlled a number of satellite states, and set-up pro- communist governments in many Eastern- European states. USSR agreed to free elections with USA in post war conferences. However, USSR manipulated the free elections to gain influence over the countries. USSRs expansion and influence over the countries through the expansion of communism, brought about an ideological conflict resulting in power rivalry. Upon deeper analysis, ideological difference factor alone did not cause the cold war as they already had disagreements over many issues related to power rivalry. Source As provenance undermines its credibility, as it is portrayed in the view of USA. Source As purpose was to warn the government of USSRs intentions, to advise the USA government to meet the

threat of USSR. Thus, the source may have exaggerated to portray USSR negatively. However, this only reinforces the point that there was an ideological conflict. Hence, source C is a strong support to the hypothesis. Source B disagrees with the hypothesis in portraying that it was the western powers aggression in their expansionist ambitions which brought about heightened tensions between the powers. The source compares Churchill to Hitler and Dr. Goebbels, suggesting that the western powers had the intention of dominating the world, thus, threatening communism. The source also shows Churchill holding flags proclaiming Anglo- Saxons must rule the world and the other threatening an iron curtain. This implies that the western powers were greedy for territory and power. Their hunger for domination resulted in their desire contain communism. It suggests that it is only right for USSR to have influence over neighboring states in order to protect themselves against the aggressive western powers. The source disagrees with the hypothesis and suggests that the western powers wanted domination of the world and thus it was the aggression of the western powers that initiated hostility, conflict and divide between the two powers. As we all know, Britain had a large empire compromising of overseas colonies in South-East Asia, protectorates and other territories. Thus, it can be said that Britain wanted to achieve domination, and had an imperialist policy agenda. Source Bs provenance suggests a biased viewpoint but is still useful as a weak support. It is a soviet cartoon that might seek to portray the western powers in a bad light in order to serve as propaganda to gain support for USSRs acquisition of satellite states. However, it still shows Britain expansionist policy as she is all out to conquer the world. Hence, even though it is biased, source B is still useful as a weak challenge to the hypothesis. Source D disagrees with the hypothesis in suggesting that the cold war was brought about by tensions caused by resentment of history by the USSR. The source mentions that the Germans made their invasion of the USSR through Finland, Poland, and Romania. This suggests that USSRs purpose of having influence over neighboring states was due to its insecurities. In such a way, USSRs position would not be threatened directly, and rivals would not be able to attack USSR via neighboring countries. Thus, the source suggests that the expansionist policy adopted by USSR was due to insecurities towards USA due to the resentment of history. By referencing to my contextual knowledge, the viewpoint can be validated. During the course of the Russian Civil War, the western powers fought against the Bolshevik Communists. This left USSR having an impression that the western powers desire for the destruction of communism. The continued suspicion of the USSR resulted to the heightened tensions between the two protagonists, resulting in the cold war. However, source Ds provenance compromises on its reliability. Source D was by Stalin, whose purpose of giving the speech was to protect USSRs interest. Thus, his resentment and suspicion of the western powers might have been exaggerated to gather the support of the people of USSR and satellite states. This might serve to mask USSRs expansionist

intentions. However, it still shows that USSRs resentment of history and need for security brought about heightened tensions between the countries Hence, source D is a weak challenge to the hypothesis. Source E agrees with the hypothesis. It shows that the ideological differences brought about different economic systems. This resulted in the outbreak of the cold war. USAs capitalism allowed a free market, while soviets communism advocated a command economy with state-owned businesses. Both systems are contradictory. The source mentions that the introduction of the Marshall plan places European countries under the economic and political control of the United States. This suggests that the Marshall plan was an attempt by the US to spread capitalism and to prevent countries to succumb to communism. It was an initiative by the USA to contain communism, and to create political alliance. The source states that this plan was an attempt to split Europe into two camps. The Marshall plan made countries choose between the two alternative ideologies. The source also suggests that the plan caused dissatisfaction among the communist bloc as it showed that democracy was superior to communism, by giving them economic aid to prosper. The source states that the plan would result in formation of a bloc hostile to the interests of the communist countries. Thus, the ideological difference fueled the creation and implementation of the Marshall plan. The Marshall plan caused greater power rivalry and led to the cold war. By referencing to my contextual knowledge, I know that USA introduced the Marshall plan in hope that by giving economic aid to countries, it would influence governments of countries to be pro-capitalist and to be hostile to capitalism. France and Italy accepted aid from the Marshall plan and was able to rebuild their economy, reducing poverty. This caused less support for the communist groups that were rising in the countries. Thus, it validates the source, in agreeing to the hypothesis that the ideological conflict lead to the introduction of the Marshall plan, which provoked power rivalry, leading to the cold war. However, the source was biased as it was by the soviet foreign minister, thus undermining its reliability. Its purpose may be to portray the western powers a negative light in order to gather public opinion against the western powers. However, this further reinforces that the rivalry between the powers was caused by the ideological conflict. Hence, Source D is a strong support to the hypothesis. In conclusion, sources A, C and E agrees to the hypothesis that the outbreak of the Cold War was due to irreconcilable ideological differences between the US and the Soviet Union, but sources D and B disagrees to the hypothesis.

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