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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Name: Alfonso, Recelyn D. Date: June 19, 2022

Section: BSHM 1-C Subject: ROTC

12th Training Day

Our topic today June 19, 2022 is all about AFP CUSTOMS AND
TRADITIONS. Customs are recognized traditions that have developed over time
and have the power and effect of Common Law. Traditions are passed-down
values, rules, and practices that serve as set guidelines for a person or
organization. Experiences and acts are passed down from generation to
generation, both in memory and in actuality. Traditions of Valor The Filipino
soldier has exemplified valor during gallant defenses at Bataan and Corregidor
against Japanese forces.Tradition of Duty The Filipino soldier has exemplified
himself throughout history as a dedicated public servant who performed tasks
with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.Tradition of Honor The
founding fathers of the AFP as well as the nation has courageously
demonstrated even in times of war. Tradition of Solidarity Unity is the most
powerful, lasting, and enduring military tradition. It is a distinction shared by
every member of the AFP who has worked together through thick and thin,
fostering pride and a sense of belonging to the organization. The Filipino
soldier has long held the nation's esteem by losing much blood and making the
ultimate sacrifice in defense of the country. Salute. Since the dawn of time, men
of arms have exchanged greetings with some sort of military salute. It has been
kept and used by all current armed forces that have acquired military traditions
from the Age of Chivalry. These Customs officers done in a respectable way
Saluting with the left hand is permitted in the Navy when the right hand is
engaged with anything or is unavailable for the performance of the same.
Ceremony for Raising the Flag The Philippine Flag represents our nation and
people. Before the start of the official day's work, a Filipino soldier raises the
flag with the troops singing the National Anthem and to the accompaniment of
the band to swear that all of his efforts for the day are committed to his country
and people. The Ceremony of Retreat. One of the most stirring elements of the
service is the sound of the evening gun during a combined ceremonial
procession and retreat ceremony. Military troops at garrison camps halt for a
minute to salute the flag or sing the National Anthem. The White Truce Flag. A
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

widespread custom used to announce a temporary pause of hostilities between

warring parties. The Display of Decoration. Military personnel who have
received medals honorably in the course of duty wear them as part of their
uniform on proper occasions. Honorable Place The honorable position is on the
right. As a result, when a junior walks, rides, or sits with a senior, he assumes a
place alongside and to the left of the senior; this is analogous to the reverence
that a young man pays his elders. The use of the word "Sir." In military
discussion, the junior officer addresses the senior officer as "Sir," while all
solders address officers as "Sir." It comes before a report, after an inquiry, and
after a question's answer. Those are some of what we studied earlier.

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