Essay General - Regel Paul R. Cometa

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Position applied for: _CADET ENGINEER_____

Date: __SEPTEMBER 14, 2022_______________


Directions: Please answer the following questions as briefly as possible.

1. Give a brief description of yourself as a person stressing your strengths

and weaknesses.

I am organize in doing the task assigned to me. I do plan in what to do

when doing my work to finish it properly and on schedule. I am dedicated in
everything I do. I put all of my effort and assure that anything I need to
accomplish even under pressure was delivered properly and on time. Aside from
that, I do my tasks with the sense of urgency and willingness. I constantly think
the next thing I need to accomplish. I am also focused every time I do a task and
assure that I am being able to be not easily distracted. With this strength I am
able to meet my deadlines ahead of time. I am a team player, I like working with
other people. And lastly, I see things at different perspectives. I always try to
see the success in every task given to me.
And for my weakness, I focus too much in details, sometimes even a little
error put me unease which make me correct those errors even others tell me not
to, and those little errors sometimes consume a lot of my time. And in order to
work on this, I allocate time for checking errors and strictly follows it to avoid
sacrificing time as well as to ensure the quality of my work.

2. Describe what do you believe to be your most substantial accomplishment

to date related to your profession. Explain why you view them as such.

I do believe that my most substantial accomplishment related to my

profession is passing the recent Mechanical Engineering Licensure Examination last
August 2022. I also believe that the end of my mechanical engineering student
journey is passing the board examination and getting my license. It is my proof and a
reminder to me of all my accomplishments and my hard work as a student and as a
mechanical engineer.

3. What are your career plans five (5) years from now? In what specific ways
do you feel your employment with JPHIL will help you fulfill these plans?

I see myself in a permanent position in your company and preferably in a

respectable lead role. And I have gained the skills and experience to be called
professional in this field and a candidate for managerial position. JGC Philippines,
Inc. is a known and competitive company that will help me build my foundation as a
competitive and skilled engineer. And also working with different engineering and
non-engineering professionals will be a big part in attaining my goal.
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4. What do you expect from JPHIL?

JGC Philippines, Inc. is the biggest Engineering, Procurement and

Construction services company in the Philippines for Industrial Facilities and with this
I believe it will help me gain valuable experience and mold me to be the engineer
what I want to be. I also expect that JPHIL have a good working environment and
approachable colleagues.

5. What do you think can you contribute to JGC in case we will hire you?

My dedication in my work, I do all of the task and obligations assigned to me

with all of my effort and assure that anything I need to accomplish even under
pressure was delivered properly and on time. And I do my task with the sense of
urgency and always thinking what is the next step needed to do to finish my work.

6. What kind of job would you find most challenging to you & why?

I think it is any job that is new to me or I am not familiar with and without
supervision or help with others on how to do it properly. This is challenging because I
have no idea what is right and what is needed to be avoided when doing that job.
And if there is no help from others I need to research and figure it myself on how to
do that job properly and efficiently.


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