Marketing Budget

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Marketing Budget

Saya does digital and traditional marketing. Digital marketing is being done on the
following platforms:
 Facebook
 YouTube
 Instagram
 Website
Further, they are using SMS service for push notifications regarding new deals and
products. This service costs them Rs15K per month. Under traditional marketing, they
are using billboards. Also brick and mortar is being used to increase visibility.
Budget division is such that 60% of the budget is allocated for the digital marketing, and
40% is allocated to the static marketing.

Digital Marketing:

Saya is outsourcing the social media marketing to the social media managers. Although
they do have an inhouse marketing team who design the ads, posters, banners etc.
However, online ads and groups are managed by the social media managers.

Marketing Budget

Social Media Marketing Static Marketing

These social media managers boost the ads on these platforms, track the visibility and
click through rates, and report this data back to inhouse marketing team.
Saya has a Facebook page, called “Saya” with a reach of 376K likes. It is used for
information on upcoming deals, new designs, promotional vides and answering queries.
Posts on this page are boosted each month to increase visibility on the Timeline. This
costs Rs 50K per month. Queries generated via this page are forwarded to the sales
Saya also does YouTube ads. These ads are displaced based on the viewers location and
interests. It started these ads with visibility limited to major cities of Sindh. But now
Punjab is also included in this. These ads cost Rs 85K per month.
Saya has an Instagram page as well. It’s called saya.pakistan. It has a reach of 473K
followers. And posts around 4 times per day. This page is managed by the in-house
team. And the queries generated are forwarded to the sales team. Posts are designed
by the in-house team.
Saya is also using SEO (search engine optimization) which is also outsourced. This keeps
Saya’s search results on top. As well as the website gets the first position on the search
engines. This costs around Rs 45K per month.
Saya also has a website, where all the products are displayed digitally as well as relevant
information on pricing and deals is present. Further, there is a chat box that connects
the customers with sales team. Maintenance of this website is also outsourced and
costs around Rs 25K per month.

Budget Division ("000")







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Budget Division ("000")

Static Marketing:

Saya displays its products on mannequins. As it is Sharia compliant. Hence, photoshoots

are also done on the mannequins. This saves them the cost of using models. However,
the photoshoot is outsourced and costs around Rs 350K per month.
For static marketing, Saya uses billboards close to its outlets. Cost of this varies based on
the location and the size of the billboard. On average, billboards are used for 4 months
per year on different locations and cost, averaged over the year, Rs 65K per month.

Overall Outlook:

Overall, marketing budget is Rs 5.2M per year. This is exclusive of inhouse resources for
the marketing. Where around Rs 2.5M is spent on the traditional marketing and Rs 3M
is spent on the digital marketing, per year.

Marketing Budget ("000")

Marketing Expense Estimated Price
Facebook Page 600
YouTube Ad 1020
SMS 180
Website 300
SEO 540
Web shoot 1740
Billboards 780
Total Annual Expense (PKR “000”) 5160

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